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May 12, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-12

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THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1966




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Sec. McNamara Says U.S.

Cong Lose
Of Victory
McNamnara Argues
War Objectives with
Morse and Fulbright
WASHINGTON O) - Secretary
of Defense Robert S. McNamara
said yesterday that if American
troops had not been rushed in, the
Communists would have overrun
South Viet Nam, butchered thou-
sands, and brought turmoil to all
of Southeast Asia.
McNamara, pulling secret re-
ports from his arsenal of statis-
.? tics, told the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee that the Viet
Cong "is losing what support it
had from the population."
Also, he said, heavy pounding
from ground and air has dented
the enemy's morale and expecta-
tions of victory.
But still, he said, the "domi-
nant theme" of war and peace in
Viet Nam is what he saw as a
"firm decision" by the North Viet-
namese to intensify the war.
Flow from North
McNamara based this judgment
on a continuing flow of men from
the North-at a rate of about 4500
men a month.
He sought, however, to assure
the committee, a center of criti-
cism of the war policy, that the
United States has a "limited poli-
tical objective." "We are seeking
to achieve that objective with the
lowest possible cost in human life
to the United States, to the South
Vietnamese and to our adversar-
All this, McNamara said, is be-
ing weighed by the White House
discussion on Viet Nam which he
preferred to call a "progress re-
port" rather than a re-examina-
tion of policy.
No Policy Change
McNamara said he shied away
from "re-examination" because "I
didn't want to give the impression
that some change of policy would
be announced at any time, and I
don't think that is the case."
Chairman J. W. Fulbright (D-
Ark), one of the foremost critics
of the administration Viet Nam
policy, said he thought a "change
in policy would be in the national
4( McNamara's appearance obsten-
sibly was in support of the ad-
ministration's $3.4-billion foreign
aid program. Fulbright indicated
previously that he expected that
McNamara would be the last wit-
ness before the committee went
into closed sessions on the meas-
Lively Debate
One of the liveliest debates at
yesterday's Senate hearing Involv-
ed Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore)
and McNamara on the question of
whether the use of U.S. combat
troops had moved the war any
i closer to a conference table.
Morse insisted it had not.
But McNamara argued, "The
first step in a negotiated peace is
avoidance of a loss, and that step
has been taken, and that step is
a direct result of the introduction
of U.S. forces."
"Had the men not been intro-
duced the Viet Cong and North
Viet Nam would have won. They
would have slaughtered thousands
and probably tens of thousands of
South Vietnamese, and all of

Southeast Asia would be in tur-
moil," he added.
Morse disputed that.
McNamara continued, "All of
the intelligence we have from both
sides indicates that had there been
a Viet Cong and North Vietnamese
victory, there would have been a
slaughter in South Viet Nam. That
I am sure of."
Cause and Effect
Morse countered: "We started
this whole cause and effect rela-
tionship. You've got to stop this
war, you've got to stop killing these
"You indicated that you don't
know what ought to be done,"
said McNamara. "It's not clear
adopting your objectives how you
achieve them."
Morse repeated his assertion
that President Johnson should
personally ask the United Nations
to achieve a cease-fire.
"I think even the secretary-gen-
eral of the United Nations has
despaired of the United Nations
playing a role," concluded McNa-
"That's why I think we need a
new secretary - general," s a i d


S laughter]







Johnson Lashes Out at Critics

PRINCETON, N.J. (P) - Presi-1
dent Johnson jibbed at Sen. J.,W.
Fulbright (D-Ark) and campus'
critics of Vietnamese policy in gen-
eral yesterday and said intellec-
tuals should bring light rather
than heat to public affairs.
Johnson named no names in
what turned out to be something
of a lecture at a ceremonial con-
vocation at Princeton University.
'Arrogance, Not Agony'
But he said that in Southeast
Asia and elsewhere American pow-
er is tempered by great restraint
and the exercise of that power in
this century has meant "not ar-
rogance but agony for all Ameri-
This drew a bead on Fulbright,
chairman of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. A former
professor and president of the Uni-
versity of Arkansas, he has ac-
cused the administration of wield-
ing an arrogance of power.
More than one scholar, Johnson
said, has "come to recognize that
criticism is one thing, diplomacy
'Know One, Know Them All'
He continued: "They have
learned to fear dogmatism in the
classroom as well as in the capi-
tal-and to reject the notion that
expertise acquired in a lifetime of
study in one disciplinesbrings ex-
pertise in all other subjects as

place in the world to recognize that
freedom is still indivisible - still
has adversaries whose challenge
must be answered."
Johnson gave no indication that
he saw some heckling signs in the
background, held by opponents of
his Vietnamese policies. He had
bypassed a couple of blocks of
pickets bearing signs declaring
"Viet Nam for the Vietnamese,"
"Get Out of Viet Nam," and,
"Draft Beer Not People."
The Daily Princetonian said the
demonstration was set up by a
newly organized ad hoc committee
for an end to intervention in Viet
Nam, spearheaded by three Prince-
ton seniors.
Some professors, past and pres-
ent, have attacked the way John-
son has handled the Viet Nam
problem and last year campuses
were the settings for several teach-
ins. Student demonstrations also
have been directed at Viet Nam
Fresh Agitati4

policy in various parts of the
In his speech, Johnson borrow-
ed from the words of World War
I President Wilson and said that,
"We still strive to make the world
safe for democracy."
He said that studies, no matter
how important, must not distract
the men of learning from the mis-
fortunes of freedom in Southeast
"While men may talk of the
'search for peace' and the 'pursuit
of peace'," Johnson said, "we
know that peace is not something
to be discovered suddenly - not a
thing to be caught and contained.
Peace must be built-step by pain-
ful, patient step.
"It will take men whose cause
is not the cause of one nation but
of all nations-men whose enemies
are not other men but the his-
toric foes of mankind. I hope that
many of you will serve in this
public service for the world."
on Reported,

Soviet Chief
In Romania
To Halt Split
BUCHAREST, Romania (P) -
Soviet Communist party chief Leo-
nid I. Brezhnev was reported yes-
terday to have opened a trouble-
shooting mission to Romania, pre-
sumably on rising Romanian re-
sistance to Moscow's dictates.
Brezhnev was said to have
brought along an expert on Red
Chinese affairs, indicating he will
bring up the feud between Mos-
cow and Peking. Romania has
tried to keep neutral in this fight
between the two Communist gi-
Secret Place
Some sources said Brezhnev and
Romanian Communist party chief
Nicolae Ceausescu probably had
slipped away to a secret place in
the countryside for their meeting.
Western diplomats point to the
speech Ceausescu made last Sat-
urday on the 45th anniversary of
the Romanian party and called it
a dramatic declaration of inde-
In that speech, Ceasescu declar-
ed that Romania would tolerate no
outside interference in domestic
and foreign policy.
Avert Split
Some thought it was this speech
that prompted Brezhnev to come
flying to Romania to prevent a
split between the two nations.
There probably was some Soviet
nervousness over recent Roman-
ian gestures to Red China. Pre-
mier Chou En-lai of China is
scheduled to visit Bucharest soon.
Unconfirmed reports said Brezh-
nev brought along Konstantin!
Rossakov, considered an expert on
Chinese affairs. Rossakov is a for-

Third Chinese Test Largest

By The Associated Press
TOKYO-A Japanese scientist
reported yesterday radioactive
fallout from Communist China's
third atomic test was far heavier
than previous ones and warned it
might be hazardous to human be-
Meanwhile, State Department
officials in Washington acknowl-
edged that the United States had
turned down a Chinese Commu-
nist proposal on limiting the use
of nuclear weapons.
"We do not feel it was a con-
structive step toward the problem
of disarmament," press officer
Robert J. McCloskey said.
Criticizes Chinese
"We do not feel they have a
legitimate and constructive inter-
est in disarmament. If they had.
they would have manifested this
by signing the nuclear test ban
He charged that the Chinese be-
lieve declarations without controls
would be a sufficient guarantee
and that they have shown no re-
sponse to American proposals for
a cut-off of the production of nu-
clear materials and a freeze on
the strategic delivery vehicles
needed to carry nuclear weapons.
Prof. Takao Kosaka of Niigata
University said the dust radioac-
tivity from the new Chinese bomb
was slightly more than 33 times
stronger than the second and larg-
est of two previous Chinese tests,
the one in May 1965.
The fallout also could seriously
contaminate vegetables in the Jap-
anese countryside, he said.
Takes Opposite Stand
Dr. Kenpo Tsukamoto, director
of the Radial Rays Research In-
stitute, disputed Kosaka. He said

far detected in Japan were the
same radioactive material that
was found after the previous Chi-
nese atomic bomb blasts.
But he cautioned: "This does nt
determine that the latest Chinese
nuclear device was not a hydro-
gen bomb because an atomic bomb
is used as a trigger for the ther-
monuclear bomb."
Kosaka's findings bore out two
Washington reports: That the
third test would be the dirtiest of
all, and that it was the largest in
the series of three. The first test
came in October 1904.
More Radioactivity
Kosaka reported dust particles
contained a maximum of 1.5 mil-
lion units of radioactivity, compar-
ed with a maximum of 45,000 in
China's test last May.

Kosaka's report did not mean,
however, that the third blast was
33 times as large as the previous
one. Rain and other weather fac-
tors affect the rate of fallout.
Generally, the findings in rain-
fall in other parts of Japan were
that contamination was less than
or about equal to that of previous
More Today
The defense agency's Nuclear
Energy Research Department in
Tokyo said the radioactive con-
tamination would increase as air
masses move in from the Chinese
mainland today.
Shokichi Uehara, state minister
and director of the science and y
technological agency, and other;
cabinet ministers studied measures
to cope with the. increasing fall-

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Ford Division of
Ford Motor Co. reported yesterday
a end to a sales slump with rec-
ord auto sales for the first 10
days of May.
In April, the four domestic auto
firms sold 761,606 cars, about 38,-
000 below the record 1965 total.
Arjay Miller, president of Ford
Motor Co., and Roy Abernethy of
American Motors Corp., previous-
ly said auto safety hearings in
Washington were part of the sales
A Ford spokesman said Miller
would have no immediate comment
on the changed picture.
A Ford Division spokesman said
"we'd have had bigger records" if
it hadn't been for the auto safe-
ty controversy.
The Ford figures came as the
industry eagerly awaited sales re-
ports for the first 10 days of May
as a tipoff on whether the dip
in auto buying is over.
Reports from dealers and zone
offices poured into company head-
quarters in Detroit with indica-
tions most of the carmakers will,

release their latest sales figures to-
"There continues to be a strong,
receptive market for our products,"
said Donald N. Frey, Ford vice-
president and -general manager of
Ford Division. "Several records in
this period confirm our faith in
the continuing strength of the
market," he said.
NEW YORK-The stock market
tried vainly yesterday to keep its
advance rolling. It ran up a strong
gain in early trading and then saw
higher prices wither.
The advance had begun Tuesday
after a severe week-long decline.
The Dow Jones average of 30 in-
dustrials was off a trifling 0.05 at
the close but had been up more
than 8 points at noon. The Asso-
ciated Press 60-stock average dip-
ped .2 to 328.0.
Among the 1,416 issues traded,
gainers outnumbered losers 639 to
Volume contracted to 7.47 mil-
lion shares from 9.03 million Tues-

In Vietnamese Army Units

SAIGON UP) - Fresh Buddhist,
agitation was reported yesterday
in units of the Vietnamese army as
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky repeated
i 1,1 f~rnain~nr t~h+ ht nA I i i

'" his prediction that nannie sd his m
"They have learned, too, that itary government will remain in
strident emotionalism in the pur- power at least another year.
suit of truth, no matter how dis- Informed sources said Buddhist
guised in the language of wisdom, chaplains were stirring up troops
is harmful to public policy -just against the government in the 1st
as harmful as self-righteousness and 2nd Corps areas. Both are

in the application of power.
'Cool It' Baby
"The responsible intellectual
who moves between his campus
and Washington knows, above all,
that his task is, in the language
of the current generation, to 'cool
it'--to bring what my generation
called 'not heat but light' to pub-
lic affairs."
The "cool it" remark drew a
slight chuckle; the heat-light re-
mark only silence. Except for an
almost inaudible spatter at a cou-
ple of points, Johnson received no
applause during the speech and
only a lukewarm round of it after.
"Surely," Johnson said, "it is not
a paranoid vision of America's

north of Saigon, toward the fron-
tier with Communist North Viet
These sources said that, for the
second time this spring, more
American servicemen than Viet-
namese were killed and injured
in action last week. The first
such switch in the casualty ratio
came during a week of political
crisis in April that diverted bat-
talions of Vietnamese troops from
field duty.
The 1st Corps, commanded by
Gen. Ton That Dinh, has been in
a state of virtual dissidence. Dinh,
appointed by Saigon to bring it
into the fold, has proceeded cau-

The strong Buddhist influence
in the northernmost areas has
spread south to the 2nd Corps, the
sources said. According to these
reports, chaplains were urging
soldiers to press for a return to
civilian rule demanded by Bud-
dhist leadership.
Plans To Stay
Ky reiterated in Saigon his plan
to remain in power for another
year while a lengthy process in-
volving two elections and drafting
of a constitution is completed.
Ky spoke to newsmen shortly
before a cabinet meeting describ-
ed by informants later as stormy.
Apparently there were divergen-
cies between Ky and Lt. Gen.
Nguyen Van Thieu, who has the
title of the chief of state. Per-
sonal clashes were reported be-
tween other junta members.
There also were reports of plan-
ned reshuffle of the ruling 10-man
Nothing was said officially and
there still was the possibility that
the regime may survive the pres-
ent crisis with closed ranks.

mer ambassador to China. He ac- a large radioactive particle of dustI
companied Coviet Presidium mem- might cause a few hairs to fall
ber Alexander N. Shelepin to North out but even if it "is absorbed into
Viet- Nam and Red China in Jan- the human body with vegetables it
nary, doesn't cause much trouble."
On that mission, Shelepin is A Communist Chinese announce-
believed to have solidified the ment said the latest nuclear blast
Soviet position in North Viet Nam contained some thermonuclear.
by promising more Soviet arms.|material, implying it might have
But as far as is known, he did not been a hydrogen bomb.
see even one top Chinese leader Prof. Seitaro Koyama of Niiga-
in a stopover in Peking. ta University said the particles so

. _ ............. .

KJ( " ..

I l

Back By Popular Demand-


"Just a Little Misunderstanding"
"Do You Love Me"
"Can You Do It"
"First I Look at the Purse"

Prior to Their Polish Tour-

our Miss J loves

e\ .


"Seek, Seek"
"Messin with the Kid"

Just returned from their prior engagement

, >, :
,{ .
' , ,



the life of the cotton sun shift
by Jayson Classics for summering in the
center of fun situations, or dazzling for
that casual date. Sizes 5 to 13.
A. Princess line kick pleat style. Geld,
natural, light blue. 8.00
B. Tiny pleated front with self belt.
White, yellow, green. 9.00
C. Square necked shift. . .puffed
sleeves and loosely belted front.
Green, pink, natural. 11.00

FRIDAY, the 13th


ON 4 ,

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