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May 14, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-14

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Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Fair today, with
moderate temperatures

Students To Take Draft Exam Today- Goo


Associated Press News Analyst
Today is examination day for
the first of an estimated one mil-
lion college and graduate students
who hope to show they merit con-
tinued deferment from the draft.
Some 380,000 to 400,000 college
and graduate students will try to
convince their draft boards today
they would serve the nation bet-
ter in the quiet of their classrooms
than in the jungles of Viet Nam.
The persuader: A three-hour
150-question draft deferment test
given at 1,200 colleges and univer-
sities in the 50 states, Puerto
Rico and the Panama Canal Zone.
Even a smashing score is no
guarantee that the student will be
deferred for the school year that
begins in the fall, but most draft
boards are likely to put great stock
in the results. For, as the head of
a local draft board in Washington

put it, "We're doing everything
possible to stimulate higher edu-
The examinations, used from
1951 to 1963, were revived last
March by Selective Service amid
complaints by many leading edu-
cators that a class-standing yard-
stick alone was unfair to students
in tougher colleges.
If the objective was to encour-
age the best talent to continue in
higher education, they wondered
aloud, how would this be served
by drafting a low-ranked student
attending a top college and de-
ferring an inferior student who
ranked near the top of a second-
rate school?
The test was supposed to over-
come this unfairness, but it quick-
ly generated a fresh round of cri-
The chairman of the House Ed-

ucation and Labor Committee,
Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-
NY), likened the examinations to
"Hitler's twin-system of eugenics
and education" and said they
"should have a swastika on the
f n t'

director of information, did not
know how many errors had been
made. One was obvious: 31 Mich-
igan students had been assigned
to take the test at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in Cam-
b id~n Mac

May 21, June 3 and June 24 for Live order of President Harry S.
perhaps 600,000 additional stu- Truman. It established c 1 a s s
dents who, like the ones today vol- standing and scores on a national
unteered to be tested. In all, the test as "evidence" the boards could
director of Selective Service, Lt. use in deciding student defer-
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, estimated ments.

op. age, viass. iursay, more tnan one million 1 This was not b
The gist of Powell's argument Selective Service's announce- will take the test. boards. Congress1
was that the test would penalize ment that all students would be About 1.8 million students now further that year b
poorly schooled Negroes and other fingerprinted "to avoid the pos- hold deferments, which means draft law to say
minority groups and thus "bring sibility that any unauthorized approximately 800,000 will ride shall be required
the history of racial discrimina- persons might take the test" also the draft board rapids without it. defer anyone by
tion full cycle." touched off howls of protest. The test is a potpourri of mathe- activity in study
About the time this week that Service officials backtracked. matical problems, word associa- basis of how he st
Powell was blasting the examina- Other positive identification would tions for definitions, reading com- or how he did on t
tions at a news conference in be accepted, they said. prehension, charts and graphs. In 1962, Presiden
Washington, Science Research Within two weeks, the examina- Mrs. McCarthy said in an in- nedy issued ane
Associates, a private agency giv- tion papers will be sent to Science terview the test was "carefully that dropped the
ing the tests under a $1 million- Research Associates, graded - 70 structured" by a panel of educa- teria" and gave
plus government contract, was is passing for undergraduates, 80 tors and psychologists "for cur- Service director
acknowledging in Chicago that for graduate students - and the ricula in colleges across the "promulgate" hisc
there had been mixups in assign- results sent to the local draft country." Hershey used1
ing students to test centers. boards. A special category for students last March in reviv
. Mrs. Galen McCarthy, acting The process will be repeated I was established in 1951 by execu- standards, class r

binding on the
loosened things
y amending the
no local board
to postpone or
reason of his
solely on the
ood in his class
he test.
t John F. Ken-
executive order
"advisory cri-
the Selective
authority to
own criteria.
that authority
ving the two old
unk and a na-

tional test. Higher draft calls,
stemming from the war in Viet
Nam, were likely to make heavy
inroads into college classrooms so
selective yardsticks were needed
again, an aide'said Thursday.
Operating in comparative free-
dom, members of local boards take
different views of the test.
"They are only a guide to the
board," Ely Plaskow, field super-
visor of 29 Philadelphia draft
boards told the Associated Press.
Plaskow added, however, that "no
legitimate student will be denied
a deferment."
Air Force Col. Paul' Askt, head
of the New York City Selective
Service Board, said the tests "are
one of the many criteria" the
draft boards will use and are
"weighed no higher or lower than
other criteria" such as health.

Frank Peckham, director of
Local Board No. 1 in Washington,
said he would "not be overwhelm-
ed with the outcome of the tests."
"There are many psychological
reasons some dumbbell would
make over 80,or 90," said, "while
some bright student, maybe be-
cause of his health that day,
might not."
However, Beckham, a semi-re-
tired lawyer, added: "If a man
makes a passing grade we have to
assume he has sufficient educa-
tion and capacity to learn."
There are no hard and fast rules
governing student deferments. As
always the local draft boards have
wide authority to decide who shall
be allowed to stay in school and
who is to be sent packing to in-
duction centers-with the battle-
fields of Viet Nam just over the
horizon for many young men.

LSD Users
At Colleges
Youth Create Crisis,
Senate Probes Into
Cause of Problem
experimenter with the drug LSD,
Dr. Timothy Leary, acknowledged
yesterday that use of the drug
was out of control. He estimated
that one-third of the nation's col-
lege students are "experimenting
with this drug."
But Leary told the Senate sub-
committee on juvenile delin-
"This use of LSD by young
people has provoked a crisis, not
a crisis of peril but a crisis of
Leary, a former Harvard Uni-
versity psychologist, now is a di-
rector of private foundation deal-
ing in research on LSD and similar
hallucinogenic agents, and is ap-
pealing a 30-year sentence for
transporting marijuana.
He defended what he saw as
proper use of the drug and called
alcohol a much more dangerous
substance. Leary said LSD has "an
eerie power to release ancient
energies from the human brain,
I would say even sacred energies."
Leary ran into some sharp
cross-examination from Sen. Ed-
ward M. Kennedy (D-Mass) Leary
4 suggested that colleges be author-
ized to conduct laboratory courses
in LSD.
To this, Kennedy demanded:
"What's going to happen to the
boy who doesn't get to college?
Are you going to offer high school
courses as well?"
* Leary said it was a question
that would probably have to be
left to research.
He acknowledged he had used
LSD or similar hallucinogenic
drugs 311 times in the last six
years and considers LSD a "mi-
croscope" into the brain. #
H Use of Drug Growing
He told the Senate Juvenile
Delinquency subcommittee that
use of the drug is growing, is out
of control and estimated that
"one-third of our college students
are experimenting with this drug."
He insists further there is more
danger in a cocktail lounge than
in LSD, although he acknowledged
the hazards of its improper use
and declared: "you definitely go
out of your mind. There's no
question of that."
He argued that to the vast
majority of young people using
it the drug may mean "opening
up the mind, beauty, perhaps
religious revelations."
Kennedy kept pounding at the
jut-jawed Leary about controls.I
Leary proposed that a stricter
licensing system be established so
that responsible adults who want-
ed to could use LSD for "spiritual
growth, pursuit of knowledge."
Authorize Universities
He also suggested that univer-
sities be authorized to give labora-
tory courses on the use of LSD
under strict supervision and pre-
dicted this "will end the indiscrim-
inate use of LSD, and be the most
popular and productive course ever
Another witness, Capt. Alfred
W. Trembly of the Los Angeles
Police Department, noted federal
Food and Drug Administration
warnin on louse of LSD.

'Auto Safety
0 MicIigal Daily Legislation
hIIWC WID TInminent

Ch icago



® +

1UkWWtW%# W IflM

Hearings End With -
Plans To Give States
More Responsibility


SOME 3,000 LATIN STUDENTS from Michigan high schools
will gather at The University of Michigan today for the 16th
annual Michigan Junior Classical League Convention.
The Junior Classical League, a nationwide organization
sponsored by the American Classical League, was established
16 years ago. The group, composed of chapters formed from high
school classical clubs, has a membership of over 100,000.
Speaker for the 9:30 a.m. session in Hill Auditorium will be
Lynn Poole, assistant to the president at Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity. President Harlan Hatcher will extend greetings to the high
school students.
A NEW AWARD for excellence in journalism, announced
at the 1966 Convention of the Michigan Interscholastic Press
Association, will honor Wesley H. Maurer of The University of
Professor Maurer will close out a distinguished career as
chairman of the University department of journalism next July.
The Wesley H. Maurer Award for Excellence in Journalism
will be presented annually to the Michigan high school or junior
college which makes an outstanding contribution to high school
THE HISTORY OF ART, the hardness of diamonds and the
relationship between protein and memory are subjects University
researchers will investigate with new Phoenix Project grants,
it was announced earlier this week.
The Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, the University's
privately supported program on the peaceful uses and implications
of atomic energy, granted 13 faculty members $42,318 for work
in 12 areas.
Chemistry Prof. Adon A. Gordus and Mrs. Meryl Johnson, a
research associate in the University Museum of Art, plan to
irradiate tiny bits of pigments from paintings to determine their
chemical composition. They point out that the technique should
provide the chemical knowledge that helps establish the origin,
the time and the authenticity of paintings.
A comparison of radiation damage in two different types
of diamonds will be undertaken by Prof. R. M. Denning of
geology and minerology. Professor Denning is seeking to determine
the structural, and optical changes that take place during
A pharmacologist, Dr. Otto Sellinger of the U-M Mental
Health Research Institute staff, will use radioactivity to trace
how nucleic acids, the building blocks of proteins, function in
processes related to memory formation.
Dr. Sellinger will make atoms in nucleic acids radioactive,
and by tracing them with counters, try to determine how and
when these acids react in goldfish brains during memory
THE SMALL SHEAR LINE between art and design has
recently widened to a gaping chasm, according to Aarre K. Lahti,
University professor of design. "The interests of the artists-
painters, sculptors-has become more and more a concern for
the 'shelf'," says Lahti.
"Art has become an outlet, a means of expressing the feelings,
conflicts and frustrations of the artist," he notes.
Design, he submits, has in general remained more concerned
with others than just the designer, Lahti feels. "However, there
is a great movement among craftsmen to create 'art forms' or
'art' out of their products and be less and less concerned with
fulfilling the needs of others."

safety hearings ended on Capitol
Hill yesterday and both Senate
and House committee chairmen
pledged to go into high gear to
speed the shaping of specific legis-
Sen. Warren G. Magnuson iD-
Wash), chairman of the Senate
Commerce Committee, said it will
meet Tuesday to start drafting the
bill. Magnuson has said several
fimes he expects it to call for
mandatory federal safety stan-
Meanwhile, Rep. Harley O.
Staggers (D-WVa) ended four;
weeks of hearlins by the House
Commerice Committee and saiid he-
hopes it can start to draw its bill;
in about iwo weeks.
However, committee sources in-
dicated it will be a matter of many
weeks or months before legislation
makes its way through Congress.I
Specific Role for States
Staggers said he is convinced'
that whatever legislation his com-
mittee drafts should contain a'
specific role for the states, both
in setting safety standards andl
enforcing them. The administra-
tion bill does not include such al
role for the states.
He said also he expects the bill
to include specific coverage of
used cars, another area not cov-
ered by the administration meas-
ure. "We want the states to take
the leading role," Staggers said.
However, he emphasized to
newsmen later that any federal
standards applicable to new cars
would be directed by the federalE
government to the auto manufac-
turers, although he said states
should play an advisory role.
Reuther Comments
Meanwhile, United Auto Work-
ers President Walter P. Reuther
said yesterday he believes recent
production cutbacks by auto mak-
ers "are primarily an attempt to
get inventories into proper bal-
ance" rather than a result of re-
duced consumer demand because
of the congressional auto safety
The auto industry has beene
faced primarily with a situation
where "production has been great-
er than sales, although the hear-1
ings in Washington have hadc
some small impact on the atti-
tude of consumers," Reuther saidr
at a press conference.c

UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO students continued to occupy the administrati
an effort to gain some kind of satisfaction on their demands to university o
class rank to draft boards.

ask Force,
'450 Evacuate
Ask Elimination of
Seniding Class Rank
To Draft Offices
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO - Leaving behind a
token force of about 100 to con-
tinue occupation of the adminis-
tration building, approximately 450
University of Chicago students
' marched through the Gothic cam-
pus area last evening to the home
of President George W. Beadle to
present the demands of their
The students had been occupy-
ing the building for the past three
days to protest the university's
policy of supplying class rankings
of students who request it to Se-
lective Service boards but voted
to leave at 6 p.m. Those remain-
ing inside public areas of the
building will coordinate and eon-
:. trol further protest activity
against the ranking system.
-Associated Press Meanwhile, faculty members
on building yesterday in yesterday morning had obtained
fficials against releasing enough signatures on a petition
that can force the president, un-
_-_.__- --der the school's constitution, to
convene an emergency meeting
of the academic senate.
The final statement by the ad
hoc committee against rank, re-
leased before the evacuation, was
T oI read at the president's home
though he was not there; a copy
was slipped under the door, how-
ever. Three student leaders, Stev-
en Kindred, Jackie Goldberg and
Peter Rabinowitz, delivered the
message while the 450 who had
evacuated looked on.
stThe, statement reiterated the
students' demands, asking that the
er explained to the demon- university:
that, "It is not within the -"Suspend its decision to rank
of the president to accept in order to give those involved an
ittee's decision as binding opportunity for disussion" during
the autumn quarter of the next
hand." academic year;
er and other deans had -"Organize a means by which
.tnsuch debate can be facilitated and
th student representatives provide a means by which the
uis morning in place of the power to make the decisions can
at, who still sat in a faculty be turned over to the people whom
. Before the proposal, was it really concerns-the faculty and
[own, the small group had particularly the student press con
i student and faculty mem- ference of faculty, students and
' the committee and set up administrators at which a com-
for them to meet after mitment to the above points can
May 15. be communicated.
The statement announced that
izing the demonstrators' though students would continue
on the draft, Professor the 24-hour a day occupation and
Feingold, of the political use the administration building as
department at City College, a "forum for information and
[he rights of all members communication of their aims, they
academic community must would permit access to and oper-
ected: if anyone wants to ation of the building by the ad-
their class standing to their ministration," provided they "act
oard or wants to take the in good faith."
e Service examination, they The statement continued with:
be allowed to do so." "Our presence in the building
before the students voted further symbolizes our determina-


Protestors Refuse
Accept Official Oz

Special To The Daily
NEW YORK-City College stu-
dents continued their sit-in at the
school's administration building,
after turning down a proposal by
President Buell G. Gallagher, that
a student-faculty committee bej
set up to investigate university
policy, especially as related to the

Orientation Onslaught To Begin

Hundreds of students Thursday
confronted Gallagher in the Great
Hall of the administration build-
ing, arguing with him over
whether the college should release
a student's class standing to his
draft board. When Gallagher left
to attend a faculty meeting, the
disgruntled group of about 250
students began the sit-in in the
building's corridors.
Representatives of the student
protestors yesterday met with
Willard Glasser, dean of students,
to discuss the president's proposal
for a faculty-student study com-
mittee. Afterwards, Glasser read
the statement of the proposal to
the assembled students. After
some debate, the president's sug-
gestion was voted down three to
one. Students decided to continue
the sit-in.
Amy Kesstleman, chairman of
the Independent Committee to
End the War in Vietnam, one of
the groups organizing the sit-in,
said that "We must make this
group feel that they are having
an impact on this campus."

Sometime this summer a rath-
er compact group of 50 or 60
people conspicuously playing fol-
low the leader may make you
pause or even move quickly out of
the way during an absent-minded
walk across the Diag.
If the group is coed, looks a
little young, and if each one is
litchingr a yellow folder with a

The two days are tightly sched- to become acquainted with the sor-
uled, beginning at 6:30 a.m. each ority and fraternity system here.
morning, and the freshmen are Jack Petoskey, director of orien-
guided through every step of the tation, said he thought "it would
complicated procedure by special- be nice if other living groups such
ly trained orientation leaders, us- as co-ops could keep some facili-
ually upperelass students. ties open for visits by incoming
While the students are busy freshmen too."
taking tests and being classified, Secondly, the Union and the
a special program is scheduled for International Center will be used
parents. Each afternoon there is a for the evening recreation periods,
bus tour of the campus, followed which will inelud howling dane-

part in a series of educational and
social activities.
Petoskey said that orientation
serves to complete much of the
"red tape" involved in registering
at the University so that students
can return in the fall ready to be-
gin classes.
Orientation also hopefully gives
the freshmen a "positive ap-
proach" to the University and "re-
duces the anxiety factor" of new

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