M DRAFT PROTESTORS: LACKING HONESTY? See Editorial Page L lfl: ian ~E~aii4 CLOUDY High--48 Low-38 Rain today, continued cold Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVINo. 7S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1966 SEVEN CENTS SUournalism Appointment Spurs §ontr SIX PAGES oversy EDITOR'S NOTE: First of a two-part series. By HARVEY WASSERMAN Editorial Director Special To The Daily COLUMBUS, Ohio-Once again Ohio State University is the scene of controversial administrative ac- tion, the second in as many years. The present controversy sur- rounds the appointment of a new head of the journalism school. Last spring controversy erupt- ed when, after months of quiet, behind-the-scenes dickering with the administration, students of the Free Speech Front, a large-scale student activist organization, be- gan demonstrations protesting OSU's year-old speaker rule. Led by Jeffrey Schwartz, a sen- ior political science major, the FSF staged a number of peaceful marches in late spring and through the summer, culminating in an all-night sit-in by some 300 students in the OSU administra- tion building. The rule, which had allowed the OSU administration to ban at their own discretion any speaker they wished, was revoked early last fall, at which time Marxist Herbert Aptheker was allowed to speak on the OSU campus for the first time. The new controversy is seen by many as a sequel to last year's fight for free speech on campus- a fight for freedom of the aca- demic press. The controversy began March 21, 1965, when George J. Kienzle, director of the OSU school of journalism, died. Immediately fol- lowing his death, J. Osburn Ful- ler, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, appointed a search committee of journalism faculty to find a successor. On April 14 of this year, 14 months and one search committee later, William E. Hall, head of the University of Nebraska school of journalism, announced he would accept the post as head of the DSU school, and with this an- nouncement came a paid adver- tisement published in the OSU journalism newspaper, the Lan- tern, protesting Hall's appoint- ment and signed by nine of the journalism school's 14 faculty. Hall, in return, offered "to find jobs for any teachers who see fit to resign." He said he would "not tolerate Viet Cong in the ranks." One focal point on the contro- versy is Paul Barton, professor of journalism, who was appointed temporary department head when Kienzle died. Nine months after his interim appointment, the fac- ulty of the school of journalism voted 12-2 to include Barton's name on the list of candidates for permanent department chief. During his period as department head, however, Barton became in- volved in a scrap with OSU Presi- dent Novice G. Fawcett concerning, the Lantern. Operating within the school of journalism, the Lantern had been subject to an annual budget review by the OSU admin- istration. In July, however, Fawcett es- tablished the Lantern budget re- view on a quarterly basis. Barton charged that Fawcett was "put- ting the Lantern on a financial leash" by making it subject to such frequent administration re- views. Fawcett said the review was normal procedure and denied any such intent. When, in late January, Fuller received word of the journalism faculty's move to submit Barton's name for permanent school head, he established a second search committee which included one journalism professor who had fav- ored Barton and both who had opposed him, in addition to two honorary journalism f a c u l t y teaching in other schools. Fuller appointed himself as chairman of the committee. On March 16, the new commit- tee presented three names to the journalism faculty asking for let- ters commenting on each. One of the candidates was Barton, anoth- er was Hall. Nine of the 14 fac- ulty wrote letters opposing both the outside candidates. On April 14, one name was sub- mitted to the OSU trustees-that of Hall. The journalism faculty was notified of this action the same morning and the trustees approved the appointment that afternoon. A survey of the jour- nalism department revealed that only three members actively sup- ported Hall and only two more said they would accept him as de- partment head. Among the generally unfavor- able reaction to the method of ap- pointment, 33 members of the his- tory department went on record as opposing the administration's ignoring faculty opinion. Part of the OSU administra- tion's pronounced justification for the appointment of Hall is a shift to an emphasis on teaching the psychological and sociological fac- tors surrounding the media. Bar- ton and his supporters favor teach- ing the "technical" aspects of the journalistic profession. Another issue of faculty oppo- sition is Hall's actual journalism experience, which they feel is not extensive enough. Hall had worked from 1939 to 1946 for the Albuquerque Tribune, where he be- came sports editor before enter- ing teaching. He also supplement- ed his journalistic experience with summer newspaper work. But much of the controversy within the department has also centered around Hall himself. In a taped interview printed in the Lantern, the day after the an- nouncement of Hall's appoint- ment, Hall said "I am not com- ing to Ohio State to try to win the faculty popularity contest . . - There is going to be one team- one captain. And this does not mean I want a congregation of yes-men, but I will not tolerate feet draggers and obstructionists. "If the nine protesting faculty members are as sincere in their principles as news stories indicate, there is no alternative but for them to resign. I built the Ne- braska faculty from scratch, I can do it again at Ohio State." The response from the OSU fac- ulty was harsh. Ira Harkey, Jr., an instructor and an advisor to the Lantern, said, "Hall's pettish and intemperate outburst is evi- dence for the faculty's conviction that he is unfit to succeed such a man as Paul Barton. I suggest that Hall resign immediately from his new job. If he can gain con- trol of himself, I will be happy to help him find a job." Assistant Prof. Robert C. Mc- Giffert said, "Hall can go to hell, I have classes to teach and I am going to teach them as long as I am under contract. Before Hall can rebuild he will have to wreck and I do not propose to be a member of his wrecking crew." Lecturer J. M. Lemmon said "the differences between Barton and Hall are the differences be- tween leadership and dictator- ship." As if to prove the point, soon after Hall promised he would ap- point no one to his staff without first consulting the OSU journal- ism faculty, he appointed as his assistant 26-year-old Donalid Fer- guson of Nebraska with no men- tion of the choice until after the fact. OSU faculty further objected to the appointment on the basis that Ferguson had had no exper- ience working for a newspaper. WSU Scene U' Reveals Of Teach-In Jj f AricI dgitB iait Uncertainty On Viet Nam N EOn2- ei ! . NEWS WIRE "2STr is - Rappaport, Thomas r Speak; Rain Keeps Attendance Sparse F By NEAL BRUSS and ANDY SACKS Special To The Daily DETROIT-Wayne State Un!- versity held its first major teach- in yesterday. It lacked the fire of the Uni- versity's China Teach-in and the sense of urgency of the Viet Emer- gency Teach-in. Furthermore, it was hampered by rainy weatherj and what teach-in leaders called "the apathy of the students who commute to school." However, it presented a host of notable speakers: University Profs. Anatol Rappoport and Marshall Sahlins; David Smokler, Univer- sity student involved in the draft board sit-in; Tom Mayer, Univer- sity sociologist of the mechanics of revolution; Ernest Goodman, ACLU lawyer, and 20 WSU facul- ty members. The highlight of the daylong program was an appearance by the American socialist leader Nor- man Thomas. Thomas told the crowd of 250 that if he were president today he would ask for the end of the war ii Viet Nam. "This enormous cruelty must be exterpated. I would negotiate with the National Liberation Front. . . . I would withdraw American bases from Viet Nam . . . and I would work, for the neutralization of South- east Asia'" Thomas discussed the claims of American arrogance leveled by Senate foreign relations commit- Wp tee chairman William 'Fulbright (D-Ark). He said that he could not accept the view of American arrogance or the president's coun-I ter of American anguish. He said, "I sorrow for a man who is caught in a bind." The bind he described had sev- eral foundations. Some of these were a tradition spurring Amei- cans towards a passion for pos- session, a religion of nationalism,' false assumptions and the mean- ing of past American war affairs, and pressures arising from do- mestic and political opinion. He also rejected the idea that capitalist imperialism was respon- sible for the war. He said that this force had been responsible for drawing out past wars but that feelings of righteousness and pre- occupation were behind the Viet- namese war.r The Johnson administration is increasingly tied to evolving dif- ficulties according to Thomas. He said, "I find that we are protect- ing a country we are devastating. News media give us tallies of dead like basketball scores. We have added to hate between nations by bringing Korean missionaries to Viet Nam. "Can a great society crushing a' small country be a moral society?" The teach-in was sponsored by the WSU chapter of the Commit-I tee for a Sane Nuclear policy, and was called "Confrontation with AN INTERVIEWER FOR Chapman College's "floating cam- pus" will be in the basement of the Michigan Union today from 9 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. This program offers students a semester or more of accredited study while traveling aboard the S.S. Ryndam. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY told legislators yesterday that unless MSU's appropriation is boosted by $1.7 million, it would have to consider a tuition increase. MSU officials told the House Ways and Means Committee that the additional money is needed to pay "costs we don't see any possibility of avoiding." The university's board of trustees would have to approve any tuition boost. A Senate bill, now before the House committee, would give MSU $44.2 million, $1.15 more than Gov. George Romney recom- mended. The university, which received $38.6 million this year, originally asked for $50.6 million for 1966-67. MSU President John Hannah said the university had hired 300 more teachers and currently was negotiating pay matters with unions representing nonfaculty employes. "We're committed to take about 3,200 more students next year," said Philip May, MSU vice president for finance. This would bring MSU enrollment to about 38,700 at the East Lansing campus. May told a newsman the $1.7 million boost still would fall short of meeting all MSU needs, but would meet commitments, Hannah told the committee the tuition increase for out-of- state students probably would be from the current $870 to about $1,020, bringing in an additional estimated $900,000. For state residents, a tuition raise from $324 to $354 a year was proposed. -Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), chairman of the committee's higher education subcommittee, said another alternative would be a raise in out-of-state tuition only, with state residents con- tinuing to pay $324. THE UNIVERSITY'S SYMPHONY BAND has received stand- ing ovations at all of its concerts so far in its 2,000 mile concert tour, reported Donald A. Morris, director of special programs for the University. The 112-piece band gave its final two concerts in the nine- city American tour ending in Youngstown. The band will arrivej back in Ann Arbor this afternoon. PROF. B. J. GEORGE, JR. of the law school has been elected editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Comparative Law. The publication is the leading international law journal pub- lished in America. The late Hessel E. Yntema, University pro- fessor emeritus of law, was a founder of the journal in 1951 and its editor-in-chief until his illness. The distinguished legal scholar died last February. Editorship of the publication, publshed by the Amercan Association for the Comparative Study of Law, has been filled provisionally by Prof. George and Prof. Alfred F. Conard of the law school. The naming of George as editor-in-chief thus continues the University leadership of the publication which reports on legal developments all over the world. The association membership includes 24 law schools, includ- ing Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and the University of Texas. The Journal serves nearly 2,000 subscribers, with more than a third of its circulation in foreign countries. THE LAW SCHOOL will honor its seniors at the first Senior Day program here today. James Britt Donovan, distinguished New York attorney and author who conducted negotiations with the Castro government resulting in the release of over 9,700 Americans and Cuban refugees from Cuba, will be the speaker. Senior Day will begin at 10 a.m. at the Lawyers Club. Parents, wives and friends of 333 Law School candidates for the juris doctor and bachelor of laws degrees, as well as advanced degrees, will attend. Candidates for degrees include 300 for the current graduation, Officias Unaware of Class Ranking Based On Senior Grades By CLARENCE FANTO Co-Editor Several University officials re- vealed yesterday that they had not been aware of crucial Selec- tive Service guidelines on the de-. ferment of present and entering graduating students. The guidelines, announced by Selective Serviceadirector Gen, Lewis Hershey in late March. spe- cify that male studentsaenterig graduate or professional schools, or currently enrolled in one, will be granted continued 2-S defer- ments if they achieved a ranking in the top one-quarter of their class based on their work only in their senior undergraduate year. University Selective S e r v i c e counselor Thomas Clark was ask- ed about these guidelines yester- day. He said he had not been aware of the provision that the top one-quarter ranking be used Solely on the senior undergradu-' ate year of work. Ernest Zimmerman, assistant to the vice-president for academic afairs, also revealed lack of knowledge about the guidelines. He indicated that work on com- piling class rankings for male stu- dents had not yet begun. When asked on what basis these rank- ings would be made (four-year accumulated grade-point or senior year of work), he declined com- m ent. Meanwhile, students in the Voice-Students for a Democratic Society local chapter local chap- ter announced plans for a demon- stration in front of University President Harlan Hatcher's resi- dence today at 3 p.m. The stu- dents will protest the holding of the Selective Service draft defer- ment examination in University buildings Saturday. The Student- Faculty . Committee to End the War in Viet Nam is also sponsor- ing the demonstration. Their demands are that the University stop cooperating with the Selective Service System be- cause it discriminates against eco- nomically disadvantaged youths. The group cited the action of offi- cials at San Francisco State Col- lege, who announced that their university has cancelled the exam- ination oon its premises. -Associated Press DECEIVINGLY CLOSE SEN. WILLIAM FULBRIGIIT and See. of Defense Robert McNamara may be nose to nose in this picture, baut observers insist it's an accident. CHAIN REACTION STUDIED: Survey To Determine Low Cost Housing Requirements Protestors Stage Sit-in At Chicago Ask Administration Not To Rank Men For Selective Service By STEPHEN BERKOWITZ CHARLOTTE WOLTER, SHIRLEY ROSICK and JEFF GOODMAN Special To The Daily CHICAGO-More than 450 Uni- versity of Chicago students con- ducted an all-night sit-in at the school's administrative offices last night, protesting the university's cooperation with the Selective Service system on draft deferment tests. The students, organized by a group of Students for a'Democrat- ic Society members, were cram- med into sixth floor corridors and rooms. They were working in shifts, and all available space on the floor was occupied by stu-. dents. The demonstration was order- ly, and there was no indication that university officials would take any action to evict the students from the premises. A small group of plainclothed police officers which had been present early last night had departed by early this morning. The university's position is that it is willing to discuss the issue of draft deferment tests and class rankings of students, but only if the demonstrators end their vigil. The students may continue their sit-in through Friday, but no firm plans have been made yet. SDS members had been orga- nizing the demonstration since the beginning of this month. The uni- versity's faculty senate refused to hear them present their case, and the sit-in demonstration was then organized. The students are protesting the "discriminatory nature of the draft" and are calling on the university not to reveal the ranks of students for the Selective Serv- ice System. A spokesman for the students, Stephen Kindred, described 'their position as opposed to any class ranking, but with the additional demands that the university sus- pend compilation of student ranks until the fall. They argue that the university's cooperation with the Selective Service System in pro- viding class ranks and holding the draft deferment examination on university grounds threatens the university's integrity. By SUSAN SCHNEPP A survey which may help de- termine how much low-cost hous- ing will be necessary in the fu- ture to fullfil the needs of low- income families is now being con- ducted by the Survey Research Center, John B. Lansing, SRC program director, announced re- cently. The Ford Foundation has award- ed the University a $155,580 grant for the project which is being di- rected by Lansing and Prof. James N. Morgan, SRC program director. The survey, called "A Study of Chains of Moves," will investigate the extent to which houses that are sold when a newly constructed dwelling comes onto the housing market, thus beginning a chain of moves, a "trickle down" to low- er income groups, Lansing said. He explained that when a new building is constructed the total supply of housing is increased. The people who move into the new unit will ordinarily vacate another housing unit, and those who mover into that unit will benefit indi- rectly from the construction of the new unit, releasing still anoth- er unit in their turn. Thus, Lansing continued, it is possible for the effects of any in- crease in the supply of housing, even starting with expensive hous- ing, to "trickle down" to the low- er income groups. If the process is extremely fast and effective, then stimulation of new housing even for upper income people provides a general benefit and may be a preferred policy to subsidizing new housing for low income people, Lansing comment- ed. However, he asserted, "if chains end before they get to low income groups, housing must be built for them." Chains end when people who move don't free another dwelling, as for example when those who move into a new house leave their parents' home or if the building is demolished or left permanently vacant. The plan of the project is to select several cities on the basis of size and age, then to choose a sample of new units and treat each unit as the start of a chain, explained Lansing. Then, he said, the chains are traced by interviewing the peo- ple who moved into the house vacated by those who moved into the new unit, the people who mov- ed into their previous house, and so on back along the chain either until it ends or until 12 months have passed after the move into the newly constructed dwelling. He said that interviewing has already begun in Flint, Pittsburgh and Atlanta. While the results rep- resent only a preliminary sam- pling, the method has been suc- cessful. Lansing explained that the find- ings of the survey would include measures of the average income and average degree of crowding, or number of people in the houses, at each link in the chains. The results would emphasize the average differences in incomes of occupants as one moved back from the new units, and the dif- ferences in the values or rents, he said. CALIFORNIA MEE TIN(G: Fulbriglt Warns Colleges of 'Stifling' Federal Ties Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee warned a convocation of educators in Cali- fornia this week that American universities were failing in their "higher purposes" as a result of the "stiflingly close" relationship that they had developed with the federal government. ment it takes on some of the at- mosphere of a place of business while losing that of a place of learning," Fulbright said. Fulbright, a leading critic of ad- ministration policies on the Viet Nam war, said neither the govern- ment nor the universities are "making the best possible use of their intellectual resources to deal It is the scholars, he said, who should examine such questions as: "To what extent is the war in Viet Nam a civil war? Does the war in- crease the security of the United States by proving our resolve or reduce it by drafting our material and moral resources?" Another area of research, he said. is the "relationship between comes too close, too extensive and too highly valued by the univer- sities, the higher functions of the university are in danger of being compromised." "The danger goes beyond con- tractual associations with the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency which, un- fortunate though they are, are so egregious that once they are Fulbright's concern was echoed by Dr. Linus Pauling, Nobel prize- winning chemist, who urged that those professors who operated large - scale, federally - subsidized research facilities should be push- ed off the university campus which, he contended, is not an ap- propriate place for such "big oper- ators."