by Bill Bullard
The Rose Bowl:
Let's Go Again'
Rough Big Ten Tests Await Cagers
Michigan's basketball team,ral-
though -leading the Big Ten race
with a 2-0 record, has a rough
road ahead in the conference
which features "an overall bal-
ance as good as ever," according
to assistant basketball Coach Tom
sell, who is averaging 33 a game,
for conference scoring honors. The
Boilermakers are sixth in the
Big Ten with a 1-1 record, and
boast a 9-5 season mark.
Surprisingly enough, Iowa is
holding down second place in the
Big Ten with a 4-1 conference
record. The Hawkeyes upset Indi-
Colavito Returns to
Cleveland Uniform
CLEVELAND (IP)-Rocky Cola- "When you get a chance to get
vito, slugging outfielder whom someone like Colavito, you don't
Cleveland traded away in 1960, re- muff it," said Gabe Paul, Cleve-
turned to the Indians yesterday in land's general manager, adding
a three-team, eight-player deal. that he had been negotiating the
It's not that I want to sound bloodthirsty about victory or Coach Dave Strack and the ana Monday night 74-68 and sim-
anything. Or that being at a school with a Rose Bowl championship Michigan fans realize that compe- ply manhandled Michigan State
team has gone to my head. But I've just been thinking recently tition for the Wolverines will be last Saturday 111-68 for a school
that it's too bad next fall's Michigan football team won't be eligible especially rugged since every team scoring record. Six-foot-two jun-
to earn a Rose Bowl bid. will be at its peak, trying to bump ior gua Chris Perva who -
Under both the present contract and the one that ran from off the leaders and co-champions. leads Iowa in scoring closely fol-
1946 until 1960, the Big Ten insisted that it not send the same "Last year was a good one for lowed by 6'8" center George Pee-
representative to the coast two years in a row. Presumably this underclassmen," Jorgensen says, ples.
situation was intended to "share' the wealth" by keeping one team "and nearly all of the top 10 Illini at 3-1
from going, to the Rose Bowl year after year. In a sense the Big scorers in the league are back Illinois, the only team to de-
Ten can easily afford to stick to this provision. The West Coast again this year." Jorgensen sees feat UCLA in some 40 games, has
schools have won only four of the 19 games played since the two "no real favorite" but cites Illi compiled a 3-1 conference record
conferences started their regular series in 1947. If the Big Ten sent o e, Indiana, Iowa, and Mir- so far, good for third place. The
its top team to the coast every year, even to the point of sending a sta to be Michigan's biggest wor- Illini had five players, in double
certain team two years in a row, it could hardly improve on its Purdue's Next figures as they withstood a late
past winning percentage. The Wolverines hold 89-83 and Minnesota rally to defeat the
'9-68 conference victories over Il-Gophers 75-72 last Saturday in
Doesn't Hurt Big Ten. ..-v -their latest outing. Center Skip
t linois and Northwestern, respec- Thoren, guard Tal Brody and for-
So the present rule doesn't hurt the Big Ten. But it is inherently tively, and face a Purdue quintet ward gonrFreem an dbe
unfair to the players on a championship team who aren't allowed Saturday which knocked off No- pacing Illinois thus far with Free-
to play in the Rose Bowl because the team representing their school tre Dame 78-74 Tuesday night. man leading the pack against
participated in the game the previous year. Purdue's top scorer, junior Dave Minnesota with 19 points and 27
Another reason the championship team should be allowed Schellhses wseod in the mi against Michigan.
The Indians gave up catcher
John Romano, pitcher Tommy'
John and outfielder Tommie Agee
to the Chicago White Sox. Chi-
cago sent veteran outfielders Jim'
Landis and Mike Hershberger and
a starting pitcher to be named
later to therKansas CityaAthletics
and catcher Camilo Carreon to
General Manager Pat Friday of
the A's described the pitcher com-3
ing to his club from Chicago as a
player of "tremendous potential
with the ability to become an out-!
standing ball player."
It is believed he will be Johnny
Buzhardt, who had a 10-8 record
last season, Fred Talbot or Dave
:v DeBusschere, currently tied up
with the Detroit Pistons.
Colavito, traded by the Indians
to Detroit for Harvey Kuenn, had
a g r e a t e r personal following
st among Clevelandtfans than 'any
is other player of the last decade.
's The muscle - flexing, handsome
de outfielder had fan clubs of girls,
de who protested vigorously wchen he
ip was traded by Frank Lane, then
Cleveland general manager.
deal for many months.
Paul said he figured the acqui-
sition of Colavito would make the
Indians, who finished sixth last
year, a pennant contender next
season. Colavito blasted 34 home
runs and knocked in 102 runs with
a .274 average last season for the
last-place A's.
"We have been trying to get
Romano for two years," White
Sox Manager Al Lopez reported
from his home in Tampa,.Fla.
Friday said the A's gave up
Colavito "with a great deal of
reluctance." But he said that last
year, with Colavito and Jim Gen-
tile in the line-up, "We tried to
overpower opponents. It didn't
work out too well.'We had one of
our worst seasons."
Kansas State 71, Kansas 63
Dayton 96, Chattanooga 8o
Florida State 72, Georgia Tech 65
Tampa 102, Rollins 85
Boston 131, Baltimore 105
Cincinnati 102, Detroit 90
Montreal 2, Toronto 1
Chicago 7, Boston 1
to go to the Rose Bowl regardless of whether it had gone the
previous year or not, is that this is a rather rare happening. l
Only twice since 1947 has a Big Ten team won the conference
title outright two straight years. The Big Ten is so competitive
that it is almost impossible for a championship team to repeat,
even.if it's just because the other teams in the league are always
up to dethrone a defending champion.
So when a team does repeat as a conference champion, it should
be rewarded instead of punished for its accomplishment. Some
people regret how important participating in the Rose Bowl hasE
become but it is now a fact that can't be ignored. A prime motivating
force in a team's drive to win the Big Ten championship is the
hope of playing in the Rose Bowl.
A Psychological Problem...,
Under the present situation, the coach of a defending champion-
ship team has a definite problem in trying to prepare his squad
psychologically for the next season. Not only does he have to guard
against swelled heads on the part of players who have played in
the Rose Bowl but the incentive of going to the game again is absent.
The Big Ten championship should be an important motivation to
winning the title and it is. But a team which has a chance to go
to the Rose Bowl has an unfair advantage in competition with
a team that is ineligible for a bowl bid.-
By striking this provision from the present agreement, a much
fairer element in 'the Big Ten's selection process could be established.
The West Coast schools don't shy away from sending the same team
to the game twice in a row as it has done two times since 1947.
It's time the Big Ten adopted the same policy.
Ten scoring last year and current-
ly is among the nation's leaders.
Schellhase hit for 28 points against
Notre Dame and seems the like-
ly candidate to rival Cazzie Rus-
Trip Planned,
A group of Ann Arbor and Uni-;
versity basketball fans have or-
ganized a package plan trip to
the Michigan-Minnesota basket-
ball game at Minneapolis Feb. 23.
The tour includes a chartered
plane trip to and from Minnea-
polis, leaving Ann Arbor on Mon-
day afternoon, Feb. 22 and re-
turning right after the game on
Included in the plan is a round-
trip plane ticket, motel reserva-
tions in Minneapolis, a pregame
social hour, game ticket and bus
transportation to and from the3
Williams Arena in Minneapolis.
Jim Podell, '67L, is in charge of'
the reservations and can be reach-
ed by telephone at 761-1635.
Although fifth-ranked nation-
ally, Indiana is no better than
fourth so far in the Big Ten race.
The Hoosiers have a 12-2 season
record, but both losses have come
at the hands of conference foes.
Iowa and Illinois.
Indiana got back on the right
track by defeating Ohio State
handily last Saturday 84-72 as the,
Van Arsdales contributed a total3
of 36 points. The twins have,
been 1-2 insHoosier scoringand;
rebounding the past two years
(Dick was best in both as a junior,
Tom as a sophomore). Jon Mc-
Glocklin, who scored 17 points
against OSU, is the other major1
scoring threat, but is currently out
of action with a leg injury. Mc-I
Glocklin missed the Iowa game
as he was on crutches.
BURLY BILL BUNTIN sneaks a pass into George Pomey again
Indiana's Tom Van Arsdale and Jon McGlocklin in last year
99-87 Michigan victory. The Hoosiers, despite two early lossesi
the Conference, along with Illinois, Iowa and Minnesota provid
the most likely stumbling blocks to the Wolverines' championsh
ers in scoring and rebounding and,
will probably become household PRO ROUNDUP:
words in Ann Arbor after Michi
gan faces them March 8 in the
Wolverines' home finale.
Terry Kunze, the Gopher guard
who stunned Michigan twice in
two years, is out for the season
due to scholastic difficulties and
his loss has hurt the Gophers'.
Wisconsin, Ohio State, Michigan
State, and Northwestern fill out
the Big Ten standings with thel
laltter threp ev t to icek unrn .enn-1
Lucas Sets Record As
Pistons Lose to Royals
Minnesota Is Third luuwue.L S [,vJ U u p a cull-
Rounding out the first division ference win. Jorgensen thinks that
is Minnesota, a team some fig- records at this stage are relative-
isea Minnetaia Temcsompfg-ly unimportant. "After all, Ohio
ured as likely Big Ten champs State is 0-2 but they've defeated
and possible national title claim- some pretty good teams." f
ants before the season started.s
The Gophers, however, fell vic- In addition, he says, "Everyone
tims to Illinois to temporarily thought Wisconsin would have a
prove the experts wrong. Mel terrible team with an 0-14 confer-
Northway at 6'8", Lou Hudson ence record this year. But they,
at 6'5" and Paul Presthus, 6'5", beat Purdue pretty convincingly,
are presently leading the Goph- 76-66."
All-America Hetzoe Paces Davidson
Davidson's basketball team iss
currently sporting a 14-1 record,a
and seventh place ranking in the
AP poll. One of the main reasons
for that is Fred Hetzel, leading
Southern Conference scorer.
SThp WildcantsCn' Corhah C G
hcoter. Junior Dick Snyder, a
6'5" forward. has been averaging
21.3 points per game, and is sec-
ond in the conference shooting
race. He hit on 55.6 per cent of
his field goal attempts in averag-
ing 15 9 points per game la-t sea-
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-Jerry Lucas set a
new Cobo Arena record for re-
bounds with 37 as the Cincin-
nati Royals sprinted away from
the Detroit Pistons in the final
five minutes to score a 102-90
victory last night.
In bagging 17 rebounds in the
first half and 20 more in the sec-
ond, Lucas erased the old mark
of 34 set by Bill Russell of Bos-
ton last Jan. 2.
While Lucas was creating his
new standard, Cincinnati star Os-
car Robertson was held to only
11 points, tying his season's low.
It was only the second time in
the Royals' 46 encounters that
Robertson had failed to hit 20
or more points.
Celts Win Again
BALTIMORE - The Boston
Celtics romped to their 15th con-
secutive National Basketball As-
sociation victory last night, scor-
ing 40 points in the final period
for a 131-105 victory over the
Baltimore Bullets.
After Baltimore had battled
back from a 12-point halftime def-
icit to pull within 91-90 after
three quarters, the Celtics blew
the Bullets off the court with
their fourth period assault.
* * *
Black Hawks Romp
CHICAGO-The Chicago Black
Hawks bombed goalie Eddie John-
ston early -and often last night
while dropping the Boston Bruins
7-1 in a sloppily played National
Hockey League game.
Included in the onslaught was
Bobby Hull's 37th goal of the year.
It came in the 42nd game of the
season, so Hull still has 28 games
in which to score the 14 markers
he needs to break the league rec-
ord of 50 goals.
Canadiens Win, 2-1
TORONTO - Second - period
goals by Claude Larose and Dick
Duff carried the first-place Mon-
treal Canadiens to a 2-1 victory
over the Toronto Maple Leafs last
It was the Canadiens' third
straight victory, all with Gump'
Worsley in goal. Worsley, an NHL
veteran, was recalled last Satur-
day from Quebec of the Ameri-
can League so regular Charlie
Hodge could have a rest. Wors-
ley has given up only five goals
in the three games.
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e. .High Hopes
Driesell has said, "I think Hetzel Bhight en
is the .best big man in college Basketball heights were anti-
basketball today, and statistics cipated early this winter for the
p Wildcats. Sports Illustrated picked
prove 'my point." them to finish first in its pre-
Hetzel has led the Southern season poll. The 1964 Wildcats
Conference in scoring for the past had a 22-4 record, winning the
two seasons. In his sophomore Southern Conference title and
year he averaged 23.4 points per finishing eighth in the national
game, last year 27.3 and 54.8 per polls, despite being upset aind
cent from the floor and this .ear, failing to qualify for the NCAA
26:9. tournament.
Not Alone This year, the Wildcats will be
thiesela is not theaonly onHe trying to match last year's field
AAU officials chose him as one goal percentage record of 54.6,
of the 18 members of the United the best average per game in the
States Olympic basketball squad. country.
Several preseason basketball Davidson's sole loss this year
polls picked Hetzel to be one of came at the hands of third-ranked
the starting five on the All- St. Joseph. The Pennsylvania
America team. Ecoring is not Het- squad played the Wildcats in the
zel's only strength. Last season second game of the season and
he averaged 13.5 rebounds per won, 77-64. Since that loss the
game, placing among the top 30 Wildcats have been on a hot
in the nation. streak, winning the next 13
Hetzel, at 6'8" and 230 pounds, straight. Davidson needs two more
is not the only productive Wildcat victories to equal its 15-game win-;
ning streak of last season.
I Big Front Line
Don Davidson starts at forward,
-finest quality laundry- completing a front line that aver-
ages 6'6". Last season he averaged
$1 +1 513.3 points per game, hitting on
Suirs 1.1 54.5 per cent of his shots from
the floor. Barry Teague, Charlie
4 ':.
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ference, The Citadel, 100-81.
Davidson takes a week's rest
for exams after obliterating Pres-
byterian, 130-67 last Monday. The
Wildcat's next match will be,
against East Carolina on January
But everything blocking the
Wildcats' bid for a national title'
will be forestalled until the South-
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March, where the league's selec-
tion for the NCAA tournament
will be picked.
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