'OCCUPATION' GAME: SIT-IN AT CHICAGO See Editorial Page :Y 411 tr4i ax 43A& tiy COOL High-50 Low-32 r today, with er temperatures EIGHT PAGES Fai warm Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom ... . . I VOL. LXXVI, No. SS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1966 SEVEN CENTS OSU Journalism Dispute Involves Student Paper Second o1 a Two-Part Series EDITOR'S NOTE: Yesterday's ar- ticle outlined the controversy over the appointment of a new journal- ism department head at Ohio State University. Today's story delves in- to the relationship between the journalism department and the student newspaper, the Lantern. By HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director Special To The Daily The underlying basis of the con- troversy, even as conceded by J. Osburn Fuller, dean of Ohio State University's College of Arts and Sciences, is the student newspaper, the Lantern. The feeling is that the William E. Hall appointment represents a "railroading job" by OSU Presi- dent Novice G. Fawcett so that he might have his own spokes- man with the controlling voice above -the Lantern. Barton felt the appointment of Donald Fer- guson from Nebraska on the jour-' nalism staff might well be indica- tive of a trend to "pack the jour- n alism faculty with Hall men" so that if changes were to be made in the Lantern, they could be made in the name of the journalism fac- ulty as such.7 Barton said that if the admin- istration's intent in appointing Hall was really based on their ex- pressed desire for a graduate and research program, they should have chosen a man who had ex- perience in these fields. One fac- ulty member asked "If Hall is so, sincere in his desire for a grad- uate program, why has he spent: 10 years at a school where there is none?" Barton added that little research had come out of the Ne- braska journalism school under Hall. Fawcett, in an interview with Lantern reporters, said that "he great many cases where important has not discussed the future of the happenings on campus are not re- Lantern with Hall, but that Hall ported." had indicated that 'he had exam- Barton said Fa w c e t t had ined the history of the school of throughout his own 16 months as journalism and found that the department head, done nothing Lantern had been a laboratory but complain about the Lantern product of the school and would at quarterly budget meetings. He continue to be'." pointed to one meeting in which Fawcett further said he hoped Fawcett "spent an hour and 20 "the Lantern can be a completely minutes complaining about the free publication so that there is news and editorial pages of the no interference from anyone, in- Lantern, and about 10 minutes on cluding the alumni." the committee's official business." In the same statement, how- He said that Fawcett's feeling was ever he said that "all students how-that the Lantern had played too fees in support of the Lantern, much on OSU's weaknesses and and therefore students feel they not enough on its strong points. should have some say in its con- Barton said he felt the Lantern tent." He further said "there is had done a good job of showing room for improvementintheLan all facets of the university. bought a full page Lantern ad in ciate himself from Lantern policy which he said "the question is: and budgetary problems." Who shall determine the contents The report also stated, however, that "we find it reasonable for of the paper. the administration to have sought He said that both Barton and an academically oriented director Kienzle before him had "not for the School of Journalism.... knuckled" under administration We see no necessary connection pressures on the Lantern, and each between this search and adminis- had suffered on a salary basis. tration control of the Lantern." Since the Hall appointment, I A 'J.wingA L e. nail apponLmenLt a committee of five non-journal- ism faculty generally considered to be fairly liberal, issued a study entitled"Special Report on the Lantern Controversy" in which they stated that "there is evidence that pressure from the administra- tion existed long before the pres- ent controversy." Against "this feeling of admin- istration oppression" on the Lan- tern, the report recommended that "President Fawcett should disso- there have. been numerous demon- strations on the OSU campus pro- testing the appointment, in the name of a free press. Wednesday, led by the Free Stu- dent Federation, an outgrowth of last year's Free Speech Front, stu- dents and faculty picketed the ad- ministration and then met in the center of campus to question an empty chair labelled "President Fawcett." Fawcett had been invited to at- tend to answer questions, but did not appear. Questions were asked' of him in absentia and placed on a scroll which was later delivered to him. The questions were on the order of "What guarantees have we of your guarantee of Lantern freedom?" and "How will the Hall appointment affect Lantern free- dom?" One group questioned whether all the facts of the Hall appoint- ment were reaching students and faculty through the Lantern. "On our own campus the presi- dent and his cabinet of adminis- trators have tried for years to prescribe what the campus news- paper should carry or not carry. What it should play up or play down. Usually the plea has been that nothing should be carried which would damage the "image" of the university or its adminis- trators. Seldom was the test ap- plied as to whether it was the truth. the tri rearra down. "Are studen gan fo larly institu free Jo nalism univer sponsi Earl ally d( picket who w with n possibi would studen opposi Hall Colum new po The implication was that uth, if it hurt, should be nged or at least played (the Lantern journalism ts) to publish a house or- or the institution, particu- the administration of the tion? It is the spirit of )urnalism, non-captive jour- L, that is threatened. The sity administration is ,re- ble." ier Fawcett said "I person- on't attend rallies and carry signs. If there are people vant to, it is-quite all right me. He said there was no ility that Hall's appointment be rescinded "because of t demonstrations or other tion." is scheduled to arrive in bus July 1 to assume his osition. tern. Its emphasis ought to be fundamentally in reporting of uni- versity news. Apparently there a Willard M. Kiplinger, chairman of the Kiplinger Washington Edi- tors and an alumnus of OSU, To Review Residential College Cuts Regents To Discuss Possible Changes in Funding of Program By MICHAEL HEFFER ' The faculty planning commit- tee's decision that proposed changes in the residential college are unacceptable, and their hopes for more money for the college# leave the Regents with the same "dilemma" they thought they had resolved last month. At that time they decided that there would be neither "differen- tial" rates for those attending the college nor more cuts from the budget of the rest of the Univer- sity. Now, with a chance they may' add funds, the Regents will have to reconsider these two alterna- tivesrRegent Irene Murphy said yesterday. Mrs. Murphy stressed that she does not know what is going to happen, or what should happen. She said she is in favor of the residential college, but expressed some doubt that it requires the extra funds as urgently as the faculty committee claims, especial- ly when it may require differential fees, or cutting programs else- where. Meanwhile, the administration isn't saying what it is considering. Architects indicate that it is still possible to have the proposed re- visions finished, sent to and ap- proved by the Plant Extension Committee in time for the Regents meeting on Friday. The faculty planning committee hopes that before the plans are sent to the Regents some com- promise can be worked out with the administration. However, at the moment they have not heard from the administration. Otherwise, he feels much needed money may come in when it is too late to change building plans. Meanwhile, faculty members in- dicate that the Regents's accept- ance of the residential college has increased faculty support for it. One faculty member said he thought that if a vote on it were taken now, as was done to orig- inally approve the residential col- lege, the number of those in favor of it would be greatly increased.I He suggested that although the faculty was disappointed -and con- cerned about proposed cuts, they would make the best of whatever the Regents approve. NEWS WIRE A LEGISLATOR SAYS TWO staff members of Ramparts magazine will confront Michigan State University officials Mon- day in a hearing on whether MSU provided a cover for the CIA in Viet Nam. Democratic Rep. Jack Faxon of Detroit said the object was to remove a cloud of suspicion from MSU's overseas activities. MSU President John Hannah has denied the charge. He said when MSU found the CIA men in the advisory group, they were removed. The MSU group was training Vietnamese police officers. Hannah said the men who turned out to be CIA employcs had been hired to teach counter subversionary tactics-something with which the MSU faculty members were unfamiliar. Faxon said yesterday that Ramparts editor Warren Jinckle and Stanley Sheinbaum, who wrote the introduction for the MSU article, would fly to Lansing from California Monday. Sheinbaum was a member of the MSU advisory group. Faxon said they were coming to Michigan at their own expense., He said members of the House Ways and Means Committee would try to get at the differences between their version and MSU's version of what happened in Viet Nam. Faxon said faculty members at a number of universities were disturbed by the possibility of a university group "being infil- trated and used as an instrument of a federal program to gather confidential information." "I think MSU has nothing to be ashamed of if all the facts are known," he added. He said MSU representatives at the hearing would include Hannah, Ralph Smuckler, acting dean for international pro- grams, and Wesley Fishel, a political science professor who served with the MSU Viet Nam mission. ABOUT FIFTEEN STUDENTS picketed University President Harlan Hatcher's residence yesterday protesting the University's agreement to administer the Selective Service draft deferment exams here. The students termed the test a "beat the draft" exam. Representatives of Students for a Democratic Society and Inter-University Committee for Debate on Foreign Policy called the 2-S deferments "undemocratic and discriminatory." People should have a choice, they said, of how they desire to serve the national interest. THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE Institute at the University will celebrate its 25th anniversary with a two-day program starting today. During ceremonies tomorrow, the ELI's first director, Prof. Emeritus Charles C. Fries, will be awarded a Regents' Citation of Honor. University President Harlan Hatcher will make the presenta- tion to Fries, who was one of the pioneers in applying the science of linguistics to the teaching of a foreign language. The ELI was established in 1941 to meet the then-growing need to teach English to Latin American students. It was begun as an intensive eight-week summer program and claimed an en- rollment of nine students. By the third summer, the students eight-week course and an added 15-week course is now 500. SHA Plans Voter Drive Next Month Summer Students To Receive Information On Voter Registration By BETSY TURNER Student Housing Association is planning another voter registra- tion drive to be conducted the first two weeks in June. Letters - containing information on regis- tering in Ann Arbor and the re- quirements will be sent to all grad- uate students and seniors enrolled in the Spring-Half or full Summer terms. All the people on the mailing list ill also be contacted either by phone or personally. The, com- mittee also plans to use bumper stickers, posters and slogans to promote their campaign. Commenting on the effective- ness of a summer campaign, Neill Hollenshead, SHA city planning chairman, said, "The reason we feel a campaign such as this will be successful is that most stu- dents who stay in Ann Arbor in the summer are permanent resi- dents and- therefore eligible to vote." All people who wish to vote in the Aug. 2 primary must be registered by July 5. Another purpose of the drive in addition to actually getting stu- dents to register, is to point out to the student exactly how much influence he can have and how much city affairs do affect him. "A detailed analysis I conduct- ed shows that over one-third of the people registered from Feb. 23 to March 7, the period of the last voter registration drive, were students. This is quite significant since the difference between the two political parties was only 1 1, per cent of the total vote cast," Hollenshead commented. SHA members also pointed out that Robert Weeks, councilman from Ward 3, a ward with a high concentration of student voters, won bynon e vote out of nearly 5000 cast. The main issue concerning SHA at the present time is city-Uni- versity housing. A proposal drawn up by the committee suggesting changes in city policies on hous- ing will be presented to the city council within the next two weeks. The proposal contains revisions of zoning ordinances and building codes which will take student needs and desires into account, -Daily-Paul Bernets TEACHING FELLOWS MEET, David Katzman (left) and Robert Rockaway (right), teaching fellows in the history department, and other members of the Teaching Fellows Organization negotiating committee met last night to discuss the demands and proposals concerning salary adjustments and faculty privileges they will take to Vice-President for Academic Affairs Allen Smith on Monday. REPORT RELEASED: Hacher Takes Position OnUnion Controversy China Claims Its Plane Hit By U.S. Jets Reds Term Incident A 'War Provocation'; U.S. Officials Silent From Wire Service Reports LONDON - Communist China last night denounced as "an act of war provocation" the alleged in- trusion of five American fighter planes over its territory. Peking said one Chinese plane was shot down by guided missiles from the American jets in Yun- nan Province, about 20 miles in- side Chinese territory. Hours later, it was learned in Saigon that a Communist MIG-17 was downed with a Sidewinder missile in a dogfight with U.S. Air Force Phantom jets north of Hanoi. Decline Comment U.S. officialsin" Saigon and Washington declined comment on the incidents, which indicated a major escalation in the air war in Southeast Asia. The Peking announcement was the first official report that a Chinese Communist plane had been downed by Americans since the start of the Vietnamese con- flict. A Chinese defense ministry spokesman was quoted'as saying, "This is an extremely grave in- cident, a deliberate, systematic act of war provocation by the John- son administration. The debt in blood owed by U.S. imperialism to the Chinese people must be cleared." 'Massive Reinforcements' The spokesman said the mci- dent "took place at a time when the U.S. is sending massive rein- forcements into South Viet Nam and extending its bombing of North Viet Nam." Meanwhile, U.S. officials tn- plied yesterday that North Viet Nam's three jet airfields might be attacked if Communist MIGs in- flict losses on American planes in future dogfights. These officials said the United States, as a means of reducing losses, would use the most effec- tive methods' and tactics to com- bat any weapons or aircraft that attack U.S. planes. Missiles Fired Officials discussed the possibil- ity two days after MIG-17 jet fighters were reported to have fired missiles at American planes over North Viet Nam, without doing any damage. Bombing the airfields would be taken in some quarters in a major new step in the Viet Nam war. The alleged downing of the Ch- nese aircraft was believed to be the first air engagement over -Yunnan Province, although Pe-. king has charged that American planes have violated its air space there. The Chinese broadcast which reported the American attack said Chinese fighter planes counter- attacked and the American air- craft f 1 e d southwestward. No American planes, were reported shot down. U.S. policy on possible, air en- counters with Chinese planes was outlined at a briefing for editors and broadcasters in Washington last month. U.S. officials drew a distinction between a "no sanc- ,,,.r ,nl,-v Aenrlt.nrimninlP o By MARTHA WOLFGANG President Harlan Hatcher re- cently concluded a report to the Board of Regents on the Univer- sity's relationship with unions, especially four which are trying to organize the University's non- academic employes. There has been a lot of antagonism and un- pleasantness between the unions and the University in the past year. President Hatcher tries to re- verse much of this in his report when he says, "For many years the University has worked with labor unions, recognizing the free- dom of each individual employe to decide for himself whether he should join or should not join a union." "The University has expressed its belief in and willingness to support principles of representa- tion," he said. The University's problems with the unions began with the passage of Public Act 379. an amendment to the Hutchinson Act which pre- viously prohibited public employes the right to collective bargaining representation under a union. With the passage of Act 379, public employes were given col- lective bargaining rights. First an election, conducted by the State Labor Mediation Board is held among the employes to choose a bargaining unit, and then the board makes the decision on the proper representational unit for the employes concerned. Four unions, the American Fed- eration of State and County Mu- nicipal Employes, the Washtenaw C o u n t y Building Construction Trades Council, the International Union of Operating Engineers, and the Teamsters are seeking to rep- resent some of the Univeristy's non-academic employes. Approximately 575 University employes are now involved in the present organizational drives. The State Lavor Mediation Board has concluded its hearings on the petition of only one of the four unions, and the hearing ex- aminer still has to make a final decision. Another union is in the process of the preliminary hear-' ings, and the final two have not yet petitioned to be scheduled by the board. All anti-union activities inter- fering with the union's organiza- tional effort since the denial of the injunction can now be classi- fied as unfair labor practices un- der the Hutchinson Act. The University feels the pay adjustments and benefits it gave to its employes covers all 8,000 and was not an attempt to in- fluence the 575 involved in union- ization. As President Hatcher stat- ed, ". .. all (of the employes) are eligible to enjoy improvements as funds are available." All of these problems are rami- fications of the larger problem of University autonomy. The Uni- versity has taken the stand that its employes are not public em- ployes because the University does not come under the jurisdiction of the Hutchinson Act. The Univer- sity Regents feel that the State Constitution guarantees them in- dependence in running the Uni- versity. They feel that being given the state control over their em- ployer-employe relationships they will be establishing a dangerous precedent of state controlover the University. DISRUPT ADMINISTRATION: U. of Chicago Sit-In Opposes Draft Examination By STEPHEN BERKOWITZ Special To The Daily CHICAGO-University of Chi- cago President George Beadle last night rejected student demands that the ,university suspend class ranking procedures and cease co- operating with the Selective Serv- ice System on draft deferment tests. The students, totalling nearly 600, carried their occupation of voted to allow them to enter the1 building rather than risk violence. Milton Singer, a long-term pro-j fessor and administrator at the university, addressed the students. He said that a large portion of the faculty was sympathetic to the end but not the means employed by the demonstrators. Meanwhile, student government president Thomas Heagy called for a special assembly for today to consider the possibility of holding a referendum. The referendum -rnilq ct e-vuon'c xxh~ . a li would only provide grade and class standing information at the request of the particular student involved. At the same time, the university will continue discus- sions to see if its present policy can be improved and to formulate suggestions for the improvement of national student deferment policy. "The university's inquiry and deliberation on these matters has been in no way assisted by this Earlier in the day, students or- ganized to block access to the ad- ministration building. They re- fused to admit employes and al- lowed only telephone operators handling emergency calls and. some maintenance workers and others handling routine university business to enter the building. Demonstrators held periodic meetings to plan strategy. Deci- sions were made on a parliamen- tary basis. i