Summer Trimester Offers Few Courses Departments Put Main Emphasis On Introductory Curricula By PETER R. SARASOHN In reality, the only undergraduates for whom the concept of a summer semester will be in effect are those whose only interest is fulfilling distribution requirements. The summer semester catalogue, recently released, indicates that many literary college departments are not increasing the number of courses being offered ordinarily during the summer and, in some Libraries Stressed in Funds Request PROF. ROBERT BLOOD Spring-Fall Pledge Quota Short by 35 By PHYLLIS KOCH The sorority system fell only 35 pledges short of meeting their minimum quota this year. Panhellenic Association report- ed ;yesterday that 521 women pledged during this year's Spring and Fall Rush, 376 freshmen and 145 upperclassmen. The final number of pledges is 114 places short of the system's total pledging capacity, which is based on an estimated number of women dropping out of houses during the year. The "minimum quota' refers to the number of women necessary for the houses to meet financial obligations. Total Registration The total number of women who registered for Spring and Fall Rush this year came to 1281, 931 freshmen and 350 upperclassmen. During the course of rushing, 760 women dropped rush, were drop- ped, or didn't receive bids. These figures compare to a total number of 1320 women rush- ing last year, with a final number of 500 women pledging. This was 132 places short of the total capa- city. But the system then included, one more house, Phi Mu, which no longer has a chapter on cam- pus. There are six houses this year that still have places for ad- ditional pledges. Two of these houses only have one place to fill. The other four houses, while hav- ing more places to fill, "are in a better situation than'they were last year," according to Ann Wickins, '65, president of Panhel. Open Rush These four houses are now par- ticipating in open rush in order to meet their quotas. Five houses pledged 30 women during open rush last year. Anyone may participate in open rush as long as they are a full- time student and have a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average. Sororities may participate in open rush until the last day of classes. Four sororities have been active on campus during the past two years despite the fact that they have been under their quotas and have had transfer students from the more crowded sororities living in them to ease their financial problems., It was not revealed exactly how the three remaining sororities (with Phi Mu gone) fared in rush. cases, are not offering any full time courses at all. Generally, the only courses be- ing offered for the full semester are the basic introductory courses. The few other courses being of- fered for the full semester are on the 400-level. The political science, botany, chemistry and economics depart- ments are not offering any full time courses this summer. Assumption Prof. William Palmer, chair- man of the economics department, said that he "assumed few stu- dents would continue" for both eight week periods to warrant any full time curriculum. Another consideration that Pal- mer pointed out was the inade- quacy of their budget for the sum- mer. He said that the department "couldn't do much more" than it has under the budget they have. Prof. Robert Blood, chairman of the sociology department,admit- ted the number of sociology courses being offered this summer is "very meager," but "we were very surprised" at the small budget allotted the department by the University. Increased Faculty Concerning the prospects of, an increased faculty for a full se- mnester curriculum the following summer, Blood said there was a good chance "there would be none" available. This is because, he said, the faculty "just does not want to teach an entire summer." Prof. J. C. O'Neill, chairman of the romance language department, had the same problem with fac- ulty not wanting to teach the summer semester. A possible rea- son for this, he said, was the 'lack of a supplementary budget'' for full summer semester faculty. The supplementary budgetchas been included on summer school budgets before and has been "extra gravy" to encourage faculty to remain in the summer to teach. "Nothing was refused by the University," O'Neill added. It was the impression given by the Uni- versity that this summer would be "a modest start," he said. Don't Know Prof. Cecil J. Nesbitt, associate chairman of the mathematics de- partment, said the reason for so few full semester courses being offered is because "we really don't know how large the demand will be." Prof. Warner G. Rice, chair- man of the English department, said the English course curricu- lum for this summer "hasn't as yet been set," but as far as avil- abiilty of staff, the department is "not in any trouble." The history department is offer- ing only three full time courses. Prof. John Bowditch, chairman of the history department, indicated that the main reason for this is a lack of staff. University policy in the past has been that a professor should only teach two semesters in succession, Bowditch said. After the University has been able to "gear itself" to having regular staff working under a normal semester's budget, then the de- partments will be able to offer a selection of courses "which will be attractive to the undergraduate." The statistics that the Univer- sity released concerning student opinion about the summer semes- ter "wasn't very helpful," Bow- ditch said. They did not say the students were interested in full time courses, but, he added, it "did not pinpoint what courses they wanted." Prof. R. B. Brandt, chairman of the philosophy department, said his department had a plan to offer 13 courses full time plus others on an eight week schedule but the summer budget was in- sufficient. He added, however, that "it wasn't bad as a start." EDITOR'S NOTE: The University is seeking $55.7 million in state funds for its 1965-66 operations. This record sum represents an increase of $11.6 million over the current year's appropriation of $44.1 million, a jump of more than 25 per cent. This article is the last of a series explaining why the University is requesting this unprecedented appro- priation hike. By DAVID BLOCK Libraries, the maintenance of new and expanded facilities and locally oriented research have all been earmarked to receive por- tions of the University's requested budget increase for next year's operations. Of the additional $11.6 million sought from the state, the University has recommended the following allocations: -$658,100 to augment the amount spent this year on books and library services;_ -$604,000 to provide services for new buildings and to increase the current sum spent on facility rehabilitation and maintenance; and -$723,000 to supplement the research program and to expand the amount spent on the University's public services. Not Unprecedented The increase sought for library operations is not unprecedented here. In 1963-64 the budget allocated a total of $2.35 million for libraries. The appropriation request for the current year sought to increase this sum by $585,000. Furthermore, despite the fact that the state cut the total re- quest for this year by $3.5 million, the University considered the libraries' needs of such high priority that they were allocated Yi t e Sir 43a A& :43 a t 1, $2.98 million, or $50,000 more than originally sought in the appro- priation request. Therefore, the total increase of $635,000 in funds spent on library services this year almost parallels the $658,100 sought for next year's operations. ' The increase in library funds has been earmarked for staff additions, remodeling, equipment improvement and expansion of the book fund. Personnel Growth Although enrollment at the University is expected to grow by 7.3 per cent next fall, the libraries are planning an 8.2 per cent expansion in personnel. The reason for this is the expected higher rate of library use by the average student. According to the appro- priation request, "the increasing quality of the student body per- mits more independent study" and, therefore, "higher use of library facilities." At present, in almost all of the University's libraries there is the need for varying degrees of remodeling. Furthermore, several programs and responsibilities of the libraries need to be expanded and require increased appropriations. These include the binding program, cataloguing, the acquisition and replacement of micro- film and the additional expenses of rising book costs. The $604,000 increase in operating funds sought for next year under the heading "Services for New Buildings, Rehabilitation and Plant Maintenance" is necessary because operation and main- tenance funds for several new buildings on campus have never previously been allocated. These include the Space Research Labor- Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXV, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, 27 JANUARY 1965 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES atory on North Campus and the Institute for Social Research, Argus Buildings I and II and the Administration Services Building on Central Campus. Standard of Repair Furthermore, according to the appropriations request, in most University buildings "normal standards of repairs and maintenance have not been maintained for many years because not enough funds were available." As a partial step toward recovery of "de- ferred maintenance" the University has planned several steps of a repair and replacement program which will improve mainten- ance of both buildings and grounds. Although most of the more than $40 million the University spends each year on organized research comes from other than state appropriations, "this kind of support provides only meager funds in money of the areas of research which are most closely extensions of classroom, laboratory and instructional responsibili- ties of the University." Therefore, the ever increasing need for the University to pure research and its own functional responsibilities must be sponsored by state funds, and this is the reason for much of the increase sought in the area of research. Similarly, the University's public service functions, such as its broadcasting service and educational surveys, are rapidly expand- ing. Funds for these operations, although partially recruited from sources other than state appropriations, must, for the most part, be allocated from the general fund and account for a significant portion of the requested budget increase. IFC Tells T Name September 1 As Date of Deadlinte Local Fraternity Faced with Loss Of All Privileges of Member UnitI By DONALD FLIPPO Trigon fraternity, found guilty of religious discrimination by the Interfraternity Council two weeks ago, was, last night, given until September 1, 1965 to revise its ritual or lose all privileges regulated by the IFC and possible expulsion from IFC. IFC President Lawrence Lossing, '65, said that the date of September 1, 1965 was selected because the meeting at which the rigon To Change Ritual * * * * X * * * 7 Khanh Takes In Vietnamese ritual would be changed would be held during the summer. The change must come before the Grand Council which represents the entire fraternity and meets annually sometime during the summer months. Recommendation Lossing said that if the changes have not been made by the given date, a recommendation will be made to the Fraternity Presidents' Assembly from the IFC Executive Committee to revoke IFC recog- nition entirely. After September 1 and until to- tal recognition is revoked, Trigon will retain representation in the FPA, but will lose rush privileges, participation in intramural sports, positions in IFC and eligibility for awards and scholarships from IFC, Lossing said. Old Verdict Although the verdict was reach-I ed two weeks ago, the Executive Committee decided to wait until it had more time to give serious con- sideration to the penalty, which necessarily was after rush had ended, Stephen Idema, '65, IFC executive vice-president, said last night. Idema said that Trigon would still be under the jurisdic- tion of IFC and would have to comply with the bylaws even if it were denied all privileges. First Action Trigon's case is the first judi- cial action IFC has taken in the area of discrimination. The fra- ternity presidents approved a by- law prohibiting discrimination in October, 1963, Lossing said. LAWRENCE LOSSING Theatre Chain Ignores SGC Efforts by Student Government Council to set up a meeting with W. C. Butterfield, Inc. offices in Detroit over the recent admission price increase at their three Ann Arbor theatres, have so far had no success. SGC President Douglas Brook, '65, and Council member Thomas Smithson, '65, will make one more effort today to set up the con- ference before SGC meets tonight. Hannah Urges Limited Undercass Enrollmen ts By LEONARD PRATT Michigan's three largest state-supported universities should hold their ratio of freshman and sophomore students to a standard 40 per cent of their total enrollment, according to John Hannah, presi- dent of Michigan State University. Records offices at the three colleges reported that the Uni versity now has 57 per cent undergraduate enrollment. MSU pres- ently has 82 per cent and WSU I- has 71 per cent. Freshman and sophomore enrollments are ap- Ir u hi i proximately half of these total i undergraduate figures. Hannah, speaking to MSU's fac-t ulty in his annual "State of the University" message, suggested! that the extra undergraduates be TEHRAN -Prime Minister Has- diverted to local community col- san Ali Mansour died last night leges. of bullet wounds inflicted six "There would be objections to days ago by a young assassin. He this plan," he said, "but it would was 41. have the virtue of distributing Mansour, who had battled con- the undergraduate load more servative Moslem elements in car- equitably, leaving the universities rying out the Shah's program to to devote more of their resources transform Iran into a modern to education for upperclass under- state, was gunned down last graduates, graduate education and Thursday as he stepped from his research." limousine to enter the Majlis "It will not be long until more (lower house of parliament). than half of all Michigan high (oeouseoparliament). school graduates will seek post- women's suffrage and redistribu- secondary education of some tion of large church and private kind," he noted. "And it would be lando ra s chur aan ry. a mistake to proceed on the lands to Iran's poor peasantry. assumption that all of them Both proposals stirred the anger would be accommodated in our of ultra-traditionalist Moslems. large universities." Police immediately seized a 20- University Executive Vice-Presi- year-old part-time student, Mo- dent Marvin L. Niehuss felt that hammed Bokharaei, as the gun- the issue was one to be decided man. They said he was carrying on by each individual institution. out a plot in behalf of a small "If MSU wishes to limit their un- group of Moslem fanatics he head- dergraduate enrollment that's all ed. right," he noted, "but it will have Mansour had served under a no immediate effect on the Uni- prime minister, Hussein Ala, who versity." survived an assassination attempt "The University's present fresh- by a Moslem fanatic in 1955. Four man/sophomore ratio is some- Iranian prime ministers have been where around 28 per cent," Nie- shot at by religious fanatics in the huss said. "I frankly can't re- last 16 years. member when we've been as high The Shah was wounded slightly intentior ient, an weh ave no by a Communist assassin's bullets in 1948. Niehuss noted that a greatly in -_ creased burden would be placed on the state's community colleges UMSEU Halts by the plan. He said that the entire pattern of the state's edu- cation could be shifted by the proposal. Powe t :Move Ousts ryGovern ment New Leader To Pick Twenty-Man Group To Advise Regime SAIGON OP)-Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh swept back into power in a bloodless coup early this morn- ing. Khanh, who first came to pow- er as premier of South Viet Nam almost one year ago to the day, issued a communique saying he was taking charge "to resolve the political situation at the present time." Civilian Prime Minister Tran in Van Huong and Chief of State Phan Khac Suu evidently were de- posed. Informed sources said it was expected Khanh would ap- point Suu as chief of state with the mission of naming a new prime minister and government. Advisory Function Khanh said that his general valuation staff would name an20-member and the military-civilian council to advise fore pre- the government on important de- ccording cisions. He did not specify who hairman or what the government would be Student except that he would be in charge, executive Informed sources said Khanh claimed that he had obtained an ionnaires agreement with the insurgent d Thurs- Buddhists, under which the Bud- e offices dhists would halt their anti-gov- he Mich- ernment campaign indefinitely. he turn- The sources said that under the ate Li- agreement Thich Tri Quang and the fish- other top Buddhist insurgent lead- m ers would leave the country. DIVERSIFICATION NEEDED: Notes Effects of Defense Spending Cuts NGUYEN KHANH Course Rati Plans Prod on Schedut By SHIRLEY ROSIC Plans for the course ev booklet are on schedule, booklet should be out bef registration on Feb. 22, a to booklet committee c Gary Cunningham, '66, Government Councile vice-president. Course evaluation questi will be available today an' day at the undergraduat of the Michigan League, ti igan Union desk, near t stiles in the Undergrad brary, and at a table int bowl open from 9 a.m.-5 p Questionnaires were di earlier this week in U housing units and may obtained from carridor rep tives. The questionnaires returned by Thursday. The coordinating come the booklet last night n representatives from the societies and student committees who will cho dents to evaluate theq naires. Juniors and seniors wh< perior in their fields w' the evaluations. Each wi ate forms on courses from of his major. The student evaluator instructed by graduate By KAY HOLMES With the government reduction in defense spending, the problem of diversification confronts many major American industries. Stressing the challenges presented by the necessary change in industrial orientation, Arthur W. Barber, deputy assistant secretary of defense for arms control, discussed this problem and its ramifica- tions on industry in a lecture entitled, "The Economic Implications of Defense Spending" at the Mental Health Research Institute last night. Although the reduction of defense spending has been discussed the past year throughout the country and it is generally agreed that there is a problem, few agree what the nature of the problem is, Barber said. Problem of Diversification make it extraordinarily difficult to introduce a major innovation," he said. "Now it would be easier to build housing for men on the moon than men on earth." There is little agreement on how to proceed to help men on earth, and until this problem is solved the diversification of in- dustry is a bleak prospect, Barber said. Barber cited Governor Edmund Brown of California as an ex- ample of one who recognizes op- portunity for market growth through diversification. Brown initiated strong state leadershin stributed rniversity still be presenta- must be mittee of net with honorary advisory oose stu- question- to are su- vill write ill evalu- the area s will be students See Earlier Story, Page 3 The coup apparently did not in- involve any violence, arrests or force. No troops were around any of the key government installa- tions and Huong and his cabinet were free and apparently under no duress except that of being out of jobs. Apparent Victory The move wasrapparently a clear cut victory for the Buddhist movement, which has been using every technique in the last several weeks to get Huong out of office, including demonstrations, riots and a protest suicide. Huong had replaced Khanh as prime minister. Khanh, who had eied nower in a hlondles cnim Council To View A proposed picket of Drake's Sandwich Shop was called off Monday by the executive commit- tee nf t TTniversitv of Michi- " <; z ..