Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLIcATIONS Whew Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Tnith Will Prevail: Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FEIFFER FEE-r GGC Fa C4ORI P] PARK. *1, 1 11 1i l^lxre76 1 .r. /"- 1, lrr 1 1 ? A55!Vb rI Cc A~UPR68T, MY M'AR, LWE VC PFr0ORAUMW THE COMPUTER' RCS' YOUR IDECA MW, PLEAE ATEP WkTO -MEMACK~E. 1I FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN SCHNEPP _ Censorship Strikes Again At Michigan State IT'S JUST NOT a Michigan State year. First the Rose Bowl, then the CIA, then the increased prospects for an out-of- state tuition boost, and now the denial of due process to The Paper (explain a bit) and the suspicion that MSU conspired to prevent its publication anywhere. Some- one should fire MSU's public relations man. If they give him the same treatment they gave the Paper he may already be out and not know it. It's that kind of uni- versity. THE WITHDRAWAL of MSU approval from The Paper involves the use of rash, arbitrary power to squelch what some consider to be a dirty publication. Yet the content of The Paper could be no where as obnoxious as the tactics used to destroy it. At the moment it is hard to get more than a one-sided view of the situation. Members of the Publications Board have said nothing except they feel a perusal of the last issue of The Paper would con- vince anyone it should be banned. This indicates little more than that the Paper may be right in claiming the board made a purely emotional decision. Although board chairman Frank Sen- ger said he would discuss the issue before the student government, for some reason neither he nor anyone from the board appeared at a meeting scheduled for that purpose. The student government has passed a resolution supporting The Paper. THE PAPER'S arguments are these: 1) In earlier discussions, "the board assured The Paper that it was in no way concerned with the material printed in The Paper . . . but rather the adherence- to standard business procedures"; 2) Although showing great concern with the future of The Paper as an in- stitution in earlier discussions, "instead of counseling or disciplining any of the individuals accused of offending the read- ership, the board simply dropped the en- tire publication"; 3) One reason "informally" given for the action was The Paper's "shaky finan- cial condition," but "no warning of any kind" was ever given The Paper, and The Paper is presently in the best financial condition it has been in; 4) "No guidelines are provided for au- Editorial Staff CLARENCE FANTO .......................GCo-Editor CHARLOTTE WO LTER .... ............... Co-Editor BUD WILKINSON....................Sports Edtor BETSY COHN .. . . . .. Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: Meredith Eker, Michael Hefer Shirley Rosick, Susan Schnepp, Martha Wolfgang. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the rase of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. thorized or non-authorized in regard to what they may print"; publications or may not 5) The chairman told The Paper's edi- tor not to come to the board meeting, that The Paper would not be discussed, did not inform the Paper's adviser; 6) Four of the board's 10 members miss- ed the discussion and vote, and nothing was said about the possibility of acting until the meeting started; 7) There has been no public statement of the board's reasons; 8) The whole question about the mean- ing and relevance of the board's action has been left in doubt. 'THIS FINAL POINT means that the status of The Paper is in doubt. The question of how MSU is to "de-authorize" The Paper if it actually is going to do so, of what is to happen to The Paper's funds now in MSU hands, and whether or not The Paper can distribute must be answer- ed. The board's action has leftThe Paper in mid-air, with three more issues planned and advertisers and subscribers awaiting more issues. Will they appear? IN THE AIR over MSU is the suspicious odor of dark conspiracy. The Paper's staff,.having been presented with the loss of their rights, may now be faced with a conspiracy to destroy their publication. Their publisher has had them blacklisted, they claim, and they wonder how deep his connections with MSU were, for he ad- mits speaking to MSU officials, some of them board members. In yesterday's State News, long before The Paper staff discovered they lacked a publisher, an editorial hinted they would have trouble finding a "printer willing to print its material." The absence of any other MSU action and the absence of any action actually de-authorizing The Paper leaves the staff wondering if everyone at MSU simply ex- pects they will be unable to publish and therefore unable to distribute. MICHAEL KINDMAN, editor of The Pa- per, in discussing the situation, said he felt The Daily should be brought to the MSU campus more often to provide the students with news about their campus. He was wrong. What MSU needs is a drive to do away with the atmosphere and philosophy in which censorship thrives as a necessary and accepted insti- tution. MSU needs an independent newspaper with the spirit of the Paper. It needs, above all, student support for a drive to eliminate censorship and give students a chance to show the administration that they can be responsible when not watched over with a stick in hand. MSU WANTS TO BE a first-rate insti- tution. It's about time it realized qual- ity starts inside, and cannot be gained by importing merit scholars alone. It might try importing ideas first. Someone should bring the sixties to MSU. -MICHAEL HEFFER Kf( Y( N , j/J If, zr cr I OW ~6k)0IW ~ARJLA'W o )o~r Q0eLC ' T tk HUD, m KOKIJ~ x2 . Power and Pride: White Man's Burden IN A CAREFULLY prepared ad- dress at Princeton University the President said last week that "the issue for this generation .. . has to do with the obligations of power in the world for a society that strives despite its worst flaws always to be just, fair and human." This is indeed the issue for this generation of Americans. What are our obligations in the exercise of the great power which we possess? This is the question which is troubling our people deeply and is dividing them dangerously. THE OLDEST and the first American answer to the question is in the Declaration of Indepen- dence, that power may be used only with "a decent respect to the, opinions of mankind." This has been tne American idea from the beginning, and in the course of time it has evolved into a fundamental belief that the use of power must be brought under the reign of law. In this century the conviction has expressed itself in American support of the prin- ciple of collective security, as rep- resented by the League of Nations and then by the United Nations and by the regional agreements for the maintenance of peace. FROM THIS, the fundamental obligation of power that it should not be exercised unilaterally, President Johnson has departed conspicuously. Though his inten- tions have been honorable, though his purposes have no doubt been good, the fact of the matter is that he has used military force more than once-in Santo Do- mingo, in the Stanleyville inter- vention and in Viet Nam-without asking advice or seeking the con, sent of our Allies all over the globe. He did not go to the United Nations for a verdict as to whether there was an aggression in South Viet Nam. He did not consult, as the treaty stipulates, the other members of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization. He did not seek the advice and approval of the Organization of American States before going into Santo Domingo. His conduct of foreign relations has been willful, personal, arbi- trary and self opinionated, and the fact is that he has won no important supporthfor the Viet- namese war. All the great states of Asia and Europe are absent from Viet Nam; and they are anxious and suspicious. THE PRESIDENT and his apol- ogists have persuaded themselves that the war in Viet Nam is a continuation of, and is legally and morally and strategically the same as, the resistance to the Kaiser, the resistance to Hitler, the resist- ance to Stalin, the resistance in Korea. They are mistaken. The conduct of American foreign policy since President Johnson was inaugurated in 1965 marks a radi- cal break with the past. Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN President Truman did not inter- vene in Korea on his own decision; he intervened after he had re- ceived the approval and support of the United Nations. This was no mere legal and moral facade. The proof is that the war was fought with the support of 17 nations. In neither of the world wars of this century did the United States in- tervene alone or fight alone, THE PRESIDENT said at Prince- ton that "unlike nations in the past with vast power at their dis- posal, the United States has never sought to crush the autonomy of her neighbors," Someone should explain to the President that a remark like that, showing that vast power is combined with perfect self approval, grates badly on the nerves of many people at home and abroad. 'THE PRESIDENT believes," writes Tom Wicker of the New York Times, "that one reason domestic criticism -of the war is rising is because- too, many Ameri- cans, particularly liberals and in- tellectuals, do not prize freedom for Asians as highly as freedom for Americans and Europeans." THIS SURELY is a curious way to explain the rising dissent-that it comes from a kind of race prejudice against Asians on the part of the very men who have been in the forefront of the struggle against racial discrimina- tion in this country and have been in the forefront of the struggle to extend foreign aid to the under developed nations of the world. If indeed the President has chosen to believe this, it must be because he has accepted the argu- ment that there is no essential difference between this war and the world war, between Ho Chi Minh and Hitler and, therefore, presumably, between himself and Churchill. The crux of the President's growing troubles at home is that the liberals and intellectuals, and a good many conservatives as well, think that the analogy between Viet Nam and Europe is false and has led the administration into a quagmire from which there is no easy or attractive way out. WHEN WE LOOK at the sub- stance of the argument, I would say at the outset that there is a radical difference between Amer- ica's relations with Europe and America's relations with Asia. This radical difference is due to the historic fact that Americans, being for the most part Europeans in origin, have to live with the Asian remembrance of three' centuries of white imperialism and colonialism. They are separated from the people of Asia by this heritage as well as by color, affluence, military superiority. It is not easy to ex- punge the rancors and suspicions of three centuries, and, therefore, it is naive and dangeiously silly to think that we can treat Viet Nam as if it were another Ap- palachia. There is, indeed, a radical dif- ference between the Western posi- tion in Asia and the American position within the Western com- munity itself. The most important thing to learn from a realization of this radical difference is that the first and indispensable condition of good relations with Asia is to liquidate all that remains of the imperial and colonial system in which the Western white man plays the role of the superior of the Asian man-indeed of all the "lesser breeds without the law." IN THE WORLD today, military is essential in maintaining a stable balance among the military powers. But to use officialese, it is counter productive in dealing with weak and backward peoples. The less they have to live with our military presence, the better, and the less will they be suspicious, the greater will be their confi- dence. That is why the latter day disciples of Kipling and the apostles of the white man's bur- den in Asia are poor advisers. (c), 1966, The Washington Post Co. 4 The Trouble With a 'More Perfect Union' 11T13 i! 'I' -r~r -,,s By ED SCHWARTZ Collegiate Press Service PATRICK HENRY strode dog- gedly around the room. "I'M sorry, Jim. I've backed you up to now. but this going too far. That Constitution is the cheapest power grab I've ever seen." "Now Pat. you know that's not true. I would hardly call a three- months' convention to prevent this contry from falling apart, a 'power grab'." Madison brushed some powder from his wig into a large pewter dish on his desk. "Falling apart? Who says we're falling apart. You guys have been manufacturing crises ever since the war over taxation without representation.'Why don't you do something positive for a change?" "PAT, HAVE YOU looked at the financial situation of the Con- federacy recently? We've got 13 separate governments out there, each with its own budget. its own currency, its own tariff walls, war- ring with everybody else. You call this a way to run a seaboard? Why, we're just lucky the British haven't decided to invade again. Two more years like this, we wouldn't stand a chance, and they know it." 'So the answer is to put every-, thing under centralized control. Is that it, Madison? One big govern- ment to oppress the people?" "No. Mr. Hardy, that is not it at all. We are, asking for one gov- ernment so that the people of the continent, as diverse as they are, will begin to look upon this as one country and not 13. We fought the Revolution together, and we should stay together. Otherwise, we'll never be able to do anything for anyone." "MADISON, that's a lie and you know it. As soon as you put these in their own self-importance and personal interests than the wel- fare of their constituents; to rich landowners who are keeping the rest of the countryside in perpetual debt-that's your idea of respon- sive government. "We've got safeguards against the evils of faction in the new plan. W've been through all that before, but you won't listen. You're so blinded by your dogmatic in- sistence that a government should not do any thing at all, that you refuse to recognize the obsoles- cence of the system you want to perpetuate." "NOW, JIM, don't get angry. I'm trying to be reasonable. Didn't I knock 'em dead with that 'Give me liberty or give me death' speech when the chips were down? I want this country to succeed as much as the next guy, but one cent'al government just isn't the answer.". "Well, then what's wrong with it? You're quick to criticize, but I want some specifics." "I've already given you one, Jim. The tax structure is unfair-the people won't get anything for their money." "And I've already given you an answer. The people aren't getting anything for their money as it is. Currency is badly inflated; the state governments can't handle their own internal needs; ineffi- ciency abounds. If anything,ithe new system will be more efficient and enable better allocation of resources. What more do you want me to say?" "ALL RIGHT, then, skip that. How representative do you think a government can be with a few people, elected for a minimum of two years in the House, located far away from their states, prone to all the vices and corruptions which any politician faces? Why, They'de be coming from dif- ferent parts of the country-that, initself, would be enough to guard against a clique. Besides, no one institution would have all the power-there would be checks against abuses. We thought of that, Pat, that's why we designed the system the way we did. Don't you read the newspapers?" "YES, I READ them, but that doesn't mean I have to like what I read. I'm telling you that if you give people a little power they'll, abuse it." "Pat, I'm surprised at you. Have not you been in this business long enough to know that money isn't the only enticement for satisfac- tion? Something honor and pres- tige can be as important. If we create a government with some meat to it, we'll get better people who want to serve on it-people who will cenceive their success tn terms of the public welfare: You don't have that now. All you've got is a bunch of people whose personal pride is measured in terms of the number of other states they can attack." "Honor! Prestige! Public In- terest! Jim, you've been hanging around Tom Jefferson too long. What in the world are a bunch of people who have control of a standing army, a navy and militia going to care about the public interest for? Just you wait. They'll get some chance to push the states around, and they'll use it." "Well, Pat, I must say I have more confidence in the possibili- ties of leadership than you do. They're still going to have to agree on policy, and if they do that, then a lot of different people with different interests are going to have to come together, Maybe they will, but if they do, you can be pretty sure that the citizens will be behind it. That's one of the virtues of the new system-it centralizes while insuring that minorities will be protected. "BESIDES, you talk about the states as if they were abstract entities. The government we en- vision rests opn the wilt of the people. Can you honestly say that the people wifhin the states are getting the kind of government they need?" "Well . . . uh . .. "Unsure, eh? You should be The fact is that they aren't and we're going to change that" 3, The Infinite Variety of London p By KAY HOLMES Special To The Daily "IF YOU CAN'T live in London you can't live nowhere. right mate?" Seconded by a nodding head. A bit blatant, perhaps, but de- spite his intrepid manner this cockney gentleman's statement is not easily refuted. As a sweeping generalization it implies many things: that London is lively, that London offers something for al- most everyone, that London ill- received lies to the fault of the perceiver. WHAT IS LONDON? London is the capital of the United Kingdom, the largest city in the world. Existing almost since time immemorial, it is the city which Tacitus called "busy em- porium for trade and traders." It is also the city which withstood man 4nd a violin entertaining a queue. London is fog. London is Lord Nelson looking proudly down on the people in Trafalgar Square. and London is the pidgeon who rests comfort- ably in the crack of Nelson's bronze hat. London is baby prams and dogs, both riding on double- deckered buses. London is a bobbi stopping traffic to take a little boy across the street, and the little boy reaching for his hand. It is a pastry shop in every block and a pub on every corner. FOR THE AESTHETE, London is culture. The granite grandeur of the National Art Gallery rests compatibly with the outside art festival in Hampstead. Piccadilly Circus radiates the life of the theatre and the love of Eros. The London Philharmonic and the Royal Opera herald their events on underground billboards. Chelsea barely tranished by time and the movement of men through history. FOR THE REBEL, London is freedom. It is the coffee house, where by day the bearded youth seeks solace in puffs of whipped cream on hot chocolate. Or where he sits and thinks opiate thoughts of life and death, having discarded love . . . and then puts a shilling in the jukebox to hear "Barbara Ann." It is Soho by night, where the garrish lights and turbulent sounds erase the momentary lone- liness, momentarily. For the child, London is en- chantment. The excitement of a contest with the unpredictable closing doors of the underground can only be rivalled by the wonder of a first glance at Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. A trip to the Tower, and then a reassuring look to be sure that LondonBridge has I -1011,'117EII i gs -