DETROIT'S RIOT: LESS THAN PITIABLE See Editorial Page gi t q an :43 a "&4 A& FAIR High--73 Low-52 Clearing by noon; warmer on Friday; Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 67 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1966 SEVEN CENTS llonteith: esson in Resi ential olle e P FOUR PAGES inning By SHIRLEY ROSICK To aid in Residential College planning, faculty members have visited experimental colleges in California, Massachusetts a n d Michigan State University. But, they have given little attention to an experiment much closer at home. And, ironically enough, a small school in operation for seven years within Wayne State University- Monteith College-offering an un- structed approach to learning, was named in honor of one of the founders of the University. Like the planned Residential College, Monteith attempts to remedy the faults of the depart- mental system that offers general sketches of specific areas by pro- viding basic courses of an inter-' disciplinary nature. Perhaps Monteith has been overlooked because Wayne is a "communters" school and Mon- teith's physical set-up can not be of the Residential College form, where students will live in the immediate area of the college's classrooms, with other Residential College students. However, Monteith's adminis- trators will. argue that the inte- gration of "living and learning." Residential College style, can be stultyfying. They say that the way the curriculum is organized and the students' part in this organi- zation will determine the degree of "dedication" to leraning more than the sense of "community" that can be derived from placing living and learning quarters side by side would. Monteith students use the same classrooms as other Wayne stu- dents, though administrative of- fices and a student center are sep- arate from any university-wide offices, occupying old houses, a trademark of the Wayne campus. Basic Monteith courses are sim- ilar to the Residential College's "core program" of a freshman seminar; Logic and Language course, History of Western Man, Human Behavior and the Contem- porary World. But, the most exciting facet of Monteith's curriculum is one that directly involves students in cur- riculum planning. The "Co-operative Self-Educa-' first graduating class in senior discussion groups allows students interested in a specialized area not covered by courses in Monteith or any of Wayne's other colleges, to organize their own courses, obtain a faculty sponsor, and receive credit for the courses as electives. Examples of past courses have been: Film Language: Its History and Evolution, Northern Student Movement, Art and the City, and Revolutions. Students choose or have a ma- jor part in selecting their own reading lists, grading methods and type of classroom structure, Free- University style. While the Residential College will offer degrees only to those who concentrate in specific areas, who specialize and also awards degrees in "general education" for those who want a broad liberal arts background but do not plan to attend graduate school or en- ter a profession. The idea is similar to one of the University curriculum commit- tee, for a "bachelor's degree in humanistic studies." That propos- al will be considered by the fac- ulty-at-large this fall, along with suggestions for pass-fail courses and a "concentration-at-large" program, an interdisciplinary ap- proach to the problem of a "ma- jor," unified by time periods or sociological categories. Students at any class level in Monteith are permitted to elect tutorials for up to 10 of the 16 hours required each quarter. A similar program will be offered in the Residential College, but only for upperclass students, who may be given the alternative of doing directed individual reading in their fields of concentration. Monteith students are not sub- jected to a foreign language re- quirement, though many do study languages to prepare for future formal education. Instead of the traditional fresh- man English composition course, students are graded on papers they write throughout the basic courses, on the basis of form as well as content. Tapes of all lec- tures are available for student use. Monteith students are required to follow these "basic" courses: a six quarter sequence in natural science, five quarter sequence in the science of society, five quarter sequence in humanistic studies, and a two quarter senior colloq- uium, culminating in the writing of a thesis directed by a faculty adviser. The last colloquium sequence is centered on one of the three gen- eral areas covered in the basic courses. Basic course sequences do not cover specific disciplines as bot- any, social psychology or history of art but rather attempt unifica- tion under such categories as: The Rise of Scientific Thought, The Problematic of Social Science and Contemporary Man and the Arts. The above requirements fill ap- proximately half the student's pro- gram in the first two years. Even with the radical curricu- lum, Monteith students have little trouble transferring credits to oth- er schools or gaining acceptance for graduate studies-alumni have gone to Harvard, Yale, the Uni- versity and the University of Chicago; among others. And, though the curriculum seems unrestrictive at first, Mon- teith students ahe pushing for further reforms. Encouraged by educator-author Paul Goodman, who is very much impressed by Monteith, they are asking for the removal of all basic course re- quirements, carrying on the tra- dition of the "Cooperative Self- Education" organizers in seeking greater control over their educa- tional process. | ' , tion" program conceived by the I Monteith offers degrees for those U.S. Craft & lhe 1 iri~gan Daily 'Heads for UIEAC WIDE Moon Orb )it 1I c T JIrv IKR Late World News By The Associated Press NEW YORK--TWO WHITE youths were critically wounded by gunshots last night when four Negroes being approached by a group of whites in a white neighborhood opened fire, police reported. Officers said the wounded youths told them the Negroes were standing on a corner in Brooklyn's predominantly white Flat- bush section when a group of about 40 whites ran toward them to chase them from the neighborhood. RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL-Marshal Amaury Kruel yes- terday followed up his sudden resignation from the army by charging the government of President Humberto Castello Branco with abuse of power. Kreul made the charge in a statement distributed to news- men less than 24 hours after his retirement from command of the powerful Sao Paulo-based 2nd Army. * * * e SAIGON-A BATTALION-SIZE unit of the U.S. 5th Marine Regiment was reported in heavy contact early today with a large Communist force entrenched about 25 miles northwest of Chu Lai on South Viet Nam's northwest coast. DEAN Z. DOUTHAT RECEIVED the unanimous endorse- ment of the Washtenaw County Democratic Party for his bid for the Democratic nomination for the University's Board of Regents late last night. John J. Collins and Norman Krandall, also candidates for the nomination to the regental seat, appealed for the Washtenaw endorsement which is felt to be "psychologically important." However there was no discussion on their endorsements. The Washtenaw County Democratic Party held its conven- tion in the Michigan Union Ballroom. The final nomination for the post will be made at the Demo- cratic State Convention Aug. 20, in Grand Rapids. THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION recommended yester- day that the Legislature help Detroit out of its money troubles by boosting state aid to districts which have high nonschool ,taxes, the Associated Press reported from Lansing. The Detroit School Board has said that to avoid cutbacks, it needs $12.5 million more than the $159.4 million it has budget- ed for 1966-67. The proposed cutbacks include half-day sessions for the first and seventh grades. The State Board said Detroit could cut its expected shortage to about $8 million by using $4.5 million now held in reserve. Legislative leaders and Gov. George Romney have agreed that under recent legislation, the state should handle the payments. POLICE OFFICIALS BREATHED a sign of relief yesterday over the calm they say has settled over Lansing's Negro district- but remained on guard to prevent a fresh outbreak of violence, the Associated Press reported. - The 20-square block predominantly Negro area was sealed tightly for the second consecutive night-with police guards keep- ing out all but area residents. A neighborhood meeting was called for the dual purpose of telling disgruntled youth of agreements worked out between city officials and Negro leaders, and of keeping them off the streets. Negro youth, their adult spokesmen, clergymen and social organization representatives, meanwhile, started working out a program to cope with a generally acknowledged shortage of recreational facilities in the area. The barricades were torn down before midnight. Camera-Carrying Orbiter Spacecraft Working Perfectly CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. I) - America's camera-carrying Lunar Orbiter spacecraft, its complex systems operating flawlessly dash- ed along a near-perfect, quarter- million-mile course through space list night, heading for an intended orbit around the moon on Sunday. Its goal is to beam to earth, during the next 36 days, nearly' 400 pictures taken from 26 miles above the moon's surface showing nine potential astronaut landing sites, the downed Surveyor 1 spacecraft, and portions of the moon's hidden backside. The flying photographic labo- ratory - looking like a windmill with its four power-producing solar cells extended-blasted off from Cape Kennedy yesterday as Ithe payload of an Atlas-Agena .rocket, A later report said preliminary data showed the spacecraftwas on a course that, if permitted to continue, would miss the moon by about 5,600 miles. Clifford H. Nelson, Lunar Or- biter project manager, reported this path was well within the cor- rection capability of a mid-course motor aboard the payload. He said that sometime after 15 hours of flight the motor would be fired by. ground command to adjust the course toward a closer approach to, the moon. Following a complex flight path, the Agena upper stage soared into a parking orbit about 115 miles above the earth, coasted for 28 minutes, and then re-ignited to kick the payload outward into space. C npf T . bi Detroit Area Disturbance Flares Anew Whites Shoot Negro, Fire Bomb Smashes Window in Violence DETROIT A')-Violence flared anew last night in a racially mix- ed neighborhood on Detroit's East Side. One Negro was reported shot by white youths and a gasoline fire bomb smashed through a drug store window. Police said 15 arrests were made, on charges ranging from inciting to riot to possession of explosives. Both whites and Negroes were among those arrested. Two hours after the flareup, of- ficials reported the situation un- der control. Shortly before the fire-bombing incident, a 26-year-old Negro walked into Detroit's Receiving Hospital with blood streaming from a gunshot wound In the left shoulder. The victim, Tyrone Powers, 26, told police he was walking down a street when he heard the squeal- ing of tires, stopped, looked around and saw three white men in a car, Powers said one of them shout- ed, "Look out, nigger," and then fired two shots as the auto sped away. Powers was described by hospital attendants as in tempor- arily serious condition. Last night's outbreak occurred in the same area where violence flared Tuesday night after police tried to make a routine arrest for loitering. Detroit's 4000 policemen were ordered on 12-hour shifts and all leaves canceled although Police Commissioner Ray Girardin de- scribed the original Tuesday dis- turbance as "an isolated but ser- ious incident." Before the new flareup, Girar- din told a news conference he had expected no repetition of the rock- throwing and window-breaking that broke out in a 16-block area. Members of the city's crack com- mando-trained tactical mobile unit moved into the area again last night and urged bystanders to go home. Police said seven white youths- five boys and two girls-were ar- rested while walking down a street carrying homemade Molotov cock- tails (bombs made of gasoline- filled pop bottles). Girardin said police had been able to cope with the situation and will continue to cope with it be- cause "we feel the community is helping us." In Tuesday night's disturbance, seven persons were arrested and two injured, including a Negro policeman cut by a knife during the original arrest attempt -Associated Press THE ATLAS-AGENA ROCKET BLASTS from its launching pad with the Lunar Orbiter spacecraft that will orbit the moon attached to it. The spacecraft will take pictures of the hidden Surveyor I sites. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA: Ramparts ChargesInstitute Aids U.S. Chemical Warfare, Suvinir I vne o uunar vr er s sensors successfully locked onto the sun 49 minutes into the flight as an- other began searching for the star An article in this month's Ram- Canopus. The sun and Canopus parts magazine charges the Uni- were to steer the spacecraft along versity of Pennsylvania with en- 'its planned 90-hour, 238,466-mile gaging in a weapons research pro- trip to the vicinity of the moon. gram in the use of biological and If successful, the 850-pound chemical warfare that is directly spacecraft would become the first concerned with the chemical war- U.S. payload orbited around the fare program in Viet Nam. moon. Seven previous U.S. at- The magazine also charges that tempts failed. the university runs a school for The Soviet Luna 10, launched spies in the guise of a course in last April, orbited the moon and political science. reported that micrometeorcids are Ramparts made a similar accu- more frequent in the vicinity of sation against Michigan State Uni- the moon than in interplanetary versity this spring. Ramparts' space, the moon has a low mag- writers charged that MSU served netic field and no dense atmos- as a cover agent for the Central phere, and radiation near the Intelligence Agency while oper- moon is 100,000 times less than in ating a program in South Viet the earth's radiation belts. Luna Nam. 10 had no camera. In the article on the University e 1.I' r s 7i i 11wi/ V 71r' t qyI! r 1/ ' '+ti/ a 'l ,/ + . + t r of Pennsylvania, Ramparts' Re- search Editor Sol Stern reported that the university's Institute for Cooperative Research is directed by "the Defense Department's Chemical Corps. The article charges that the institute also summarizes "the state of knowl- edge on biological and chemical weapons systems, both offensive and defensive, in terms of inter- est to decision makers and poten- tial users ...' The article adds that "In a study done for the institute by another University of Pennsyl- vania division, the Foreign Policy Research Institute, germ and chemical warfare is evaluated in terms of its effect upon the po- tential role of such weapons in the strategies of the United States and its allies, and . . . how these weapons might lend greater flex- ibility to the military posture re- quired for the support of United States foreign policy. aerosol-sprayed arsenic and cya- nide compounds over the rice fields of South Viet Nam." It further strongly suggests that the research at Penn led the State Department last July to begin "to move toward a reconsideration of the official American policy which opposes the use of germ warfare." Toward this end, there appeared a "memo advocating the surrepitious use in Viet Nam of tularemia." The idea of spreading this dis- ease, akin to bubonic plague, "was approved up to the assistant secre- tary level at the State Depart- ment." Government grants provide the largest single source of the uni- versity's total income, Ramparts says, adding, "Penn is not so much a university on the make as a uni- versity that has been had." Another instance in which the university "has been had," says Ramparts, is its Political. Science 551, "a course for spies." Taught by Drs. George and Charlotte Dyer, this "is in reality a thinly disguised training course for future intelligence agents." The professors "announce at the beginning of the semester that one' out of 10 who take the course will be recruited for the CIA." Accord- ing to the official syllabus, it in- cludes field work in which "joint military-political maneuvers are laid in any sort of available ter- rain where unusually useful, and hopefully predictive lessons may be learned." FEARFUL OF EXTREMISM: Liberals Cut Support of Negro Groups Union Officials Rap Delay In A 0 First of Three Parts The northern liberals, fearful of extremism, are cutting back sharply on contributions to the more militant civil rights organi- zations', The big drop in donations from the liberal community is verified by top officers and former lead- ers of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commit- tee (SNCC). and the Rev. Dr. 2) Worry or disgust about bit- ter attacks, primarily by CORE and SNCC, on United States in- tentions and on "morality" in Viet Nam and on the military draft. 3) A decline of enthusiasm now that the Northerner is being jos- tled by civil rights militancy in his own backyard. Emphasize Demands Both CORE and SNCC have re-j cently emphasized demands for the King organization because mer CORE leaders put it as high many whites do not differentiate as $350,000. among the organizations. Contributions Down Lincoln Lynch, associate nation- Ivanhoe Donaldson, new director al director of CORE, says that of the New York office of SNCC, contributions fell significantly aft- which operates primarily in the er a CORE officer at Mount Ver- South but has frankly depended non, N.Y., denounced Jews in gen- on white northern financial help, eral at a public meeting in Febru- says, "our contributions are 40 to ary. 45 per cent less than we normally White Support have at this time of year." Lynch says that about 80 per He says that the Student Com- cent of his group's financial sup- mittee is nn nn g mnnted "hv :Organized in 954, the Institute A fo Coeraieeserc"a Aceionon been host to a wide spectrum of classified defense projects, Of these, the chemical-biological war- By WALLACE IMMEN fare projects," Ramparts reports, Organization and planning in "have had by far the most exotic the union's fight for representa- code names-Big Ben, Caramu, tion of non-academic University Wasp, Whitewing, Summit and employes is continuing despite the Spicerack. The 1962-63 annual long delays and uncertainty con- report boasts of the institute's 'ac- nected with the court case testing cumulated experience and our the legality of Public Act 379. unique position of competence in Union officials told The Daily the field of biological and chemi- yesterday they are becoming very cal weapons systems'." concerned with the slowness of the Bargaining with 'U' 379 unconstitutional. The Univer- sity sees PA 379 as a threat to its autonomy. The controversy over whether non-academic University employes may be allowed collective bargain- ing rights began a year ago with the enactment of Public Act 379, amending the Hutchinson Act which previously prohibited public employes representation in a un- ion The amendment allows for precedent of state control over the University. The University has filed a suit on the constitutionality of PA 379 in Circuit Court which has been postponed pending a ruling by Judge William Agar as to whether the court has jurisdiction over the case. If he rules that the court has jurisdiction, he will then move on a decision. If the court has no jurisdiction the case will be dis-