SATURDAY, 30 JANUARY 1965 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAV.ViWTV Ed ll . raurr 1v G For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 from 1:00 to 2:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 10:00 'til 11:30 A.M. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .-~ ~ = ~= = == ======-=xnxnmnu CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES I DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .70 1.95 3.45 3 .85 2.40 4.20 4 1.00 2.85 4.95 Figure 5 average words to a line. Cfssified deadline, 2:30 daily. Phone 764-0557 PERSONAL GOOD WITH YOUR HANDS? Try a Winter Weekend YO-YO on sale Monday F22 FOR RENT SUMMER SUB. - Large 4-man mod., air-cond. $200/mo. 665-0029. 013 1 MAN NEEDED for 2-man new mod- ern campus apt. 2 blocks south of Union. 665-3890. C8 SUMMER EXTRA-3 bdrms., air-cond. 4-man apt. 761-1886. C48 LARGE 3-MAN Apt. for summer. Call 665-2534. C6 SUMMER SUBLET FOR 4 One block from campus. Modern lux- ury apartment. Air - conditioning, dishwasher, 11%a baths, up and down with balcony. NO 5-0855. 016 $50 TO YOU, if you will take place in AND TO THINK the tickets are only mdap.nrcmusdopeot $2.50, 2.00, and 1.50. AMAZING! F4 mod ap. 68-89campus. droppedot oscol6-897.C4 CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP tes . . . you can get yours next Wednesday for only a quarter! F16 CHRIS AND NINA-Hope you enjoyed your stay on sixth floor Angell, and had a good time with your friends from A.T.O. Best of luck next year. F23 WOULD LIKE traveling companion to Europe this summer. May 4-Aug. 6 or May 6-June 6. Call Sue, 761-1371. F15 .DEAR LUCY, r I think you're a social misfit. Join Snoopy and the gang taking bridge lessons at the League Linus F21 * ,LYNDA'S BACK in town. F10 PUTO will get you if you don't come to a4 W2 '65. P49 ENJOY SUBURBAN living in a 2 story house for 3 or 4! All new kitchen, - spacious rooms, near campus. 665- 2431. P14 SAVE OVER $400 on a round trip jet first class seat to Europe for 1 or 3 mos. Call or visit us now at the student offices of the Michigan Union from 3 to 5:30 p.m. Phone 662-4431, ext. 1039. F23 MODERN furnished double apartment for one male aavilable now. Call,761- 0483 or 761-0893. F32 MEAL JOB OPENING. 665-3710. F50 PENTHOUSE APARTMENT? No, but it's just as nice. Modern lux- ury apartment; air - conditioning, dishwasher, 1a baths, up and down- stairs with balcony. Summer sublet. NO 5-0855. F13 WHINO - ESCAPE FROM YOUR BOOKS, FORGET BEING A SUPER- DON'T MISS THE JOSH WHITE CONCERT, FEB. 5. F5 DEAR LINUS, You are a social misfit. Get "fit"! Take dancing lessons at the League. Lucy F20 LEARN THE TRUTH About the Rose Bowl Tours in the February 3 GARGOYLE. P17 CONGRATS! SUSIE N. Everyone is excited about your accept- ance at the University of Man- chester. S.S. Hopeful is nearly there- keepyour eyes on the map and maybe it will hit London. Looks like you'll see Mike in England in August. Michigan and all your friends and especially your roommate will miss you. F20 -IEAD THIS & TELL YOUR FRIENDS- Remember that girl who got married last semester? Good luck apartment for 'ent. Summer sublet for 4. Call 662-6452. F WAKE UP SERVICE - Have your phone ring at any designated time- day or night--LOW RATES, DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK- AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE, 665-8871 (24 hours). F42 A FOLKSINGER with few peers, Josh White will perform at Hill Aud. Feb. 5. Don't miss it! F6 FOR LO! IT HATH RETURNETH! The GARGOYLE shall make its timely appearance on the Wednesday which cometh. And Hark! It selleth for a mere pitance of twenty-five cents. P18 WELCOME BACK JERRY KAGAN. P9 RESEARCH asistant wanted for some interesting, but dull, work in Latin Amer. 764-4201. H36 ANONYMYTH IS OUR GOD! F2 AUSTIN DIAMOND - "Where marginal prices buy quality diamonds!" 1209 S. University. 663-7151. F SEE MARK RICHMAN Prestige Party Favors for the most unusual line of party favors ever assembled by one company. Office and Show Room at 1103 8. University. NO 2-6362. F IT'S BARGAIN TIME- With the GARGOYLE, February 3. Giant issue with all sorts of GOOD- IES . . . including the appropriate Valentines for all occasions. F19 FOR THE FINEST in Dance Music-It's Johnny Harberd Art Bartner Ray Louis Maximillian Peter Clements Wadye Gallant Contact The Bud-Mor Agency 1103 S. University NO 2-6362 MARY SUE-WHAT EVER ELSE YOU WON'T DO, PLEASE GO TO THE JOSH WHITE CONCERT FEB. 5 F7 'Meet the Right Person The purpose of our organization, using established techniques of personality appraisal and an IBM system, is to introduce unmarried persons to others with compatible backgrounds, inter- ests and ideals. Interviews by ap- poitment. Phone 662-4867. MICHIGAN SCIENTIFIC INTRODUCTION SERVICE DEAR LANDLORDS: Please help me es- cape from the quad. Would like 3-6 bedroom house for fall. Call 764-7678 ask for Roger or leave message. F44 LUXURY-ECONOMY New furn. one and two bdrm. apts. for 2, 3, or 4 near Hill St. $165, $195 662-1784. ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE DOING IT- Renting apartments for the summer. that is. If you want to get the best apartment possible, you'd better start looking now. Why settle for second best, when you can get the best now. Cil SUMMER SUBLET-4-man, duplex, air- cond., dishwasher. 1 block from cam- pus, new. 663-1392. C44 TREAT YOURSELF. Live in air-cond. luxury this summer at, the Forum. Don't pass it up. Call 665-5731 now! C50 SUMMER SUBLET - Wanted 4 or 5 people to live in the beautiful, modern Forum Apt. Building this summer. Luxuries include Air Conditioning (upstairs and down), Electric Dish- washer, Small Terrace. Also 3 bed- rooms and 2 bathrooms, If interested, please call 665-5753. L2 2 ROOM-400 SQ. FT. OFFICE FOR RENT " Private Entrance " Private Bath " Private Patio " Carpeting & Air Conditioning Phone 663-5098 C12 SUBLET IMMEDIATELY to May, re- newal optional, lovely studio apt, Huron Towers. Reasonable, 663-6606 after 6, C DON'T MISS THIS!!! A modern, furnished, double apart- ment needs one male roommate for rest of semester (that's when lease ends) . . . GREAT APART- MENT. Call now, 761-0483 or 761- 0893. C46 2 GIRLS wanted to share modern apt. with grad stud. $58.33/mo. Call 663- 2993 after 6 p.m. C17 FOR FALL, on campus-New exquisite, 3-bdrm. apt., fireplace, balcony, fur- nished, wall to wall carpeting. Call 5-8330 or 8-8723. C FOR FALL - a new 2 bdrm. apt. on campus, furn., Call 5-8330 or 8-8723. C SUMMER EXTRA - 3 bedrms., air- cond. balcony. New 4-man apt. 2 blocks from campus. Call 761-1886 now! 03 Summer Leasing or Fall Comfortable apt. for 4. Living room, with fireplace, dining room, 2 bed- rooms, recreation room, carpeted, furnished. Also apts. for 2, 3, or 4 persons. Opposite Yost Field House. 1113 S. State. Open Sat. & Sun. 12-4 p.m. C51 RMMTE. WANTED for new luxury, 5- man penthouse, 3 lrg. bdrms., 2 baths, furnished, includes kitchen, no sum- mer sublet, $60/mo. 911 Oakland, 663- 7147. C45 APARTMENT for three, furnished, near campus. 662-6342. C39 YOU'LL RENT YOUR SIDES when you read GARGOYLE -- Coming Soon!! AVAIL. MAY 1, 2-man apt., $130/mo. 665-8976 after 6 p.m. C30 3RD MALE GRAD, needed to share house at 1342 N. Univ. Call 668-8692, evenings. 029 LUXURY SUMMER LIVING!!! Enjoy the summer session in a beau- tiful, comfortable, spacious apart- ment. This is the only two-man two bedroom apartment, one double bed and two single beds-in Ann Arbor. This apartment was originally a three-man but is priced as a double. Call 3-3921 or 3-9348; ask for Duke. C41 STOP SHOPPING Now Leasing For Fall New building, spacious one and two bedroom units. Beautifully furnished, air-conditioning, park- ing, garbage disposals, opposite Yost Field House. STATE STREET MANOR 1111 S. State Open Sat. & Sun. 12-4 p.m. YOU SHOULD live so well! Modern lux- urious air conditioned apartment; 2 blocks from campus. 1 balcony; 2 bedrooms: 3 sinks; sleeps 4. Summer Sublet. Call 662-6452. C40 Will share new furnished apart- ment, one block from campus- covered parking, sound condition- ing, and air-conditioning included come to Apt. No. 1, 911 Oakland or phone 761-0679. C47 BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT, Excellent Location, Well Furnished, Lrg Bedrm, Living Rm., Bath, Fireplace. 761-1554. DEPENDABLE IMPORT SERVICE We have the MECHANICS and the PARTS. NEW CAR DEALER FOR RENT SUMMER SUBLET - Air-conditioned, glamorous, roomy 4-man luxury apt. Wonderful location, 326 E. Madison. Call 662-1860. 0151 FREE, AIR-CONDITIONED SUMMER Sublet. Luxury garden apt. Campus. 4-man, $60. 761-0716. C55 SUMMER SUBLET. 2-story house for 4 men. 3 bedrooms. Modern kitchen Located near Forest and Geddes. 665- 2431. C53 SUMMER SUBLET-New, modern apt. for 2, air-cond., sun deck, on campus, Call 662-5475. C14 RIGHT BEHIND RACKHAM BLDG. Summer sublet, May I-Aug. 16. Mod., furn. apt. for 3 or 4. 662-6487, noon- 11p.m. C9 AVAILABLE Feb. 8, large unfurnished efficiency apt. Air cond., utilities furnished except electricity. Full bath and kitchen, 663-7759, 6-8 p.m. C4 FREE AIR-CONDITIONING in every room,Madison Ave., in A2, largest 4- man apt. May thru Aug. NO 3-4045. C56 PEASANTS NEED NOT APPLY THE MOST LUXURIOUS APT. IN ANN1 ARBOR - SUMMER SUBLET-$300 a month Three gigantic bdrms. Will easily hold 5, 6, or 7 men-2 full baths, central air-conditioning, dish- washer, and all other amenities. Great location at S. Univ. and Wash- tenaw. Charter House Apts. Picture- window view of mudbowl from 2 bdrms. and livingrm. Call 663-0163. Optional and at no cost live with the1 RHINO. 17 4TH RMMTE NEEDED. Large Apt.,. close to campus & IM $45 per mo., plus utilities No summer sub-let. Call NO 8-7462 or NO 3-4890. C57 CHARTER HOUSE, most spacious apt. in AA. Summer sub-let, sleeps 5 or 6 very comfortably. Central air-cond. All electric kitchen with dishwasher. 2 baths. Huge living room with pic- ture window view of AA. 3 bdrms Call NO 5-6761. C5 SUMMER SUBLET-Four man apt., du- plex. Fully air-cond., dishwasher, and covered front porch, only 1 block from campus. Call 662-9885. C351 Apts. Galore FOR FALL - 2, 3, 4 & 5-person apts. From $95-$240. Campus and hospital locations. New & Used buildings. Summer Sublets also available. PATRICK J. PULTE, INC. 214 E. Huron NO 5-9405 C SUBLET NOWI ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE DOING IT Why settle for second best, when you can get an ideal summer apartment by acting quickly? Definition of ideal? - Air condtioner, dishwasher, balcony, garbage disposal, wall to wall carpeting, two blocks from cam- pus. Certainly you can live cheaper, but never better. 3 Man Apt, at the Forum. 665-3259. C10 1335 GEDDES£ APPLY NOW for fall while there is still a choice. Two bedroom, newly- furnished apartments with wall to wall carpeting. Also other one, two, and three-person, nicely furnished apartments near campus and hos- pitals for summer and fall. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT NO 2-7787 (days) NO 3-9064 (evenings) C32 APARTMENT HUNTING? SEE APARTMENTS LTD. Quality locations, one and two bed- room units. Many available in new buildings. Semester leases avail- able. For information: NEED 1 MAN to take over lease of furnished, new apt. Move in anytime. Call Jim at 663-7139. C12 OAKLAND TERRACE APARTMENTS 911 Oakland A Distinctive New Address 1, 2, and 3 bedrm. furn. apts., avail- able immediately. Carpeting, covered parking, separate dining area, air and sound cond. included. One block to U of M and shopping. See manager, apt. No. 1 afternoons to 5:30 includ- ing weekends. C52 HELP WANTED WORK-11:00 to 12:00, Mon.-Fri. Pay: Free meals, Mon.-Sun. Call: D. Rice, 662-7201, between 5 and 6 p.m., Mon.- Sun, H37 READERS' DIGEST SALES & SERVICE: Men, are you looking for a part-time job with high earnings? Investigate our new stereo music program. Con- tact Mr. Howell at 668-6808. H8 PHYS, ED DIRECTOR at Ypsilanti Boys' Club, $5,000/yr. for qualified man. Prefer B.A. or more. Possibil- ity for grad. student to continue study on part-time basis. Experience important. Walt Janke, 482-6550. H33 MEAL JOBS-Dishwasher and waiter. Lunch and dinner. Ask for steward. NO 3-3393. H31 BROADCAST ENGINEER wanted. FCC first phone required, Part-time. Call 663-6565. Evenings 663-3672. H6 FOR RENT GARAGE with doors which may locked for rent. 723 Packard, be 07 LOST-Silver chain necklace with syn- thetic colored stones, between State St. shops and Mich. League. Family heirloom, Reward-$100. Phone NO 2- 9730. All USED CARS WANT ECONOMY? Black '59 VW, sun roof. Be the first on your block. Call 764-7971. N8 '64 VOLKSWAGEN, red sunroof, R&H, excellent condition. Call 663-5540. N4 '63 CHEV. IMPALA, 2 door, hardtop. Auto., power-steering. Call 665-7313. N7 1960 VOLKSWAGEN convertible. Low mileage, runs perfectly. New tires and clutch. Easy terms. HU 3-4452. N5 '61 COMET, 2 dr. sedan, radio, ww, good tires and brakes. 764-0722, leave mes- sage. N9 1958 VW. Must sell, $450 or best offer, 429-7720. N6 BUSINESS SERVICES BABYSITTING JOB wanted. Monday thru Fridgy after 3, Saturday and Sunday, day or night. Please call 665- 6686. J9 LOST AND FOUND XEROX COPYING SERVICE Pick up and Delivery. 665-4324, after 5 p.m. J7 TYPING-Offset and wake-up service. HU 2-0191. . J5 TUTORING IN FRENCH & GERMAN by native instructor. Graduated rates. Mme. Kerr, 663-2108. J4 SPECIAL COURSES FOR GRADUATES Screening and reading exams in French and German by a native language instructor. Graduated rates by group or individual. Mme. Kerr, 663-2108. NEW CARS BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7 and $10 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon., 9-4; Tues,, 9-4; Fri., 1-7, 18-21 yrs. old need parent's permission. Detroit Blood Service, new location, 404 W. Mich- igan, Ypsilanti, Mich. H29 MISCELLANEOUS LOOKING for convenience, economy, and a good selection? Stop in at RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard open 'til 12 every night BIKES AND SCOOTERS HONDA NOW! Buy, reserve, or lay- away before the spring rush. 24 hr. delivery on all 12 popular 1965 models. 30 or more to choose from. See them at HONDA OF ANN ARBOR, 1906 Packard Rd., 665-9281. Z YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE on a HONDA! Join the fun at HONDA of Ann Arbor, 1906 Packard Rd. 665- 9281. Z2 SEE IT NOW - The '64 Yamaha with the revolutionary new oil injection system. No more fuss or muss. NICHOLSON MOTOR SALES 223 S. First WANTED TO BUY WANTED - TWO tickets for Berlin Philharmonic. Will pay cash. Call 665-9278 after 12. K6 The Daily Official Bulletin is an of ficial publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan, for which The Michigan Daily Assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be- fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sunday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; Day Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 Day Calendar Wrestling-U-M vs. Ohio State: Yost Field House, 3 p.m. Cinema Guild - Dostoevski's "The Idiot": Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m. Dept. of Speech, University Players Production-Anton Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya": Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m. Musical Society Extra Series Concert -Berlin Philharmonic, Herbert von Karajan, conductor: Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. General Notices IBM Fellowship in the Humanities: Chairmen of Humanities departments are reminded that the fellowship ap- plication forms for students to be con- sidered for this 1965-66 fellowship should be in the Graduate Fellowship Office, Room 118 Rackham Bldg. by Feb. 15. Details were described in let- ter of Oct. 14, 1964. Applications for "SA scholarships for the Fall (I) and Winter Terms (II), 1965-1966, are now available in Room 1220 Angell Hall. Applications will be due no later than February 19, 1964, Applicants must have had at least one full semester of residence in this Col- lege and have attained an over-all grade point average of at least 2.8. Student Government Council approval of the following student-sponsored events becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be with- held until the approval has become effective. Approval request forms for student- sponsored events are available in Room 1011 of the SAB. Crop and Saddle Riding Club, Crop and Saddle Riding Club annual spring horse show, March 14, 3 p.m. at Stoney Ridge Farm. Martha Cook Building applications for residence are due no later than Fri., Feb. 5. First appointments will be made through Tues., Feb. 2. Applications for General Undergrad- uate Scholarships will be available at the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB, be- ginning Mon., Jan. 11. Applications must be completed by March 1. Un- dergraduate students who have com- pleted one or more full semesters with an overall average of 3.0 or better are eligible to compete. Financial aid is a factor in making these awards. Applications for the Following Schol- arships are available in office of ORGAN IZATION NOTICES Use of This Column for Announce- ments is available to officially recog- nized and registered student organiza- tions only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB* Lutheran Student Chapel (National Lutheran Council), Worship services 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. (Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m.). Sun., Jan. 31; Sunday eve- ning program, 7 p.m., "Trends in Amer- Ican Morals-A Sociological Analysis," with Philip Kunz, Grad lecturer in sociology, Lutheran Student Chapel, Hill St. and S. Forest. * * * Voice, Membership meetingfi Feb. 1, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-B, Michigan Union. alumnae secretary, Alumni Memorial Hall; they must be returned by Feb. 12, 1965; recipients will be announced at League Recognition Night, March 1, 1965. The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is offered to in-state, undergraduate wom- en on the basis of academic perform- ance, contribution to University life and financial need; the stipend is variable. The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar- ship is offered to undergraduate wom- en on the basis of academic perform- ance, contribution to University life, and financial need; the stipend is var- iable. The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship is offered to out-of-state undergraduate 'women who have successfully completed their freshman year and have a dem- onstrated financial need the stipend is variable. The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar- ship, amounting to approximately $180 (interest on the endowment fund) is available to undergraduate single wom- en who are wholly or partially self- supporting and who do not live in University residence halls or sorority houses. Girls with better than aver- age scholarship and need will be considered. The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship is open to both graduate and under- graduate women, The award is made on basis of scholarship, contribution to University life and financial need, the stipend is variable. The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship is open to women graduates of any accredited coll ge or university. It may be used by a University of Michigan graduate at any college or university, but a graduate of any other univer- sity will be required to study on the Michigan campus. Academic achieve- ment, creativity and leadership will be considered in granting the award. The stipend is $1,100. The Alice Crocker Lloyd Fellowship is open to women graduates of any ac- crediter college or university. It may be used by a University of Michigan graduate at any college or university but a graduate of any other school will be required to study on the Michi- gan campus, Academic achievement, personality and leadership will be con- sidered in granting the award. The stipend is $1,100. Placement ANNOUNCEMENT: Fairleigh Dickinson Univ., Tea Neck, N.J.-Will interview Thurs., Feb. 4 stu- dents interested in program leading to MA in Teaching. Science majors: paid internships plus opportunity for schol- arship. Also 2 yr. prog. leading to MAT and MS. Internships available for other majors. POSITION OPENINGS: Merch & Co., Rahway, N.J.-,Senior Physical Chemist, PhD Phys. Chem. bkgd. or exper, in kenetics, reaction mechanisms, thermodynamics and/or enzymatic reaction studies. City of Saginaw, Mich.-Probation Officer, Male. Degree in Police Ad- min., Corrections, Psych., Sociol. or rel. fields. Exper. not req. Also, Trng. & Safety Coordinator. Degree in Poll. Sci., Public Admin., Personnel Admin. or re- lated field. Mobil Foam Products, Macedon, N.Y. -Sr. Mech. Development Engr. BSME, 5 yrs. exper. in mech. des. assignments. Des, & dev. machines & equipment for plastics co. Mgmt. Consultants, Chicago - Sales Engr. ME degree or equiv. trng. & ex- per for mfr. of industrial valves in western Penn. 4-5 yrs. exper. in direct ;ales rel. to indus. pipes, flanges, pumps, etc. General Motors, Caddilac Div., Detroit -Jr. Accountant-Trainee for mgmt. dev, prog. In Financial Admin. Male with. finance or acctg. major or Bus. Ad./acctg. minor. Exper. not req. Im- med. opening. State of Ohio, Columbus-Alcoholism Educ. Consultant, MA Public Health or Educ. Will consider Sociol., Soc. Work, etc. 3 yrs. professional exper. or 5 yrs. related exper. For further information, please call 764-7460 General Div., Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB. TEACHER PLACEMENT: Overseas Teaching: College teaching positions in Bus. Ed., Communications Media (ETV), Counseling and Testing, Educ. Psych., English, Ind. Arts, In- Service Ed., Math,, and Science are available in Nigeria through the Cen- ter for International Programs at Ohio Univ. For additional information con- tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, 764-7462. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please sign schedule posted at 128-H West Engrg. FEB. 3- Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Sub- sidiaries-All Degrees: Met. BS-MS: ChE. BS: CE, Constr., EE, E Math, EM, E Physics, IE, Mat'ls., & ME. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales & Staff IE. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Calif. & Chicago-All Degrees: ChE, EE, Chem.-- (Analyt. & Phys.). MS-PhD: Instru. BS: EM Men & women. Opportunities for non-citizens limited. R. & D., Des, Mktg. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Through- out U.S.-All Degrees: ME. BS: AE & Astro, ChE, CE, EE, EM, Met. MS: Constru., Sanitary. BS: E Math, E Physics & Sci. Engrg. R. & D., Des., Prod., Sales & Constr. Cummins Engine Co., Inc., Columbus, Ind.-BS-MS: ME & NA & Marine. Can consider nonlcitizens if becoming a U.S. citizen. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Economics Lab., Inc.-BS: ChE, IE. General Radio Co., Throughout U.S.-- All Degrees: EE. MS-PhD: Commun. Sci, & Instru. Dev., Des. & Sales. Kelsey-Hayes Co., Detroit & mid- west-ABS-MS: CE, EE, EM, IE & Mat'le. R. & D., Des., Prod. & Sales. Rockwell-Standard Corp., Michigan, Ohio & Ind.-BS: IE, ME & Met. R. & D. & Des. Deere & Co., Midwest-All Degrees: ME. BS-MS: EM & IE. BS: E Math, E Physics & Met., Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Math & Physics for Mkmt. Trng. & Prod. Can consider non-citizens for temporary practical trng. if becom- ing U.S. citizen & those who speak fluent German, French & German, R. & D., Des., Prod., Mgmt. Trng. FEB. 3-4- Minnesota Mining & Mfg. Co., St. Paul, Minn.-BS-MS: ChE. BS: EE, IE & ME. Men & women. R. & D., Des. & Prod. EUROPEAN CARS, INC. NEW CARS AND SERVICE 506 E. Michigan, Ypsilanti HU.2-2175 Washtenaw County's only authorized V.W. Dealer V ROOM AND BOARD NEED 1 MAN to share mod. air-cond. apt. with 3 others Campus location. $50/mo. 662-9776. E8 ROOMMATE WANTED to share apart- ment with 2 female grads. Near South Quad. ,Call 663-6647 after 6 p.m. E9 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT-For the summer, 2-man, non-modern air conditioned apartment. Call 761-0714 L4 WANTED TO RENT for next academic year-4-6 bedroom house, fairly close to campus. Will pay well for right place. Call 662-3191, ask for Harry or leave message. L3 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRSj GUITARS, ETC. Make, Repair, Buy and Sell Private and Group Instruction Hoots Daily Herb David Guitar Studio 200 S. STATE 665-8001 OLDIES BUT GOODIES on tape. Your choice of 1000, 662-3470 after 5. X41 BE SURE TO WATCH Your favorite program on a NEJAC TV set. Rent a 19 in. GE Portable for only $10.00 a month. Call NEJAC TV Rentais, 662-5671. Xl FOR SALE UNDERWOOD PORT. typewriter, good condition. $40. 665-8753. B33 FOR SALE-Brand new portable tape recorder and used portable stereo set. Call 668-7091. B12 STEREOPHONIC portable tape recorder, RCA cartridge. Was $325, sell for $125 Dial 4-0129 after 6 p.m. B5 1964 DKW. Here is real economy, 35 mpg/4 speed trans. Must sell. No rea- sonable offer refused. Call 663-1702. AT OLD ELM, antiques for the dis- criminating collector. 723 Packard, near State. B3 1 PR. 6' KASTLE SKIS, Good Condi- tion. Contact Lois NO 2-9890. B32 CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES RENT A TRUCK Pickups, panels, stakes, and vans. 59 Ecorse Rd., Ypsilanti, Mich. How to spend a weekend in Chicago for $16 JUDY CHAPMAN Western College Oxford, Ohio says, "Any student, man or woman, can stay at Chicago's YMCA Hotel and enjoy a weekend foe $16.00. Here is how I did it. Fri. P.M. Dinner at YMCA Hotel $1.25 Chicago Symphony 2.50 Room at Y Hotel 2.95 Sat. A.M. Breakfast at Y Hotel .58 Art Institute Tour Free Lunch at Stouffer's 1.45 Sat. P.M. Nat. Hist. Museum Tour Free Dinner at Y Hotel 1.25 Sat. nite dance, Y Hotel .15 Coke date .45 Room at Y Hotel 2.95 Sun. A.M. Breakfast at Y Hotel .58 Worship at Central Church Lunch atY Hotel 1.30 Sun. P.M. Back to campus Total $15.41 BARGAIN CORNER APARTMENTSLTD. 6105. Forest 663-0511 C18 SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.49 "White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors-$6.98 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S ' For Gals and Guys "White" and Colors-$6.98 + MEN * WOMEN FAMILIES Stay at Chicago's YMCA HOTEL 826 South Wabash at the edge of the Loop accommodations for 2,000 a rates $2.95 and up Write for reservations or call 922-3183 Use Daily Cicssi.fieds NORTH CAMPUS AREA Huron Towers 2200 Fuller Rd. Rentals-from $115 Studio, 1, 2, 3 Bedrooms Free bus transportation to hosp., campus and downtown. All elect. kitchens, air conditioning, garage or ample parking. Heated swimming pool. Individual balconies. Maid service. Ann Arbor's finest modern high- rise apartments. VISIT OUR MODEL SUITES s Weekdays until 8 p.m. Sat. & Sun. until 6 p.m. 663-0800 q r I 4 LEVI'S JACKETS Blue Denim-$5.49 'White"--$5.98 LEVI'S Superslim's-$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49 TURTLENECKS-$1.69 (15 Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nites SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington 665-0875 or HU 2-4434 S1 Read and Use Daily Classifieds en 4 om U 1000 TO 2000 WORDS A MINUTE WITH FULL COMPREHENSION AND RETENTION You con read 150-200 pages an hour using the ACCELERATED READING method. You'll learn to read DOWN the page comprehending at speeds of 1,000 to 2,000 words a minute. And retention is excellent. This is NOT a skimming method; you definitely read every word. You can apply the ACCELERATED READING method to textbooks and factual material as well as to literature and fiction. The author's style is not lost when you read at these speeds. In fact, your accuracy and enjoyment in reading will be increased. Consider what this new reading ability will allow you to accomplish-in your required reading and also in the additional reading you want to do. No machines, projectors, or apparatus are used in learning the ACCELERATED READING method. In this way the reader avoids developing any dependence upon external equipment in reading. A class in ACCELERATED READING will be taught on Tuesday evenings at the Michigan Union beginning February 16, 1965. I C Have yon cents to buy a (It only takes twenty-five, you know) On Sale a ll over campus ;A°° , >: : . < , ;3 ;, ; w 6' a -finest auality laundry- I