ACADEMY CHEATING: DISMISSAL NOT ANSWER See Editorial Pa- Y r e Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom A6F 4& :43 a t I COLD High-20 Low--14 Partly cloudy with snow flurries in morning VOL. LXXV, No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, 31 JANUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS FOURTEEN PAGES Burundi Expels Rejects Commun TOKYO 0P)-Communist China announced yesterday its diplomats had been expelled from the Afri- can kingdom of Burundi. A tiny landlocked nation adjoin- ing the Congo, Burundi has been generally regarded as one of the chief centers of Chinese intrigue in Africa. The announcement by the New China News Agency over Peking radio gave no reason for the break. It said Burundi had "unilaterally" suspended diplomatic relations with China and that Peking's dip- lomats had been ordered to leave "within two days." Chinese Ambassador Liu Yu- feng lodged "a strong protest" with Burundi's Premier Joseph Bamina, the broadcast said. In what seemed to be a refer- ence to a political struggle in Burundi over the surge of Pe- Kosygin Plans Visit To North Viet Nam SAIGON(A')-Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin will pay an official visit to North Viet Nam, anti-American backer of the guerrillas in South Viet Nam. A Tass announcement issued here early yesterday morning gave no date but said Kosygin would leave "shortly" at the invitation of the North Vietnamese government. Ho Chi-Minh, a veteran Communist who was trained in Moscow, heads that government which, however, has taken a pro-Peking line in the ideological dispute between the Soviet Union and Communist ALEXEI KOSYGIN Agree on 2-Day SStudy Period The faculties of all colleges at the University have given general approval to a Student Govern- ment Council request for a longer "reading period" before final exams, Vice-President for Aca- demic Affairs Roger W. Heyns re- ported yesterday. SGC asked Heyns to consider extending the present one-day pre-exam study period last De- cember. Heyns then submitted the suggestion to the faculties of the different colleges to determine faculty sentiment on the matter. Although the faculty responses differ somewhat on secondary points, all favor some form of the proposed longer period. Heyns's office is currently evaluating the reports and working out adminis- trative details. Since extending the "reading period" would require a calendar change, the proposal must be ap- proved by the Regents before go- ing into effect. While Heyns did not say yesterday whether he plans to take the issue to the Regents,. he indicated two weeks ago that his recommendation will probably go along with faculty opinion. At that time, however, he doubt- ed that the change could be made before next fall. China. Kosygin's trip appeared to have at least two purposes: -To demonstrate Soviet sup- port for North Viet Nam and the guerrillas battling the Saigon re- gime and its American advisors; -To win back North Viet- namese support in the dispute with China. Meanwhile South Viet Nam ap- peared headed into a week of peace as the Viet Cong announced a seven day cease-fire to celebrate the Lunar New Year. The Buddhists also observe the New Year holiday but there were indications they plan to resume anti-government activity as soon as the celebration ends. Extremist youth groups in cen- tral Viet Nam have said they are not satisfied with Wednesday's coup in which Premier Tran Van Houng was overthrown. They want Brig. Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi, the military governor of central Viet Nam, to become Premier. The youths have also said they want United States Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor thrown out of the country. The Viet Cong New Year cease- fire has become an annual affair and is usually respected. Govern- ment forces remain on combat alert but in past years no impor- tant military activity took place. A Viet Cong broadcast said the guerrillas "will not attack posi- tions and units of the Saigon puppet troops to allow them to return to their families and native villages to enjoy the festival ...7 with the condition that they will not carry any arms whatever." 1 Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh,. who1 took over from Nremier Huong in Wednesday's coup went walk- ing through Saigon Friday night. Khanh's general staff was re- ported still deeply split. A U.S. official said of him, "He's already riding three horses at one time and he's a pretty good horse-t man. But he's always in an un- :stable condition of control." The South Vietnamese liaison mission sent a protest note to the International Control Commission on Indochina charging that the Viet Cong is "nothing but a name masking an armed aggression di-t rected from without by North Viet Nam." The note listed weaponsl made in Communist countries thati have been captured from the guer- rillas.t Envoys, ist China king's influence there, the broad- cast said the ambassador agreed to withdrawal after "taking into consideration the difficulties fac- ing your (Bamina's) government." The announcement hopefully called the suspension of relations "temporary." It said Peking would give "sympathetic consideration" to any request by the Burundi government to resume relations. Embarrassing Blow Burundi's decision seems to deal an embarrassing blow to the Chi- nese in the race with the West and their estranged Communist partner, the Soviet Union, for a major role in Africa. Lying east of the Congo on the northern shore of Lake Tanganyi- ka, Burundi has been a major cen- ter for Chinese ambitions below the Sahara. From their large embassy in Bujumbura, Burundi's capital, Chinese agents are said to have supplied, financed and advised the Congolese rebels as well as dissi- dent elements in other new Afri- can nations. Last May, a young Chinese dip- lomat.defected to the West in Bur- undi and said the country had been designated as a center for in- filtration. On Jan. 15, an assassin shot and killed Premier Pierre Ngen- dandumwe, who had been reap- pointed recently to check rising Chinese influence in Burundi. Political Rivalry There is intense political rivalry in Burundi between pro-Chinese leaders of the Tuts tribe, who had once dominated the country, and the so-called "young Turks" of the Hutu tribe, many of them trained in the West. A young man described as a Tutsi extrem- ist has been charged with the as- sassination. Burundi, formerly part of the Belgian trust territory of Rwan- da-Urundi, received its independ- ence in July 1962. With just un- der 3 million people living on 10,- 747 square miles of land-a little larger than Vermont-Burundi is Africa's most densely populated nation. Czechs Push Freer Economy PRAGUE (IP)-Communist Czec- hoslovakia has decided to intro- duce the principle of supply and demand into its economy. The Communist Party's central committee adopted a plan in Prague Friday which will decen- tralize control over state enter- prises and stress the profit mo- tive. It will go into effect this year. "E a c h enterprise's production volume will be measured by actual financial results, not merely by the degree of plan fulfillment," a resolution said. Under the plan, the central government will retain control of overall economic policy but pro- duction planning, financing and market research will be left to managers of individual enter- prises. Part of the incomes of enter- prises will go for bonuses for em- ployes to boost labor morale, the committee said. Fixed price systems will be re- placed under the plan by one mak- ing adjustment to world prices and the day-by-day market situa- tion. NEW YORK-Louis Nizer, attorney and author of "My Life in Court," spoke on "A Fair Trial and a Free Press" yesterday at the Overseas Press Club. His object was to point out the conflict between the First Amend- ment, which guarantees a free press, and the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees a fair trial by an impartial jury. Nizer and Holmes Browne, director of public affairs for the Office of Economic Opportunity, were the main speakers at a luncheon Nizer, Browne Speak To College Editors Attorney Discusses Press 'Rights'; Poverty Program Fate Predicted By ANN GWIRTZMAN Personnel Director and SUSAN-COLLINS -Daily-John Pollock WORK CONTINUES ON BOOKLET Members of the course description booklet coordinating committee, shown above, yesterday finished all the questionnaires. About 8,000 questionnaires were returned, Gary Cunningham, '66, chairman of the committee, said. Processing of the information will begin tomorrow. According to the schedule, the booklet will be out in time for preregistration. It will then be printed as a special supplement to The Daily. STATE BUDGET: Romney Sets Surplus Policy EAST LANSING (P) - Gov., George Romney confirmed reports yesterday that he intends to hold onto part of the state's general fund surplus in the coming fis- cal year. Romney, who will deliver his, 1965-66 budget message to the Legislature Tuesday, told the Michigan Press Association that increased taxes or deficit spend- ing will result "if we attack our surplus by spending it all im- mediately-or by chopping away at it by means of piece-meal tax reduction." Surplus Spending But some of the surplus will have to be spent in the coming fiscal year, he said. Quoting from his own state-of-the-state mes- sage at the opening of the Leg- islature, he said: "It is clear we can improve serv- ices where necessary in the com- ing year only by spending a great deal more than our present tax structure will produce." Romney wants to save $75 mil- lion of the surplus. Most esti- mates place the surplus at a minimum of about $100 million and possibly as high as $125 mil- lion, it was reported recently. Adding the remaining $25 mil- lion to expectable revenues, and keeping normal cost increases in mind, the budget for the coming year works out to about $800 mil- lion. 'Too Fat and Sassy' But, Romney told representa- tives of Michigan's daily and week- ly newspapers, the surplus al- most makes the state "too fat and sassy for our own good right now." "We need to begin building im- mediately to insure that Michigan doesn't get caught in another of its historic cycles that will lead to difficulty and financial deficien- cy in the near future," he added. Romney and Democratic leaders have been going through an "Al- phonse-Gaston" routine on fiscal reform-each insisting on waiting _ _.1+ for the other to make the next move. Romney has said he will not make the first proposal. He wants legislative leaders to come to him to work out a bipartisan program. He is ready to start "anytime -right now," he said. His last proposal in the special session of 1963, was soundly de- feated in the Legislature. "I've been over the top before only to look back and find that the others supposedly interested in tax reform had stopped to dig foxholes," Romney told newsmen. Registration Open for SGC, Publication Board Positions ion9 By JUDITH WARREN Registration for this spring's campus elections, to be held March 1, will begin tomorrow and run until February 12 at 5:00. Registration for the election will be held in Rm. 1532 SAB between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Positions will be open on Student Government Council, the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics, the Board in Control of Student Publications and the senior class officers. Nine seats on SGC will be filled at this election. Gary Cunning- ham, '66, Rachel Amado, '67, and Robert Bodkin, '66E, will remain on Council for another term. - given for the 250 students attend-* ing the seventh World Affairs Conference for college editors this weekend. Newspaper Influence In particular, Nizer was con- cerned with the prejudicing of the public and the future jury which can occur before and after a trial has taken place when newspapers print either statements about suspects from lawyers and detec- tives or confessions obtained by illegal means. Nizer maintained that publica- tions of statements prior to trials is particularly subversive to the judicial process because it direct- ly affects the jury. Being drawn out of the public, members of the jury composed a "microcosmic democracy," he said. In a jury, not only has the wis- dom of the common man been submitted to, but also a cross- section of justice has been achiev- ed, and "When we multiply judg- ments, we reduce the incidence of errors." Danger to Democracy This is a subtle, esoteric but sound principle, he added, .w'nich only works if it is pure, without prejudices. "If we poison the jury system, we subvert one of the highest functions of democracy." A juror who has read inflam- matory statements in newspapers before the trial may claim he is entering it with an open mind, but he cannot really disavow prejudice, Nizer said. Regarding newspaper's rights, Nizer said theConstitution guar- antees the right to publish, and1 not what some newspapermen call "the right to know." Holmes Browne, speaking on "The Poverty Program," said the War on Poverty which President Lyndon B. Johnson launched on Feb. 8 is something every Amer- ican has to get into. Future Success Browne predicted the war will lose ground in the next few years and then become significantly ef- fective. Still new, the war will not be able to stem the flow of the increasing members of the 16-21 age group applying for jobs with- out proper training or education, he said. I But a two-fold attack aims to put a "repair patch" on this lack of education: 1) Peewee Prep-a program that will give prekindergarten educa- tion to the children of poverty, these children will start school in June or July in hopes of filling the holes in their educational background; and 2) Job corps-a program that will reach those already in the 16-21 age group, who cannot read on their own. Job Corps hopes to' give these people the educational and technical tools that will help them get and hold jobs. Though only a little more than 100 days old, the program has met with nation-wide support, Browne said. On ;the state level there are now 52 sites for corps camps. Lay Churchill To Last Rest L O N D O N (R) - Sir Winston Churchill was laid to rest yester- day besides the graves of his parents in Bladon churchyard, with only family mourners in attendance. The old statesman slipped into history after a majestic and solemn state funeral at St. Paul's Cathedral. Following the 30 min- ute service, attended by 3000 royalty, commoners and heads of state from e v e r y continent, Churchill's coffin was taken up the Thames River to Festival Pier and Waterloo Station. From there, it was taken by train to Bladon. Among the dignitaries who gathered at St. Paul's to honor the 90-year-old former prime minister were former President Rules Change Due to a change in the election rule of SGC, students will now elect the president and executive vice-president of SGC, as well as the regular student members. Students interested in running for a seat on SGC need not peti- tion. They must, however, submit an affadavit of academic eligibil- ity, a $5 registration fee and a photograph. There are three positions to be filled for the Board in Control of Student Publications. Students Ai- terested in serving on this board must submit petitions with 150 signatures, a $5 registration fee and an affadavit of academic eligibility. One position is vacant on the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics. Since the election rules have been changed, the person elected to this position must be currently a sophomore. Interested students must submit petitions with 300 signatures. The new election rules also re- quire that all candidates submit petitions. Class Officers First semester seniors and sec- ond semester juniors will also elect next year's senior class of- ficers in the literary college, the engineering school and the school of business administration. Stu- dents interested in being class officers must submit petitions, a $5 registration fee and an affada- vit of academic eligibility. Students petitioning for senior positions in the Literary College must have the signatures of 80 first semester seniors and second semester juniors. The engineering school requires petitions with 40 signatures and the school of Busi- ness Administration requires pe- titions with 25 signatures. Committee To Visit Academy WASHINGTON (P)-The special committee to investigate the nh~atinLY seandahl at the Air ForceP NSA To Plan New Assembly The executive committee of the Michigan region of the National Student Association will meet here today to formulate plans for the proposed Michigan Student Legis- lature and to forge plans for stu- dent reaction to the report of Governor Romney's Blue Ribbon Committee on Higher Education. The Michigan Student Legisla- ture will be composed of students interested in politics. Students will be given the op- portunity to study problems of state government using the knowl- edge acquired in political science, sociology and economic courses. The members of the Michigan region of NSA hope that after the publication of the report of the Blue Ribbon Committee, students, working within the structure of the report, can study the various proposals and plans of the report. A meeting will be held in March to structure the student study of the Blue Ribbon report and today the executive committee will finalize plans for this meeting. SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL Dwight D. Eisenhower, Chief Jus- tice Earl Warren, Undersecretary of State W. Averell Harriman, President Charles de Gaulle of France, King Baudouin of Bel- gium, Queen Juliana of the Neth- erlands, King Frederick of Den- mark, King Olav of Norway and King Constantine of Greece. Police estimated that more than a million faithful poured out of their homes in a raw wind to line the London route of march. Some sat in the streets all Friday night to watch the procession from Westminster Hall to St. Paul's. Churchill's coffin had lain in state in the Hall for three days while 306,166 persons passed in awed respect and affection. The people yesterday packed Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, the Strand and Fleet Street and Lud- gate Hill, leading up to the ca- thedral. Some wrapped themselves in newspapers to protect them- selves from the biting cold. At the graveside were Lady Churchill, 79, her son Randolph, and her daughter Mary Soames. FIFTH BIG TEN WIN: 'M' Cagers Smash Purdue, 98-81 Exchanges Stress Engineering By RICK STERN Special To The Daily WEST LAFAYETTE-After a slow start, Michigan's Wolverines went on a scoring splurge at the end of the first half, built up a 21- point lead, then rolled on to rout Purdue 98-81 here yesterday. The Big Ten's leading team with a perfect 5-0 mark was dealt a severe jolt when Captain Larry Tregoning was felled early in the second half with an ankle injury and had to be carried off the court. (Tregoning, although still in pain, went to University Hospital last night for x-rays which clearly showed "no evidence of any break," according to trainer Jim Hunt. The captain suffered some "soft tissue injury and is expected to be ready to go" in the Iowa game a week from Monday at Yost Field House, Hunt said.) Accurate shooting by the Wolverines-exactly 50 per cent-com- bined with domination of the backboards-62-46 edge-proved the key to the second victory over Purdue in eight days. EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is the second in a two-part series dealing with the exchange program between Tuskegee Institute and the University. By MICHAEL BADAMO and LAUREN SHEPARD The exchange program between the University and Tuskegee In- stitute, originally designed to fo- cus primarily on the humanities, has recently expanded greatly in the field of engineering. Prof. Arthur Hansen of the school of engineering, as a part of the engineering faculty exchange between the two schols, will leave for Tuskegee in February to teach in their school of engineering. faculty exchange program. Last year, the department of electrical engineering sent to Tus- kegee some IBM equipment be- longing to the University but not used in recent years. It is expected that this equipment will be of value tothe engineering program at Tuskegee. Prof. R. M. Caddell spent thiree1 days at the beginning of this year at Tuskegee in an advisory capa- city to the engineering faculty there. Prof. Caddell was informed that the basic problem at Tuske- ' gee and at southern universities in, general is one of inadequate prep- aration. Basic Causes According to Prof. Caddell, the be of direct help to them." The overall philosophy of the program is. one of continued co- operation and mutual educational development between the two uni- versities. Specific Help Prof. N. Edd Miller, coordinator of the program, outlined the pro- gram as being one of "specific assistance to a smaller college. This is the kind of endeavor which would be useful to higher educa- tion in general." Progf. Miller foresaw no defini- tive end to the program. He ex- pects that the program will con- tinue to expand in many other areas of possible mutual study such as an exchange of students WWWON,