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August 09, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-08-09

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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Sells Checks

Removal of
Protest Sign
Plant Department Has
No Authority To Take
Student Political Signi
J. Duncan Sells, director of stu-
dent organizations, said yesterday
that "the wheels might be slow
to turn" but that something would
be done to "clear the lines of au-
thority" in allowing students to
post signs on campus.
Voice political party, the Uni-
versity's chapter of Students for
a Democratic Society, had request-
ed Sells to look into the removal!
and destruction of their sign pro-
testing U.S. involvement in the
Viet Team war. They accused the
Plant Depaztrment of "outright po-
litical suppression" by removing
the sign.
Sells spoke to Alfred B. Ueker,;
plant manager, yesterday about
the removal of the sign and Ueker
said that he would look into the
matter. He added that his people
"had no business" removing the
sign, if they had in fact removed
t. He said that he would check:
with other members of the plant
department. Ueker was unavail-
able for comment later because he
attended a meeting out of town.
Sells will speak with Richard
Cutler, vice-president for student
affairs, today. Cutler, when ques-
tioned about the line of authority
in 'this matter, said that "it de-
pends on where the sign is and
who gave the authority for its
display." He said that if the Of-
fice of Student Affairs authorized
the placement of the sign it alone
should have the power to have it
Sells indicated that Cutler and
Gilbert Lee, vice-president for
business affairs, would discuss the
matter later this week.
Voice officials said they are
adopting a "wait and see" atti-
tude. A Voice spokesman said the
plant department will receive a
copy of Voice's complaints today.;
He added that Voice members have
not had a chance to discuss the
removal of the sign because of the
Midland picketing of Dow Chemi-
cal Company but Will meet today
to plan further action.
Sells told Voice members that
they will probably receive finan-
cial compensation for the destroy-
ed sign and public assurance from
Lee that similar actions will not*
occur in the future.
Voice had originally charged the
plant department with "political
suppression" when their sign was
removed twice last week. After the
second removal Voice members
found the sign broken in half in
the basement of the Student Ac-
tivities Building.
Office of Student Affairs offi-
cials said the plant department
has the authority to move a sign
under either of two conditions; if'
it interferes with lawn mowing
when it may be moved to the
gravel area in front of the UGLI,
or if it is outdated, when it may
be moved to the basement of the!
Yet the Voice sign was not out-!
dated at the time of its removal
and an OSA official said they
had not requested Voice to place
the sign in the gravel area.
Voice members felt that it was
an "act of harrassment" on the
part of the plant department.



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Late World News
By The Associated Press
LANSING, MICH.-SQUADS of police firing tear gas broke
up a mob of 200 Negro youths at a downtown intersection last
night and then said this capital city's second night of racial
violence "definitely was contained."
That appraisal was made by Sgt. C. W. Croy at Lansing
police headquarters after scores of city policemen, sheriff's men
and state troopers cordoned off part of the Negro section and
broke up the mob.
Earlier, roving bands of teen-agers shattered store and auto
windows and threw gasoline bombs at passing cars. Police report-
ed several officers and at least four civilians injured.
In Chicago, suburban Cicero, once the scene of a race riot
when a Negro moved into town, was named last night as the tar-
get for a civil rights march for open housing.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson, an assistant to Dr. Martin Luther
King in his civil rights action program, said the march will be
staged this week, but did not name a day.
WASHINGTON-SECRETARY of Labor W. Willard Wirtz
said last night the prospects for settling the airlines strike at the
bargaining table were "ceiling zero, visibility zero."
Wirtz adjourned negotiating attempts after nearly eight hours
of fruitless efforts to budge deadlocked negotiators in the month-
old strike of mechanics against five major airlines.
BUENOS AIRES-THE ONGANIA government charged last
night that U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk had interfered in
Argentine affairs.
It said it objected to statements by Rusk and Lincoln Gordon,
U.S. undersecretary for inter-American affairs, concerning the
seizure of Argentine national universities by the military regime
of President Juan Carlos Ongania.
A protest note was delivered to U.S. Charge d'Affairs Leonard
Saccio by Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez.
TRIAL JUDGES FACE NEW obligations to assist police and
law enforcement officers as a result of the recent Supreme Court
decisions, Charles W. Joiner, associate dean of the University
law school, said in Montreal Sunday.
Police and law enforcement officers need assistance in de-
termining the correct course of action in light of Miranda v.
Arizona and other cases dealing with search and seizure, he said.
"They are confused. The obligation of the trial judge is
much greater than ruling out confessions at trial, or throwing out
illegally obtained evidence."
The trial judge, Dean Joiner asserted, can be the catalyst
around which understanding can be developed so that in the
future, police will be able to act in a way permitted by the
MICHIGAN'S FOUR-YEAR colleges and universities face
financing problems in handling the growing number of transfer
students from community colleges, the Associated Press reported
an admissions official saying yesterday.
Richard E. Hensen, assistant director of admissions and
scholarships at Michigan State University, says there were 60,016
students in Michigan's 19 two-year colleges last fall.
Enrollment will reach 100,000 in 1967, he estimates, and stud-
ies are under way for more community colleges.
Hensen says some four-year schools already have limited
the number of transfer students they will accept.
Hensen discusses what he calls a "partnership in education"
between two-year and four-year colleges in the Michigan State
Economic Record, an MSU publication.
MICHIGAN'S SEPTEMBER DRAFT call has been boosted by
450 men and its October call will be 3700, largest since the Korean
War, the Associated Press reported from Lansing yesterday.
State Selective Service Director Col. Arthur Holmes said the
September call has been boosted from 2,525 to 2,975.
He said Michigan took 5000 to 6000 men a month for the
first six months of the Korean War.
In recent months, he said, Michigan's call has averaged
around 2500 a month. The August call was 3,430 and the July
call 2,525.
Starting in August, Holmes said, local boards have had to
call childless men married before Aug. 26, 1965-taking the oldest,
under age 26, first.
Holmes said he did not know whether the high calls would
continue at the higher rate after October, or whether they were
to make up for low enlistment rates.

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
THOUSANDS OF WORKERS AT the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland (of which several are pictured above, left), reported to work Mon-
day morning to find anti-war demonstrators picketing their plant. Though many of the workers were curious as to what was going on,
most simply ignored the demonstrators and went about their business. The anti-war pickets, from Kalamazoo, Detroit and Ann Arbor,
were protesting the production of napalm by the huge Midland-based corporation.
Students Picket a o Factory,
Protest Manufacture o Napal-m

Conflict Law
May Affect
U Officials
Attorney General To
Judge State Rule on
Business Interests
Two key University officials had
mixed reactions yesterday to re-
ports in the Detroit Free Press
that a new state law may force
them to "give up off-campus busi-
ness interests." The law regulates
conflicts of interest in the deal-
ings of public officials.
"I have no comment now, nor
will I," said University President
Harlan Hatcher.
Regent Robert Briggs, however,
said he would "put matters in
front of theAttorney General;"
emphasizing that "these relation-
ships were entered into without
my council and in all innocence."
Briggs is executive vice-presi-
dent of Consumers Power Co. in
which the University owns $658,-
000 in stocks and bonds according
to the mst recently available
Hatcher drew $9,300 in direc-
tors' fees last year from Detroit
Edison Co. in which the Univer-
sity holds over $963,000 in securi-
ties, according to the same figures.
He is also a director of the Ann
Arbor Bank, in which the Univer-
sity maintains commercial ac-
These connections may be illegal
under the new law when it goes
into effect this spring, according
to a story in Sunday's Free Press.
John Hannah, president of Mich-
igan State University, and other
officials and governing board
members at MSU, Eastern Mich-
igan University, Central Michigan
University, Northern Michigan
University and Western Michigan
University were also mentioned as
being affected by the law.
For example, "Four of EMU's
eight trustees and its two top ad-
ministrators serve as directors of
banks-all but one of them Ypsi-
lanti and Ann Arbor institutions
the school deals with financially,"
the article by Free Press Lansing
correspondent Roger Lane said.
Lane noted that NMU Presi-
dent EdgarL. Harden is a direc-
tor of the Union National Bank
of Marquette, in which NMU de-
posits half of its bank-held funds.
MSU official activities by Vice-
President for Finance Philip J.
May and trustees Donald Stevens
and C. Allen Harlan were. also
mentioned as possibly being cov-
ered by the new law.
Briggs noted that the law had
so far had no "legal interpreta-
tion" by the Attorney General and
that it was" not law until this
spring in any case.
He also said that Consumers
Power Co. is a public utility
"whose profits are watched over
by a public commission." He said
that the company sold very few
services directly to the University.
The securities which are the
substance of the University's re-
lationship with Consumers were
purchased "after independent con-
sultation with an investment serv-
ice by University officials over
whom I have no control," Briggs
Lane quoted state House mem-
bers as being "disturbed" that the
University, "with daily working
balances of $2 million" permitted
Hatcher to serve with the Ann
Arbor Bank, "where large sums
are kept." He noted the same feel-
ing on the part of Senate investi-

gators who "criticized links be-
tween CMU and banks it patron-
izes in Mt. Pleasant."
EMU Vice-President for Finance
Lewis E. Profit predicted such a
wide interpretation of the law
"will knock some of the greatest
public service participation in the
state out of whack."

Tfhe 85 anti-war demonstrators
from Ann Arbor, Detroit and Kala-
mazoo who picketed the Dow
Chemical Corporation offices in
Midland yesterday found that
their demonstration was primar-
ily an exchange of written state-
The protest, organized by Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society,
was part of a nationwide attempt
to draw attention to the fact that
Dow manufactures napalm, an
extremely harmful chemical sub-
stance currently used by Ameri-
can soldiers in Viet Nam.
At 7:30 a.m. yesterday morning,
as the Dow workers entered the
plant, about 40 University stu-
dents marched with picket signs
" saying "Dow Shalt Not Kill,"
"Would Napalm Convert You?";
and "Napalm Burns Can't Be
Healed with Candy Bars," as well
as the more common "Withdraw
from Viet Nam."
Except for a group of about 15
who remained outside the doors
making occasional remarks about
Communists, the factory workers
ignored the protest, refusing to
accept leaflets prepared by Voice
Political Party.
Midland police observed the
march and made sure the demon-
strators and reporters stayed on

the part of the sidewalk near the lations department exchanged
street, which was marked by a line statements. The Voice statement

of yellow tape.
The workers' refusal to notice
the demonstrators was attributed
to a bulletin posted in the factory
asking the employes to refrain
from "contact or conversation"
with the protestors.
After the workers entered the
factory, the march moved to Dow's
executive offices, where the dem-
onstrators and the Dow public re-

protested the manufacture of na-
palm on the grounds;that it causes
"some of the war's most horrible
The Dow statement said that!
the company is a "supplier of
goods. . and not a policy maker."
It added, "Simple good citizenship
requires that we supply our gov-
ernment . .. with those goods they
feel they need."

During the Dow picket there
were very few onlookers, but a
later march d'owntown drew some
SDS representatives said that
other companies that produce na-
palm had been picketed over the
weekend, and that further at-
tempts to reach Dow would be
made when a Voice delegation
meets with Herbert Doan, the
president of the company, on Aug.

State Employes Stage Parade
To Emphasize Union Demands

McConnell Describes Memory Transfer

Psychology Prof. James V. Mc-
Connell of the Mental He. lth Re-
search Institute, in Moscow for the
18th International Congress of
Psychology Aug. 4-11, has describ-
ed his research demonstrating the
transfer of training in planarians
via "cannibalistic" ingestion.
McConnell's studies, along with
similar ones at the University of
California, Los Angeles and the
University of Copenhagen, have
led to premature speculations that
man's memory and learning abili-
ties can be improved with the
aid of chemicals.
In a symposium on "The Biol-
ogical Bases of Memory Traces"
McConnell described his and his
students' experiments of six years
Using light as a conditioning

did not know which cannibal had
eaten which type of victim.
The researchers found that the
cannibals that had eaten condi-
tioned victims performed better
than did the cannibals that had
eaten untrained victims.
Two years later, McConnell re-
ported tentative evidence that
much the same sort of "trans-
fer" could be achieved by extract-
ing ribonucleic acid from the bod-
ies of trained planarians and in-
jecting it directly into the bod-
ies of untrained animals.
"In all these cases, however,"
McConnell pointed out, "the mem-
ory that was transferred was that
of a clasically conditioned habit
pattern and the question was oft-
en raised as to whether it was
indeed a 'memory' that was pass-

returned to its home aquarium for eight cannibals, each of which was
a period of several minutes. trained to go to the same color
Twelve animals that showed a arm as had been the victim it ate
preference for the dark arm were
then trained to go to the light (the positive transfer group). The
arm. Another 12 that preferred the eight cannibals in Group II were
light arm were trained to go to tramed to go to the opposite color
the dark arm. arm he had the victim they ate
During training, the animals (the negative transfer group). The
were "rewarded" for choosing the eight cannibals in Group III were
correct arm by being returned to given two feedings, each of which
their home aquaria. They were consisted of part of one worm that
"punished" for choosing the in- had been trained to go to the light
correct arm by being picked up gray arm and part of another
with a brush and returned to the worm that had been trained to go,
start of the maze. to the drak gray arm (the con-
The animals were considered flicting instructions group),
"trained" after achieving a score Twenty-four hours after theirl
of nine correct choices out of 10 second feeding, all the cannibals
daily training trials, "but the were assigned code numbers and
animal had to achieve this score were trained to criterion by an
on two successive days," McCon- observer who did not know which
nell said. A ftpra, few ,z, v ' tP' . A.n-,ih.n1 h i A ..n 'Which ,A,.i.-.-

About 150 members of Ann Ar-
bor Local 1583 of the Michigan
State Employes Union are in
Lansing today to join in a parade
and protest rally at the state of-
The demonstration has been
planned to display a mass sup-
port for union demands protesting
"undesirable" labor relations prac-
tices. Union demands focus on
wage and workload questions
which are plaguing public em-
ployes throughout the country and
on the recent controversy over the
right of civil service employes to
Robert Grosvenor, coordinator
of the march, yesterday expressed
the hope that as many as 8000
union members would be in Lans-
ing for the program. He said each
of the 50 locals in the state will
be represented by a large con-
tingent in the parade, which will
begin at 9:30 this morning.
Parade License
Grosvenor explained that this
is a "parade" because according
to Lansing city ordinances, it is
illegal to hold protest marches in
the city and only peaceful pick-
eting is allowed. But if the group
obtained a parade license, they
would receive police protection and
traffic would be cleared for them.
The goal of the marchers is
the Lewis Cass Building in Lans-
ing, home of many state offices.
Some are expected to remain and
picket in front of the building;

One of the union's strongest
arguments is the fact that the
state civil service has found it in-
creasingly difficult to recruit
workers to jobs in the government
in the face of more lucrative of-
fers from private industry and or-
ganizations. They have noted that
a greater than normal employe
turnover and early retirements has
created severe staff shortages in
many departments. A u n i o n
spokesman stated that if this con-
dition continues it may well force
the state to increase wages in
order to remain competitive on
the labor market.
The union represents employes
of state-operated institutions, such
as universities and hospitals, and

services, such as the police. They
are moving for three basic reforms.
Dollar Gap
They claim first, that there is
a gap of more than a dollar an
hour between wages paid by the
state andwthose paid by private
industry. Because of this, turn-
over rates are high and it is ex-
tremely difficult to fill many posi-
tions, resulting in unfavorable
workloads for already short staffs.
Secondly, they claim many jobs,
such as work in mental hospi-
tals, is dangerous and difficult and
workloads should take this intoI
Finally, they are fighting for
bargaining rights for the 3600 civil
service employes who at the pres-
ent time have no right to strike.

IAckley Calls for Revision of,
'Present Wage-Price Guides

Gardner Ackley, chairman of
the President's Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers told 1,750 Univer-
sity graduates Sunday that pres-
ent administration wage - price
guideposts are "far from ideal."
"The policy we have relied on-
our wage and price guideposts-is

A national wage-price policy "is
no easy task to devise," Ackley
said Sunday. Yet he urged labor
and management to recognize and
adhere to such a national policy
in order to slow down a spiraling
He said what is more disap-

He said one of the things that
disturbs him is "the apparent
readiness of many in the Congress
to add sums-up to $5 billion or
$6 billion-to their favorite civil-
ian expenditures programs without
either cutting back other expendi-
tures, or facing up to the probable
,.Paw4 to nvfc~t the infla4Aroaxv im-


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