PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUGUST-12,196 SPORTS SHORTS: Graebner, Richey Vie for Cup Berth For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 12 Noon to 2 P.M. By The Associated Press CLEVELAND - Bespectacled Clark Graebner took two practice sets from Cliff Richey yesterday 6-4, 6-4 to improve his chance of selection to play singles in the Davis Cup tennis American Zone matches against Mexico this weekend. The captain of the U.S. team, George MacCall, held to his earlier announced intention not to dis- close his choices for the two sin- gles spots prior to the drawing at noon today. i 3 t t 2 c A 3 i Holcomb Resigns CHICAGO - Stu Holcomb re- signed as athletic director of Northwestern University yesterday to become general manager of the Chicago Mustangs, an entry in the newly - formed North American Soccer League. The Mustangs are owned by Art Allyn who also owns the Chicago White Sox. Holcomb's resignation at North- western, where he has served for the last decade, will become ef- fective Dec. 1. Three on One NEW YORK-Baltimore's Boog Powell circled the bases on a sin- But MacCall did have praise for what the 22-year-old Graebner has shown in practice here this week. Dennis Ralston, 24, of Bakers-I field, Calif., who holds top U.S. ranking, is expected to fill the, other U.S. singles spot and is fa-I vored to win two points* from the Mexicans in singles during thea five-point, three-day matches. MacCall said he would delay naming his doubles team right up to the official deadline-an hour1 before Sunday's doubles match. What happens in the two open- ing singles matches Saturday could have a bearing on his choice, MacCall said. That choice will be between a' combination of Graebner-Ralston and Grabner and Marty Riessen, 24, of Evanston, Ill., No. 8 in ranking. * * * Richart Eliminated BLOOMINGTON, Ind.-Defend- ing champion John Richart of Michigan and co-medalist Danny May of Kokomo, Ind., were elimi- nated yesterday from the WesternI Golf Association's . 49th Junior Tournament as two 18-hole rounds pared the 32-man field to the quarter-finals. Richart fell:before Ron Essen- preis of Champaign, Ill., 1-up in the first round. May also was a first round vic- tim, losing to fellow Hoosier Gary Ryan of Muncie 1-up. c* S S 2 Wildcats Wint TEL AVIV-Kentucky's touring basketball team, paced by Pat Riley and Louis Dampier, bombed Warsaw 87-57 last night and won an international tournament. Kentucky, runner-up in the NCAA national championships in the United States earlier this year, s i m p 1 y overwhelmed Warsaw, sporting leads of 17-6, 29-11 and 47-25 at the half. The Wildcats were never in trouble. Riley poured through 32 points before fouling out with one minute to go. Dampier had 12 points and was the floor leader before he left on fouls with five minutes to go. gle in the third inning last night when the New York Yankees made three errors on the ball. Brooks Robinson was on first after walking with two out when Powell singled to left. Hector Lo- pez had trouble picking up the ball, and Robinson raced for the plate. Clete Boyer's relay home squirt- ed away from catcher Jake Gibbs but pitcher Mel Stottlemyre, back- ing up the play, grabbed the ball. When Powell broke for second, Stottlemyre threw high, the ball going into center field. Powell raced to third in the error and then continued home when Tom Tresh bobbled the ball in center field. A rain storm that delayed the start of the game for an hour had left the outfield slick. Major League Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE PERSONAL- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, MAGGIE. To- morrow is blase for some. But for us, well, it's understood only by others who've joined in the blissful communion of marriage. Best on our first and future. Stan. F34 FREE PUPPIES to good home. Begal mother, 662-7915, F43 PROF. GIRL DESIRES roommate for two-man, mod., furn. apt. Must be working girl. 665-9139, from 9-5 p.m. F42 FOR SALE - BOOKS: Literature, the- ology, history, other. Moving 8/15. Must sell. Call 665-4617. F40 MALE GRAD student desires ROOM- MATE to share modern, furnished, air-cond. apt. Near hospitals--Call mornings or weekends, 663-8210. F37 FREE RIDE TO Ames or Des Moines.i Need a rider to accompany my wife when she drives to Ames about Aug. 17. Call 764-0597, after five call N05- 9528. F36 INTRIGUINGrDOCUMENTARY: "The F.B.I. Security Affair", Marshall's- Overbeck's. F35 WANTED TO BUY-10-20 gallon acquar- um, pump, heater, etc. 665-7121. F33 1 GIRL LOOKING for 2 or 3 other girls with an apt. who need a roommate for both fall and winter. 761-7797. F29 IF YOU HAVE a lux. apt. Woman grad. student '63, will pay $75 plus to share with 3 grad students. Call VE 6-3033. F30 ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond engagement ring. Check it! Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. Children, University of Illinois, Ur- bana, Illinois 61802. P38 3 LIVELY MALE roommates looking for 4th in fall. Mod, air-ond. apt. 610 S. Forest. 761-3753. F25 THIRD GIRL NEEDED for al and Winter to share new luxury apt. Near campus. 761-3729, after 5. F49 'V RENTALS - Lowest student rates. Call Hi Fi Studio, 663-7242. 121 W. Washington St. Free Delivery. F7 EVER PLAY JACKS WHILE WORKING? WE DO. Come in and see for yourself. Join us in a game, or as a staff mem- ber. The Michigan Daily. F18 WANTED - Man to share apt. Fall- Winter term. $57.50 monthly. Call Battle Creek collect, 962-0804, Mark. RENT Your TV from NEJAC Zenith 19-in, all channel portables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671. F ONE MAN NEEDED for 4-man, mod., two story, suave apt. one block from campus - for fall Write to Steve Loewenthal, 1680 Clavey, Highland Park, Ill. (Roommate got married Fil] GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY To train a new kind of specialist- in the teaching of science, math. reading, etc., to children under age six, especially disadvantaged, Excel- lent career opportunities at leadership and planning levels, as interest in quality preschool education mounts. Funds recently received for limited number of $2,500 fellowships begin. ning fall '66, providing a year of aca- demic study and active participation in an exciting research and develop- ment program, Able, aggressive, and independent students invited to ap- ply, regardless of undergraduate ma- jor Write to Dr. Carl Bereiter, In- stitute for Reseach on Exceptional WANTED TO RENT FEMALE WANTS ABODE, humble or presumptuous, now until December. Please call NO 2-9012 after 5. L16 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 5 DAYS 2 .70 1.95 3.00 3 ,85 2.40 3.75 4 1.00 2.85 4.35 .. HELP WANTED BABYSITTER: 1 child; close to capus; M-W-F. 12:45-2:15. T 12:45-3:15. 662- 2606. $7/wk. H50 CLERK-Young lady over 18. For 2 nights per week. Must have good references. $1.50/hr. Village Apothe- cary. 1112. University, Call for ap- pointment NO 3-5533. H MALE, OVER 18, to stock and deliver. Mon.-Sat., 3-6. Must have good ref- erences. $1.50/hr. Village Apothecary. 1112 S. University. Call for appt. N03-5533 H-49 650 cc BSA. Engine completely rebuilt. 1963 TRIUMPH, excel. cond. 1800 mi., Call 662-0905. $525. Z32 red; white toneau; 665-0837. N45 HONDA 50, 1965, elect. starter. Call 665-2397. Z31 1961 AUSTIN HEALY SPRITE, $650 RU 3-6021 after 5 p.m..- N44 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1966 YAMAHA 125, 1300 miles. Call 761- FIAT 1200 ROADSTER, excellent con- 7735. Z30 dition, 663-9831. N43 FOR SALE-1964 Yamaha 80. Only 2100 miles. Excellent condition. Call 761- 7179. Z47 1965 HONDA C100. Helmet. 650 miles. excellent. NO 5-9468. Z42 + V l Figure 5 average words to a line. Cal Classified between 1:00 to 2:30 Mon. thru Fri. Phone 764-0557 if HONDA 0-100. Only 416 miles. Stored all winter. NO 3-9623. Z24 FOR RENT GIRL WANTED for nice furnished apt. at 915 S. Division. $57/mo. apt. 102, Call Anne, LU 1-0472, Dearborn. C17 1 ROOMMATE NEEDED for Fall. Mo- dern apt., air-cond., dishwasher, 10 min. from campus. Call John, 531- 8364. Long dist., reverse charges C16 4 BEDROOM HOUSE, furn. avail. Sept.- June; Lake land area. Call 1-565-8141 or AC 7-2889 for information. C15 TIRED OF THIN WALLS? Student apartments in remodeled older buildings on Oakland. All luxuries of new buildings, plus spaciousness, sep- arate kitchens, and quiet. NO 2-2466. C10 2 USED CARS FOR RENT OR 3 .MAN APTS. for fall, modern, furnished, air cond., one bdrm, spa- cious living rm. kit. $175/per mo. Call 663-3194. C9 ENGRG. DOCTORATE STUDENT has apt. to share with grad. stud.; $49/mo. fully furnished; 1 bdrm; approx. 10 mi.n walk to campus; Call Lee after 5:30 p.m. 663-3617. C12 FOR 6-8 PERSONS Half-house on Oakland. Living room,1 with fireplace, huge kitchen withI dishmaster, 2 baths, dining ron, study, rec. room, porch, luxuriously furnished with carpeting and air cond., etc. $400/mo. NO 2-2466 C13 1 FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted for 4- man apt. Preferably a bridge player. Call 663-8119, before 2 p.m. 014 1 MALE GRAD NEEDED to share 4- man lux apt. 7 min. from campus. $57.50/mo. 662-1284. C11 ALPHA KAPPA PSI-Prof. Bus. Frat., has a few apt openings in its new 'lux. furn. builling now being com- pleted at 406 Packard. Call Mr. Roy, 665-9884; Mr. Utanley, 662-5662, or Mr. Dexner, 761-4647. Cl "APARTMENT LOCATING SERVICE"- Ann Arbor Apartment Directory. Lists virtually all available living accom- modations in the Ann Arbor area and includes a map. Revised current edi- tions prepared weekly. On sale at Follett's, Slater's, Wahr's, and Mar- shall's Book Stores. Also available at 1217 S. University (Ann Arbor Apart- ment Agency). C6 2 OR 3 MAN APTS. for Fall. Mod., furn., air-cond. One bdrm., spacious living room, kit. $185/mo. 736 Pack- ard. Apt. 106, 663-3794. C Near Campus Few Left 731 Packard Call 663-8866 C8 WASHINGTON MANOR 418 E. Washington Furnished luxury one bdrms. Air-cond., sound proofed, study hall, suitable for 3 students..$177. NO 8-6906. C45 BEAUTIFUL 4- or 5-man modern apt. available for Fall. Air-conditioned. See it at 1000 Oakland. For information, call Dan or Jim, 761-3785. C44 STILL A FEW APTS. available for, summer. T 1nf'- e 2 1. TktitViViI!.1 n I jr a n 41 RU ~- EDP SYSTEMS ANALYST An expanding Data Processing program at Albion College offers an excellent opportunity for an imaginative and creative person to develop a College Information System designed around a 1401-1311 disk system. Responsibili- ties will include Isntallation Manage- ment, systems and procedures design, and programming. Compensation to be based on individual's experience and ability. Liberal fringe benefits including family-tuition allowance. Write: Mr. Werner N. Snow Albion College Albion, Michigan 49224 A JACOBSON'S Now accepting applications for capable_ young men and women to work in our shoe satlon. EXPERIENCE PREFERRED Flexible schedule available for stu- dents. Contact Mrs. Kujawa, Per- sonnel Office. H45x SALESMAN to start now. Professional opportunity, married, 22-30, Bachelor's degree. Phone 453-4030 for interview. WANTED-Part-time garage attendant, no exp. needed, must be able to work through next fall. For appt., NO 8- 7717. H39 PART TIME -41 BRIDGESTONE-COTTON 50 to 250 cc. Service on Most Makes HONDA PARTS AND SERVICE UNIVERSITY MOTORCYCLE SALES 211 E. Ann NO 2-3979 We carry complete parts 23257 Woodward, 548-4488 Ferndale, north of Detroit 1958 FAIRLANE. Excellent cond. Runs very well. Must sell. $220 or best offer: Call 761-1907, ask for Wolfgang or come to 907 Lincoln. N40 TRIUMPH TIGER CUB, 1965, 220 miles.; helmet and insurance incl. $550. Must sell. NO 3-4312. N39 '65 VW SEDAN. mint. cond. Still has warranty. Sacrifice-going to Europe. Call evenings, 668-6007. N42 FOR SALE - 1963 VW, sunroof. Call 663-6385. N41 FORD GERMAIN 1963 Station Wagon. Radio, luggage rack. Exc. corid. $750.00 cash or $52/mo. tam:e over payments. Call 761-2861 N38 FOR SALE MASTERWORK STEREO Phonograph. in good condition. Call NO 5-7340. B16 TRAILER - Strong, ideal for moving, heavy duty, Army made. Size: 4 by 7 by 3% high. Rebuilt and repainted. $125. Call 663-3618 after 5. B15 FOR SALE--1964 Volkswagen. Spotless. Has everything. $1250. Call after 5. 668-7107 B37 BARGAIN CORNER NICHOLSON M/C SALES Autlorized dealer for TRIUMPH YAMAHA - BMW - GILERA. 224 First. Phone 662-7409. S. z Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring for part time sales work. Earnings in excess of $3.00 per hour. This is not pots-knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is expanding all across the nation, con- sequently this could be more than Just a part time job for the right person. Tf you're 20, have use of a car, and are bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw" Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED RENT A CYCLE From $3.25 an hour. University Motorcycle Sales 211 E. Ann NO 2-3979 WorId's FASTEST Street 250: The X-6 HUSTLER with 12 mo. or 12,000 mile warranty, means the most in RELIABILITY. (See the NEW Sport 150, too) at SUZUKI Cycle Center 4040 Washtenaw 761-2650 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS SPECIAL GUITAR SALE Now in stock GOYA and GIBSON CLASSICS UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE. INC. 512 William (Maynard Street) NO 2-5579 r' I }1. SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.50 "White" and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS. Never Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors-$6.98 _0 Baltimore Detroit Cleveland Minnesota California Chicago New York Washington Kansas City Boston w 73 61 60 59 58 58 51 52 50 50 L 40 51 54 56 55 55 63 66 64 68 Pct. .646 .545 .526 .513 .513 .513 .447 .441 .539 .424 GB 13% 15 15 15 22' t 23' 25?!~ LARGE APARTMENT for 4 and 5 stu- dents. Avail. for fall occupancy. Air- $6 for Rh positive; $7, $10 and $12 for cond., covered parking. Finest fur- Rh negative. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. nishings are but a few of the desir- 9-4; Fri. 1-7. 18-21 years old need able features of our bldg. parent's permission. 483-1894. LEVI JACKETS "White"-$6.98 Blue Denim--$6.98 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Minnesota 4, California 3 Boston 13, Cleveland 3 Baltimore 6, New York 5 (11 inn) Chicago 10, Kansas City 9 Only games scheduled TODAY'S GAMES Kansas City at Minnesota (n) California at Chicago (n) Baltimore at Washington (2, t-n) Cleveland at New York (n) Detroit at Boston (n) NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pet.£ NOW LEASING FOR FALL NEW AND OLD BUILDINGS Efficiencies, 2 Bedroom Apartments 612 S. Forest No. G Patrick J. Pulte Inc. WEEKDAYS-NO 5-9405 FALL '66 APARTMENTS LIMITED 663-0511 f t c i { t t LIBERTY LAND CO. Has new apts. available for Aug. 25. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 man units all are furn- ished, carpeted, and air-cond. Laundry and storage fac. in each building. Edinburgh Apts.;912 Brown Warich Apts., 4415 First Hampton Apts., 323 Packard Winsor Apts., 315 S. Division Whitehall Apts., 507 Hill Call Jim Boyer now for appts.I 662-3358 YPSILANTI Detroit Blood Service ON-CAMPUS AND SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE A great opportunity for aggressive college students to earn a high in-t come distributing material to college campuses all over the United States Combine summer travel with large prtfits, or work part-time on your own campus. Fall jobs are also avail- able. Contact: Collegiate-)ept. D, 27 East 22 St., New York, N.Y. 10010. TRANSPORTATION BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS A-1 New and Used Instruments Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington Read Daily Classifieds SLINGERLAND Drums, Bass, tom, Snare, High Hat and Ride Cymbals, $200 (will accept more if offered!. 663-4877, ask for Rob; call late. 125 LEVI'S Superslim's--$4.98 LEVI'S Dungarees-$4,49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White"- 5.98 COTTON TURTLENECKS--$1.79 (Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington GB NAT;Y,n) Pittsburgh San Franciseo Las Angeles Philadelphia St. Louis Cincinnati Atlanta Houston New York Chicago 67 66 63 61 59 58 54 50 49 37 46 49 48 53 54 55 59 62 64 74 .593 - .574 2 .568 3 .535 6f .522 8 .513 9 .478 13 .446 16 .434 18 .333 29 ... . Passport Pictures Application Pictures Group Pictures Wedding Pictures Available at any time Ready Quickly CALL NO 3-6966 i t I 1 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Chicago 9-5, Houston 8-8 (1st game 11 inn, 2nd game 7 inn, suspended curfew) Pittsburgh 7, New York 5 St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 1 Only games scheduled . TODAY'S GAMES Chicago at Los Angeles (n) Houston at San Francisco (n) Philadelphia at Atlanta (n) Pittsburgh at Cincinnati (n) New York at St. Louis (n) NFL EXHIBITION St. Loijis 28, Detroit 14 NEW, completely furnished, close-in apartments. Available for 2-4 persons. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS Office- 545 Church St. 761-7600 4 Month Lease A Limited Number available now UNIVE RSITY NOW LEASING FOR FALL 212 Blocks from Campus New Building C4 RIDERS WANTED to Chicago. Leaving Fri., Aug. 12. Call Laurie, 665-7962. 35 2& School Time is OLYMPIA TIME FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT-Excellent singles and doubles, available now in all- graduate house. 3 blocks from cam- pus. Phone 663-5930 anytime. 036 331 CATHERINE, two apts., each has 31 bdrms. First or second floor. Cal] 662-7961. 07 209 NORTH INGALLS Newly furnished, completely remodel- ed 2 bedroom apartments with wall- to-wall carpeting, modern kitchens, and a location between Rackham and St. Joseph's Hospital. $180 per month. One bedrooms also available from $135. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT Days: 662-7787 Evenings: 761-4018 C46 TOWERS Apartments Rental Office 11th floor 536 S. Forest open 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. SERVING FREE ICED TEA C29 Air-conditioned, carpeted, fully fur- nished bi-levels with 1 large bedroinm and study. Paved and covered park- ing. SPECIAL TERMS FOR MARRIED COUPLES 731 Packard Call 663-8866 afternoons and evenings 4 04A4"Ao University Typewriter Center Home of OLYMPIA, the Precision Typewriter 613 E. William St. 665-3763 NEW SHIPMENT JUST E ARRIVED I PRESENTING . . . ARITON APARTMENTS OUSE Make This Comparison at 721 F K IN|\ ; FY A $1000 just{ for -t.J A sassy tassel moc- casin in the season's I outstanding color... f I