M-dn ui Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The DailysEart othe Speaks I - -, ions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBORMICM. Fil Prevail NEws PHONE: 764-0552 orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, AUGUST 13, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: LEONARD PRATT Exciting Educational Prospects For the University OPENING OF SCHOOL and the re- turn of the thousands of students who normally populate the campus, in the fall, will once again bring pressing issues concerning the University to the fore- front. This fall, however, the important cam- pus topics of discussion will not be as sim- ple as changes in curfew, panty raids, or even of student demonstrations because of alienation and impersonalized educa-. tlon. This fall the University will consider questions involving radical re-orienta- tion of thq methods of higher education and the position of the student in higher education.; HE GROWING importance accorded to institutions on campus, like the Cen- ter for Research on Learning and Teach- ing, the Center for the Study of Higher Education and the Center for the Utiliza- tion of Scientific Knowledge indicate that for the first time in this school's history, and that of most other schools in this country, scientific research on education will be applied to the administration and methods of education. This development has exciting implica- tions for every student at the University. It could mean a wider range of alterna- tives, not only in subjects studied, but also in the way in which they are studied, more -chances for individual study and research. The ideas and institutions that could effect this change are only in the germinal stage, but with student aware- ness of what is being done they could be greatly advanced. SECOND, this University is rapidly be- coming a center for the integration of scientific work in general, and the study of information communication. Again, CRLT with Mental Health Research In- stitute, one of the greatest collections of creative minds on any campus, contribute to the University's pre-eminence in these fields. The general integration and greater ap- plication of scientific work will give stu- dents more opportunities to actually par- ticipate in this work, even during their first years at the University. There is no reason why they should not be given the chance; again, they need only be inform- ed enough to ask for it. H."IRDLY, the University is initiating, in the fall, a system of student ad- visory committees to each vice-president. This is in addition to the present literary college steering committee, the student advisory committee on the selection of Would Gen. Fight Tha 8OUTH VIETNAMESE Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's recent statement that he is willing "under favorable circumstances" to negotiate with Ho Chi Minh is quite a switch from his recent suggestion that U.S. and Vietnamese forces invade North Viet Nam, It could also be a hint that the United States has made it clear to Ky that an invasion of North Viet Nam in the near future is only a vague possibility. A POSSIBLE explanation for Ky's poli- cy change is that, despite his denial of political aspirations after the war, he has decided that if he can't help lead an overall victory, there is much to be gain- ed by getting the public image of a peace- maker. He might also resent President Johnson's promises to send his "most trusted advisor," Dean Rusk, to negotiate a settlement witi- no mention of Ky. He did admit that the possibility that Hanoi would submit to bargaining at the present time is unlikely because "they have nothing to lose by continuing their aggression." But he made it obvious that as far as he was concerned action in the future would be designed to "prove to them we stand firm, that we are stronger every day, every month ... (until) on the day they see no hope for victory, they may wish to talk, to negotiate." This statement leaves the way open for the president, and the other student ad- visory committees presently in operation. Again, the prospects for student parti- cipation in these areas is great. These committees, hopefully, represent a gen- uine , attempt to give students power, not just a place to sit, in the administra- tive decisions of this University. This is the most critical area, as far as the willingness of students to push for their place is concerned. Here the ad- ministration may be more reluctant, only because they do not trust yet students ability to make difficult decisions, to give up their power. Students must be prepar- ed to demonstrate their ability above and beyond what would be normally expected if they are to succeed. THE PROSPECTS for the fall, then, are good. There is no limit to what the University's administration, faculty and students can do, if they will consider these possibilities and work together to realize them. CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Co-Editor Communists, Under the Bed? ARE THE COMMUNISTS under the bed or aren't they? In Cleveland, no one's sure. Tuesday a Cuyahoga County grand jury charged that recent rioting there was "organized and exploited" partially by "misguided people" who were indirectly linked with the Communist party. Yet Thursday two Cleveland policemen who had infiltrated the party there said they had no knowledge that the riots were inspired by Communists. IN THE FIRST PLACE, so what? Even if members of the party are involved in the riots, does that make the grievances of the rioters any the less just? It is one of white America's most frequent soper- ifics to assume that if anyone to the left of Bobby Kennedy had something to do with a riot, it can be written off as an entirely contrived affair. On a proper level of analysis the entire controversy is irrelevant. People in Cleve- land ghettoes are not free. They want to be. If Cuyahoga grand juries ever get to the heart of the riots' motivations, they will find nothing more complex or sinis- ter than that. -LEONARD PRATT Co-Editor Ky Rather H. Switch? different ideas about the techniques with which it wants to bring the war to an end. More important, a definite conflict could result between the U.S. and Ky over who has the right to negotiate. This conflict could be disastrous in that the Communists would have even more reason to say that the United States forces are not even wanted by the South Vietnamese. On that basis the United States might be forced to go along with the policies of Ky with regard to the mopping up of the war and the negotiation. It is likely that the United States dis- allowed an invasion of North Viet Nam partly because of the threat of the inter- vention of Red China, but also because the Communists could equate the inva- sion to an admission that the "people's revolution" in South Viet Nam was suc- ceeding and could charge that the inva- sion was nothing but aggression. IT IS ALSO LIKELY that Ky will have to admit that even a defensive mopping up operation would be dependent on U.S. air power and land troops (that Ky's air force is only a shell without U.S. aid could also be a source of animosity). In that case some type of joint negotiating delegation would probably be set up. Nevertheless, the future of the situa- tion could lie with Premier Ky's willing- ness to sacrifice personal-and to an ex- tent national-prestige for the general ABOUT TEN of us have been putting this paper out all summer, and frankly about now, we're tired. Tired but pleased. Of course, this last paper will appear bright and early in the morning like the rest of them, sim- ply because we don't give up even when it is the last paper and we are looking forward to a party la- ter tonight. As a matter of fact, we will pro- bably work extra hard because of the nostalgia associated with the last paper and the good memories of all we have been through these last four months. THIS WAS THE summer when the term 'muddling through" real- ly meant something to me and the rest of the staff. With the lack of reporters, as you may have notic- ed, there was much more than the usual amount of Associated Press copy on page one. Needless to say, it was also much more difficult to solicit editorials: there just were not enough people to write. - But the summer had its tri- umphs also, and they more than make up for the trouble. There was the excellent coverage of the Meredith. March in Mississippi by Harvey Wasserman. Numerous other Daily staff members in exile for the summer contributed either information or by-lines from New York, Chicago, Lansing and De- troit on the major civil rights, legislative and election stories of the summer. Others busied themselves with in-depth news analysis and edi- torial features on subjects that they would never have been able to cover during the school year. More important, they did this when they were more than occu- pied with demanding jobs of their own. BUT NOW comes the time of the great denouement. You have probably been wondering about those fouless, insidious people be- hind the by-lines: Are they human beings, or journalistic machines as some have charged? Are they omnipotent manipulators of the University's a d m i n s t r a t i on or merelynreporters out to get the job done? Do they work hard and know what they're doing, or is the paper an accidental product of the printing shop's devotion to deadlines? Well, as with all exposes the truth is a mixture of these things and more. The Daily is at once much more complicated and much simpler than the printed four to eight sheets that end up on your breakfast table. But it is best to introduce you to the people who worked on it this summer by way of explana- tion, humorous and serious, of what happens in this strange place. LEONARD (BUD) PRATT, Co- Editor in charge of the news pages, was the man who discov- ered, organized or invented all that news on the front pages. He was also the one who goaded recal- citrant reporters into actually writing the stories about the new;, and getting them in on time. He was also, as some of you may remember, the one who so faith- fully kept your neswpaper coming for the first half of the summer, being The Daily's Circulation Man- ager-and the author of a memor- able column to that effect. Being in charge of the news pages means that one has to not only gather and assign the day's important stories, but also means that one must explain their im- plications to reporters, and decide their importance as far as news- play is concerned. The first is rel- atively simple-the second is not. It involves a half hour argument with the night editor on duty, usually highiy humorous, which The Associates by carney and wolter the co-editor (usually) wins, and after which the night editor goes back to work knowing that Bud was right all the time, but con- tent that the argument was full of good, fast jokes. THE ACTUAL work of getting each night's paper out is done by the five night editors. They are in charge of editing the national and international stories for page three, the local copy for page one, and keeping watch on the other- wise empty city room. One night a week one of the five gets to be king of the building, with all the authority, responsibility, and fun that that entails. And, they all do a good job. And in the way of Daily folk- lore, they all have their special characteristics. MICHAEL HEFFER probably knows more about the actual pro- cess of putting out a paper each evening-the best organization of the night editor's time, writing headlines, checking out stories, meeting the various deadlines, how to do the sports page-than most of the senior editors. He is the paper's amateur co- median, famous for cryptic and hilarious notes that appear on senior's typewriters sometime dur- ing the night. He knows about all the places deep in the cavern of the printing shop where one can hide to find some privacy. He can teach the process of page editing to new staff members better than anyone else. If one were to choose a night editor emeritus to stay around after hisyear. as a senior, it would be Heffer. Maybe someday . . . PAT O'DONOHUE is best known as the only girl reporter that no one thinks is a girl. In fact, many of the letters to the editor con- cerning her articles are addressed to Mr. Patrick O'Donohue. Some administrators - who have never talked to her-still don't know the difference. Henceforth may the. record be set straight: Pat O'Don- ohue is a girl. She is also known as the only Daily staff member who can pro- duce a twenty column-inch edi- torial in one hour, and keep pro- ducing them that way, day after day, much to the joy of this par- ticular editorial page editor. As a reporter, she can generally be found in the senior editor's of- fice with one ear glued to the tele- phone as she laboriously tries to discover who is actually running for Regent or wh~o is mad at whom during one of those notorious bat- tles between the University and the Legislature. Despite the num- erous "No comments," she gets her stories. CAROLE KAPLAN just return- ed from Tuskegee Institute in Ala- bama, but it doesn't seem to have dimmed her news ability at all. She comes in quietly at the ap- pointed hour, looks confused for most of the evening, then gets a perfect paper set and locked ear- lier than anyone else the whole summer. Sometimes she doesn't seem to be thinking about the paper at all, until she brings you a beau- tifully written news feature or editorial that sums up the whole issue perfectly. Shirley Rosick has been cover- ing student organizations and the Office of Student Affairs in her inimitable way for quite some time and can -get the impossible inside story where other fall. She is also the Far Eastern edi- tor of The Daily, having surprised more than one morning reader with an incisive editorial com- menting on the war or the nature of the Chinese mind, with appro- priate quotes from the Analects or Lao-tse. LAST, BUT not least, is Mere- dith Eiker, expert on the inside story of Cleveland, commentor on riots, religion, the Beatles and man's foibles in general. Meredith is best known for her 7 o'clock cry of "But I just can't do it, Bud!" when the page three deadline is fast approaching and page one is empty. She can, of course, do it and does put out the paper anyway, but the building just won't seem the same without that familiar cry of anguish ring- ing through its halls. There are others: the freshmen- to-be who stuck around after orientation to contribu;e their best, friends who helped with typ- ing and proof-reading and thank you to all of them. AND WHO am I, the mysterious editorial page editor? Why, I am the Earth Mother, and the rest of them are flops. 4 I9, Notes from the S~drtf By PAT O'DONOHUE THE SUMMER DAILY is much akin to a raft with seven peo- ple keeping it afloat. Two mem- bers of this gigantic and well-paid staff are seniors; the rest of us . .well, we'll all be seniors some day. Until then, we are lovingly referred to as the "understaff." About this raft . . . it is hot, cramped and the AP machines keep spilling out galliey upon gal- ley on the summer murders, riots, and Frank Sinatra and Mia Far- row. The Daily's summer staff does- n't ask for much. Just a little news. And you people out there have not been very cooperative. The local riots were put down by the local police. Not one Na- tional Guardsman has been called in. The Administration's atrocities in Viet Nam have ceased to be news, they are expected. No one climbed University Towers in or- der "to end it all" or shoot mem- bers of the campus community. A Voice sign was removed, the West Physics building burned down, the Regents are running, UAC allegedly had a summer weekend and that just about wraps up campus "news". SO WHAT DID we fill our pa- pers with? You may not realize this but all those bylines repre- sented people, students working harder than hell to deliver your four-page paper to you every morning, five mornings a week. How did we do it? Well those are journalistic secrets but we'll divulge a few in case any of you would like to join the Maynard raft sometime. There was the night the police were called in. Someone called Health Service for help and the Health Service, with unusual speed and competency, called the police. Who knows? They may have been better doctors anyway. One staff member hides in the shop. He uses a code. He writes threatening messages to the Sen- iors. WE ARE UNIQUE. We call people late at night. They don't like to talk to us, but they do. Another staff member initiates new style rules every time she night edits. The Managing Desk goes wild. WE HAVE SPIES everywhere who "leak" news to us. We have rubber-band tights. Pictures of Johnson and Humph- rey serve as targets. They're good for something. Someone wants us to persecute the FBI for him, but hell, we have problems of our own. We have learned how to steal cokes from the machine when it is empty. We keep the cigaret industry in business. We don't require much sleep,. We can bullshit better than anyone in the world. This article is an excellent example. We're poor. MANY PEOPLE CALL us "mis- fits". And that is our glory. Some people think we're part of the Communist conspiracy. No one thinks we're part of the right- wing conspiracy. We're a cynical lot. We work hard; example-there has always been a paper, no small feat for a task force of seven. We live in a filthy building. Our health would not be certified by Good Housekeeping, nor would our habits. We know practically everything that goes on. We tell you some of it, but not all. We are among the best and fas- test typists in the world. We don't eat much. We read a lot and re-write some of it. WE DON'T HAVE very high grade points. Class attendance is not very high. Incompletes are. We are the pulse of your world; We're the epitomy of cheap la- bor. We don't have a Union. Our by-line is responsible for all our written actions. Our photographers have brought "the construction series" into your own home. We push the issues that you don't have the energy to push for yourselves. What other newspaper has the courage to cover Freshman Orien- tation? What other coke machine has nickel cokes? WE ARE MOBILE; we travel all over the country. We regret to announce that the world has apparently gone on summer vacation for there has been relatively little news. We're tired. We have blown, some stories, but then we're not perfect and don't pretend to be. We have battle scars; blistered feet,. cramped fingers, deaf tele- phone ears, ink-stained hands and weary ,minds. Our creative wells are running dry. After a two-week vacation we will be coming back. WE WILL TRIPLE our strength in the fall because there will be more of us. We welcome any would-be re- porter with open arms and ready typewriters. We appreciate your subscrip- tions and your patience with the newsboys and the circulation de- partment. We need you and you need us. It's a pretty fair trade. I Peking Sn. ubs the, United States I The Explosion Population * r z THE PEKING government has lost no time in making it known that Chinese American re- lations will continue to be im- placably and irreconcilably hostile. Recently there have been some in- dications in Washington of a dis- position to soften the quarrel. They have appeared not only in the Senate hearings, but also from within the administration itself. Peking will have none of it. It has chosen to keep the quarrel as sharp as possible-Just short of war. For Peking wants nothing to be done which would relieve this country of the onus of being solely responsible for the exclusion of one-quarter of the human race from the world community, THOUGH I HAVE no preten- sions myself to expert knowledge of Red China, it is evident that the Chinese-American conflict is irreconcilable. The fundamental fact is that we are locked into the unfinished Chinese civil war and that we have established in Today and Toiorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN ed by some bold and imaginative act of statesmanship. This is the kind of quarrel that can be com- posed only if and when the time comes that it has been outlived. There is no hope of a reconcilia- tion between Mao and Chiang. Neither will accept a two-China policy, sensible as it would be, For each has staked his life on the thesis that there is only one China and that he is the leader of it. CIVIL WARS are never easy to settle, as we have the strongest reasons for knowing. It is a hun- dred years since the end of our own Civil War, and only in our us today is how to live through what may bes along interval of time-perhaps a generation of time - without precipitating or slithering into that great war which, though no one in his senses can want it, is an ever- present possibility. In trying to solve the problem of preserving the general peace in the long interval before a settle- ment becomes possible, we can re- ly on the fact that all the great powers concerned, all the powers capable of waging a great war, are aware that nothing can be gained and everything can be lost in a great war. This is true, I be- lieve, of mainland China just as well as of the Soviet Union and the United States. The chief cause for worry, the largest risk of all, is that the one step will lead to another with no- body intending to produce a colli- sion and nobodiy quite able to avert it. THERE HAS NEVER been any