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January 29, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-29

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Johnson May

Re que st Intensify Investigation
t Air Force Academy




Names Katzenbacli to Cabinet




To Protect Prosperity

AIR FORCE ACADEMY, COLO. (P)-The Air Force intensifiedI
yesterday its investigation of the cheating scandal at the school for
flying cadets as embittered parents criticized the Academy's honor
code and threatened to go to Congress about it.
Air Force Secretary Eugene M. Zuckert announced appointment
of a special five-man committee to study programs at the Air Acad-
emy, rocked by an exams-for-sale controversy that has led to the
resignations of 65 cadets. Zuckert said the committee will "review

Katzenbach, who
ing head of the
ment since last
named Attorney+

(W) - Nicholas
has been act-
justice depart-
September, was
General yester-


-Associated Press
economic forecasts by the Johnson administration for 1965 to-
gether with predictions for the five preceding years and how the
latter actually turned out. Estimates made by the administration
last January of the nation's 1964 output (gross national product),
personal income, and corporation profits were all within $1 billion
of the actual totals announced yesterday.
Southern judges Ban
Negro Protest March.
By The Associated Press
State and federal judges in Jackson, Miss., and Mobile, Ala., heard
cases involving a Negro protest march and interference in a voter
registration drive.
In Jackson four judges signed orders yesterday banning a pro-
posed demonstration today at the Hinds County Courthouse by
Negroes protesting the slaying of a Negro prisoner.
Charles Evers, state field secretary for the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People had said Wednesday he would

Also Urges
Reduction of
Excise Taxes'
Seeks Change in Laws
To Free Gold Supply
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson asked Con-
gress yesterday to ready itself for
quick and temporary tax cuts, if
they are needed to protect indef-
initely the high prosperity he
forecast for 1965.
His annual economic report,
suggesting that recessions can be
abolished forever in the "great
society" era, won a generally fav-
orable reception in Congress.
The message-rated "excellent"
"encouraging," and "sensible" by
most Democratic leaders-urged
$1.75 billion of excise tax reduc-
tion at midyear. This, said John-
son, would help to generate a $38,-
billion rise in production, match-
ing last year's gain.
Income Rise
With it will come unprecedent-
ed family income, a record $61
billion In corporate profits, rising
employment and some reduction
in joblessness, he predicted.
Congress gave its immediate at-
tention to a different Johnson re-
quest-prompt removal of the re-
quirement that government gold
be used to back up 25 per cent of
the bank deposits held by the
federal reserve system.
"This would unfreeze enough
gold to assure support of the dol-
lar in the world money market
while leaving untouched the sim-
ilar 25 per cent gold "cover" on
the nation's currency, Johnson
Maintain Value
"There can be no question of
our capacity and determination to
maintain the gold value of the
dollar at $35 an ounce," he as-
serted. "The full resources of this
nation are pledged to that end."
The House Banking Committee
scheduled hearings on the gold
proposal next Monday and Tues-
day, with administration officials
as the opening witnesses.
In the Senate, Banking Com-
mittee Chairman A. Willis Rob-
ertson, (D-Va.) promised prompt
hearings while showing no partic-
ular enthusiasm for the proposal.
Obviously more concerned with
the country's basic imbalance of
international payments than with
the gold maneuvers, Robertson
said Johnson's plan is "more in
the nature of an aspirin tablet to
deaden the pain rather than a
permanent solution."
Reassess Programs
But the message had reassur-
ances for Robertson, too. Johnson
announced that the administra-
tion will reassess "the adequacy of
existing programs" to curb the in-
flow of dollars overseas. The
findings-presum-.bly a plan for
sterner measures to close the pay-
ments deficit-will be sent to
Congress in a special message, he

fundamental programs of the
Air Force Academy."
White Named
It will be headed by Gen.
Thomas D. White, former Air
Force chief of staff.
Sources at the Academy said
the number of resignations might
reach 300 before the investigation
ends, expected around Feb. 10.
The source described as possibly
a weak estimate an announcement
by Zuckert last week that more
than 100 cadets may be involved,
including about 30 football play-
Parents Complain
Parents have lashed at the hon-
or code as 'impractical" and "sad-
istic." Some said they may ask
Congress to look into reasons be-
hind the scandal.
About 700 cadets may be inter-
rogated by a special panel of in-
vestigators before the probe is
A big majority of the students
apparently tainted themselves not
by actually cheating but by fail-
ing to notify superiors when they
found cheating existed.
The controversial honor code
stipulates that a cadet must not
"lie, steal or cheat, and must not
tolerate anyone who does."
In the current scandal a cadet
stole examination papers and
lined up 10 classmates to help
sell copies to other students.
Cadets who did not sell or buy
the papers, but who knew of the
scheme are regarded as guilty
under this code.
In addition, two basketball play-
ers were abruptly dropped from
the Falcon team. .
Pay Homage
To Churchill
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Queen Elizabeth
joined thousands of her subjects
last night in paying homage to
Sir Winston Churchill at West-
minster Hall.
Since Wednesday, more than
100,000 persons have come- to pay
their respects to the former leader.
The line outside the building
stretched for nearly two miles
The United States' delegation
to Saturday's funeral arrived yes-
terday. Included in the party are
Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
former President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower and Chief Justice Earl
Some Washington sources ex-
pressed surprise that Vice-Presi-
dent Hubert Humphrey was not
among those chosen to represent
the U.S. in London.

Propose New
Health Plan
WASHINGTON (W) - Republi-
cans yesterday proposed a substi-
tute for President Lyndon B. John-
son's health plan for the aged-a
sweeping medical insurance pro-
gram with the general treasury
paying about two-thirds of the
Rep. John W. Byrnes (R-Wis.)
estimated the federal contribution
could run as high as $2 billion to
$2.4 billion, with the recipients
paying another $1 billion in pre-
miums. He said, however, that
since participation would be vol-
untary, probably not all eligibles
would sign up.
By contrast, the administration
program, confined to hospital,
nursing home and some out-
patient benefits, would cost a to-
tal estimated at slightly more!
than $2 billion. Most of this mon-
ey would come from a new addi-
tion to the payroll tax, but the
treasury's general fund would
contribute to pay for benefits to
the aged not under Social Secur-
ity-possibly $300 million the first
In addition to this major differ-
ence in financing-the Republican
plan shifting most of the cost to
general government revenues--
the plans are far apart in bene-
The plan Byrnes advanced on
behalf of most Republican mem-'
bers of the tax-writing Ways and
Means Committee would provide!
not only hospitalization but phy-
sicians' services, drugs and otherj
health needs. There would be an
over-all $40,000 limitation forI
each person and some provisions
for deductibles for various serv-
As with the administration
plan, there would be no income!
or property test for eligibility.
Anyone 65 or over could sign up.
However, under the Republican
plan participants w o u l d be
charged a premium. This would be
geared to the Social Security pay-
ment each is receiving, or would
be eligible to receive if he were
covered. Byrnes said it would
average about $6 a month for
each person. Social Security bene-
ficiaries could have it withheld
automatically from their monthly


Replaced Kennedy
Katzenbach took over as act-
ing attorney general when Ken-
nedy left. The first public indica-
tion that Johnson had about made
up his mind came at one of the
inaugural balls last week when the
President omitted the "acting"
in referring to Katzenbach as "the
attorney general."
Early senate reaction was fav-
orable. Sens. Paul H. Douglas
(D.-Ill), and Jacob K. Javits (R.-
NY), commended the President's
choice. Javits especially noted
Katzenbach's work in civil rights.I
Katzenbach, a former law pro-f
fessor and World War II flier,I
spent two years as a prisoner oft
the Germans.

-Associated Press
picked by President Johnson to be attorney general, poses yester-
day with Ramsey Clark, left, who was named deputy attorney
general by the Chief Executive. Katzenbach has been serving as
acting attorney general. Clark, who has been an assistant attor-
ney general, is the son of Associate Justice Tom Clark.

1961 Appointee
The late President John F. Ken-
nedy brought him into the justice
department in 1961 as an assist-
ant attorney general. In April
1962 he moved up to deputy at-
torney general.
Clark, the President's nominee

for the department's no. two spot,
has been assistant attorney gen-
eral in charge of public lands.
The White House also announced
the appointment of Marvin Wat-
native of Dallas and a former
marine, he is married and the
father of two children.

I! .

You can read 150-200 pages an hour using the ACCELERATED READING method.
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No machines, projectors, or apparatus are used in learning the ACCELERATED
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equipment in reading.
A class in ACCELERATED READING will be taught on Tuesday evenings at the
Michigan Union beginning February 16, 1965.
Be our guest at a 30-minute public demonstration of the ACCELERATED READING
method and see it applied.
Demonstrations will be held at the Michigan Union on:
Thursday, Feb. 4 at 7:30 P.M.
Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 7:30 P.M.
National School of Accelerated Reading, Inc.

His nomination to the cabinet
post was sent to the Senate along
with President Lyndon B. John-
son's selection of Ramsey Clark
to succeed Katzenbach as Depu-
ty Attorney General. Clark is a
son of Supreme Court Justice Tom
Clark of Texas, who was Attorney
General in the Truman adminis-
Johnson's action ended months
of speculation about who would
replace Robert F. Kennedy as At-
torney General. Kennedy resigned
last September to campaign for
the New York Senate seat he
won in the November election.

18964 Coyle Street

Detroit 35, Michigan


By The Associated Press
LANSING - Governor George
Romney sent a special message
to the legislature Wednesday re-
questing immediate action to solve
Michigan's highway "massacre."
Romney estimated his program,
if enacted, would cost between $3
and $4 million, with the largest
share going to the state police
organization. Of this sum, $1.2
million would be specifically fo-
cused upon the addition of 200
state police troopers to the pres-
ent force.
CAPE KENNEDY-Construction
at the nation's moonport project
ground to a standstill yesterday
as 3,700 building trades workers
staged a wildcat walkout. The
strike was the fifth in a series of
disputes concerning a two-year-
old contract with the National
Aeronautics and Space Admini-
NEW YORK-General Motors
Corporation, the world's largest
manufacturing firm, reported the
highest profits of any company in
history yesterday.
It was the third straight year
that GM has had record breaking
sales and profits.

-lead a mass march on the court-
house today unless the county
suspended the five officers in-
volved in the' shooting of Ollie
Shelby, 18, and paid for his funer-
al. Authorities rejected these de-
A coroner's jury ruled the death
justifiable homicide. The Negro
In Mobile civil rights attorneys
filed a formal motion requesting
that U.S. District Judge Daniel H.
Thomas order Sheriff James G.
Clark of Dallas County and other
county officials to appear imme-
diately before the court to show
cause why they should not be
held in contempt.
The order had restrained the
officials from interfering with a
Negro voter registration drive.


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Due to the recent trouble experienced by
some women returning to their rooms late at
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These men are available at any time, and a tele-
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