r Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free Truth Wi1 Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER Whatever Is Wrong with This Younger Generation? Say A T FIRST glance, Secretary Defense Robert McNamar proposal to have all youth of t nation devote some time to pub service, military or otherwi seems commendable. At seco glance, however, it becomes d ficult to understand exactly wh he means. Wednesday, McNamara was r ported as saying that he thoug inequities and discrimination the draft could be resolved " asking every young person in t United States to give two years service to his country," supposed in the Peace Corps or other volu teer agencies. THIS ANNOUNCEMENT w followed by a brief flurry of pra f r o m university administato Sergeant Shriver, various senato and other officials. College st dents and others of draft a wandered around with hap smiles on their faces for a da The few doubters feared on that the proposal was the prelu to a mandatory universal servi system, detracting from the cr sading aspects of present organ zations like the Peace Corps. The bubble burst suddenlyc That Again, of Thursday, however, with the an-- a's nouncement that Secretary Mc- Th he Namara in no way meant that e I lic service in the Peace Corps, Vista ie, or similar work was acceptable to bycarne a nd him as a substitute for the draft, if- and, furthermore, that this was in iat complete agreement with present administration policy. OBVIOUSLY, t e- Secretary McNamf *ht NOW, THE interesting part His idea appears in comes when one tries to ascertain completely uncon by the various ways in which the draft, a gesture o he events of these two days could be to those who wish of interpreted. Does Secretary Mc- various humanitE dly Namara mean t h a t everyone tions of the gove n- should volunteer to serve in some vate groups. Thec way for two years, and then be red because these drafted? Or, will they be drafted made by the Secre as first, then be allowed to go help the most omnipote ise the world after their military serv- to General Hershe rs, ice is finished? to questions of m rs, Or is it pot-luck, that is, any- And, it is equa u- thing at anytime, anywhere? Secretary McNam ge When all the deferments granted in his statement. py now are thrown into the picture, gesture from the ay. it really becomes complicated. A military official1 mly student could complete his stud- current objections de ies, join the Peace Corps, come tices, but words ice back and go to graduate school, ment with this g u- then be drafted, and be 35 by the cern with social is ni- time he finishes his schooling, serving his country and paying FINE. BUT on on off his NDEA loan. goes. If McNam Mr. MeINamara soCiates and wolter his is not what ara had in mind. s to have been nected with the f encouragement h to serve in the arian organiza- rnment and pri- confusion occur- statements were etary of Defense, ent presence next ey when it comes ilitary service. lly obvious that nara was sincere It was not a sly second highest to diminish the s to draft prac- born of agree- ;eneration's con- ssues. ly as far as it nara wished to make a real gesture in support of the humanitarian bent of much of the younger generation, he should advocate the substitution of the Peace Corps or similar work for the draft. There are many indications that this plan would be highly desirable without threat- ening the military manpower re- sources which are of such great concern to Secretary McNamara. There is an almost unlimited supply of men for military service in this country. There are many who would contribute much more if they were not impelled into mil- itary service. There is already much impetus for young people to donate their services to hu- manitarian efforts, so that the military-service alternative would not be considered a hardship by them. But the chances that this plan would be adopted in the face of contrary administration policy are small. When resistance to the draft demands of the Viet Nam war was found, the Selective Service, with administration ap- proval, began administering the tests to college students and ask- ing for their grades. Therefore, it seems that the Selective Service will meet force with force. THAT IS, until some concrete evidence is given that college stu- dents and others strongly desire alternatives to the draft. Investi- gations will begin in Congress soon on the question of the draft; some Congressmen have already voiced disapproval of the present system. And this is exactly what men like Secretary McNamara fear. Perhaps McNamara knows, or is apprehensive of the possibility that, given an alternative, few men will choose military service. He and other military officials will fight plans for alternative service; and, if a change is desired by men of draft age, they will have to fight back harder to get it no mat- ter how much Secretary McNa- mara approves of the Peace Corps. He will only, approve until it threatens him. AN OLD newspaperman, watch- ing a recent parade- down Fifth Avenue in New York protesting the war in Viet Nam, remarked, "Someday they're going to call a war, and nobody is going to show up." Perhaps, this is what Mc- Namara fears. WHAT IS IT that we want from our country? We, the mass referred to as "the younger generation," have denounc- ed it for the moral injustice in Viet Nam, the lack of restraint in the Dominican crisis, the Selective Service system, the failure to halt the inflationary progres- sion, inequality, ignorance of China, and other blundering policy decisions at home and abroad. The conscience of the nation appears to have awakened after a long and pros- perous sleep. Yet, one wonders if a con- science comes alive only when the owner can afford to listen to its naggings; do the material needs have to be satisfied be- fore the spiritual gaps can be crossed; are the two incompatible? IN A LARGELY pragmatic world the words "spiritual" and "moral" are rarely used and, when uttered, are cyni- cal expressions to describe a past way of life, a way of life which defined any- thing under question as part of the spir- itual or moral world. It was the explana- tion of the unexplainable. This was an era in which there was an answer for every problem regardless of how inade- quate or intangible that answer might be. Today we seek few answers. We are content to ask questions which we expect will remain unanswered. The atmosphere is one of negativity: the positive forces, the marches, demonstrations, and Ful- brights, are those that negate, that raise questions concerning the value of the status quo. THE PROBLEM for those inquisitive in- dividuals arises when no answers are posted; when no solutions materialize. By questioning everything we have, we have neglected to value anything; we are masochistic in the sense that we go through the torturous process of exam- ination to no avail; with no results. Editorial Staff CLARENCE FANTO ... ........:..........Co-Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTERt.................... Co-Editor BUD WILKINSON..................... Sports Editor BETSY COHN ...... Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: Meredith Eiker, Michael Heffer, Shirley Rosick, Susan Schnepp, Martha Wolfgang. Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT .......... . ... Business Manager LEONARD PRATT............ Circulation Manager JEANNE ROSINSKI.............Advertising Manager RANDY RISSMAN.,............. Supplement Manager The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. Frustration is a common disease, for every man feels inadequate unless he has accomplished something. But what do we want to accomplish? What have we ac- complished by protesting against every painful reality of the present? We have caused classes to close down for a few days. Administration buildings have been unable to operate over a short period of time. Local draft boards have found it increasiigly difficult to find vol- unteers and have had to resort to more complicated means of "obtaining help" through tests, grades, etc. But, like time, the Establishment marches on. And so do we. But do we know why? WE ARE CONVINCED something is wrong and have given it a variety of tags; inflation, war, inequality, and stu- pidity. But tags are not necessarily defini- tive characteristics. We seek a number of goals, none of which are immediately at- tainable. We are chasing a dream and re- fuse to wake up. The focal point of both the criticism and the tags is, of course, the Establish- ment. It is the root of all evil, and at the same time, the only force powerful enough to act as the cure-all. The establishment of all establishments is the government. We disdain the word patriot, and yet it is in the name of our country that we criticize it; it is for love of our country that we seek to change it as it now exists. Yet "objectors," "protestors," and the like are often accused of not loving their country. As Fulbright explained his pro- tests against the government, so do we, in the words of Albert Camus. "No, I didn't love my country, if pointing out what is unjust in what we love amounts to not loving, if insisting that what we love should measure up to the finest image we have of her amounts to not loving." T HIS IS A NOBLE sentiment indeed, if one acknowledges that sentiment ex- ists. It is an exhilarating experience to possess "the finest image" of a country. What is ours? What are we seeking; what do we want? I don't know myself. I am only asking for the conglomeration of "we's" that go marching on for something that we rare- ly think about. We demand an answer of those we question and reject those that are given. I suspect that the cause of our rejection is our own lack of certainty as to exactly what.it is that we seek. IT IS A RATHER disheartening exper- ience to pledge yourself to a cause of emptiness. I suggest that we define our cause; it may mean nothing to the rest of the world but it must mean something to us. We must know what it is that we are searching for. How else can we find it? -PAT O'DONOHUE '! n---. - ..--..w. A of the nec for sm fut I: paj dov mo the wa likE No: I we pre du day lati 198 S EO den tha Ha lite 8 The Foreign Relations Commttee-984 By DAVID KNOKE charges are absolutely, irrefutably, SEN. FULLRIGHTEOUS: (Bang- SEC. McNamura: I contest Rep. SEN. ROBERT F. KIDNNEDY Special To The Daily untrue. I have here a 500 page ing gavel) We haven't time to pur- Cadillac's charges of "shocking have this to say about that. T CCORDING TO a recently pub- report by Mrs. Horton Finkfine, of sue that line at the moment; now mismanagement." In the last uh administration should recogn lished book, "The Obligations the Moral Mothers of America, we are going to hear charges of . . . twelve minutes . . . we have adinstraonsoutiatio regi Power" by Harlan Cleveland, who swears that GI's spend their misconduct of the wars efforts dropped the equivalent of six an encourage negotions w United States might find it time working at orphanages and from Congressman Gerald Cadil- times the total tonnage of bombs the Viet Cong, the Red Chire cessary in the exercise of its tending flower gardens. lac.. Jerry. dropped in World War III. I have the Venezuelan rebels, the Tea eign policies to engage in many I would further like to say that exact figures for the number of sters union, the Hell's Angels a all Viet Nam-type wars in the hIson fthen ists aythgt EP. CADILLAC: Thank you men, women, children and goats the Free French. And if t 'ur'e. this nation is not succumbing to Bill. You know, normally I do a killed as a percentile of the ton- dth Fek .Adf uroe shie ta nwi h e lee roac fpw duet with my sidekick from Il- nage dropped being a factor of the doesn't take the liberal support ama clbusf ir wa whc Any country that has been at wa linois, but due to something about rate of domestic inflation which the ADA away from VP Humpy wn the military might of the for twenty-two years in 34 dif- a prayer campaign, Ev couldn't is . . . Whoops! Looks like I've don't know what will. And, by t st powerful nation in the world, ferent countries, by latest count, be with me today. just dropped and scattered my way, it's Arizona this term. United States may find itself would be too busy shoring up the Anyway, I have reports that on three volumes of notes. ing in a dozen obscure places fbairogan creedom to have time fourteen battle fronts there are Anyway, I will have to admit SEN. FULLRIGHTEOUS: It a t Pago Pago, Andorra, and pears our time is about up gent thKimna.in some instances troops have had mn xetfrsm nd been buying back surplus hair mrsfo nas-a rsd f the United States government SEN. WAYNE MOOSE: I hold to rely on outdated atomic weap- spra soyig rainedu by De icmarks from an also-ran preside re to remain as gauche and ill- here the transcripts of statements ons. Also 140,000 cans of hair Gay uponkping ot oy totial candidate (beneath mysd pared to handle the PR con- by fourteen dictators we are sup- spray were uncovered being ship- Gaulle upon pulling out of NATO. nity to comment upon, the sti ct of these wars, we might one porting who say that after Hitler, ped to those brothels Sec. Risk But you've read those warnings, %/', I hope these sessions ha tune in on the Foreign Re- their favorite idol is Lyndon alleges not to exist. I hope these flammable," eh? Well, all candor been most educational and inf ions Committee hearings in Baines Johnson. I hotly contend revelations will shock the Ameri- mative. 4: and maintain that not one shred can people from their apathy into permits me to disclose that it was of evidence under the Mishkov- voting for my party, whose motto hair spray, yes, Lady Clarol has CUT TO SAM FRIENDLY: W EN. J. WILLIAM FULLRIGHT- Ferndale Geneva Pact of 1972 for 1984 is "Big Brother Does saved the Eskimoes from being folks, there you have it. The 479 US: Now, Mr. Secretary, evi- Subsection 47, paragraph A or C, Better By You." (Applause from overrun and slaughtered. telecast of the Foreign Relatio ice has come to my attention supports the intervention of Unit- white haired ladies in gallery). Committee hearings. And now .t American soldiers have turned ed States Armed Forces PX's into SEN. FULLRIGHTEOUS: Thank join 'I Remember Papa," in whi vanna into a brothel, both an underdeveloped country which SEN. FULLRIGHTEOUS: Order, you Mr. Secretary. Ah, I see the President Luci Baines Johnsoni rally and figuratively. hasn't held a plebescite within the please. The next witness will be distinguished Senator, from Con- counts how she took a hint fr last six months and furthermore Secretary of Defense Robert Mc- necticut this term I believe, wishes Mrs. Luraleen Wallace, now EC. DEAN RISK: Those . . . Namura, to address the committee. progress. Food for Thought on Love and Women he ize ith se, Em- nd hat of the ap- ie- en- ig- my ave ,or- ell 9th ons we ich re- 'om in A 9 ' 1 , ^ ' , " t t9! f J;f'. - .. : :..i ts -^. _ ', ". .:o. ' ..:, .. EDITOR'S NOTE: On a bright spring day, what could be more ap- propriate than a special message addressed to all those in love, about to be in love or who wish they were in love. The following aphor- isms, although some individuals may recognize some aspects of their own character reflected in them, are di- rected to no one in particular, but "to whom it may concern." -C.K A WOMAN KNOWS how to keep quiet when she is in the right, whereas a man, when he is in the right, will keep on talking. F --CHAZAL The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer despite my thirty years of re- search into the feminine soul is: What does a woman want? -FREUD 'Tis strange what a man may do, and a woman yet think him an angel. --THACKERAY A woman is more responsive to a man's forgetfulness than to his attentions. -JANIN MEN ARE so made that they can resist sound argument, and yet yield to a glance. -BALZAC The fundamental fault of the female character is that it has no sense of justice. -SCHOPENHAUER Women are alwayse afraid of things which have to be divided. -,BALZAC You don't know a woman until you have had a letter from her, -ADA LEVERSON 4 4 The woman whose behavior in- dicates th4 she will snake a scene if she is told the truth asks to be deceived. -ELIZABETH JENKINS * * . WOMAN LEARNS how to hate in the degree that she forgets how to charm. -NIETZSCHE LOVE IS EITHER the shrink- ing remnant of something which was once enormous; or else it is part of something which will grow in the future into something enormous. But in the present it does not satisfy. It gives much less than one expects. -CHEKHOV There is nothing like desire for preventing the things we say from having any resemblance to the things in our minds. -PROUST When we are in love, we often doubt what we most believe. --LA ROCHEFOUCAULD No disguise can long conceal love where it exists, or long feign it where it is lacking. -LA ROCHEFOUCAULD Love lessens woman's delicacy and increases man's. -RICHTER * 4 * When love is concerned, it is easier to renounce a feeling than to give up a habit, -PROUST TRUE LOVE. is like seeing ghosts: we all talk about it, but few of us have ever seen one. -LA ROCHEFOUCAULD Perfect love means to love the one through whom one became unhappy. -KIERKEGAARD ' 4 4 There are two kinds of faith- fulness in love: one is based on forever finding new things to love in the loved one; the other is based on our pride in being faith- ful. -LA ROCHEFOUCAULD * * * It is as absurd to say that a man can't love one woman all the time as it is to say that a violinist needs several violins to play the same piece of music. --BALZAC --The most exclusive love for Q~"PnPil 1unvny~. nv.. Cnmp.flff The first spat in love, as well as the first misstep in 'friendship, is the only one we can turn to good use. -LA BRUYERE * * * -Aversion gives love its death wound, and forgetfulness buries it. -LA BRUYERE We do not live in accordance with our mode of thinking, but we think in accordance with our mode of loving. -ROZINOV Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking to- gether in the same direction. --SAINT-EXUPERY 4' * 4' Love begius with love; friend- ship, however warm, cannot change to love, however mild. -LA BRUYERE * * * THE ONLY THING which is not purely mechanical about fall- ing in love is its beginning. Al- though all those who fall in love do so in the same way, not all fall in love for the same reason. There is no single quality which is uni- versally loved. -ORTEGA Y GASSET * * *' Like everybody who is not in love, he imagined that one chose the person whom one loved after endless deliberations and on the strength of various qualities and advantages. -PROUST * * * It is a mistake to speak of a bad choice in love, since, as soon as a choice exists, it can only be bad. -PROUST Love is a spaniel that prefers even punishment from one hand to caresses from another. -COLTON There is not a woman in the world the possession of whom is as precious as that of the truth which she reveals to us by causing us to suffer. --PROUST AN ABSENCE, the decline of a dinnnm.invitation. an unintentional It is a common enough case, that of a man being suddenly captivated by a woman nearly the opposite of his ideal. -GEORGE ELIOT * * * At the beginning of love and at its end the lovers are embarrassed to be left alone. -LA BRUYERE * * * Women grow attached to men through the favors they grant them; but men, through the same favors, are cured of their love. -LA BRUYERE * * * Women are won when they begin to threaten, -Author of NERO S * * The,-duration of passion is pro- portionate with the original re- sistance of the woman. -BALZAC t NO WOMAN ever hates a man for being in love with her; but many a woman hates a man for being a friend to her. WE HAVE FEWER friends than we imagine, but more than we know. -HOFMANNSTHAL Somebody said: "There are two persons whom I have not thought deeply about. That is the proof of my love for them." -NIETZSCHE The most fatal disease of friend- ship is gradual decay, or dislike hourly increased by causes too slender for complaint, and too numerous for removal. -DR. JOHNSON However fastidious we may be in love we forgive more faults in love than in friendship. -LA BRUYERE If you want a person's faults, go to those who love him. They will not tell you, but they know. -STEVENSON (RD.) N * * NO ONE HAS ever loved anyone . -POPE * * * Such is the rule of modesty, a woman of feeling betrays her sen- timents for her lover sooner r'y deed than by word. -STENDHAL A woman with eyes only for one person, or with eyes always averted from him, creates exactly the same impression. -LA BRUYERE * *' * There is no fury like a woman searching for a new lover. -CONNOLLY * 4 * A woman we love rarely satis- fies all our needs, and we deceive her with a woman whom we do not love. -PROUST JEALOUSY is the great exag- gerator. -SCHILLER We are ashamed to admit that we are jealous, but proud that we were and that we can be. -LA ROUCHEFOUCAULD * *' * the way everyone wants to be loved. -MIGNON MCALUGHLIN Of course, I love you. -PRATT Of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: it might have been. DONNE Where*Is Northern ' High? MANY READERS have called to our attention the fact that the location of Northern High School given in the editorial by Neal Bruss (May 17) was incorrect. In- stead of being near the inter- section of Grand River and Grand Boulevard, the high school is lo- cated at Woodward and Clare- mont. We acknowledge the mis- i