6 f PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, 23 3ANUARY 1965 Cage rs By SCOTT BLECH March 9, 196.4 - Bob Purkhiser and Dave Shellhase paced Purdue to an 81-79 upset over the NCAA- bound Michigan cagers in Ann Arbor's Yost Field House today. Oct. 17, 1964 - Sophomore Bob Griese fired two touchdown passes to lead Purdue to a 21-20 upset win over Michigan before a parti- san Wolverine crowd. Today, these three athletes, as if by fate, return to Yost Field House for a regionally-televised Ticket Information Basketball tickets for stu- dents, faculty, employes, as well as general admission, are on sale 8 a.m.-noon today. Those tickets not sold this morning will go on sale at Yost Field House at 3 p.m. (4:30 p.m.) contest 'with the na- tion's second-ranked and Big Ten- leading Wolverines. Last year's cage upset was over a Michigan team with the same ranking and the gridiron loss saw the fifth= ranked Wolverines fall to the "Spoilermakers." Griese Returns Since last fall, Griese has cast aside =his football cleats but .is still a quarterback. The versatile sophomore has taken charge of ToFac the Bolermaker attack and is quarterback for cage mentor Ray Eddy as he was for football coach Jack Mollenkopf. Griese injured his ankle in Tuesday's 78-74 win over Notre Dame and might not be at full strength today. Dave Johnson, 6'3", will replace the Boilermaker quarterback if his ankle still bothers him. . Purkhiser, the other Purdue guard, was a big thorn in the side of coach Dave Strack last March. The 6'2" backcourt ace scored the. two winning points from the free throw iline and hit an impressive 11 of 16 from the field. Purkhiser's 26 points were supplemented by the 25 from Shellhase. Ninth in Big Ten This season, Purkhiser has av- eraged 18.6 points a game and his 18.2 Big Ten average is ninth best. Bill Buntin ranks seventh in con- ference scoring with an almost identical 18.8 average. Shellhase presently sports a field goal average of 30.9, fourth highest in the country. The 6'4" junior was described by Strack yesterday as a "player with few faults. He is effective everywhere -in the low post or at guard." Shellhase is averaging 29 points a game in Big Ten play; second only to Cazzie Russell's 33. Russell, however, has a 27-point average for the season and ranks sixth in the nation in scoring. Russell Edges Shellhase Russell won the initial battle against Shellhase last March when he pumped in 27 points. Last year, they were talented sopho- mores; this year, they are present-j ly the twohighest scoring juniors in the NCAA. Purdue, which is 1-1 in Big Ten competition and 8-4 overall, has added strength under the boards this year. Tom Niemeier, 6'9", a high school All-American at Evansville, Ind., where he prepped with Griese, is the big difference. Niemeier has grabbed 49 rem bounds and scored 54 points in his last five games and leads Purdue scorers with a field goal percent- age of .546. With center Bill Jones standing 6'8", the Purdue front line is taller than Michigan's. Height Advantage The Wolverines have a slight team height advantage of about three inches since they are start- 'Spoilermaker Trio ing their tallest lineup of George Pomey, Oliver Darden, Larry Tregoning, Buntin and Russell. Despite the fact that Michigan has only a slight edge in average rebounds per game, 54 to 52, Pur- due might be in trouble defensive- ly. The Boilermakers allowed Notre Dame 98 shots Tuesday night and were only saved by Notre Dame's hitting on just 32. The Wolverines, however, are second to Iowa in Big Ten shoot- ing percentage statistics with an average of .434. Purdue has a .426 i Eddy lost Mel Garland. "Earl mark. Brown started for them last sea- Strack pointed out yesterday son, but Niemeier has beat him out that Purdue is bigger than Mich- for a starting berth, Strack added. igan under the boards. Eddy said * * * this week that his team must Wrestling coach Cliff Keen will "somehow c o m b a t Michigan's be honored before the television power of the offensive boards." audience during ' halftime today.) Eddy was fearing a repeat of Tues- Keen, who is in his 40th year of day's 98-shot spectacle. coaching at Michigan, has guided The Wolverine mentor pointed Wolverine teams to nine Big Ten out that Purdue also has four championships and one runner-up starters back from last season. NCAA finish, and has coached Whereas Strack lost Bob Cantrell, eight individual NCAA champions. 'M' QUARTERBACK SIGNS: Tittle Retires from Gymnasts Overpower Buckeyes By CHUCK VETZNER formed in exhibition and was I competition. This is a new event awarded an 82. Loken was pleased which has replaced tumbling. The first of the little squirm- by Hamilton's show but is not Change Favors Olympics ishes before the main battles is yet ready to declare him complete- The change was made because over, and as expected the Wolver- ly fit. vaulting is an Olympic event. The ne gymnasts came out the win- Other old hands who picked up apparatus used is actually a side Ters. wins were juniors Ned Drke on horse without handles (called a The commander k the Michigan the rings and John Cashman on long horse). The vaulters run up troops, Newt Iboken, intentionally the high bar. Duke had a score of to the horse and do various sum- kept the score down yesterday, but 92 which was one point behind mer saults and leaps over it. the Wolverines still easily over- Cliff Chilvers and Gary Vander Ken Williams and Art Baessler, powered Ohio State, 68-43' Voort, but neither of their scores two more members of the sopho- Most observers saw the meet as counted. Cashman picked up a 91 more platoon, grabbed firsts on little more than a prelude to next in an event where high point totals }the parallel bars and side horse month's encounters with Michigan are at a premium. , (a long horse with handles- re- State and Iowa. Under a new rule, Double Trouble member?). dual meets alone are used to de- In floor exercise, where strength Due to Loken's generosity Alex termine the Bfg Ten gymnastics and beauty are magnificently Frecska will be the forgotten man champ, putting much more im- combined, those Fuller twins were of the. meet. His scores were good portance on them. at it again. The two sophs had to enough for a second on side horse, The victory gives the Wolverines make up for the loss of collegiate a second on high bar, a third on a 1-0 conference mark. champ Mike Henderson who was p-bars, and a fourth in vaulting. Cites Improvement out with tendonitis. But none of them counted. After the meet, Coach Loken Chip went first and picked up said that the team was improved a 91.5, then Phil followed and Easy'Start over last week's exhibition match bettered his brother by half a with Eastern Michigan. "We want point. A few suspicious souls were FLOOR EXERCISE-i. P. Fuller to get better every week and hit mumbling that Loken was trying aone 2. C. Fuller (M;3. Bliackstone (US U); 4. Schultz a peak in the middle of February to enter the same person twice. (osU); 5. Greenberg (OSU). so we'll be ready for the Spartans Later Chip also got himself a SIDE HORSE - 1. Baessler (M) and Hawkeyes," he added. first place by winning the vaulting 9ies 4 a4roufe (OSU); 5. Der- Coach Joe Hewlett and his ton (SU). Buckeyes have already seen Iowa, 'TRAMPOLINE-1. Erwin (M) 97; having lost 82-27. "Both teams are Sanders (M); 3. Greenberg (OSU); pretty even and they'll both get 4. Holteschulte (OSU); 5. Seelbinder a lot better, but I'll have to take HIGH BAR-i. Cashman (M) 91 Michigan especially with the meet 2. Althouse (OSU); 3 Sroufe (OSU); here in Ann Arbor," he predicted. 4. Vander Voort (1). Hewlett's respect for the Wol- VAULTING-i. C. Fuller () 90.5; 2. Vandervoort (M); 3. Sroufe verines is easy to understand. Al- l (iSL); 4. Greenberg (OSU); 5. NEW YORK (P)-Y. A. Tittle retired as quarterback of the New York Giants yesterday. The famed passer revealed his decision to Kyle Rote, former backfield mate and now sports director of radio station WNEW, several hours before a press con., ference arranged by the club. "Personally, I have a fear of bedoming a mediocre football play- er," the 38-year-old star said in explanation, "perhaps I already am a mediocre player. "Not only did Gary Wood put me on the bench," continued Tit- tle, and then with a grin, "but last fall he even asked permission to date my daughter. When that happens, I think it is time to quit playing football." Tittle, known as the Bald Eagle, joined the Giants in 1961, after Football The 49ers had switched to a shotgun formation and felt Tittle was too old to fit into their fu- ture plans, Tittle promptly led .the Giants to the first of three straight East- ern Division titles. He played be- hind another veteran, Charley Conerly, for the first half of the season. the San Francisco 49ers had de- Then he took over the passing cided that his usefulness as a chores fulltime. There was some starting quarterback was over. resentment among the veterans Thinclads Chalenge Chica go Track Club By STEVE GALL performer from Virginia. Brown will be looking for a healthy sea-I The Wolverines launch a new son after being harassed with indoor track season today at Chi- continual injuries last year. cago against a Chicago Track Club Roy Woodton, a junior from which is not as strong as it has Union, New Jersey, will carry the been in past years. load in the 70-yd. high hurdles, in; As always, Coach Don Canham which he has run 0:8.6. Woodton on the club because of Coner- ly's popularity with his team- mates. But Tittle proved a natural and though Loken was intent upon soon was the unquestioned lead- spilling as little blood as possible, er of the club. the Buckeyes were unable to cap- ture a single first place. In 1962 Ti-ttle threw 33 touch-' Sophs Come Through down passes for a National Foot- M phsCoer ouh ball League record. He broke the Michigan's heralded sophomores rallLgueeord.h36oie196did well, but the most brilliant At the end, Tittle had his own performance was turned in by a page in the NFL record book. veteran. Defending NCAA tram- poline champ Gary Erwin bounced and twisted his way to a near perfect score of 97, leaving little room for the improvement both coaches talked about. John Hamilton, who finished second in the Nationals and had been troubled by a leg injury, per- Blackstone (OSU). PARALLELBARs-i1. Ken Wil- liams (M) 87; 2. Vander Voort (1j); 3. (tie) Sroufe (OSU) and Long (OSU); 5. Schroerr (OSU). STILL RINGS-1. Duke (M) 92; 2. Blanton (M); 3. Petrilla (OSV); 4. Long (OSU); Schroerr (OSU). Scores WCHA MICHIGAN 7, Colorado College 5 Michigan State 7, Minnesota 5 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Wyoming 105, Denver 92 NBA Philadelphia 109, Detroit 103 Boston 104, San Francisco 94 Baltimore 117, St. Louis 110 DAVE SHELLHASE Pont Leaves Yale Position, Signs as Indiana Grid Coach BLOOMINGTON, Ind. (P)-John Pont made the jump from the Ivy League to the Big Ten yes- terday and said after accepting the head football coaching job at Indiana that "the pressures are the ones you put on yourself." Pont, a winner at Yale andtbe- fore that at Miami of Ohio, took the jpb of trying to lift Indiana out of the depths and started thinking about recruiting, spring practice-and building a house. He made it clear he expects to be around for some time. "Time is against us," Pont said of the late start onus965 recruit- ing. "By the time we get settled we'll have four to six weeks before the April deadline. But the present staff has been working." He told a news conference in Indianapolis he would be glad to get back to spring practice, which he did not have at Yale. "It's an excellent time to ex- periment," he said. The 37-year-old Pont accepted a five-year contract as Indiana head coach at undisclosed terms. Pont, who compiled a record of 12 victories, five defeats and one tie in two seasons at Yale after putting together a 43-22-2 mark in seven years at Miami, succeeds Phil Dickens. Dickens re- signed Dec. 22 when his request for reassignment' to another post at the university was approved. Indiana has not had a winning football season since Dickens' 1958 team put together a 5-3-1 record. The Hoosiers then have to go back to 1947 before finding a compar- able mark. In Big Ten Conference play, the Hoosiers have won only 10 games in the last 10 years while losing 43 and tying two. "It's a challenge," said Pont. Pont made two trips to the In- diana campus before finally de- ciding. He said he took so long to make up his mind because he had no reason for leaving Yale and was looking for reasons to accept the Indiana offer. The new Hoosier coach, who took four assistants with him from Miami to Yale, said he also hopes to bring the bulk of his staff to Indiana. The only doubtful one, he said, is Carm Cozza, who wants the Yale head coach post. is a little bit pessimistic at the be- ginning of the season. However; this year he feels that his thin- clads, having lost many top men through graduation, are basically a rebuilding team with several: sophomores to watch, but with some reliable regulars as well. Canham views this team as lacking the depth last year's squad had, when it captured the Big Ten I n d o o r Conference Championship and took second in the Big Ten Outdoor meet. He does, however, expect some sur- prisees. New Faces Today's meet will give some sort of indication of the quality of sev- eral new performers, who will be tested for the first time in varsity competition. Among these is Dave Cooper, a sprinter from Wood- mere, N.Y. Cooper, running in the 60-yd. dash today,' has turned In a .9:06 for the 100 and 0:20.9 for the 220. Another sophomoreto watch is Bob Gerometta, from Portage, Indiana. He is compet- ing in the 440-yd. dash and will also run a leg in the mile-relay. Gordon Harvey is another of Canham's fine crop of newcomers. Shot-putting upwards of 48 feeet as a freshman, Harvey nowcan be expected to approach the 50 foot mark. Marion Hoey, from 'Flint, Mich., looms as a possible star quarter-miler, having broken 0:50 on several occasions. Experience Along with the sophomores there are, of course, the expe- rienced regulars. Dorie Reid, who placed fifth in last year's Big Ten Indoor 60"yd. dash, is again running in this event, with a best time of 0:6.2 to his credit. An- other sprinter who will be seeing a lot of action this year is Willie Brown, an all-state high school turned in a fourth-place per-' formance in this same event in the Big Ten Indoor Meet last March. NFL Giants Half Milers The Wolverines are strong in MUSKEGON, Mich. (P)-Michi- the 880-yd. run, with competitors Cecil Norde, third in the Indoor gan quarterback Bob Timberlake Championships, and Dan Hughes, said last night that he has de- a senior who was part of Michi- cided to sign a contract with the gan's mile relay team which plac- New York Giants of the National ed third in the NCAA Outdoor Football League. track meet in Eugene, Oregon, Timberlake did not elaborate on last year. his decision but informed sources Captain Kent Bernard is back revealed that he plans to sign this year and looks as strong as the contract next Saturday (a ever. The soft-spoken senior from week from today) in New York. Trinidad will be running in the In New York, Wellington Mara. 600, an event which he won in vice-president of the Giants, said 1:10.4 at the Indoor Champion- "that's very good news. It's the ships last year. Bernard, recently first I heard of it." Mara said he back from the Tokyo Olympics had talked with Timberlake last where he won a bronze medal in Monday and quoted the, Wolver- the mile relay for Trinidad, was ines' All-American quarterback as bestowed with still another honor, saying he had been offered a "very that of All-American in track for good contract." "No comment," his third place finish in last year's I Mara replied when asked for de- NCAA Outdoor Championships. i tails of the Giants' offer. draft beer i bottles r } "r 1 4 i t l t PHIL FULLER 4%6 t2 I 4 p } b......... . . . . . . . . . . . .:' ..................... . . . ..".....****..***** .. . . . . Don't Miss EE er our usual: DO Now $19*95 95 NOW $13.5U Our Annual January If you desire fine traditional styling and workm choice of colors and with plain fronts . . . we offs 4 4 I Here's one way to the top... there'sanother Joining the family business is certainly one way to the top. Joining the Bell System's another. 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