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August 10, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-08-10

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a ravU

r 1

Interesting Off-Year Elections Intrigue Shapi


By The Associated Press
American voters are only par-
tially through the preliminary
picking of candidates to run in
the fall election but already sev-
eral stars of major magnitude
have fallen from the political
firmament. Among them:
-Venerable Howard W. Smith
of Virginia, a Democrat, master
of conservative strategy in the
House, chairman of the Rules
Committee which cart speed or
slow-and sometimes block-legis-
lation for consideration of the
-Sen. A. Willis Robertson,
Democrat, also from Virginia, who
presided over the Banking and
Currency Committee, arbiter of

laws for banking and much other
-Gov. Robert E. Smylie of
Idaho, a leader in the moderate
wing of the Republican party and
senior in service among all the
-Democratic Gov. H a y d o n
Burns of Florida who had appear-
ed well-entrenched in that land
of citrus, sunlit beaches and bur-
geoning industry.
-Sen. Ross Bass of Tennessee
who for 12 years-10 in the House
and two in the Senate-had been
a moderate-liberal Southern Dem-
ocratic voice in Congress and was
a supporter of what President
Johnson calls his "Great Society"
To these casualties of primaries

can be added illustrious names of
some departing the political scene
There is William W. Scranton,
often mentioned in the past as a
possible Republican nominee for
President. Now winding up a term
as governor of Pennsylvania, he
has declared he will never be a
candidate again for any elective
Sen. Leverett Saltonstall, in the
Senate since 1944, decided that at
the age of 74 it was time for him
to leave and he would not run for
re-election. He is the top Repub-
lican on the Armed Services Com-
mittee and a respected counselor
in national security affairs.
Stepping aside for the time be-
ing too is Gov. Orval Faubus (D-

Arkansas), a strident voice in the
clamor in the South over first
efforts at racial integration of
Yet in the political kaleidoscope
no image fades without another
another appearing,
Ronald Reagan, the former mo-
tion picture star, came roaring out
of the California Republican pri-
mary with the nomination for
governor and sent GOP hopes
soaring for victory over Demo-
cratic Gov. Edmund G. Brown in
the fall.
G. Mennen Williams won the
Senate Democratic nomination in
Michigan impressively. As a 12-
year former governor, he is no new
face in politics but he has been
away from the election wars for

six years as an assistant secretary
of state.
Edward W. Brooke, personable
Negro state attorney general, was,
tapped by Massachusetts Repub-
licans as their candidate for the
Senate seat Saltonstall is giving
up. If elected, Brooke would be
the first Negro in the Senate in
this century.
What conclusions, or portents
for the elections, can be drawn
from the primaries to date?
Drawing general conclusions'
from primary results is a hazard-
ous, ill-advised pastime. Many dif-
ferent factors, often of local im-
portance only, usually are in-
volved. Yet some observations in
general seem to stand out.

" Nobody has successfully made
political capital out of the Viet
Nam war. The American people
are unhappy about it, but find no
great political attraction in the
criticisms some primary candi-
dates have made of President
Johnson's policies.
* Negroes are voting in increas-
ing numbers and, in much of the
country, their ballots ,are of in-
creasing importance in the out-
come of elections. They helped
Miami Mayor Robert King High
wrest the Democratic nomination
for governor from Burns in Flor-
ida. They contributed heavily to
the size of Williams' victory in

* Conservative sentiment is shaping up as one of the more
still a powerful force in the Re- teresting off-year elections of
publican party despite the devast- century.
ating defeat of conservative Barry Republicans confidently ex:
Goldwater in the 1964 presidential to make big gains in Congress
election. the Democrats concede the op
Conservatives backed Reagen in sition probably will make a
California, opposed Smylie in Ida- gain. Will they gain enough
ho. Their strength has shown up put a real crimp in Presid
too in a number of contests over Johnson's programs for the n
nominations for House seats. For- two years?
mer Rep. Steven B. Derounian won Much of what happens this
in New York over a moderate en-'.sMulh prluhetoh6.e pr(
dorsed by Republican Sen. Jacob is only prelude to 1968. The Pt
K. Javits. Former Rep. Gene dency is the big prize in Ameri
Snyder, with strong conservative politics.
leanings, won in Kentucky over The voting next Nov. 8 will
a moderate. far to determine the situatior
the parties and the availabilit:
" Finally, there is the obvious candidates when the big prize g
observation that the election is up for grabs two years later.


Johnson Plans Continued

King Plans '~SUPPORTS U.S. AIMS:
New Protests Reischauer Asks Viet Policy
In Chicago Based on Local Nationalism






1 Fie Check,

On Inflation
Will Support Search.
For Methods Which
Improve Flexibility
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson said yesterday the 3.2
per cent wage guidelines "still
represent to us the best measur-
ing stick we have" to keep infla-
tion in check, but "we are con-
stantly looking for something
Questions about the guidelines,
already buffeted and battered in
some wage agreements, took up a
good part of Johnson's news con-
ference yesterday.
"We are going to do everything
within the power of the leadership
n the government to ask labor
o stay within the guidelines and
their productivity increases so we
will not have to raise prices be-
cause of increased labor costs,"
Johnson said.
But the President, in effect,
conceded that no effort will be
made in every situation to keep
annual wage increases at 3.2 per
He said the guidelines must
have flexibility in cases of indus-
tries who have not had increases
"and things of that nature." But
as of this moment, he added, they
represent the best measuring stick
Discussing another economic
problem in response to questioning
at the news conference, the Presi-
dent said he is still not buying the
bill pending in Congress to inject
an element of compulsion from
both Capitol Hill and the White
House into efforts to settle the
airline deadlock. Asked whether
he wanted Congress to pass the
measure, Johnson wound up by
saying: "We did not recommend
legislation. It is a matter for them
to decide."
Once there has been a decision,
the President said, "We are hope-
ful we can negotiate an agreement
between the workers and those
five arlines."
Reactions to Johnson's com-
ments on wage guidelines came
quickly from House Republican
Leader Gerald R. Ford of Mich-
Johnson described the guidelines
as not perfect, saying they have
been exceeded in some cases while
other wage hikes were below 3.2
per cent.

Americans Find No Viet Cong
Supply Activity in Cambodia

Marchers To Rally
In All-White Area On
City's Southwest Side
CHICAGO VP) - Open housing
campaigners, undaunted by re-
peated, riotous receptions, have
singled out another hostile white
Southwest Side neighborhood for
a mass march today.
The district the marchers call
Bogan lies near Chicago Lawn
where on Friday thousands of
rock-and firecracker-throwing res-
idents fought with police and
cursed and jeered at the marchers.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
chairman of the Southern Chris-
tian Leadership Conference.spon-
soring the demonstrations, was
knocked to his knees by a rock
that hit his head.

TOKYO (Y)-Former U.S. Am-
bassador Edwin 0. Reischauer said
yesterday the United States must
find a better way to handle the
Vietnamese problem, based on
local nationalism and "very much
b r o a d e r international support
than we are able to muster today."
(In Washington yesterday Pres-
ident Johnson told a news confer-
ence "I don't see any change for
the worse at all" in Viet Nam.)
Reischauer said in an interview
with the Associated Press that
though he supports and will con-
tinue to support U.S. policy in Viet
Nam, the situation there is "not
a satisfactory one."
Reischauer has resigned from
his post here to return to teaching
history at Harvard University.

I The root of America's difficul-
ties in Viet Nam go back to what
he called "its grave mistake" in
helping French colonialism return
there in 1945. Although he ac-
knowledged that the clock cannot
be turned back, he said: "Let us
at least beware of the future."
He said it did not help the
French to return to Indochina nor
the Dutch to Indonesia.
He said that in his five years
as envoy to Tokyo he has "care-
fully avoided ever saying anything
I did not myself believe." He add-
ed that besides Viet Nam he was
able to support America's Japan
policy, which he described as "100
per cent right."
On other subjects, Reischauer




TOKYO (P)-Seven Americans, A spokesman for the Americans Floyd B. McKissick, national di-
fresh from a 12-day inspection said the Cambodians had told rector of the Congress of Racial
tour, said yesterday they found no them U.S. and South Vietnamese Equality; Norman Eizner, New
evidence in Cambodia that the planes strafed a border area July York businessman, and Marc
country is being used as a sanc- 31 and Aug. 2. "It was awkward," Stone, public relations consultant.
tuary by the Communist Viet he said, although the group did Duncan said the group split into
Cong. not see the alleged attack. two sections and visited frontier
The group, called "Americans "We'd like to know the reason areas in northeastern, eastern and
Want to Know," also said they or hear an explanation for the southeastern Cambodia. He indi-
found no evidence of Red supply incident," said Russell Johnson of cated they picked their own places
lines in Cambodia. the American Friends Service to see, but were accompanied by
The United States has charged Committee. Cambodian officials.
that the Communists use Cam- Other members of the group are The group said they got the
bodia to move troops and supplies, author Kay Boyle; Rabbi Israel S. impression Prince Norodom Siha-
as a rest area and as a refuge Dresner of Springfield, N.J.; for- nouk, Cambodia's chief of state,
when the fighting gets too hot in mer M. Sgt. Donald Duncan, who wants to renew diplomatic rela-
South Viet Nam. served 18 months in Viet Nam; tions with the United States.
Duncan said they visited Anlong
Tracht, the day after the raid
U.S. Forces Have Busy ay they were told took place July 31.
.TSHe said the village was about
~ 1,000 feet from the border in "very
PVopen area so that it would have
been impossible to mistake." He
said they "found bomb fins, and
SAIGON OP)-U.S. troops pur- Helicopter losses were also heavy 20mm cannon shell with U.S. lot
sued a battered North Vietnamese Monday. Two crashed and burned numbers still stenciled on them.
battalion in the central highlands west of Pleiku in support of the The phosphorous rocket was still
yesterday after killing at least 85 cavalry operation. Seven otherssmould "We traveled on the roadsopen-
of the enemy and capturing large were hit and damaged just south without any restrictions, and if
stocks of equipment. of the demilitarized zone in sup- ly it n erritory. we
it wasVitCn tertrw
The North Vietnamese inflicted port of the Marines. would have known about it," Dun-
severe casualties on a U.S. 1st With only two months left of can reported.
Cavalry, Airmobile, Division Mon- the rainy moonsoon season, U.S. McKissick said in talks he had
day before being hit by intense commanders believe it more im- with Sihanouk the prince's atti-
fire from artillery, planes and re- portant than ever to keep the Viet tude as well as the people's to-
inforcements about 235 miles Cong and North Vietnamese too wards the United States was one
north of Saigon. Front line dis- busy to launch their expected of- of "great desire to renew friendly
patches said another 100 of the fensive. relations."

-He did not foresee a crisis
similar to that of 1960 when the
U.S.-Japan security treaty be-
comes an issue again in 1970. "I
feel that long before 1970 the
Japanese public will have accept-
ed as common sense the security
relationship w i t h the United
States, just as other major coun-
tries do."
--It was a natural desire for
Japan and the Okinawans to be
rejoined and that the United
States has said as soon as the
Communist menace in the Pacific
is alleviated this will be done.
--If Japan went Communist,
this would constitute "a menace
to world peace." This is Com-
munist China's most important
single objective. However, the
Japanese themselves recognize
that this would be "suicidal" and
the prospect "is becoming more
and more remote."
--Japan is a deeply divided
country politically, but yet an ex-
traordinary stable one, without
sudden political unheavals. "The
confrontation between the left and
the right is a lessening thing."
-There has been "a great shift
in fundamental Japanese think-
ing" since 1941 marked by "com-
plete conviction that a peaceful
world is what they want and that
they do not wish to be involved
in empire or wars of conquest."

/ _*" /t. W7 -Z T

A pep rally announcement that Y
Cicero, a western suburb, had been
lacked confirmation from King's "
lieutenants. __ To I i ll s , JIL tflC

At a news conference, Mayor
Richard J. Daley of Chicago de-
clared, "There must be some way
of resolving this question without
the marches." He urged civil rights
leaders to use legal processes in
fighting any racial discrimination
in housing.
Daley said that since -Chicago
passed a fair housing ordinance in
1963 its Human Relations Com-
mission has handled 241 com-
plaints and in each, real estate
dealers were made to comply with
the law.
The commission director. Ed-
ward Marciniak, reported his de-
partment has not received a single
complaint of housing discrimina-
tion in Chicago Lawn or Belmont-
Cragin, where marchers faced hos-
tile stone throwers Sunday.
Sheriff Richard V. Ogilvie of
Cook County (Chicago) announced
he would do everything in his
power to prevent a march on

.ML lq-/ i R/W %../ i/ W/W 7 i v J. 7 s vv vv r v v v

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia W) -
Yugoslavs opposed to President
Tito's one-party government press-
ed ahead yesterday with plans to
found a magazine to reflect their
antigovernment views. They acted
despite the arrest of their leader,
Mihajlo Mahajlov.
Marijan Batinic and Daniel
Ivin were elected to the organiz-
ing committee for the meeting to
be held at Zadar on the Adriatic
Mihajlov, a former university
professor who has been conduct-
ing a growing campaign against
the "totalitarian power" of the
Yugoslav Communist party, was
to have presided at the Zadar
He summoned friends and sup-
porters to help him found a mag-
azine he hoped would lead to a
new non-Communist party.
But he was clapped into prison
Monday for three days of investi-
gation. Officials said the arrest
was to prevent him from spread-
ing false reports, and to guaran-
tee his personal safety during the
scheduled period of the Zadar
Notices issued by the Zadar
Communist party mass organiza-
tion called for a meeting to dis-
cuss the Mihajlov situation.
At Mihajlov's home in Zadar,
when Ivin and Batanic are stay-
ing, Ivin said threats against their
personal safety would not stop
He said the first day would be
spent largely in get-acquainted



talks, with formal discussions be-
ginning Thursday at a restaurant
on the outskirts of the Adriatic
coastal city.
As the speech text was being
distributed to the foreign press
Monday, Mihajlov was arrested.





enemy may have been killed by the
artillery and air blows.
This was one of three sweeps by
U.S. infantry and Marines, who
were out in force in areas where
the Viet Cong and the North Viet-
namese are believed to be attempt-
ing buildups.
Far to the north, U.S. Marines
hunted about 150 North Vietna-
mese regulars who tried to over-
whelm two small Marine units just
south of the demilitarized zone
between North and South Viet
In between the demilitarized
zone and the central highlands
front, other U.S. Marines were
sweeping the jungles southwest of
their big base at Da Nang.
Undeterred by the loss of 10
planes in two days over North Viet
Nam, Air Force, Navy and Marine
pilots maintained the pressure
Monday with a record 139 combat
missions in the north.
Seven planes were shot down
Sunday and three Monday, bring-
ing the total losses over North Viet
Nam to 329.

World News Roundup

Rooms 3R and S


By The Associated Press
to launch the Lunar Orbiter, a
camera-carrying spacecraft to-
ward an orbit around the moon
was postponed yesterday when the
blockhouse received noisy radio
signals from a fuel-measuring sys-
tem in the Atlas-Agena rocket just
seven minutes before the planned
The launching was rescheduled
for today in a favorable period be-
tween 4:11 p.m. and 7:02 p.m.
* * * * '
WASHINGTON--Airline strike
negotiators held another long, fu-
tile talking session yesterday and
said they would report "no prog-
ress" to a congressional committee
considering legislation to end the
William J. Curtin, chief negotia-

tor for five strikebound airlines,
and Joseph W. Ramsey, vice-presi-
dent of the AFL-CIO Internation-
al Association of Machinists, said
there were no new offers toward
settling the 33-day-old strike in
their five hours of discussion.
NEW YORK-James H. Mere-
dith walked the streets of Harlem
yesterday on the first leg of an in-
tended 250-mile voter registration
march within New York City.
Half a dozen young Negroes ac-
companied Meredith, distributing
DIAL 2-6264

leaflets that said: "James Mere-
dith offered his life for you. Will
you become a registered voter for
* *
LONDON-A British parliamen-
tary commission said in London
yesterday the seven-nation Euro-
pean Launcher Development Orga-
nization-ELDO-was an expen-
sive failure with a dim future.
It suggested that ELDO merge
with other European space orga-
nizations such as the Conference
on Satellite Communications.

7:30 -11:30



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