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EDITOR'S NOTE: Again the mon-
soon rains are expected to bring a
major Viet Cong offensive in Viet
Nam. How will it differ from last
year's which came so close to suc-
cess? What are U.S. plans for meet-
ing it? Do they include major
changes of strategy or tactics in
the ground or air war? Some an-
swers to these and other questions
are given in the following analysis
by Fred S. Hoffman, AP military
affairs specialist.
cials expect the Communist North
Vietnamese and their Viet Cong
allies to try once again to cut
South Viet Nam in half after the
heavy rains set in later this
They expect the first attacks
to be launched against outposts
along the Laotian and Cambodian
The Communist monsoon of-
fensive last May and June came
perilously close to victory, with
South Vietnamese military forces
on the ropes, their reserves near
exhaustion, their roads cut and
towns isolated.
It was this near-defeat that
prompted the United States to
take over the spearhead role in
the ground war, boosting its troop
commitment from about 42,000
men last May to more than 255,-
090 so far.
American authorities have made
their plans, both short range and
long range, in anticipation of a
new Red offensive.
They say they are hoping the
North Vienamese regulars and the
Viet Cong main-force battalions1
come out and fight.
Killing and Capturing
This is because U.S. strategy
calls for killing, disabling and;
capturing more of the enemy than
the Communists can replace by
infiltration from North Viet Nami
or impressment of recruits in
South Viet Nam.
Communist battle casualties are
up from last year. In the first
four months of 1966, nearly 16,-
090'of the enemy were killed, ac-
cording to reports reaching here.
In that same span, the United
States and its allies lost more
than 4.800 dead in battle.
In all of 1965, Communists
killed in action totaled some
Infiltration Rises
But infiltration also is way up,
and apparently continuing to rise.
Since Jan. 1, an estimated
20,000 North Vietnamese soldiers
have poured into South Viet Nam
despite intensified air attacks on
infiltration routes. This is more
than the total estimated for en-
tire 1965-about 8,000.
The infiltration rate now is
figured at about 5,500 a month
andn possibly is reaching toward
7,000 a month.
No Major Change
Despite this, top U.S. officials
in the decision-making bracket
believe that there is no indicated
need for any major change in
either tactics or strategy.
Current plans contemplate a
buildup of U.S. armed strength
in South Viet ;Nam gradually
over the coming months to per-
haps 400,000 by the end of the
Evidently, U.S. authorities be-
lieve this pace and scope of build-
up will be enough to cope with the
foreseeable situation.
Limited Air Action
By every present indication the
air attacks on North Viet Nam
will remain limited to what are
considered strictly military tar-
gets, chiefly the roads, bridges,
ferries. troop-staging areas and
the like.
So far, at least, President John-
son and Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara have re-
sisted pressures from both the
military chiefs and Congress to
hit a wider range of targets, par-
ticularly oil supplies close to Hai-
The military chiefs believe that
blowing up the oil supplies, all
of which come from outside the
country, would dry up the heavy
truck convoy traffic leading to
South Viet Nam.
Other Means
But decision-makers argue that
if the oil depot is blown up, the
Communists will be able to bring
in N their motor fuel supplies in
other ways.
In essence, their view at the
top still is that the risks involved
in hitting targets in Hanoi and
Haiphong-especially the risk of
bringing Red China nto the war-
outweigh any possible gains from
such bombing.
One official said the targeting
of the U.S. bombers will remain
tightly controlled, but added:
"This is not to say the faucet
won't be opened a bit more."
Possibility Remains
Although still concerned about
the risk of bombing Hanoi and
Haiphong, U.S. officials never
have publicly or privately fore-
closed this possibility at some fu-
ture point.
One target which might feel
U.S. bombs is the complex of air-
fields from which the North Viet-
namese have been sending up MIG
jet fighters to try to harass U.S.
fighter bombers. Any serious air
opposition by the Communists
might well bring the MIG fields
onto the target lists.
The Communists have been
rushing supplies. arms and am-
munition into South Viet Nam
along the Ho Chi Minh trail-
even risking daylight convoys-in
order to build up their stocks for
the monsoon season.
U.S. strategists realize the Com-
munists believe they will have an
advantage during the monsoon
because weather will hobble U.S.
air power.
However. U.S. military experts
challenge the contention that the
Communist advantage will be a
very great one.
They say that one of the keys
to U.S. military successes has
been the employment of helicop-
ters. Helicopter operations will be
affected somewhat by the bad
weather, these experts feel, but
not enough to ground the ma-
chines or to restrict greatly the
mobility of U.S. and South Viet-
namese fighting forces.
Bad Weather
While bad weather obviously
will curtail low-level strikes by
fighter-bombers in both South
and North Viet Nam, the mon-
soons will not halt the big B52's
which can bomb from above the
clouds by using radar.
The North Vietnamese and the
Viet Cong seemingly have been
avoiding any major field clashes
in recent weeks, perhaps because
they are in the buildup phase.
But some U.S. military men say
there is more to it than that-
that the Communists are shun-
ning battle in large forces because
of heavy losses.
Communist Problems
The rainy season will cause
some problems to the North Viet-
namese and Viet Cong, as well.
Intelligence sources say the big
rains will bog down the Commu-
nist trucks on many parts of the
infiltration routes.
But even when the rains do
impede the flow of trucks from
the North. it is conceded that
reinforcements will continue to
walk into South Viet Nam over
the infiltration trails.
No responsible U.S. official ever
has claimed that the air opera-
tions against the infiltration
routes would end the movement
of men and supplies. The most
they have said is that the at-
tacks would reduce the flow and
raise the cost to the North Viet-
namese. Bombing advocates say
the air strikes are doing this.
Asked about increased infiltra-
tion, they answerhthat it prob-
ably would be much greater with-
out the bombing.
Although hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of Communist trucks
have been destroyed or dsmaged
there is no sign that the North
Vietnamese are running low on
Arms from China
The Communist small arms-
and they are good ones-come
from China. Antiaircraft weapons,
vehicles and other supplies are
sent in by the Soviet Union and
various Communist nations.
A point of weakness for the
Communists may turn out to be
their food supply, much of which
they must get inside South Viet
U.S. battle reports to Wash-
ington are speckled with accounts
of tons of rice being captured
from Communist supply dumps
andn either destroyed or redistri-
buted to South Vietnamese ci-
In one recent U.S. operation,
soldiers captured more than 1,000
tons of rice.
U.S. authorities calculate it
takes about one ton of rice a
day to feed a Red regiment.
Interrogations of Communist
prisoners, officials say, produces
complaints about lack of food and
Little is known about the ex-
tent of enemy losses through
Many Wounded
However. the capture of detailed
records from a Communist hos-
pital serving a Red division led
to an assumption that for every
two Communist soldiers killed in
action, three are wounded so
badly that they require profes-
sional medical care.
And even those who get to a
hospital, judging by this report,
aren't making out too well. It in-
dicated that about 11 per cent of
those hospitalized died of wounds.
The enemy is also afflicted by
such ailments as malaria, pneu-
monia and malnutrition. and
though the Viet Cong and Viet-
namese may be more inured to
hardship than Americans, the
Communists are likely to suffer
more than normal sicknesses in
the wet season.
Manpower Resources
Officials say North Viet Nam
seems to have plenty of man-
power resources to support the
infiltration but studies of cap-
tured men and deserters from the
Red ranks indicate the recent re-
inforcements have not been well-
Intelligence reports suggest that
the Communists are trying to
equip their hard-core units with
such heavy weapons as 120-mm.
mortars, 75mm recoilless rifles,
and the equivalent of the .50-
caliber machine gun.
What this has done, the sources
say, is make it harder for the
Communist troops to escape de-
tection-they move more slowly
and are more vulnerable to air
One high official, in discussing
rising defections from the Com-
munist forces, said that recently
about 25 per cent of these defec-
tors have been officers.
Also working for the United
States and the Vietnamese in the
field, officials said. is better in-
telligence from the population
and from prisoners.
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#11/el Iltixe"
Psychiatrist Contends
American Women Rule
NEW YORK ()-British Psy-
chiatrist Dr. Joshua Bierer said
yesterday that after a first-hand
look he is more convinced than
ever that women rule the United
"But I was wrong in saying
that women had taken over," he
said. "What has happened is that
American men have turned over
everything to their wives. This is
Before he left London April 17
the greatest handover in history."
for a lecture tour of the United
States, Dr. Bierer said he believed
prosperity and women are the
root of most Americans' troubles.
His statements were hooted
down by spokesmen of the femi-
nine and masculine views.
After three weeks of observation
from Phoenix, Ariz., to New Or-
leans, La., to New York he said:
"What I expressed was an in-
tuition. And it turned out not to
be doubly right-it turned out to
be right a hundred times over.
"The reaction I've received was
the best proff that I was right. I
touched a very sore spot in Amer-
ica or no one would have taken
any notice."
Dr. Bierer said America "is a
very competitive society. You must
work hard just to keep up. And
the result is tension and insecurity.
"The husband comes home after
competing all day and he finds
his wife is unhappy. But he does
not have the time to show love
and kindness. Instead, he treats
her like a mother," he said.
A boy must have a strong fa-
ther, he contended, "or he will
grow up without an ego-and if
he is without an ego he is without
a spine."
Dr. Bierer said Americans were
"the most worried people in the
world." But he has his own wor-
ries, too.
"I am very worried that ro-
mance has disappeared from the
dictionary," he said. "it is there
now by default.
"I am worried that society is
becoming dehumanized. Everyone
is losing his identity. The great
danger is that this is spreading
to the whole Western world."
Dr. Bierer is in this country to
advance his dream-the abolition
of mental hospitals. For more
than 30 years in Great Britain he
has fought for clinical treatment
of the mentally ill.
Stress Math,
Science on
Draft Exam
WASHINGTON (') - Some of
the 400,000 students who took the
national draft deferment examina-
tion hav a tip for those taking the
test later: bone up on your sciences
and math.
Those are the subjects they said
were found most frequently during
the three - hour, 150 - question
exam. It was administered Satur-
day at 1,200 colleges and univer-
sities in all 50 states, Puerto Rico
and the Panama Canal Zone.
The results will be forwarded to
local draft boards to help them
determine whether the students
can stay in school or be drafted
into the armed services.
Another 600,000 youths will take
the test May 21, June 3 and
June 24.
"The examination would have
been a cinch for fellows at MIT
or aiy other technical school,"
said Harvey Stein, 23, a student;
at Hastings Law School in San
Francisco. "But I'm afraid it
wasn't for me. I was a history
Marchers Protest War Policy
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-An atmosphere
of optimism. friendliness and ord-
er prevailed among an estimated
10,000 demonstrators participat-
ing in an afternoon-long protest
of U.S. policy in Viet Nam here
Two busloads plus uncounted
carloads of University students
joined representatives from vir-
tually every state in the Union at
the Voters Pledge Campaign spon-
sored by the National Commit-
tee for a Sane Nuclear Policy
(SANE) and other so-called peace
Voters' Pledges
Signs reading "Bring Our Boys
Home" and "'End the War"
dotted the two and a half hour
procession from the Washington
Monument past the White House
and back to the Monument
Grounds where protestors depos-
ited voters' pledges to support
candidates favoring a cease fire
in Viet Nam.
"We are succumbing to the ar-
rogance of power" signs quoting
Sen. J.W. Fulbright (D-Ark) were
in great abundance as were "Ful-
bright for President" pins.
Across from the White House,
ounter-protestors carrying "Bomb
Hanoi" and "We Take Baths"
signs did not daunt the march-
ers who moved peacefully to the
Monument Grounds where a ser-
ies of speakers attacked U.S. poli-
cy in Viet Nam.
Most of the protestors were
confident that their efforts will
bring results. "If the administra-
tion is not hearing the increased
voices of dissent, it will see the
results at the polls," an Ann
Arbor representative said.
Emotionalism was the key to
the eight speeches presented af-
ter the march. The unscheduled
appearance of Norman Thomas.
six-time Socialist party candidate
for the presidency, brought a
standing ovation.
Thomas, in an emotion-packed
speech, told protestors President
Johnson did make efforts at ne-
gotiating peace. "Johnson is a
very troubled man. He is not a
happy warrior. He is caught in,
the meshes of a war spread for
him by the Pentagon, the State
Dept. and the military-industrial
complex," he said.
Calls for Cease-Fire
"Young people today have no
chance to live to my age unless
a new spirit finds a way of co-
existence and a change to fra-
ternity," he said, calling for an
immediate cease-fire.
Other speakers included I. F.
Stone, Washington journalist; Dr.
Benjamin Spock, child care ex-
pert and a sponsor of SANE; and
David Frost, New Jersey chair-
man of Sane.
The only interruption during
the afternoon came when three
men, alleged members of the
American Fascist party were ar-
rested after causing a disturb-
ance during one of the speeches.
Spectators. including many mili-
tary men, quietly watched the
demonstration. Servicemen were
reluctant to express their feelings
about the protest, but the gen-
eral concensus was one of dissat-
isfaction with the activities.
"It makes me sick,' one Marine
said. "The only thing they will
accomplish is to wear the side-
walks down. We have a job to
do in Viet Nam. Some day these
people will be grateful for the
servicemen who protect them."
Admission Free
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Excellent opportunity with largest manufactureer of wom-
en's apparel. Good beginning salary, expenses paid. Excellent
opportunity for advancement. Begin June 1st. Prefer Ann
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Call or Write:
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Sy . AU#Ei~~iissi!!'i#NE~l@i
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"Planned Internal Communica-
tion-a New Management Function":
Michigan Union, 8:30 am.
Programmed Learning for Business
Workshop-Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
Michigan State Association of Life
Underwriters Convention - Rackham
Bldg., 8:30 a.m.
Dept. of Psychiatry University Lecture
-Samuel Ritvo, M.D., "A Correlation
of Primary Ego Factors and the Choice
of Mechanisms of Defense": Aud., Chil-
dren's Psychiatric Hospital, 8 p.m.
General Notices
Final Payment of Spring-Half Term
Fees and the first 50 per cent of
Spring-Summer Full Term Fees are
due and payable on or before May 20,
Non-payment, payment of less than
the required amount or late payment
will result in the assessment of a de-
linquent penalty of $5. In addition, a
Hold Credit will be placed against your
grades if your account remains de-
Payments may be made in person
or mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015
Administration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m.,
Fri., May 20, 1966.
Mail Early.
Mail payments postmarked after due
date, May 20, 1966, are late and subject
to penalty.
Identify mail payments as tuition
and show student number and name. .
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has become
Approval request forms for student
sponsored events are available in Room
1011 of the SAB.
VOICE, Test on Viet Nam, May 14,
(Continued from Page 2)
10 a.m.-1 p.m., Natural Science Aud.,
Chem. Aud
VOICE, Poetry reading, May 15, 4-6
p.m., Multipurpose Room.
PH. 483-4680
Laurence Olivier - Carol Lynley
Shown at 8:25 - 12:45
- ALSO -
Pictures Th
Shown at 10:40 only
- PLUS -
In Color
50c till 6:00 P.M.
CAM p u s
Picture yourself walking across the Diag . . . suddenly a giant bat (dis-
guised as a paper airplane) comes swooping down and lacerates your
jugular veins. Another kill, another point for the successful hunter. Or
would you believe a shark attacking you in the Fishbowl?
Yes, that exciting new campus game, "The Hunt", has arrived at Mi-
chigan. Patterned after the movie The Tenth Victim it gives the
players a chance to release their emotions, meet interesting people,
and have a killing good time. The game will be played during the
Spring-term with a party for the players at the end. Participants will
be randomly matched through the use of I.B.M. cards.
GENERAL RULES (Details on joining)
Each hunt will last four days.
One point will be given for each successful kill.
Two points for a technically brilliant kill. (Coroner's decision).
If the hunter is killed by the victim he loses one point.
If the hunter kills an innocent bystander he loses two points.
The following are the foreign vli.
tors programmed through the interna-
tional Center who will be on campus
this week on the dates indicated. Pro-
gram arrangements are being made by
Mrs. Clifford R. Miller, International
Center, 764-2148.
His Excellency Sheikh Ahmad Kuf-
taro, Grand Mufti of the Syrian Arab
Republic, Damascus, May 20.
(Continued on Page 6)
Passport Pictures
Application Pictures
Group Pictures
Wedding Pictures
Available at any time
Ready Quickly
CALL NO 3-6966
6. The simulated kill must involve a physical touch by the instrument
of destruction. The Coroners will judge the merits of each kill.
7. The executor must document the kill by a brief description of the
kill signed by the victim (hunter or hunted).
8. Decision of the Coroners is final.
1. Send $3.00 along with your name, address, age, major, height,
weight, and sex to 1412 CAMBRIDGE, ANN ARBOR.
2. Before each hunt you will either be sent the name and information
on your victim or you will be notified that you are a hunted.
3. You will receive a sophisticated card that identifies you as a mem-
ber of "THE HUNT", and incidently puts you in the same class
as Bond, or if you are really good perhaps Maxwell Smart.......
4. The first hunt will begin on May 23, 1966. Participants will be
sent detailed instructions prior to that time.
5. For information on how this game has worked on other campuses
read TIME, May 13, 1966, page 70.
Cla ssifieds
4 Shows Daily at
1:00-3:30-6:15-9:00 P.M.
F .1
Continue Weekly
FRIDAYS at 7:15 P.M.
Tony Curtis Jack Lemmon Natalie
John Planer, Cantor
1429 Hill
Student Participation
William Present Chapel
L__ I
1 -
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