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January 20, 1965 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-20

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Money Madness Mars College
Educational football System
The name of the game is M-O-N-E-Y and if you don't like it,:
then get out.
The business of college football is getting frustrating, as Gomer I
Jones, head mentor at Oklahoma, will readily testify. It seems
that the Sooners were all set to meet Florida State in the Gator
Bowl earlier this year when four of Oklahoma's star players revealed,
a bit red-faced, that they were ineligible for the game. It seems as
though someone forgot to tell them that when one signs a professional
contract one is no longer eligible for amateur competition.
The boys were a bit dismayed because they had figured that
since the contract had been undated, it really wasn't a contract
at all. Maybe they thought it was a special invitation to attend a
barbecue session after the Gater Bowl contest.
So now Jones, along with some other football coaches, has
given the axe to all future pro scouts from the clubs involved
who have intentions of visiting the Sooner campus.j
Some of the more ardent boosters of college athletics immediately
lambasted the pro clubs in general for putting business ahead of
morality, corrupting these college players, and casting a shadow
over college football.
Blame the Pros?!
National Football League Commissioner Pete Rozelle responded
by saying that he would investigate the matter in considerable
detail to discover if any NCAA and NFL bylaws had been violated.
This is pretty decent of Rozelle, since most of the blame for
this mess can be laid on the doorstep of college athletic administra-
tons. The pro clubs should be exonerated since they're in business
to make money and the only way they can do this is by grabbing
off the, best players. The pros make no bones about this fact, but
the colleges are to blame for turning collegiate athletics, specially.
football, into one big rat race where the dollars and cents have
become the prime, if not the ultimate, goal in the minds of most
The Deal
If a high school football player is any good at all and is
attending a fairly well-known school, things get off to a bigbang
during his senior year when numerous colleges begin giving him the
"big pitch."
The pitch is fairly stereotyped. The college athletic represen-
tatives are in fierce competition and it's the college that can
come up with the best deal that usually lands him.
Although occasional references may be made by a small handful
of institutions to the superior academic atmosphere, the major
emphasis by most centers around a full-ride scholarship, extra
monetary benefits, numerous,, tutors, and easy courses.
The college is already impressing upon the athlete the fact
that moneynis of primary concern. A full-scholarship is a tidy chunk
in itself, but when the college begins tossing in free books and
laundry, pocket money, a soft job, and an extremely lucrative
summer job, the athlete's ears perk up.

junior c
When Michigan hockey and feels tha
hustling are mentioned together, skaters.'
chances are that the name that."
brought up will be that of Pierre As far
Dechaine. Dechain
Coach Al Renfrew summed up his own
Dechaine's aggressive style of play had no
by stating simply, "He gives it berta, w,
everything he's got all the time." ice with
When not o the attack, De- is Cana
chaine. can generally be seen in skatingi
front of the opponent's net, tying Decha
up rushes, darting back and forth hockey
with his unique skating style, and moved i
keeping the play in the Wolver-giaW
ines' favor.In his frequent dashes gina. Wr
from side to side on the ice, De- co
chaine's arms pump up and down chose
much in the manner of a man I kn(
elbowing for room in a crowded downr
elevator, are
* are a cc
and Ale)
came to
to go tc
i l ter ere.
Sueaks By Last
No ireties. In
"fine go
By The Associated Press he "rea
Purdue, the only Big Ten bas- year.
ketball team seeing action last gmore
night, was led by Dave Schellhase good, cl
and Bob Purkiser to a 78-74 vic- up man
tory over Notre Dame. This
It was Purdue's fifth straight that D
home basketball victory, but the for only
Boilermakers triumphed because in 13 ga
the Irish shooting was even worse time he
than theirs. him for
Purkhiser hit two long shots behind
over the Irish zone as Purdue! make E
stepped out to a 9-2 lead, and for fou
Purdue built its advantage to 18

Hustling Speeds Attack TP TENGO180:
Husting pees AtackUCLA Still Tops Poll,

;4 '

ew has confidence in the defensive zone. The red line here game, and Renfrew says, "His
enter's skating ability, and is not used for offside plays." hustling line play and top penalty
at "he is one of our finest killing are evidence of his worth
There's no question about Pierre, or "Pete," is majoring to the team."
in education with a minor in ! h
as skating is concerned, French, which he speaks at home. Hockey Notes
e started more or less on Dechaine chose Michigan for its The Wolverine icers next go into
at the age of eight. He academic standing and, is looking action against Colorado College in'
relatives in Mallaig, Al- forward to getting his degree. a two-game series this Friday and
'ho pushed him onto the "I'd like to play pro hockey ii Saturday at Colorado Springs. Col-
a hockey stick, but hockey I get the chance, but the degre1 orado is currently in last place in
da's national game and comes first. I have some thoughts the WCHA with a 1-3 league rec-
comes naturally up there. about going further with my edu- ord and a 6-7 overall record. Mich-

ine first played minor
at St. Paul, and then
nto junior hockey at Re-
ith strictly a Canadian
Fund, one wonders why he
ew a few of the players
here," Pierre explained.
Wilkie and Gary Butler
ouple. Then Wilf Martin
x Hood and I more or less
gether. I had the chance
o Michigan Tech, but the
ci standards are much bet-
Penalty Killer
season Renfrew used De-
mainly on killing penal-
ithe final game of the
hampionships he played a
ame," and Renfrew feels
Ily came into his own this
3e hangs onto the puck
low, and doesn't tend to
away very often. He's a
ean player and won't pick
,y penalties."
is evidenced by the fact
chaine has been whistled
five two-minute penalties
mes this year. At the same
e's scored six goals, tying
second place on the squad
Martin's 15. Six assists
Dechaine's 12 points good
rth place in team scoring.
'More Ice Time'
nine feels his improved
due to "more ice time.
regularly is the biggest
And of course there is a
ice between Canadian
and the hockey here. You
o adjust. In Canada we
heck anywhere on the ice,
ere we can't check in our.

cation, but I'd like to give the
pros a try."

igan will go into the series after
two wins over the Duluth branch

At 5-11, 175, the 23-year-old E of Minnesota which brought its
center has the size to play the pro record to 8-5-1.

'M' Maintains Second
By The Associated Press The Bruins, 13-1, next face
Michigan retained its number Iowa Jan. 29, and all the unranked
two ranking in the Associated Hawkeyes did Monday night was
Press poll by defeating North- knock off fifth-ranked Indiana
western 90-68 this week but 74-68. It was the first defeat for
slipped 32 points further behind a team rated among the Top Ten
the first ranked UCLA. in more than a week.
The UCLA Bruins, with a firm- Top Ten Go Undefeated
er grip on first place in the Last week, the first 10 teams
basketball poll and 13 consecutive put together a combined 18-0
victories in the bag, have good record and, as a result, there were
reason to be more wary of their only a couple of minor shuffles in
next opponent. the rankings.
St. Joseph's of Pennsylvania
climbed into third place while
Wichita dropped back a notch to
fourth and Davidson advanced to
seventh, switching positions with
St. John's of New York.
The AP's special regional panel
of 41 writers and broadcasters
gave UCLA a 90-point edge over
second-place Michigan in the lat-
est balloting.
UCLA collected 34 first-place
votes while St. Joseph's and sixth-
ranked Providence had three each
and Indiana one.
Bruins To Face Hawkeyes
The Bruins beat California and
Stanford last week and are idle
until their meeting with Iowa a
week from Friday.
Michigan raised its record to
10-2 with its Northwestern vic-



PurdueI Ickets
Tickets for this Saturday's
basketball game with Purdue
at Yost Field House will be on
sale to students, faculty and
staff all day today at the
Athletic Administration Bldg.
ticket window for $l

have tc
could c]
while h

-Daily-Kamalakar Rao
MICHIGAN JUNIOR TACKLE BILL YEARBY (center) receives a plaque honoring him for being
named to the 1964 American Football Coaches Association All-American team. The plaque was
presented in Lansing last week by Edward Bankowski (left), a representative of .TV Guide, as
Mark Ahman (right), chief sportscaster of WJIM-TV, reports on the ceremony.

The Top Ten, with first-place
votes in parentheses, won-lost rec-
ords through games of Monday, Jan.
18, and points on a 10-9-8-7-6-5-3-2-
1 basis: Voting based on results
through Saturday, Jan. 16.
1. UCLA (34) 13-1 401
2. Michigan 10-2 311
3. St. Joseph's (Pa) (3) 14-1 274
4. Wichita 12-2 273
5. Indiana (1) 12-2 273
6. Providence (3) 11-0 182
7. Davidson 14-1 157
8. St. John's (NY) 11-2 128
9. San Francisco 12-1 111
10. Duke 10-2 80
Others receiving votes, listed al-
phabetically: Connecticut, DePaul,
Illinois, Kansas, Miami of Ohio, Min-
nesota, New Mexico, North Carolina
State, St. Louis, Tennessee, Vander-


needed a
when he

face it, who ever heard of a college student who really
lucratve summer employment opportunity from an alumnus
doesn't even need one red cent for his college education?

Those on-campus jobs during the school year shouldn't be
overlooked as not being, financially gainful endeavors either.
A couple of years ago I met a college sophomore who had played P
some basketball in Detroit. A couple of small Michigan schools
went after him, both offering scholarships. When I saw him
he told me that the college which he was attending had secretly
given him a job working in the school kitchen for two dollars
an hour. He said he felt a bit guilty knowing that the other
boys with whom he was working were only receiving ninty cents
for the same chores.
Although the Big Ten used to have a "financial need" factor
in its bylaws, it doesn't anymore and neither do most of the other
conferences throughout the nation. This obviously serves to illustrate
the frankness the colleges employ in using money as their chief
weapon in attracting athletes.
Money also seems to be the, main reason the NCAA is reinstitut-
ing platoon football. Playing the game that way is more exciting
to the fans who are now expected to turn out in larger numbers,
thus endowing each athletic department with more money with
which to obtain more athletes.
Sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and the University's
athletic department headed by H. 0. (Frizt) Crisler might be one.
Crisler has always been the prime advocate for reinstating the
"need" factor in athletic scholarships and for reducing the number
'of scholarships available to each Big Ten school. Crisler is openly
opposed to any professional tendencies creeping into the college
ranks. Unfortunately, Crisler is in a minority.
After four years in college the athlete, if he has panned-out,
has been well-indoctrinated 'with the idea of grabbing the best,
and that means the most lucrative, professional offer to come
along. It appears that Alabama and Notre Dame really know
how to educate their athletes, for quarterbacks Joe Namath and
Heismann Trophy winner John Huarte recently signed for a
ludicrous $400,000 and $200,000, respectively.
When money like that starts floating around, any smart athlete:
knows that he's in a big business. But, when the business gets so
big that millions of dollars are spent each year by colleges just!
to win some football games, one realizes that the stakes are too!
high for the amateurs.
So when Oklahoma played in the Gator Bowl minus four!
starting players, Jones shouldn't have griped. The school and the
sport got just what it deserved-four college football players who
had learned when to grab a good deal.

points at 46-28 late in the first
half. Notre Dame narrowed it to
46-35 at halftime.
Purdue turned cold early in
the second half, but the Irish
never camne closer than the final,
four-point spread.
Notre Dame topped Purdue by
one field goal, hitting 32 of 98
to the Boilermakers' 31 of 80.
Purdue made only half of its free
throws but they were enough to
win-16 of 32 against 10 of 16.
Schellhase of Purdue was high
with 28 points,dhitting 10 of 24
from the field and 8 of 10
free throws. Ron Reed topped
Notre Dame with 22 on 10 of 27
and 2 of 3. Purkhiser -got 22 for ;
Purdue on 9 of 23 and 4 of 9.
Set Paddleball
At Michigan
The fourth annual National
Open Paddleball Tournament is
to be heldnatgthenMichigan I-M
Sports Building Jan. 29-30.
The tournament is conducted on
a single elimination basis and all
males are eligible to enter. To
enter one must pay a five dollar
fee and register with tournament
officials at the Sports Building.
Participants may enter in either
singles or doubles competition but
are not allowed to compete in
Paddleball, which was invented'
by Michigan's intramural director
Earl Riskey, - is a cross between
handball and squash. It is played
with a hollow rubber ball and a
wooden paddle resembling a ping
pong paddle.

§ ALL ITEMS of clothing and furnishings offered in this sale represent excellent values in only the finest
§ of imported and domestic goods. Every article is from regular stock and reduced for quick clearance.
Values from $75 to $265 20/oto050/ off Values from $45 to $85
05-0% off PANTS 50% off
20% to 50% off
i'33% off JCES33V/3% off
20% off 20% to 50% off 20%0 off
6.50 to 10.95
§ Were Now Were Now 3
2.00 ..........96 Now 5.50 5.95 ......3.95
2.50 ........ 1.653 for 15.95 6.50 to 6.95 ... 4.95
. .7.50 to 8.95...6.50
3.50 .........2.65t10.00 to 10.95 .. 7.00 §
4.00 ...........3.65 13.95 to 14.95.. 9.95
5.00 . . .. 3.65SPECIAL GROUP 15.95 . .9 .. . 11.95
6.50-7.50 .... 4.65 /4 to /2 OFF 18.95 to 19.95 . 14.95
Robes Hats Belts §
§ /2 OFF Now $1.00 to $5.00 2 OFF
Other items include gloves, pajamas, hose, underwear, scarves, etc.
§ ia C ~ ;A i nninn rnncuirrntlv with reductions up to 50% '




Detroit 103, Philadelphia 97
Cincinnati 103, St. Louis 99
College Basketball
Purdue 78, Notre Dame 74
Duquense 73, DePaul 69
Louisville 82, Cincinnati 80 (3 ovt.)
Harvard 91, Dartmouth 79
Cornell 92, Colgate 83
Kent State 103, Bail State 78

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