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May 18, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-18

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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
4 ichi an s Racial limate: A Study in o



_EDITOW'S NOTE: This is the first
in a four-part series on the racial
climate in Michigan as the summer
of 1966 draws near.
Associated Press Writer
As summer of 1966 approaches,
Michigan's civil rights picture
provides a study in contrasts -
brotherhood and bigotry, harmony
and hatred, tranquility and terror.
U Is Detroit or any other Michigan
community a "racial tinderbox,"
as one national civil rights leader
declared recently?
The answer seems to lie be-
tween the two extremes of those
who say some cities are due for a
violent racial explosion and others

who insist there are no real prob-
An Associated Press survey of
the state's major communities
paints a crazy-quilt pattern of the
racial scene.
There is evidence of Ku Klux
Klan activity on the one hand
and Black Muslim maneuvering on
the other.
There are disagreements among
Negro leaders in some cities and
controversy among white authori-
ties in others.
. Minor racial flareups have hit
Detroit, Lansing, Jackson, Mount
Clemens, Kalamazoo and other
Michigan communities in recent
years. But none touched off the

type of wild violence that swept
through Harlem, Rochester, N.Y.,
Philadelphia and the Watts area
of Los Angeles.
Observers in most cities feel
progress is being made in elimi-
nating these ingredients which us-
ually are at the root of major
disturbances-job discrimination,
de facto school segregation, con-
troversial law enforcement and
"ghetto" housing.
Michigan's Civil Rights Commis-
sion, the only constitutionally
created such body in the nation,
is being given much of the credit
for the work done in these fields.
But the agency has not escaped
criticism for what some feel is

interference in local problems.
The overall picture in the state
was described as grim recently by
Burton Gordin, executive director
of the commission.
However, compared to other
states, he added, Michigan offers
the "best opportunity in the na-
tion today to achieve rapid and
meaningful 'civil results'.''
Damon Keith, commission co-
chairman, says Michigan doesn't
compare with Mississippi or Ala-
bama in terms of brutality, mur-
der or the actions of policemen,
courts or juries.
"But we must also face the fact
that there are patterns of discrim-
inatory behavior that do exist in

this state and must be faced up
In employment, he says, "per-
haps you cannot find as many Ne-
gro college graduates working as
janitors or elevator operators as
you could 20 years ago.
"But clearly there are still
scenes of businesses, industrial
units and unions that use racist
policies in hiring and upgrading.
They may not call it that, they
may not even have given it much
thought. But it still is clearly ra-
cist ...
"For example, there are dozens
of restaurants in this state where
you will notice, if you are sensi-

tive to the fact, that all the
waitresses are white, and all the
busgirls are Negro."
Housing was described as anoth-
er crucial area of concern.
"There are few, if any, commu-
nities in Michigan," says Keith,
"where a nonwhite citizen can
simply pick a realtor at random,
go to his office, say that he is
seeking, for example, a $15,000
house with two or three bedrooms,
and expect that he will be shown
all the homes so listed in every
part of the city."
Michigan's new constitution
guarantees every citizen an equal
opportunity to employment, edu-

cation, public accommodations,
housing and law enforcement.
"Yet," says John Feikens, the
commission's other cochairman,
"not only has racial inequality
persisted, but in some areas it
appears to have increased."
Recent studies, Feikens explains,
show the Negro community is even
more segregated in housing than
it was 30 years ago, and although
the income of Negroes has risen
in the past decade, the actual dol-
lar gap between the income of Ne-
groes and whites has widened.
In remarks at a conference call-
ed to discuss unfinished civil rights
business in Michigan, Dr. Alvin

Rose of Wayne State University
said there is a ferment of dis-
content in the Negro community.
But it is in no way a ferment
of revolution, said Rose, a Negro.
"Unlike all other Americans,"
he declared, "the only nation
which Negroes in America know is
America. We were totally cut off
from our past in the textbooks
which you wrote.
"We have learned to love Amer-
ica deeply.
"We sincerely believe - as you
have taught us to believe-that all
men are created equal."
TOMORROW: Violence Is
Where You Find It.


Johnson Hits 'I T' tiff.

Ky Visits Dissident Area; War Critics V9 0J11UI
Troops Alerted for Riots AstFousC% Requests
Difil RJa Ah d4

dlk"!) "CILCilU 1' utliti,




SAIGON UP) - Prime Minister otherwise they will be considered an estimated 500 dissident troops
Nguyen Cao Ky left Saigon early criminals. of the Vietnamese 1st Division 'Times o
today, apparently on a tour of Troops Alerted into Da Nang yesterday. The men
restive northern provinces. He may In Saigon, Ky's military gov- carried their rifles and were also CHICAGO
go to the dissident stronghold of ernment, accused by the Buddhist armed with light and heavy ma- son, forecastin
Hue as well as Da Nang. leadership of treason and murder, chine guns, but there were no ahead in Viet b
There was no official announce- alerted elite troops to stand by clashes when they arrived. "some Nervous
ment as Ky left aboard an Air for action in case of rioting in the The convoy was headed by two on their coun
The onvo washeadd byLwOAmericans ulti
Viet Nam jet, but Vietnamese capital. truckloads of rangers, the elite of united until ev
sources said they thought hewould Most of Da Nang was occupied the Vietnamese army. One officer (home safely.
go first to Da Nang and perhaps Sunday and Monday by troops __y
on to Hue. the old imperial cap- sent by the Saigon government to See related stories, In a speech
ital 50 miles to the northwest. crack down on dissidents. Hue is fund-raisig d
The new comander in the 1st a harder center of resistance and Page fended his Vie
Corps area, Maj. Gen. Huynh Van the government so far has not said the infantrymen were from th
Vao, urged rebels yesterday to give moved troops there. the nstnRrmen s ed 12 "I want the kil
up their struggle. He said that A convoy of 20 trucks brought e51soutRegiment stationed 12But e said
milTes r lnouth of DN a nth sg re d Ihas shown no i
The ruling junta thus prepared tiate and adder

f Tension'
k)-President John-
ng a difficult road
Nam, said last night
s Nellies" will turn
ntry, but predicted
imately "will stanI
very boy is brought
at a Democratic
inner, Johnson de-
et Nam policy and
his aim is peace-
ling to stop."
the Communist side
willingness to nego-
d: "Any person who

to hold on to power despite Bud-
dhist defiance and the threat of

MADISON, WIS. W')-STUDENT leaders voted last night to
order University of Wisconsin officials to stop making classroom
grades available to draft boards.
The demand by the university's Student Senate came only
an hour after campus protestors had jeered a U.S. State Depart-j
ment team trying to explain American policy in Viet Nam. The
students shouted "Liars!" at the government officials and
staged a mass walkout.
A band of students remained entrenched for the second night
at the university's administration building. They occupied the
building Monday to dramatize protests against draft policies.
A PROPOSAL TO CREATE a Committee to Improve Higher
Education in Michigan has been sent .to Gov. George Romney,
Charles Orlebke, the governor's educational consultant, and Ira1
Polley, State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The proposal
was drawn up by Paul Gernant, a teaching fellow who resigned
Monday as the economics department's representative to the
Teaching Fellows Organization.
Gernant suggested the committee .should strive to increase
appropriations to state universities and colleges, formulate a
4 long-range plan to build more junior colleges, support a state
income tax and fiscal reform, and urge Gov. Romney to appoint
a permanent Commission on Higher Education to study the
current and future needs of higher education in the state.
Gernant contended that the Legislature has refused "to rec-
ognize the needs of graduate education."

civil war.
Battalions Moving
The crack 7th Infantry Divi-
sioni of the Vietnamese army was
put on the alert and two battal-
ions - 1,000 men - were reported
already moving toward the capital.
Buddhist monks in Saigon's
main pagoda announced they
planned to start a 48-hour hunger
strike tomorrow.
Others built wooden pyres at
the Tinh Hoi pagoda in Da Nang
and three threatened to burn
themselves to death if government
troops invaded the pagoda com-
pound. Seven suicides by fire were
factors in the Buddhist campaign
of 1963 that overthrew the Ngo
Dinh Diem regime. j
Americans Worried
Worried A m e r i c a n officials
urged the government to put a
speedy end to the strife and devote
: all engeries to the war against
the Viet Cong, and the prepara-
tions for general elections. They
were also reported contacting
Buddhist leaders.
Acting U.S. Ambassador Wil-
liam Porter conferred with Ky.
No official statement was made,
but informed sources said the
American envoy demanded that
the United States be kept inform-
ed of all future moves by the
Ky acted in secrecy when he
sent troops Sunday to put down
dissidence in the north.

wishes to test us can give us the
time and date and the place and
he will find us occupying our
chair at the negotiating table
with any government who gen-
uinely and sincerely seeks to talk
instead of fight."
Strong Language
In some of the strongest lan-
guage he has yet applied to his
critics, Johnson said: "There will
be some Nervous Nellies and some VICE-PRESIDENT ALLAN SMITH, for Academic Affairs, explaiins
who will become frustrated and at the House Ways and Means Committee hearing. From left to ri
bothered and break ranks under troit), Rep. Ray M. Flavin (D-Flint), and Smith.
the strain and turn on their own
leaders, their own country and _
their own fighting men." 'SECRET SEyEN'-:
While saying "the road ahead is _ _ _ _
going to be difficult" and forsee- E
ing "times of trial and tension," S
Johnson said: "But I have not 'enateo p voes
the slightest doubt that the cour-
age and the dedication and good
sense of the American people will
ultimately prevail. They will stand EXpanded Watch ov(
united until every boy is brought
home safely, until the gallant
people of South Viet Nam have WASHINGTON (AP) - The Sen- man J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark) said,
their own choice of their own gov- ate Foreign Relations Committee to make it "more palatable" to
ernment." voted yesterday to seek a role in those in the Senate who oppose
Turning to the November elec- watching over the Central Intel- making any more senators privy to
tions, Johnson proposed a test for ligence Agency by expanding and CIA secrets.
all officeholders and candidates. upgrading the subcommittee that Opposition Expected
"I ask you," he said, "to read now has the job. But the proposal is expected to
the statements of every public of- The subcommittee, known as run into stiff opposition from such
ficial and of every candidate for "the Secret Seven," would be in- senators as Richard B. Russell
every office and read them care- creased to nine members and given (D-Ga), chairman of the present
fully, then judge for yourselves. the title of full Committee on In- CIA subcommittee. He disagrees
Ask yourselves, 'Is he helping the telligence Operations. It would sharply with Fulbright's conten-
cause of his country or is he ad- oversee U.S. foreign intelligence tion that the CIA has overstepped
vancing the cause of himself? and espionage operations of var- its intelligence-gathering mission
He said, "This is the measuring ious agencies. to influence foreign policy.
stick that I ask the people of Before the 14-5 vote, the reso- The resolution's chief sponsor,
America to use." lution was watered down, Chair- Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy . (D-
-- - - Minn), told newsmen after the
vote "I think we'll get action on
the floor before the end of the ses-
Knocked out were provisions to
bring the FBI under the new com-
mittee's surveillance and to set up
a staff of experts and employes to
be paid out of Senate contingency

-Daily-Paul Berneis
the University's budget requests
ight are Rep. Jack Faxon (D-De-
Io Seek
_r CIA
The staff and ,fund provisions
were eliminated by McCarthy to
keep the resolution from being
shuttled to the Rules Committee
where its sponsors fear it might be
In addition to the CIA, the
committee would review budgets
and appropriations and keep it-
self informed on the Defense In-
telligence Agency, and the Statel
Department's Bureau of Intelli-
gence and Research.
The present subcommittee con-j
sists of the senior members of the'
Armed Services and Appropria-
tions Committees, with some over-
lapping of senators who are on
both committees.
New Committee
The proposed new committee
would consist of three members
from each of those committees
plus three from Foreign Relations.
Each committee chairman would
name his group's representa-
tives to the intelligence committee.

'Increase in
Officials Questioned
On Possibilities of
Tuition Fee Hikes
Special To The Daly
LANSING - In hearings before
the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee yesterday, University offi-
cials requested a $4 million in-
crease over the Senate version of
the University appropijatons bill.
Part of this is to help raise teach-
ers' salaries by an average of 8
per cent.
The Senate bill called for $58
million in state funds. This figure
is $1 million above the Governor's
recommendation, but still substan-
tially below the original Univer-
sity proposal of $65 million.
In response to questioning by
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Det.), a critic
of the University's last tuition
hike, Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Allan Smith denied that
that the University has considered
raising tuition as a means of rais-
ing necessary funds if the final
appropriation falls below the
amount requested.
Other Alternatives
Smith said there were alterna-
tive actions other than a tuition
hike the University could take, if
forced to, by the appropriation of
insufficient state funds. He indi-
cated the University could increase
the student-teacher ratio, reduce
necessary salary increases, or re-
duce purchases of new equipment.
Smith told the committee that
there was "a gray area where the
University was not sure at what
point it would be forced to raise
Executive Vice-President Marv-
in Niehuss commented that the
University would be most reluc-
tant to raise tuition fees again.
Faxon, who is chairman of the
subcommittee on higher education
appropriations, accused the Uni-
versity of shifting the blame to
the legislature for raises in tuition
in the past.
Faxon recommended to Univer-
sity officials that a determination
of the level of enrollment be made
a year ahead of time so as to allow
the University greater flexibility
in devising alternate methods of
cutting expenditures. He indicated
that the University might consider
setting a ceiling on University
enrollment instead of continually
enlarging the student body.
Smith replied, "The needs of the
nation and state cannot be met
with maximum enrollment limi-
tations enforced by either legisla-
tors or a state board."
Lansing sources indicate that
hopes for $1 million appropria-
tion for the Center for Research
on Learning and Teaching were
dim and that the University could
not count on setting up the pro-
posed state-wide computer net-
wor kthis year. Sources further
indicate that the committee will
probably give the University a
mnpr.+a nerpacp of nmAwhr


Summer Tutorial Pr

Kids could be seen running,
laughing and asking questions. Tu-
tors were playing ball, learning
how to dance, and going on nature
hikes. The event was the first
meeting of the summer for tutors
and tutees who are participating
in the Tutorial and Cultural Re-
lations project. The location was
Willow Run Village.
The summer program is consid-
erably more limited than the pro-
gram conducted during the reg-
ular school year. "Tutors who
have worked in the program pre-
viously and are in Ann Arbor
during the summer are continuing
to tutor. We are also orienting a
small group of new tutors," com-
mented Linda Johnson, '69, stu-
dent coordinator of the Willow
Run program.
Punds for transportation and

in the past from student organi- summer. Students who have a spe-
zations such as Student Govern- cial interest in athletics have vol-
ment Council and Phi Sigma Sig- unteered to work with the older
ma. The tutors also held a bucket tutees. "Playing with the kids and
drive last semester to help cover getting to know them at the same
many of the expenses. The project time is a good way to develop a
also has a research grant in con- relationship conducive to learning.
nection with the psychology de- If the child knows you, respects
partment which is used to meet you, and considers you a friend,
costs of staff and equipment. he will also want to learn from
! Although the bulk of the tutor- you, and with you," said Dick
ing is done in Ann Arbor, stu- Sleet, director of the tutorial proj-
dents also work in two outlying ect.
areas, Willow Run Village and Fifty tutors are also tutoring
Sumpter Township. in the local Ann Arbor area. Tu-

Romania Asks Satellite Veto
Over Soviet Military Moves

With the money raised as a
result of the concert and dance,
the group will be able to expand
its programs in these two areas.
Field trips to stores, museums, li-
braries and other places of inter-
est in the Ann Arbor area are
planned if transportation can be

toring is done in 13 churches.
Jones School is also used as a tu-
torial center. Library services are
used in connection with the Ann
Arbor school system.
During the fall and winted, tu-
toring is done a weekly basis.
Numerous field trips are also tak-
en. All the tutees in the three dif-

MOSCOW (I) - Romania has
suggested that Warsaw Pact na-
tions give unanimous approval for
any military action by a member
anywhere in the world, Romanian
sources said yesterday. This would
give Romania - and each other
signer of the pact-a veto over
Soviet military moves.
The sources reported this was
the main point in several Roman-
ian suggestions for revision of the
Soviet-led military alliance agree-
ment in Eastern Europe. They said
the suggestions are circulating

intended to extend to actions out-
side Eastern Europe since mem-
bers might be required to come to
each other's support in case of
trouble elsewhere.
They cited the Cuban missile
crisi sin 1962 when the Russians
placed rockets in Cuba, then had
to withdraw them under U.S. pres-
sure. They said Soviet action in
Cuba should have had pact
It was unclear whether the
suggestions had been discussed
with Soviet Commun1it narty lead-

,r ...: Aia

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