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August 06, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-08-06

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hus Asks l earir Out'




Calls for
More ICC
Secretary Expresses
Concern Also Over
Cambodian Border
WASHINGTON (A') - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk proposed yes-
terday strengthening the Inter-
national Control Commission in
Viet Nam to clean out the de-
militarized zone and safeguard the
border of neighboring Cambodia.
"We would be glad to see the
ICC move to clear the demilitar-
ized zone of all military action"
and to "assure the neutrality and
territorial integrity of Cambodia,"
Rusk said at a news conference.
Rusk did not rule out the pos-
sibility that U.S. ground forces
might range into the six-mile-
wide neutral zone between North
and South Viet Nam if U.S. com-
manders find this necessary for
their troop's security.
The demilitarized zone and the
role of the three-nation commis-
sion has assumed new prominence
in the Southeast Asia conflict fol-
lowing American B52 bombings of
reported military targets in the
heavily jungled western part of
the 50-mile strip.
Saigon and Washington say
North Viet Nam has sent at least
one regular army division south
through the supposedly demili-
tarized area.
The ICC, composed of India as
neutral chairman, Canada as the
free, world member, and Poland
as the Communist member, was
set up under the 1954 Geneva
agreements to supervise the peace
and neutrality of the Indochina
states. But the group has done
Now North Viet Nam has joined
South Viet Nam and the United
States in protesting alleged vio-
lations of the demilitarized zone,
and India is reported proposing a
strengthening of the ICC staff to
prevent further armed clashes in
the buffer area.
"All right, let's do something
about it, let's get going," Rusk
said in what amounted to a nublic
challenge to the Communists to
follow through on their ICC pro-
test with help in letting the in-
ternational body investigate. He
said the United States would do
everything to cooperate, including
providing transportation for the
And he noted that Washington
has backed a request by Cam-
bodia's Prince Sihanouk for an
ICC check against intrusions the
prince says have come from South
Viet Nam.
The U.S. foreign affairs chief
kept stressing U.S. desire to talk,
rather than fight, in Viet Nam,
but said the Communists don't
want to even discuss a peaceful

Wirtz Fails
To Endorse
Strike''Bill t
Labor Secretary i
Says Congresst
Must Make Decision 1
congressional action on the air-)
line strike appeared at least aI
week away yesterday after the
administration declined either to
endorse or reject the Senate-l
passed bill to order strikers back
to work.+
The lastest statement of the
ministration's stand was given+
the House Commerce Committee
by Secretary of Labor W. Willaid
Wirtz. He said he thinks Johnson
would sign a strike-halting bill,
but Congress will have to decide
whether one is justified.
Wirtz described the strike's ef-
fect as "obvious serious incon-
venience generally," but .with mi-
nor impact on the economy as a
whole, and no threat to defense or
Distinguishing the present situa-
tion from past emergencies that
led to special legislation, Wirtz,
said: "We are not asking for legis-
lation; we are not opposing it.
The question involves infinitely
more than how to handle this
strike. It involves the whole ques-
tion of standards for balancing
interests in such situations. The
question should be settled by the,
Congress, one way or the other."
Every time Congress intervenes;
to settle a strike, he said, the
collective bargaining process is to1
some extent weakened because "we7
weaken the determination of
people to do it themselves in the3
Chairman Harley O. Staggers
(D-W Va) expressed the commit-
tee's hope the five struck airlines
and the AFL-CIO International
Association of Machinists woulda
eliminate the need for congres-
sional action by negotiating a,

turned back a major challenge
to a proposed open housing law
yesterday and kept it in the 1966
civil rights bill by a vote of 198
to 179.
The Republican-led effort to
kill the controversial provision
was, defeated after fervent pleas
from the Democratic leaders and
the Republican author of the pro-
posal, Rep. Charles M. Mathias,
Jr. (R-Md).
"This .is not only civil rightsI
legislation, it is moral rights leg-
islation," Speaker John W. Mc-
Cormack (D-Mass) declared.
Majority Leader Carl Albert of
Oklahoma said if the proposal'
were killed "we will have failed in
a major area of our responsibil-
ity to the American people."
Mathias, who offered the pro-
posal as a compromise to a much
Indonesian M
To Settle Rev
JAKARTA, Indonesia (P) - In-
donesia's jungled, primitive West
Irian has been rocked by riots
and near revolt serious enough
to send Foreign Minister Adam
Malik to the scene as a mediator,
reliable sources reported yester-
He is' scheduled to leave in a
week for the Indonesian half of
the huge island of New Guinea,
an area formerly known as West
New Guinea and taken over from
the Dutch in 1962 after several-
months of fighting.
The people of West Irian be-
gan rioting because of a scarcity
of food which reduced people in
some areas to a near starvation
Soldiers were deployed to West
Irian about six weeks ago to help
put down the fighting. Many of
them were veterans of the cam-
paign to oust the Dutch from West
Irian in 1961.

tougher ban on housing discrimi- i with the Southern Democrats
nation requested by President against the measure.
Johnson, addressed, his appeal to Although the housing provision
his party colleagues. must win final approval by a roll-
"If we hope to assume the lead- call vote next week, its backers
ership of this great nation," he feel yesterday's action all but in-
said, "we cannot shirk our duty sures it will remain in the bill and
today." be sent to the Senate.
However, the overwhelming num-
ber of Republicans followed House ination by builders, bankers, real
GOP Leader Gerald R. Ford of estate agents and others in the
Michigan up the aisle to be count- business of selling or renting hous-
ed in favor of killing the provi- !in Oneounts rent coy-
sion Th vot wa jus a eading. Owner-occupants are not cov-
I sloni. The vote was just a head #ered unless they engage in three or
count, with no names recorded. imre rnlesate tnatin in
About 25 Republicans stayed 12 months, in which case they
with Mathias, including Rep. Wil-1 would be considered to be in the
liam M. McCulloch (R-Ohio), the business.
party's key spokesman on civil
rights legislation. Owner-occupants of dwellings up
A few Northern Democrats, to four-family size would also be
three from Ohio and two from exempt from the proposed law.
Baltimore where racial violence Rep. Arch A. Moore, Jr. (D-
has broken out recently, voted Va) made the motion to kill it. He
said he has fundamental doubts
" 0 eas to its constitutionality and is
_11r~1St ' - 1P convinced it would be of little or
i ster Tries no use in helping Negroes break
out of their segregated ghettos.
4 ~Mathias said it would, open 23
ol Rtmillion housing units, most of
' ~- them in large apartments and
newly developed tracts, in addi-
Reports reaching Jakarta said tion to most of the 1.5 million
no food supplies of any conse- new houses built each year.
quence had been sent into the Rep Peserui. Reach yer.
jungled area in three months. NJep. Peter t. Rodino, Jr. (D-
Tribesmen living in the jungle ), manager of the bill, acknow -
may survive, but town dwellers edged it would not break up the
are reported hard hit. West Irian ghettos by itself. "But with it," he
has a population of about 700,000. added, "we can break the strong-
Reports that the fighting and nation that binds Negroes to the
rebellious mood of the people are ghetto."
serious appeared to be supported The House will move on to the
by reliable confirmation that Mal- remaining sections of the civil
ik would visit the area as a medi- rights bill Monday. They deal
ator. with school desegregation and
His trip away from the capital crimes of -violence against Negroes
comes at a busy time for him. a and civil rights workers.

House'Retains Open Housing

-Associated Press
In counter-demonstration to civil rights marchers, women in a car exhibited a "white power" sign
and waved Confederate flags yesterday in Chicago.
U.S. Stleps Up Laos Operations

SAIGON A)-About 70,000 North
Vietnamese soldiers are operating
in Laos in the clandestine but
growing war spilling over from the
conflict in Viet Nam, say intelli-
gence reports.
The reports reaching Saigon
show that some of this North
Vietnamese force is operating with
the Communist Pathet Lao. Other
North Vietnamese infiltrate down
the Ho Chi Minh trail to fight
in South Viet Nam. Still others
comprise support units for both

The sizeable number of North permission of Souvanna Phouma,
Vietnamese in Laos has resulted in are carried out by U.S. fighter-
stepped up U.S. military activi- bombers from Thailand bases and
ties and air raids in the land- aircraft carriers in the Gulf of
locked kingdom, whose chief of Tonkin off Viet Nam.
state, Prince Souvanna Phouma, In addition, nighttime attacks
is officially neutral_ _ _-- .

1U1uuly lutu.
American bombing strikes, main-
ly aimed at slowing the infiltra-
supplies, have increased to more
tion of North Vietnamese men and
than 100 a day, as against less
than 50 daily a few months ago,
informants said.

by "dragon ships" against infil-
trators have been increased. These
are converted C-47 twin-engine
transports equipped with three
machine guns of six barrels each.
Each gun is capable of firing
8000 rounds per minute.
I TherP ma 'Y i fll'a A . 0va 0i t'

JTennessee Dens Nominate
Johnson Man for Governor

these groups. These raids, staged with tacit le uy
of secret U.S. missions carried
out against the insurgent Pathet
Lao in the international shadow
war. . .
World News TTRound PUp yciiiasaroric.n
U.S. planes, sometimes piloted
by civilians, drop rice and weap-
ons to Meo tribesmen, a warrior
By The Associated Press Cmdr. James Hutton of the Navy people enlisted to oppose the Com-
agencies claimed yesterday that and Maj. James Young of the Air munist forces. The Meos hold en-
four captured American pilots Force. Their letter allegedly said, tore and have defied al teffort
have condemned the U.S. inter- "We realize that the fight of the to annihilate them.
vention in Viet Nam. Vietnamese people for true inde-
The North Vietnamese News pendence and reunification with- Other planes drop Special Forces
Agency said two airmen have sent out foreign interference is no dif- agents to operate behind the lines
"a petition to their government ferent from the fight which we in Laos or set up helicopter bases
strongly condemning the continu- fought against the British 190 for rescue operations of downed
ation of its war against the Viet- years ago.
+ A The steDped-uU.S U operation 1


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (P) - Sen.
Ross Bass, an all-out supporter
of President Johnson's "Great
Society" legislation, has been de-
feated by Tennessee Democrats
who also nominated a close friend
of the President for governor.
Bass conceded defeat yesterday
in his bid for renomination to
Gov. Frank Clement, who cam-
paigned on a promise not to be a
In a record primary vote of
850,000 Thursday, Tennesseans
also .
-Gave Buford Ellington, former
governor and friend of the Presi-
dent, a resounding primary win
over John J. Hooker Jr., who made
a Kennedy-style campaign to "get
Tennessee moving."
-Nominated Howard Baker, Jr.,
who narrowly lost to Bass in 1964
for the last two years of the late'
Sen. Estes Kefauver's term, for
another try on the Republican
ticket. He defeated the more con-
servative Kenneth Roberts.

namese people."
It identified them as Lt. Cmdr.
Wendell B. Rivers of the aircraft
carrier Coral Sea and Maj. Ray-
mond James Merritt of the Air
Force, from Korat Air Base, Thai-
The East German news agency
ADN said in a dispatch from Ha-
noi that two other airmen have
written an open letter calling on
fellow pilots and soldiers to stop
They were identified as Lt.

KARLSRUHE, Germany - The
West German Constitutional Court
split yesterday on the question
that shook Bonn four years ago-
whether the government had act-

was indirectly acknowledged in
Washington with the disclosure
Thursday that 30 U.S. servicemen,
mostly airmen, have been killed
in Laos since 1961. This is 19

-May have seen the first Con-
gressional result of the ."one-man,
one-vote" rule coming from the
Tennessee reapportionment case.
Rep. Tom Murray, chairman of
the post office committee, trailed
state Rep. Ray Blanton, who scor-
ed heavily in Shelby County,
Memphis, precincts added to the
predominantly rural 7th District
under redistricting.
With all but nine of the 311
precincts counted, Blanton led
19,322 to 18,930, and said "it looks
like I won the race." Murray said
he would await the official results
before saying who had won.
With 2,599 of 2,741 precincts
tabulated, including final results
from Shelby County, the results
showed: Ellington 392,536; Hooker
342,593; and Clement 360,668;
Bass 351,494.
In the GOP primary, with 1,252
precincts reported, Baker led
Roberts, 104,388 to 33,495.
Rep. Robert A. Everett (D-
Tenn) scored sin easy victory in
the 8th Congressional District.
Baker, a Knoxville attorney and
member, of a prominent Republi-
can family, piled up the 3-1 mar-
gin over Barry Goldwater's Ten-
nessee campaign manager of two
years ago to win a chance to join
his father-in-law, Sen. Everett
Dirksen, in the Senate.

negotiations with. Malaysians will
still be under way and this coun-
try will be celebrating its inde-
pendence anniversary.
The reports of trouble in West
Irian come amid other reports of
severe food shortages from the is-
land of Bali and along the chain
of smaller islands from Java to-
ward West Irian. Unconfirmed re-
ports say several hundred have
died from a combination of star-
vation and smallpox epidemics in
eastern Bali, Lombok and Timor.
Students have leveled strong cri-
ticisms at the* governors of these
areas for failing to protect and
provide for the people.
In a speech to the Foreign Cor-
respondents Club, Malk reiterated
earlier statements that the three-
year-old undeclared war with Ma-
laysia would, be settled. He said
he expected Malaysian Foreign
Minister Tun Abdul Razk to visit
Indonesia soon for a final settle-
ment of the dispute.
Malik also said he hoped Com-
munist nations would form an or-
ganization to extend financial aid
to Indonesia similar to the con-
sortium formed by Western na-
tions to ease the country's finan-
cial plight.
He said he plans to go to Mos-I
cow soon to discuss rescheduling
of payments of past debts and
new loans. Nearly half of Indo-
nesia's $2.4 billion foreign debt is
owned to the Soviet Union.

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ed constitutionally in launching more than the Pentagon publcly
treason proceedings against the admitted last May.
news magazine Der Spiegel. In addition, more than 30 U.S.
The split in the eight-man court military men are listed as missing
meant a technical rejection of the and captured in Laos. Presumably,
constitutional complaint by Ru- most if not all of these are down-
dolf Augstein, publisher of the ed American pilots being held as
magazine, prisoners.



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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.

Glenn Wiesner, trombonist: Recital Aug. 8, East Council Room, Rackham,
Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m. at 3:10 p.m. Chairman, W. P. Halstead.

Day Calendar
School of Music Degree Recital -
Jonathan Sweat; pianist: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 4:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild-"The Gold Rush":
Architecture Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
Dept. of Speech University Players
Performance - Noel Coward's "Blithe
Spirit": Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 8
School of Music Doctoral Recital , -

Events Sunday
School of Music Degree Recital-Vic-
tor Hickman, violist: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 4:30 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-Stan-
ley Cowell, pianist: Recital Hall, School
of Music, 8:30 p.m.
Events Monday
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
inar-"Managing Improvement Change":
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Sharon Rogers, violinist: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 4:30 p.m.
International Seminar on Teacher
Education in Music Lecture - Isaac
Stern: Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30
School of Music Degree Recital-David
Blackinton, trumpet: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 8:30 p.m.
General Notices
Doctoral Examination for David
Gerald Williams, Physics; thesis: "p
Elastic Scattering from 2.3-6.0 BeV/c
with Special Reference to the Backward
Direction," Mon., Aug. 8, Room 629
Physics-Astronomy Bldg., at 2 p.m.
Chairman, C. T. Coffin.
Doctoral Examination for Evelyn
Mary MacQueen, Speech; thesis: "John
Gassner: Critic and Teacher," Mon.,

Federal Service Entrance Examination
-Due to the large number of posi-
tions still open in the Ill., Ken-
tucky. Mich., Ohio, and Vis, area the
FSEE will remain open for applications
until Aug. 31, 1966. Opportunities cover
wide range of fields. Use application
found at the Bureau of Appointments
or on back page of the FSEE announce-
ment. Send it to U.S. Civil Service.
Commission, Main Post Office Bldg..
Chicago, Ill., 60607. Test dates for all
cities in this area will be determined
after sufficient applications are re-
ceived. Applicants will be notified of
time and place of exams.
General Foods Corp., Technical Cen-
ter, Corporate Research Dept., Tarry-
town, N.Y.-Summer School Grads, re-
turning servicemen, xeperienced and
grad school alumni needed for mgmt.
level jobs in Food Tech., Chem., Chem.
Engr., Elect, and Mechanical Engr.,
and Statistics.
DigitalnEquipment Corp., Maynard,
Mass,. and Ann Arbor, Mich.-Apppli-
cations sought for bkgds. of engineer-
ing experience in electrical engr., phys-
ics or related areas. Openings for
Electrical Design Engineer, Electronic
Technicians, District Sales Office Man-
ager, Field Service Engineers, Compu-
ter Sales and Applications Engineer.
Gibson Greeting Cards, Inc., Amber-
ley, Cincinnati, Ohio--Seeking grads or
seniors interested in creating writing
or creative art.


W. E. Long Co., Chicago, Ill.-Bak-
ery Management Services firm seeks ap-
plicant on consulting or full-time bas-
is in scheduling, exper. with MTM,
Work Factor, or Product Systems. BS
in Indus. Engrg., or other related field
with at least five years exper., willing
to travel. Relocation may not be neces-
City of Sioux City, Iowa-Opening
for Forester for alumni with some ex-
per. Civil Engineer for city for cur-
rent graduates or alumni. Forester needs
knowl. of arboricultural prlnc., part.
planting and maintenance of trees,
care of a tree nursery. Civil Engr.
knowl. of modern methods as applied
to the construction and maintenance
of public works, land engr. and survey
systems, drafting, public relations tal-
ents. Must have Engineer in Training
Certificate as issued by the Iowa State
Board of Registration for Professional
Engineers, and registered as Profes-
sional Land Surveyor with same board.
Graduation from four yr. college with
major work in civil engrg., preferably
including some practical exper.
* * *
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.

The following schools have recorded
vacancies for the 1966-67 school year:
Cass City, Mich.-HS Inst. Music, Soc.
Studies, JH Math, Coaching.
Flint, Mich. (Bentley Schools) -HS
Ind. Arts, JH English, Voc. Home Ec.,
Type A, Speech Correction.
Jackson, Mich. (Parkside H.S.)-HS
Milan, Mich.-Elem. 2, 4, 6 grades.
New Boston, Mich. (Huron H.S.) -
Elem. 3, 4, 6 grades, Science, JH Quid.,
HS Art, Math/Science, Drafting, Gen.
Bus. Gen. Shop Asst. Football Coach
with some teaching, Girls Phys. Ed.
Onaway, Mich.-HS Comm., Class C
Football Coach/JH Basketball/Soc. Stud-
ies or Math or Science.
Petersburg, Mich. (Summerfield
Schs.)-Head Football Coach, Asst. Foot-
ball Coach, HS English, Guidance Di-
rector, Elem.
Plymouth, Mich.-JH Math, Elem. In-
strumental Music.
Wilson, N.Y.-JH Guidance, English/
Wyandotte, Mich.-Sec. Type A, Speech
*~ * *
For additional information contact
Miss Collins, Bureau of Appointments,
Education Division, 3200 SAB, 764-7462.

DIAL 2-6264




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NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available in
Room 1011 SAB.
Folk Dance Club (VAA), Folk dance,
Mon., Aug. 8, 8:30-11:30 p.m., women's
Athletic Bldg.
Lutheran Student Center and Chapel,
Worship service, Sun., Aug. 7, 10:30 p.m.;
panel discussion: "How Does the Church



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