Seventy-Sixth Year DITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVLRSITY OF MICHIGAN -. - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROI OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Wher, Optnos Are Free -420 MAYNARD ST,, ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 T. 'h ~bW!I Prev'ail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FEIFFER F1" 1117.A26 M6 MOW WOK BACK OK) AL. /)- 3!' TUESDAY, MAY 10, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER _ ____ i , Housing: Non-involvement Is Not a Virtue " HOUGH ADMINISTRATORS consist- ently claim impartiality in dealing with private apartment owners, the very policy of non-interference is an aid to the developers. Equipped with capital and plans to entrench themselves in the city, they can organize more effectively than the diverse, transient and financially de- pendent student population. With no effective restriction from the University and little from the city-until more stringent zoning requirements were recently passed - private owners have been able to'throw up poorly constructed buildings as short-term, high-profit in- vestments. For a few dazzlers like dish- washers and balconies, at the sacrifice of adequate soundproofing, owners tack on inflated rents and keep many competitors out of Ann Arbor (and the possibility of lower prices). Owners of older apartments can make an even bigger killing by charging the same rates as those for newer structures, while investing less and paying lower property taxes. HILE THE UNIVERSITY places vague requirements on apartment owners to keep up their buildings and insure priv- acy and quiet, it strictly binds students. Students who do not pay their rents can be prevented from registering and gradu- ating. It may be fine for the University to mediate when complaints are brought against landlords by students, but why should legal and clerical aid be provided to landlords-with the sending of late rent notices to student tenants and me- diation between landlords and students who completely skip out of rent - when the landlords can well afford to pay for these services themselves? ASIDE FROM THESE long-standing policies, more recent actions of offi- cials in the off-campus housing bureau hardly demonstrate a concern for stu- dents. While ostensibly lobbying for eight- month leases by discontinuing the prac- Editorial Staff CLARENCE FANTO . . . . ..... ....... . . Co-Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER ................... . Co-Editor BUD WILKINSON .............. . . . ..... Sports Editor BETSY COHN .. ........... Supplement Manager NIGHT EDITORS: Meredith Eiker Michael Hefer, Shirley Rosick Susan Schnepp, Martha Wolfgang. Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT ... . Business Manager LEONARD PRAT........ .....circulation Manager JEANNE ROSINSKT ............ Advertising Manager RANDY RISSMAN ....... Supplement Manage The Daily is a member 01 tne Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. The Associated Press is e-lusively entitled to the use of all news dispatches crdited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. Subscription rate- $450 snester ny carrier t$5 by Main; $8 yearly by carier i$9 by mail senrd class psta e paid at Ann Arbor Miri Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning tice of putting registration and credit stops on students who fail to pay summer rent, those officials suggested that land- lords raise rents to compensate for the loss incurred by shorter leases. Even with a rent hike, a shorter lease would be in some cases more beneficial -than subletting with a 12-month lease. But, officials presented arguments for shorter leases so cogently that only one major and a few minor landlords decided to adopt them'. At the same time, they hailed as help- ful to students the establishment of the Student Rental Service by two major rental managers. This new business of- fers for $10 the same help in finding summer tenantsthat other landlords had offered free. THE OFF-CAMPUS housing bureau is due for a reorganization. The way to start could be with the appointment of a housing director, as called for by the Pres- ident's Blue-Ribbon Commission on hous- ing last fall, with a student-oriented staff, coordinating its work more closely with the Office of Business and Finance. But more than coordination, the of- fice needs an innovative outlook. The stu- dent housing advisory committee will be pushing for the University to build sin- gle student apartments, but will certain- ly have a struggle convincing the tradi- tionally conservative business office and especially the Regents, many of them bus- inessmen themselves. Vice-President for Business and Fi- nance Wilbur K. Pierpont has indicated his willingness to consider the construc- tion of single student apartments on North Campus but contends high prop- erty values in the central campus area would make such a project unfeasible there. However, the greatest number of undergraduates, those in the literary col- lege, will be located on central campus and need to be served. Bus service from North Campus for these students might place too much of a strain on the al- ready crowded transportation system. I)ERHAPS THE MEASUHE introduced b yState Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint) to place all University construction un- der legislative control could be helpful in obtaining central campus space for student apartments less cheaply. However, the dangers of placing all construction under state control far out- weigh any benefits, and it would be more advisable for the University to seek on its own some of the valuable central cam- pus space that might be alloted to a new apartment structure. PERHAPS THE MEASURE introduced by State Sen. Garland Lane (D-Flint) a lot of working out, but administrators nevertheless ought to consider it on a level of priority equal to that of plans for other construction. It's time that the students' economic as well as academic interests were taken into account, pi pmypft TEACH fi'0 Wf1J INt )6E - TH YOUOOW HALF- - PORT WAYS. TO Tift 7 FIRING IAT H6 ARM'S I 6mk FROHU OAS9 ~AC L O&)l .- rLL IV XA 'ABATE r 1(( J AUP HATE'v H41t ros 1 HAUL TO~T;- s . '' M, The University and the Human Condition. EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a three part series re- printing an address given by Walter Lippmann May 8 in Beverly Hills, California at a convocation sponsored by the Center for the Study of Demo- cratic Institutions. I THE PROPOSITION with which I am starting is that, as men become modern men, they are emancipated and thus deprived of the guidance and support of traditional and customary author- ity. Because of this, there has fallen to the universities a unique, indispensable and capital function in the intellectual and spiritual life of modern society. I do not say that the universities today are prepared to perform this spiritual and intellectual function. What I do say is that a way will have to be found to perform these functions if the pursuit of the good life, to which this country is committed, is to continue and to be successful. For modern men are living to- day amidst the consequences of emancipation from .established authority. The dream of Franklin and Jefferson, as Mr. James A. Perkins describes it in his recent Stafford Little Lecture (page 15), was of "an open society, free of both ecclesiastical and civil con- trol, with little to fear from the uninhibited search for truth and for experiments in the application of truth." THE PREPONDERANT major- ity of our people in America to- day have arrived at such an open society. They have found, I sub- mit to you, that as they are eman- cipated from established authority they are not successfully equipped to deal with the problems of American society and of their pri- vate lives. They are left with the feeling that there is a vacuum within them, a vacuum where there were the signs- and guide posts of an ancestrai order, where there used to be ecclesiastical and civil authority, where there was cer- tainty, custom, usage and social status and a fixed way of life. One of the great phenomena of the human condition in the mod- ern age is the dissolution of the ancestral order, the erosion of es- tablished authority, and having lost the light and the leading, the guidance and the support, the dis- cipline that the ancestral order provided, modern men are haunted by a feeling of being lost and adrift without purpose and mean- ing in the conduct of thier lives. Today and( Tooro By WALTER LIPPMANN THE THESIS which I am put- ting to you is tha tthe modern void, which results from the vast and intricate process of emanci- pation and rationalization, must be filled and that the universities must fill the void because they alone can fill it. It is a high destiny. But it must be accepted and it must be realized. II BEFORE WE CAN proceed, we must ask ourselves why, in the quest. of a good life in a good society, we now turn to the univer- sities rather than, let us say, to the churches or the government. We do that because the behavior of man depends ultimately on what he believes to be true, to be true about the nature of man and the universe in which he lives, to be true about man's destiny in his- torical time, to be true about the nature of good and evil and how to know the difference, to be true about the way to ascertain and to recognize the truth and to dis- tinguish it from error. In other times and in other places the possessors and guar- dians of true knowledge have been held to be the appointed spokes- men of a universal and indisput- able tradition and of divine revela- tion. In the western society to which we belong the traditional guardians and spokesmen of true knowledge have in varying degrees lost or renounced their titles to speak with complete authority. The hierarchy of priests, the dynasties of rulers, the courtiers, the civil servants and the commis-. sars have to give way, and there is left as the court of last resort when truth is at issue "the ancient an universal company of scholars." HAVING SAID THIS, I have not forgotten how often the pro- fessors have been proved to be wrong, how often the academic judgment has been confounded by some solitary thinker or artist, how often original and innovating men have been rejected by the univer- sities, only to be accepted and celebrated after they are dead. The universal company of schol- ars is not an infallible court of last resort. Not in the least. On the contrary, it is an axiom of modern thought that the very process of thinking evolves. In human affairs nothing is in- fallible, absolute and everlasting. There are no courts which can anticipate fully the course of events. There are none which can take account of the unpredictabil- ity of genius. Nevertheless, in the modern world there exists no court which is less fallible than the company of scholars when we are in the field of truth and error. THIS COURT, this universal company of scholars, comprises all who study and teach in all the universities and institutes of the world. The colleagues of each scholar are his peers, those who have qualified themselves in mas- tering and obeying the criteria by which, in a field of knowledge, truth and error are judged. The company of scholars is all over the globe, and its members are duty-bound to hear one an- other. Insofar as the communication among them is adequate, so that a physicist in California is aware of the experiments nd criticisms of a physicist in Peking, there exists the best possible insurance avail- able to mortal men against the parochialism, the stuffiness and the dogmatism which are the chronic diseases of academies. Tomorrow: The Role of the Professor * Desperate Men and Desperate Countries By DAVID KNOKE -SHIRLEY ROSICK IT HAS BEEN suggested that the three traumatic events of this century were the break-up of col- onial empires (particularly Brit- ish), the confrontation of the East and West on an ideological basis, and the rapid and spectacular growth of material wealth in the United States. Each of thsee forces is very much alive today and, by the manner in which the United States acts or fails to act towards them, are becoming potential pressure points for a re-ordering of the world social order. UNITED NATIONS Secretary General U Thant, after meeting with French President Charles de Gaulle last Veek, proposed that the United Nations undertake a thorough study o f the effects of a nuclear war upon the world's population and civilizations. He suggested such a reportbe given wide distribution to alert the average person to the dangers. Thant listed four causes of ten- sion which might flare into a world-wide holocaust: (1) the East-West political struggle; (2) the growing gap between have and have-not nations; (3) the break- up of the colonial system; and (4) racial discrimination in sev- eral forms. Thant said that in his view the "growing economic dis- parity of the nations of the world faces us with the most serious source of tension." MOST INTELLIGENT Ameri- cans seem to realize the potential dangers in ignoring or mishandl- ing any one of these areas. Yet incredibly, American foreign policy since World War Two has been oriented solely toward the first point-the East-West ideological contest--as though its resolution were the simple solution to all the world's troubles. American anti-Communism pol- icies, carried out under threat or use of military coercion, have at times assumed the proportion and fervor of a ilhad-a holy war to and loans, with a few hundred millions in out-right grants. SO FAR American foreign policy has not shown signs of maturity. The anti-Communism crusade is mounting to the ridiculous position where America may be trying to police the world alone, with France withdrawing from NATO and Britain becoming too involved in European affairs to take a leading role in Afro-Asian affairs. Waging the military-political bat- tle against Communism, as Ameri- cans are discovering in Viet Nam, is like treating the symptoms without getting to the roots of the disease. Social unrest, spurred on by poverty and social and racial dis- crimination, will bring many hun- gering people to a point where they will follow the first group which shows evidence of giving them a change for the better. Too often this has been the indigenous Communist groups, who take con- trol of the nationalist movements and lead the agitation for the overthrow of the American- supported right-wing elite. AMERICAN POLICY, as formu- lated by Dulles in the '50's, was to support those anti-Communist elements in any banana republic, taking the lesser of two evils. The poor citizens of those countries continued to be exploited by the elitist groups in control of the government and the military. American business involvements, interested in holding the status quo against nationalization and expulsion from low tariff, cheap labor markets and consumer dumps, work contrary to national- ism. The cry of "Communist!"- as in Laos, the Dominican Repub- lic, and Viet Nam-has been enough in the past to bring Ameri- can diplomatic and military pres- sure to the aid of the threatened establishment. Such economic entanglements, like Cuban sugar in the past and Venezuela oil today, and support of unpopular minority dictator- shins, like Diem in the nast and the credit of the federal govern- ment. But the past record lingers on, and combined with American and British inaction in South Af- rica and Rhodesia, have made many underdeveloped nonwhite nations wary of close ties where this country would play a dom- inate role. It is easy to cite examples of what the United States has done in the past to aggravate rather than aieviate the social conditions of the world's citizens. It is more difficult to suggest alternatives for extrication American foreign pol- icy from the debacle into which it has fallen almost by inertia. MOST DRASTICALLY needed is a redirection of attitude from military solutions vis-avis Com- munism towards a massive effort to raise the world standard of living without prerequisite politi- cal commitment on the part of underdeveloped na t i o n s. This would mean that the United States might often have to step com- pletely out of the picture as tar as directing the deployment of its aid monies. The United States should cham- pion the cause of nationalism where it fosters healthy, progres- sive social institutions. The fun- neling of treble the amount of foreign aid at present through the World Bank to underdeveloped na- tions in the form of outright grants would help. So would the enlargement of the programs of the international Peace Corps, and domestic corps to set the example here at home of what united ef- forts can do for the common good. Unbearable social conditions drive desperate men and desperate nations to desperate acts. The nonwhite population of Africa, Asia and Latin America already out number their "white" broth- ers; with their vast potentials in human and natural resources, the cultural, economic and political ascendancy of these peoples is just beginning. THE QUESTION without an- swer in sight remains: Will the have nations act to raise the poor of the earth from social neglect to share in their abundance, or will they see the day when the wrathful races rise up and take the abundance by force? LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Discussion of Power Politics To the Editor: AS STEPHANIE Rosenbaum phrased it in her response to Bruce Wasserstein's agenda for power politics (local style), "power politics are a reality . . but like any reality, they have more than one side." The under- lying power politics which have produced the Vietnamese situation also has more than one side, as Miss Leiviska (April 5) and Mr. Washing (April 9) have already shown by their respective letters from the front. THE MARINE who related "what Johnny can do Monday after church on Sunday" painted a stark picture of some of the results of the Johnsonian policy to "de- fend the brave and valiant people of South Vietnam." The Navy officer's letter, in contrast, spoke of the "humanitarian front" U.S. forces are fighting, of bringing "confidence and happiness to the destitute and insecure." Are both men relating unrepresentative ex- IT WOULD SEEM pretty clear by now, from the evidence gar- nered from these two letters as well as the general history of U.S. foreign policy since this country started its policy of anti-Com- munism, that America's humani- tarian programs outside of her own borders have been performed only in terms of perceived military threat (Marshall Plan, Alliance for Progress, aid to South Viet Nam, Korea, Iran, et.all.). But social-political-economic aid given under such circumstances is almost bound to flounder. The goals it is supposed to achieve run counter to the attitudes and assumptions of those paying for and administering it. One need only look at the irrational appro- priations figures for evidence. For fiscal 1966 the U.S. Congress was only willing to spend slightly un- der 2%1/ billion dollars for non- military aid for all the countries in the world it wishes to see non- Communist, yet it had few qualms about pouring $13 billion of purely Southeast Asia," which short- sighted men thought could be achieved with only a few dollars spent on the daily lives of the people, while most of the funds went to the "truly vital" sector, arming Diem's army. BUT LET US TRY to under- stand why the money is finally being spent: for the announced purposes of keeping a torn nation divided, resisting the rule of all Viet Nam by the parties of Ho Chi Minh and the NLF, and defending U.S. honor and prestige around the globe. You are free to judge by your own value system whether this is money and lives well spent. And in whose interest is it to carry on as the present policy dictates? The Vietnamese are per- haps better off but it is hard to tell; U.S. relations with China are certainly worse and are becoming increasingly more dangerous; U.S. relations with Russia are stymied; and all other efforts of America to "improve the world" either at home or abroad are necessarily 4 ~'-