r PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY MAY 13, 1966 PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1966 ST. JOHN'S: Communists Tried TPeo pie's Uprising' in Indonesia Teachers Will End Strike After Symbolic Protest (Continued from Page 6) the Woro River. Under its sandy bed, he revealed unofficially, lay 3000 bodies. I bent down and picked up the casing of a 30 caliber cartridge lying on the bank. In several places the killers held feast with their bound victims present. After dinner, each guest was invited to decapitate a pris- oner. As the killing accelerated throughout November, bridges were adorned with heads and headless bodies festooned with Red flags were floated down rivers aboard rafts. At one point, so many cadavers from Kediri filled the Brantas River that the downstream town of Djombang lodged a formal pro- test, complaining that plague might break out. Sheep to Slaughter Curiously enough, most of the Communist captives appear to have gone to slaughter like docile sheep. In part, they were abandoned by their leaders, many of whom escaped, perhaps to asylum in Red China. The Party chairmen of both central and eastJava are still at large. Experts estimate that at least 15,000 hard-core Communist Collegiate Press Service NEW YORK-After a symbolic protest, the nation's first strike by a teacher's union against a university will, in effect, be over. Strikers at St. .John's University plan to stage their largest picket during the school's commencement exercises June 12. Union leaders predict the end of the school term will make it hard to continue demonstrations. With the end of the academic year, many of the dismissed teachers and St. John's faculty who joined the strike in sympathy will be working at new jobs. Union leaders estimate that about 100 of the 600-member faculty will be join- ing new institutions this fall. Additionally, the union can no longer pay strikers, making it eco- nomically impossible for most to continue manning the picket lines. Call for Justice Members of the United Federa- tion of College Teachers, the American Federation of Teachers' New York local which called the strike, adamantly vow that until "justice has been done," the strike will never end. UFCT President Dr. Israel Kugler says that oc- casional picketers will still appear. Union leaders dislike any sug- gestion that the strike is no longer a hot topic. With the dwindling of the strike, the union sees its image of being a strong, protective bargaining group for college teach- ers also dwindling. Dependence is heavy on the success of the St. John's strike to increase union membership among college teach- ers throughout the country. Results of Strike Union leaders credit the strike with: -Generating so much attention that it was impossible for the academic community not to notice and criticize the violation of aca- demic freedom. -Goading the American Asso- ciation of University Professors into speedy action. The AAUP published a report of the dismissal of 31 professors within two months. Usually such reports take 18 months or longer. At its April meeting the AAUP placed St. John's on its censure list and suggested other faculty members cadres eluded capture. More sig- nificantly, the Communists were simply no match for the army's firepower. The murderous momentum was so strong that in'late December, when the east Java commander, Gen. Sunarjadi, ordered a halt to the killing, he was largely ignored. The massacres in east Java con- tinued well into February. With only 2 million inhabitants, the island of Bali suffered the highest percentage of killings in all Indonesia. Here, at least 50,000 people slaughtered, largely for mysterious motives. Red Scapegoat For many simple Balinese, the Communists also served as a con- venient scapegoat. The eruption of Mount Agung, one of the is- land's volcanos, had driven refu- gees down from rural areas, creat- ing economic hardship. As elsewhere in Indonesia, prices "This is a Communist rifle and were climbing. When news of the now it's eating Communists." anti-Communist massacres in Java Many Victims reahan n B li i N nvamh b hfbo im eacne nan n iovem er, tie m- pulse was for imitation. With no apparent provocation, nationalist youths began to stone and burn Communist houses. In one village, the Communists de- stroyed their flag, disbanded their organization and protested that they were not implicated in the Djakarta coup. They were attacked anyway. In December, when paratroop commandos arrived to "restore order," the slaughter became more systematic. Armed with Soviet submachine guns, groups of 25 commandos scoured villages, exe- cuting their entire male popula- tion. After one such massacre, a com- mando held up his Soviet weapon to an American student and said: Many of the victims were scarce- ly Communists, but enterprising Chinese and Javanese who had managed to acquire enviable shops and land. Much of their property, I was'reliably informed, has pass- ed into the hands of local army officers and politicians. Even children were not spared. When I pointed out to a Balinese merchant that the sons of slain Communists would seek revenge a generation hence, he replied: "We thought ofthat, so we took care of their sons, too." News travels slowly in Indonesia. Thus many of the outer islands are reportedly just beginning to join in the anti-Communst ogroms. But Java and Bali are now mostly peaceful, even if their calm is the tranquility of a graveyard. A Hatcher Gives Report avoid working at St. -Giving teachers fight back through organization. Union vided money to pay professors. John's, a means to their union groups pro- the striking DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 5) 1 Placement ANNOUNCEMENTS: U.S. Department of Commerce, Bu- reau of Public Roads: New 18 mos. Trng. Program designed to offer intensive on- the-job trng. and exper. in admin. to five outstanding individuals during 1966. Bus. Ad. degree preferred, but not re- quired. However, at least 8 hrs, of acctg. are required. Candidates for this pro- gram must have eligibility at the GS-7' grade level on the FSEE. If interested in interviewing about program, please file application for FSEE right away. Applications for the next exam, In June are due on May 17, so come to the Bureau and get one. North American Aviation Science Cen- ter: Announces opennings in an ex- panded Post-doctoral Fellowship Pro- gram. The Center is one of the first phenomena-oriented interdisciplinary labs, doing theor. & exper. work in chem., phys. metallurgy and math. POSITION OPENINGS: Mgmt. Consultants-Southern Calif. firm seeks mechanical engineer, Air- borne Systems Controls. BS in Mech. Design. 2-4 yrs, exper. in hydraulics, pneum., and mechanical components. interest in product devel, from design to production. ORGANIIZATION NOTICES USE OF 7111S COLUMN FOR AN - NOUNCEMEN'S is available to official- ly recognized and registered student or- ganizations only. Forms are available in Room 1011 SAB. Newman Student Association, Picnic, Sun., May 15, 1:30 p.m., 331 Thompson, meet at Newman Center. Fri., May 13, 5 p.m., community mass & supper, 331 Thompson. New Trier Township Instructional Television, Winnetka, Ill,-Instruction- al Television Director, work on 4 chan- nel, 2500 megacycle system. Desire ex- per. in production-direction of elemen- tary and/or secondary ITV. Opening is in Feb. 1967, Donald Zucker Co., New York City - Several openings for recent grads in general mortgage brokerage. Department of the Navy, Teenage Youth Center, U.S. Naval Training Cen- ter, Great Lakes, Ill.-Need director. BA in social work, grad credits in sc. of social work or grad training in related field. Men 4 yrs. exper. in large youth program or center. International Voluntary Services, Inc. -Challenging opportunities in working in Viet Nam with IVS, wish to increase team there. Pamphlet in Bureau. Ad Art Agency, Flint, Mich.-Com- mercial artist trainee. Some art trng. and coursework. No exper., female pre- ferred. Typing required. Lyon Associates, Overseas posts ini Okinawa, aPkistan, Taiwan, Thailand and Viet Nam-Need Civil Engineers with soils bkgd. and or geology majors with soils engineering interests. Inter- esting "upcountry" work with local workers. 30 mos. normal tour of tduy, will consider 18 mos. initial tour. * * * For further information please call 764-7460, General Division, Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: 212 SAB- Announcement: Summer Placement Service at 212 SABis open year around Students interested In jobs after the first summer session should come in and look things over. Camps, resorts business and industry are still looking for people, especially camps. Typi-tF are needed all over the country. We have the jobs if you will take them. * * s Details at Summer Placement, 2121 SAB, Lower Level. -Prompting the Middle States' Accrediting Association to investi- gate the case and issue a sharp warning to St. John's that further' such action would cause loss of accreditation. On a more general level, the St. John's situation raised the ques- tion of how a religious institution upholds its specific doctrine while also promotlng free and open in- quiry of truth. Goal Not Reached Despite such results, however, the union's goal-having the ad- About 'U'v (Continued from Pabe 2) The University has not tried to prevent any of its employes from joining a union. They are just not co-operating until the court has made a decision on whether or not the University is included in Act 379. The unions have tried to induce the University to accept them as the bargaining agents for the University employes in question, and then fight their court battle on autonomy. All they want is recognition of their collective bar- gaining rights, whether this is given by an autonomous Board of Regents or the State Labor Medi- ation Board. The University has refused to take this action. The process is painfully slow. md Unions As President Hatcher has stat- ed, "The validity of the series of hearings in which the University is co-operating depends upon the court's determination. . . . This is an entirely friendly effort on our part to find out what rules we are to follow. It will save months of time and guarantee orderly procedures." miore mnanageabifity...*mre COOrI...mflc 0f i" igost rt. Wa rr profryr ShortCut Kf G ..bOdli.uLbec)ar (j'O c. j A ministration tell why it dismissed The University has refused to each teacher, allow them a hear- budge until the question of auto- ing, and then, depending on the nomy is decided in the courts. The hearing's outcome, reinstate the State Labor Board decisions seem teachers-has not been reached. to be hopelessly tied down in bu- "You you judge the strike in reaucratic delay. The situation terms that the teachers weren't seems to be stagnating, waiting reinstated, then it is a failure," for the ruling by the courts. says Dr. Rosemary Lauer, one of the dismissed faculty and a strike leader. "But without the union the St. John's administration would have gotten away with academic niur- Use der,'' Dr. Lauer says. She helped organize the union on campus 3 Teachers Rehired Three of the dismissed faculty members have been rehired by St. John's but neither the admiistra- tion nor the three have given any reason for the reversed decision. The union's suits against St. John's charge it violated state law which provides the due notice A ds must be given dismissed teachers and that public employes have the right to organize and meet with their employers. i ASHAWAY PRO-FECTED For Club Play Approx. Stringing Cost Tennis..........$7 Badminton ...... $6 1 ASHAWAY MULTI-PLY For Regilar Pa; Approx. Strin;ixg cost Tennis-.......... $5 Badminton .......$4 I The no-drag shaver In 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, * I TOMORROW MORNING students will be taking an examination on the University of Michigan campus. Our understanding is that the purpose of this examination is to provide local Selective Service boards with an aid in determining deferments for those students who ask to take the examina- tion. As we understand it, the grades received by the students on this examination will be one of the determining factors in their future draft status. Those who "fail" may be asked to fight in the Vietnam war. What do they know about this war? What do those who "pass" know about the war in which their friends and neighbors may be asked to fight? What do the parents, friends, teachers, employers of all these stu- dents know about the Vietnam war? How did it start? Who is fighting it? Why? What have been the effects of this war? We want people to ask themselves these questions. We are there- and 5th. The REMINGTONo 200 Selectro Shaver is a new model. Different from anything you've used before. It has a dial with 5 positions that lets you shift over all the different parts of your face. In 1st, you get a smoother In 3rd, you get this wild start on your neck. Gets all drifting sensation as you go the whiskers in pure comfort, over your cheek. No burn. No drag. 1 5th is the finishing line. You couldn't get straighter sideburns at the barber's. "' 4,. Auditorium of the UM Chemistry Building-North STUDENTS WHO have taken the Selective Service examination are urged to take also the National Vietnam Examination on a voluntary basis, at 1:00 P.M. or 2:00 P.M. tomorrow in the Auditorium of the UM Natural Science Building, North University opposite Hill Auditorium. Those who cannot come at this time are urged to take a copy of the examination with them. They will receive the answers by mail. The National Vietnam Examination is short. It consists of 18 fact- ual questions. Fully documented answers will be supplied during each testing session. Faculty members and students will be on hand to discuss the test quetions and related topics with the participants, in an informal Open House. Supplementary documents and literature will be available. CTIInFNJTC rFR A nEMOCRATIC SOCIETY In 2nd, you can knock off a By the time you shift to 4th, couple of days' growth you'rein and out of corners, without any trouble. around curves, over tricky tender spots. No skid marks. 4 6th is for cleaning out the shaver. By the way, don't expect to pay more for this baby. It's actually a little less than regular shavers. REMINGTON also makes a complete line of cordless shavers. 1 29 3 4 1 {- ~ iT _______ I .