FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THiREE FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1966 PAGI~ TUItVK A New Viet Violence Causes) U.S. To Doubt Ky's Power Housewives STOCKHOLDERS MEET: Profit from Ford Says Auto Safety Issue Sea Strike Played Big Role in Low Sales Prices Levellin Laborites Digi War A- ainst U WASHINGTON (') -- With a new outburst of violence at Da Nang, U.S. officials are beginning to judge that time is running out for the efforts of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky to put down rebel oppo- sition and restore his authority over South Viet Nam's northern provinces. The Johnson administration continues to support the Ky re- gime although U.S. officials were angry with Ky last weekend for sending troops to Da Nang with- out consulting or even telling the United States. In the civil strife between Ky and rebellious Buddhist and mili- tary groups at Da Nang and Hue, administration officials say the U.S. hole is solely that of a peace- maker with an accord between the rebels and Saigon as the major objective. But the feeling in high quarters here is that such an accord must be reached urgently if the situa- tion is not to get progressively worse. Yet there seems to be little real optimism that it will be reached quickly. The expectation here is that the situation will almost cer- tainly get worse, and therefore Ky's handling of the crisis be- comes increasingly a focus of con- cern. Officials say that while the United States has worked closely with Ky since he became premier in July 1965, it is in no sense committed personally to him or to any other individual. Reconsider Support In these circumstances it is conceivable that unless the crisis can be quickly resolved, President Johnson will at some early point reconsider U.S. policy in support of Ky. Officials refuse even in private conversation to make predictions about the future. Although Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk has spok- en hopefully of planned steps to give the country a constitutional government, including election of a Constituent Assembly in Sep- tember, there is deep pessimism over whether this election process may not sharpen rather than overcome South Viet Nam's politi- cal divisions. McNamara, in talking about U.S. aid to underdeveloped coun- tries in a speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Montreal, said American security is related to the security of de- veloping nations and when they request help they may get it. But he also noted: "Certainly we have no charter to rescue floundering regimes, who have brought violence on f" g themselves by deliberately refus- LONDON (P)-Britai ing to meet the legitimate expec- wives have begun wi tations ofetheir citizenry." price battle against pro Fundamental Questions ingrto cash in on fears If the worst fears about politi- shortage in the nation cal fragmentation of South Viet strike., Nam are borne out, Johnson may But the Labor gover be facing such difficult and fun- in for a long war agai damental questions as these about ditional political suppoi this country's Viet Nam policy in trade unions. At issue the months ahead: Minister Harold Wilson policy of voluntary pric -Should U.S. forces take over restraint. The unions more of the fighting from the 1 target. South Vietnamese army, and can Prices for meat, fruit they? tables, mostly import --Can South Viet Nam be secur- time of year, leveled of ed from Communist control if after inching up sinc leaders in Saigon, Da Nang and of the strike Sunday mi Hue cannot even settle their own Urge Steady Pr internal differences? The National Fed -If the United States is to stay Fruit and Vegetable N in the country and pursue the war and Importers urged n will it have to assume a far great- keep prices steady for er role of political responsibility to head off a govern or, at the other extreme, con- freeze demanded by son centrate its military power in- of Parliament. creasingly in fortified positions The Parliament mn along the coast, thus separating ported they uncovere( them more and more from the vegetables imported at people? prices and then sold ReviewU .S.for a quick killing. RieU.S. Role If prices remain Pegg U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot clear the decks for a f Lodge, who conferred with John- deeper issues now emer g Off; in for nions in's house- inning the ofiteers try- s of a food a seamen's nment dug inst its tra- rters in the e is Prime n's national e and wage are his No. t and vege- ed at this ff yesterday e the start dnight. ices eration of Wholesalers members to two weeks ment price me members Mmbers re- 4 cases of t pre-strike this week DETROIT (P)-Ford Motor Co. told its stockholders yesterday that a dip in early May auto industry sales apparently continued into the second 10 days of the month. Both Board Chairman Henry Ford II and President Arjay Mil- ler said the auto safety issue played a big role in the sales drop. Ford sold record numbers of cars in early May, but the remainder of the industry reported a dip in sales. Ford said at the annual meet- ing that while car demand reflect- ed the ups and downs of the busi- ness cycle, the auto business look- ed strong for the years ahead. Expansion Cut Ford urged a nationwide drive against inflationary pressures and as part of that campaign announc- ed that Ford had cut its build- ing expansion programs by 10 per cent - or about $130 million - through 1967. Ford listed three basic ways of fighting on--a tax increase, a cut in government spending, and tighter monetary policies. "In my judgment, a tax in- crease is the least flexible and therefore the least suitable, of these three instruments," he said. , Economic Doldrums "It takes too long to achieve a any accident that they fell off so sharply just as the auto safety controversy was building to a peak," he said. "A temporary decline in car sales would be a small price to pay for a real improvement in traf- fic safety. Unfortunately, the one- sided emphasis on the car has been a setback for traffic safety as well as for auto sales." Miller said in his report, "Al- though we do not have final re- ports for the second 10 days of May, it appears that sales are continuing at a lower rate." Ford thus became the first auto company to provide a clue as to whether the dip in auto sales has been checked. The abrupt decline in auto sales after March, "we believe, re- flects the publicity received by controversy over auto safety. With more light and less heat on the safety issue, we are hopeful in- dustry sales will recover," Miller said. World News Roundup Correspondent Wounded While Reporting on Da Nang Fighting ged, it could tax increase and too long to re- right on the verse a tax increase when the need rging out of passes. If high taxes are kept EDITOR'S NOTE: AP correspond- ent Bob Ohman was wounded in the foot Thursday while reporting the fighting between government and rebel troops in Da Nang. Here is his firsthand account. By BOB OHMAN Phuoc and I had been hiking with a column of Vietnamese airborne troops behind two tanks in a probe toward a pagoda held by rebel forces defying the Saigon govern- ment. The tanks halted a few yards from a rebel barricade and DA NANG (I)-"Many people the soldiers squatted behind trees die today maybe,' the Vietnamese and shanty houses lining the road. youngster, his eyes wide with Dash for Porch fright, whispered to me. Across the street was a house We lay hugging the porch of a with a concrete block porch-bet- house on Hoang Dieu Street with ter protection than the corrugat- bullets whistling by. The child was ed iron buildings on our side. Phu- one of scores caught up in the near oc and I made a dash for it. We 'civil war that raged in Da Nang. almost made it. Minutes earlier, Associated The rebels let loose with a vol- Press photographer Dang Van ley of rifle and machine gun fire, Democrats Face Diminished House Majority in Fall Vote j and we sprawled in the dirt. A son and other administration the seamen's strike for a 17 per after the economy begins to slack- second later, one round from a 57 leaders here last week, is due back cent pay package and a 40-hour en we will find ourselves right mm recoilless rifle burst less than in Saigon shortly. Presumably his week. They have been working a back in the economic doldrums 20 feet away. first big task will be to review the basic week of 56 hours. from which we were rescued by Dust flew, tree branches fell and U.S. role and whether it should Showdown in Sight the 1964 tax cut." Phuoc and I and half a dozen par- be changed. Supporters of the nation's 65,000 Ford said "temporary deferral atroopers stumbled and crawled The question of Ky's survival merchant seamen say they have of some nondefense expenditures for the porch. has been at the heart of the Viet- been selected for a showdown in by the federal government and Once there, I felt my right foot namese political crisis ever since Wilson's fight to get the unions state and local governments would throbbing but couldn't see any it began developing in its present to follow the government's 32 per substantially reduce inflationary blood. I thought a stone kicked up phase on March 10 when Ky fired cent guidelines for pay increases. pressure." by the blast had bruised my ankle. Lt, Gen. Nguyen Chanh Thi as Political commentators in both He said that the cut in govern- Sound of Bullets commander of the South Vietna- the Conservative and Spectator ment spending, plus tighter mon- A few feet in front of us, a mese Army's 1st Corps. and the pro-Labor New Statesmen etary policies, "should be able to Vietnamese paratrooper was kneel- Buddhists immediately began to noted that durdag pre-strike talks, control inflation without a tax in- ing over a comrade whose throat exploit a split in the ranks of the Labor Minister Ray Gunter sug- crease and without throwing the had been deeply gashed by shrap- ruling military junta by pressing gested a full inquiry into working economy into a tailspin." nel from the shell. He worked for a return of the whole country conditions and an immediate 3 per Irresponsible Criticism quietly, wrapping gauze around to civilian rule. The power of dis- cent raise. On auto safety, Ford told'stock- the wound. The only sound was sident Buddhist leader Thich Tri The employers already had of- holders: "The automobile has been that of bullets and exploding gre- Quang is particularly strong in fered 5 per cent, but Gunter said the target for a great deal of ir- nades. the northern 1st Corps area. If that was accepted the union responsible and uninformed criti- "I go now," the youngster, about The crisis has grown steadily would not get the inquiry it has cism." 6, told me and made a dash across worse until It has reached the demanded. "There is no doubt in my mind the street. There was disillusion in the ranks that the enormous publicity these After nearly half an hour, when poin t S ity Nms ai of labor, traditional supporters of attacks have received hurt car the firing died down, four Vietna- Communist military units h e sales. Perhaps sales would have msmeiscm Inazgzgfought each other in the city of ;theesLaborapgovernment.hav mese medics came in a zig-zag Da Nang the country's second Wilson Our Man' fallen in April and May for other run down the street toward us. An- Da Nang s h coun s. Three years ago, Ted Hill, chief reasons. But I don't think it was other soldier, bleeding from a mi- lrgest Thi ha m rea ig of the boilermakers' union, told - nor throat wound, joined our hud- troops are carrying aninst Com a union congress: "Harold Wilson de mn the porch. 4is our man, and when he comes to By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The Senate Armed Services Committee, pub- licly differing with Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, ap- proved yesterday a new $982-mil- lion military construction program for the fiscal year which begins July 1. This was nearly $69 million less than asked by McNamara and at- tached to the long new list was a requirement that the Pentagon civilian chief reconsider some $620 million worth of military projects he delayed although Congress au- thorized and funded them last year. VIENNA-Negotiations are be- ing held between the Soviet Un- ion and the United States for co- operation in the observation of satellites, Soviet scientist Alla Massievitch said yesterday. He told at the close of the gen- eral meeting of the Committee for Space Research that Soviet sta- tions would take part in a joint observation of a U.S. geodetic sat- ellite. An American representative is scheduled to go to Moscow soon to conclude the agreement. U.S. chief delegate Richard Por- ter said a concrete example of So- viet-American cooperation in space research was the decision held at the meeting to standardize sterili- zation measures. All space vehicles will be submitted to standard ster- ilization so that they will not car- ry microbes to the moon and plan- ets. LOS ANGELES-An inquest in- to the fatal shooting of a young Negro by a policeman began yes- terday in an emotion-charged at- mosphere but was quickly adjourn- ed due to shouts and laughter from a large, unruly crowd. The hearing was recessed until 10 a.m. today after testimony from the first witness had evoked boisterous guffaws and hoots from the predominantly Negro specta- tors. The affair, scheduled for 10 a.m. was delayed for a move to a larger room in another building when a crowd much larger than anticipat- ed turned out. Inside the room and out, the crowd was estimated at 600. * * * MOSCOW - Communist party leader Leonid I. Brezhnev warned the United States yesterday it will face "most tangible expres- sions of combat solidarity" from Communist forces in Viet Nam. A key point of Brezhnev's speech in the Soviet Far Eastern port city of Vladivostok said: "You are aware of the fact that the Soviet Union and other Socialist Communist countries do not con- fine themselves to giving moral support to Viet Nam. Our assist- ance is concrete, "May the American imperialists know that as they widen their aggression in Viet Nam they will come against the most tangible expressions of growing combat solidarity of the Socialist coun- tries." WASHINGTON (P)-The John- son administration faces loss of its working majority in the House of Representatives unless it can keep Republican gains in this year's elections well below the average of past midterm tests. The party in power has lost an average of 37 seats in the past nine off-year congressional elec- tions. But even a switch of just 20 seats from proadministration Democrats to antiadministration Republicans would have defeated many of President Johnson's ma- jor proposals in the House this year. Thus unless the Democrats keep their losses to the barest minimum' the old coalition between the Re- publicans and Southern Democrats that dominated the House for a quarter of a century might be back in business next January. Narrow Edge The most recent example of how narrow the administration's work- ing edge is-as compared to its current numerical majority of 154 seats over the GOP-came Wed- nesday when the Democratic lead- ership pushed through a bill pro- viding for pooling and sale of gov-J ernment loans and mortgages bya a mere 16 votes, 206 to 190. Earlier in the session, the ad- ministration won approval of funds for its controversial rent supple- ment program by margins of six and four votes, and won fights over phone and auto excise taxes, and a vice-presidential mansion by 20 and 13 votes. On each of these issues, a few Republicans jumped their party traces to join Democrats in putting the measure across, while the main body of Republicans was support- ed by Southern Democrats. But Wednesday, all 126 Republicans who voted were in the opposition camp. Republican strategists h a v e made public predictions of GOP gains of 40 to 60 House seats this November. But they say that, even taking into account the adminis- tration's ability to twist a few wav- ering Democratic arms if nec- essary, about 30 more antiadmin- istration Republicans would be sufficient to stymie many John- son proposals. su Dancing- #illel #t4ep Hole Size of Dime As the medics went about their work, I checked to see what had hit my foot. There was a hole about half the size of a dime cir- cled by blood. But I forgot the hole and the slight pain when the fighting be- gan again and everyone ducked for cover. After another 30 minutes, when there was a second lull in the shooting, Phuoc and I took off for the rear in a cross-country dash. A block back, at a front yard aid station, Vietnamese medics were treating six wounded para- troopers and two wounded civil- ians carried in by their friends. We halted there. Dash of Sulfa Lt. Le Tong Tin, medical officer for the 1st Airborne Battalion, dashed sulfa powder on my foot and then covered the wound with a bandage. munist Viet Cong forces elsewherep orwe'll listen to him about in the country. wage restraint," This development of a war The same union voted yesterday within a war is the direct cause of to support the seamen's strike. growing alarm in Washington over Hill's successor, Dan McGarvey, the future of the whole Vietna- said: "I don't think the Labor par- mese situation. In the eyes of ad- ty has a magic wand, but I am ministration leaders it is threat- beginning to think they may have ening the very basis of U.S. policy a big stick and are not using it "God so loved the world, that he ate his culy begot/en Son." -John 3:16 CHURCH OF CHRIST 530 West Stadium JN DAY, MAY 22, 8 P.M. -Hobnobbing-Refreshments 1429 Hil St. Glick Social Hall Admission Free there. its the right place. I' -o ....-:= . -...- -- r Xformerly THE FARM CUPBOARD Welcomes JOE BIANCO, former manager of the Pretzel Bell, ยง who will combine talents with Ray Copa to bring you excellence in dining. Specializing in Fresh Flown in SEAFOOD "The fish you eat today played yesterday in Gloucester Bay" CATERING SERVICE "Be a guest at your own party" SPECIAL CAFETERIA STYLE LUNCHEON 9.4 s r its. y 9 Tuck-front d A S* fob / r ! ' )ur Miss J picks dainty posies from the flower market all gathered and tossed on cotton baby cord separates with a casual air. Pink, yellow. Sizes 5.13. A. Demi-fit lined jacket. 13.00 A-line skirt. . .self-belt. 8.00 lacron polyester/cotton blouse. 7.00 B. Fly-front belted jamaico.8.00 Ceyeless bermud collar blouse. 7.00 icobson s $44JA4 I I