A PROBLEM OF CARING, NOT OF KILLING See Editorial Page Lwt Iat MILD Nigh-84 Low-5 Partly cloudy; continued fair Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 63S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1966 SEVEN CENTS FOUR 1P' .Re-election Bidii al For Murphy Collins Announces He Wants Democratic Regent Nomination By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE Regent Irene Murphy officially announced yesterday that she will run for re-election to the Board of Regents. John J. Collins, president of Wayne National Life Insurance Company, +and former chairman of the State Democratic Party from 1962-63, also announced of- ficially that he will campaign for the Democratic nomination to the Board of Regents. He made this intention clear two weeks ago when he wrote a letter to prom- inent members of the party ex- pressing his desire for the post. He has been campaigning for the nomination since that time. Collins is seeking Regent Carl Brablec's seat. The terms of Mrs. Murphy and Brablec, both Demo- crats, expire December 31 but Bra- blec will not seek re-nomination. Mrs. Murphy said "I make my- self available only because of the critical need at this time for con- tinuity ... We Regents have gone on double-time in our complex task of searching for a replace- ment to President Harlan H.; Hatcher who retires next year. We will be midway in this sensitive rocess when my term will expire. The wisdom we use in the selection will determine the leadership of the University for the next 15 years." During her term of office, Mrs. Murphy has consistently spoken fdr low tuition, control of students' living costs; nondiscrimination; public meetings; increased stu- dent wages; an "open" campus for speakers, faculty, students; a sin- cere respect for expressions of conscience, including dissent; and efforts to break up a massive campus into small, personalized student units. "This climate of freedom," said Mrs. Murphy, "attracts exciting, creative faculty and students, as well as gifts and grants from sponsors who wish to invest in our creative ability." Collins said that if nominated and elected he would work "to provide more student housing and provide it as inexpensively as pos- sible." Collins added that he could ad- vocate a closer relationship be- tween the University, the Legisla- trthe State Board of Education and the Governor. He said that ' the, University has "not fitted into the scheme of things" in the plan for coordination between the state's institutions of higher edu- cation, and that the University "has to be sensitive to the Legis- lature and the Governor in the future." Collins said the University "has got to play- a structured role" in the state and not worry so much about autonomy, or it may loose even more of its autonomy. "The Board of Regents must maintain its autonomy over its faculty, educational program and its philosophy of education," but should recognize it must work with other branches of the state gov- ernment,"' he added. Collins said, "The University has got to take a leadership role-it has been all too often a "reluctant partner" with other "arms of state government. Pen'tagon Ann ounces Senate Rise in Draft Calls Passe's Work' Air Back WASHINGTON (P)- The need for military replacements in Viet Nam sent draft calls escalating yesterday. The Pentagon announced the September call of 31,300 is being raised to 37,300, and set an Oc- tober draft of 46,200, highest for any month since the Korean war. The boost in September require- ments was attributed toa reduc- tion in estimated Army enlist- ments for the month, based on the most recent enlistment data. The October call is the highest since the 53,000 sought in May 1963, near the end of the Korean war. Peak calls during that con- flict reached 80,000. Spokesman said, however, a sea- sonal factor is involved. In the fall, many young men cease vol- unteering for service because of college enrollment, which in turn exempts them from the draft. All inductees in both the Sep- tember and October calls are to go to the Army. There have been unofficial re- ports that the U.S. force in Viet Nam would approach 400,000 by the end of this year. With some 283,000 men now in Viet Nam, the armed services al- ready have surpassed their an- nounced strength goal of 3,093,000 a year ahead of time and indica- 4as- r ( NEWS WIRE tions are that the buildup will continue. Just how big the increase will be is not certain. Deputy Secretary of Defense Cyrus R. Vance said recently "we do not know yet" what the ceiling on military man- power will be. The Viet Nam war, of course, is the major determining factor on future military levels. The 3 million-plus level was not scheduled to be reached until next June 30, but the mark was reach- ed and slightly surpassed by June 30 of this year. As of June, 30, the Army stood 34,000 short of its projected level of 1,199,764. The Marines had 261,659 compared with a goal of 278,184. Both the Navy and Air Force have gone over their stated goals of 727,873 and 853,359, respective- ly, by several thousand men. The House Armed Services Corn- mittee, meanwhile, deferred until early next year further hearings on administration and operation of the draft law. In announcing the a c t i o n, Chairman L. Mendel Rivers (D- SC) said the committee would have "very positive recommenda- tions" for the new Congress early in 1967. The committee recently held six days of public hearings dealing' with complaints of inequities in administration of the draft law. Rivers said the committee wants to wait until President Johnson and the recently established Na- tional Advisory Commission on Selective Service makes recom- mendations. "It appears abundantly evident to me that we must continue to have a draft law for the foresee- able future, but I am not certain that the present draft law is working as well as it could," Riv- ers said in a statement. wL Late World News By The Associated Press CHICAGO-INTERLAKE STEEL Corp. announced last night a price increase in sheet and strip steel, becoming the 11th firm to raise its prices since an increase initiated Tuesday by Inland Steel Co. Interlake chairman G. Findley Griffiths said a base price increase of 15 cents per hundred pounds for prime grade hot rolled strip, hot rolled sheets and cold rolled sheets would be- come effective Aug. 10. NASHVILLE, TENN.-FORMER Gov. Buford Ellington won the Democratic nomination for governor of Tennessee last night. His opponent, John Jay Hooker Jr., conceded when Ellington moved ahead, 227,186 to 190,743. * * *'* BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - President Juan Carlos Ongania moved last night to end the turmoil within the state universities by promising to restore their autonomy. However, he set no timetable. Ongania made the announcement at his first news confer- ence since his military regime ousted the civilian government of President Arturo Illia five weeks ago. A NOON RALLY ON THE DIAG will be the main feature of today's International Days of Protest activities commemorating the bombing of Hiroshima. A puppet show will be presented dur- ing the rally. University students' Ken Fireman and Rich Gordon will dis- cuss the Vietnamese war and Monday's picketing of the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland. A silent vigil by Voice members and others observing Hiroshima Day will be held from 10 a.m. until noon on the Diag as well. GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY, at the Governor's Conference on Mental Health, said he will seek a supplemental mental health appropriation from the Legislature. The additional funds are needed to meet the rapidly increasing state services in mental health. More money is also needed to operate new buildings at Plymouth State Home and Training School because they were completed ahead of schedule. However, Charles Orlebeck, special advisor to the governor, said that the additional funds "will have little or no effect" on the University's mental health facilities. He said that the sup- plemental appropriation was requested to improve the state hos- pitals and training schools which had expanded more rapidly than the Legislature had anticipated when drawing up the budget. CONGRESSMAN WESTON E. VIVIAN (D-Ann Arbor) will speak tonight before the Ann Arbor City Democratic Party meet- ing. Title of his speech will be "Issues Facing the 89th Congress." Vivian has been in Washington completing hearings held by the House Natural Resources Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations of which he is a member. to Orde wmfllai House01OK Flights Be -Associated Press SPECIAL BRIGADE A Skull and Crossbone trooper, member of a special outfit in South Viet Nam, stands near a burning house in the Mekong Delta area. Settlement Would Last for 30 Days, Other Options Open WASHINGTON (A)-The Senat passed and sent to the Hous late yesterday a measure tha would send striking airline me chanics back to work for 30 days and let President Johnson keen them there for as long as si months. The vote was 54 to 33. Senate passage after three day of debate sent the measure to th House, where a timetable for ac tion is uncertain. Passage came shortly after th Senate, by a 51-36 vote, adopted the compromise designed to hav Congress and the President shar responsibility. This version supplanted a meas ure which would have handed Johnson the job of ordering th 35,400 strikers back to work. It was adopted after the Sen ate had rejected, 66 to 21, a pro posal that it delay all strike-end- ing action for six days to encour age another try at private nego tiations. Chairman Harley O. Stagger (D-W Va) called a meeting of th House Commerce Committee tc consider the legislation this morn ing. Committee members wer noncommittal in their views o the measure. No Weekend Session Staggers told newsmen he ex pects the hearing to take two o three days and he plans no week end session-thus apparently fore closing any chance for final Hous action early next week. Staggers said Secretary of La bor W. Willard Wirtz and the chie spokesman for the two sides wi be the first witnesses. White House press secretary Bi D. Moyers was asked about tl President's position on the Senate adopted resolution and he said' think I made the President's posi tion clear yesterday." Moyers salc Wednesday-the administration ha recommended no specific legisla tion. There was no immediate rear tion from the Machinists' Unic but the striking mechanics' chie hinted yesterday that if they, ar ,forced back to work they ma work slowly. William J. Curton, chief nego tiator for the five struck lines, is sued a statement welcoming th Senate action and expressing cor fidenice, the House "will responr quickly to its public responsibilit and end this strike as soon i possible." do VI- t AA 0 Y -" N Legality of ,Mtate Aid to Uhurch Supported Schools .Examined By MICHAEL HEFFER The United States Supreme Court will soon have a chance to make an important decision on the question of the constitution- ality of certain legislative aid to church-supported schools. The court will be asked to re- view a Maryland Court of Appeals decision in which state matching fund grants to three colleges were declared unconstitutional. The court ruled that the grants violated the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or pro- hibiting the free exercise thereof." This amendment is applied to the states through the 14th Amend- ment. Church-state relations have led INSURE VALIDITY: Todd Proposes Press Corps Observe Vietnamese Election University To Receive, Cost Compensation, By LEONARD PRATT all research remains below 20 per Co-Editor cent. The University will receive an Actually there are three new' average of $1.47 from the federal rates. Health science research per- government for every federal dollar formed on the Ann Arbor campus it pays to men working on con- is granted an additional 55 per tracted federal research here until cent of salary costs for indirect June 30. 1967, under new indirect uses. Research on campus other' cost guidelines negotiated recently than in the health sciences will, by federal and University officials obtain 45 per cent of all salary and announced yesterday by the costs in indirect cost money. Wil- Office of Research Administration. low Run research will be given 43 per cent of salary costs. This reimbursement -- which pays for the clerical and upkeep costs a university incurs while performing research but which is omitted from the contract charges -is retroactive to Janr1,196 hae- cording to the announcement. It is up slightly from last year's fig- o ure of 43 per cent. Indirect cost funds are a crea- Colegiate Press Service ture of the federal research done "A classic film on perhaps the since World War If. They are a greatestc inl othe century," said result of the nation's universities' the poster in Mensah Sarbah Hall discovery that they lose money at the University of Ghana. "You when they assume that other costs are cordially invited." do not change when additional re-arcodlyinte. search work is undertaken at an The classic film, sponsored by institution, the university's Student Repre- Other costs - secretarial, sentative Council, turned out to be groundskeeping, janitorial - do the U. S. Information Agency's rise andsindirect costs charges are recent and controversial tribute to an attempt by the colleges to President John Kennedy. As a charge those added costs back on special bonus, a re-run of the their contractors. "Hootenany" television show film, Average reimbursement rates for ed at the University of. Virginia all research projects still remain and featuring South African sing- s m er Miriam Makeba, was thrown in. to many constitutional issues deal-1 ing with schools. In practice, thel states have made many laws that affect church-affiliated schools. In June, the Michigan Legis- lature passed a law providing tui- tion grants to needy students at- , tending private colleges and uni- versities, including church-affil-, iated institutions. Opponents of the bill attacked it as involving government with religion. In the Maryland case, the court based its decision on whether each institution involved was secular or religious. There were four colleges involved and threetwere found to be religious, and therefore could. not have the state aid. The court said "there is little{ controversy over the facts in any of the cases, rather the dispute is as to the legal effects of the facts." The court found there was gen- eral agreement on factors that de- termine whether an institution is secular or religious. These were: 1) The purpose of the college; 2) The college's personnel-stu- dents, f a c ul t y, administrators, board members--and any religious requirement of them or any con- trol over them exercised by a re- ligious body; 3) The college's relationship1 with religious bodies in regard to aid, ownership and affiliation; 4) The place of religion in the college's program, in regard to the character, extent and requirements of religious observation. In upholding aid to one of the colleges, the court said the col- lege's "stated purposes in relation to religion are not of a fervent, intense, or passionate nature, but based largely upon its historical background... " The court added that the gov- erning board of that college was not controlled by a religious body, and a church supplies only 2.2 per cent of its budget. In one case where it invalidated aid, it said the college was "relig- iously oriented," advertised "our, philosophy is a Christian philoso- phy" and had religious require- ments for its board members. A dissenting judge said Mary- land had a 180-year tradition of aid to these private schools.; He said the four colleges offer edu- cation comparable to that at other institutions and served the public need in doing so. Film Tribute Shown University S tudents, Three Steps The measure the Senate acee ed would operate in three steps 1) A 30-day congressional b to work order, effective if when the measure becomes la 2) A 60-day extension at Jo son's option, triggered by his pointment of a special dispi panel to mediate between ur and airlines. 3) Another 90-day extens again left to Johnson, to be in effect by extending the life the panel-and on advice of mediators themselves. Sen. Winston L. Prouty (R- made an unsuccessful bid to p pone until Aug. 10 any actior legislation that would force end to the walkout. Senate Republican leader erett M. Dirksen of Illinons any such move would tell country that Congress has courage and no guts. Democratic leader Mike Mi field's motion to table the p ponement plan was approved 6 21. Prouty said union and air negotiators could produce agreement-and win ratifica in a vote of machinists-if ( gress stepped aside. He sail contract settlement might come by Tuesday night or M nesday. There were no union-man ment negotiations yesterday as By DAVID KNOKE Special To The Daily WASHINGTON, D.C.-Rep. Paul 6 H. Todd, Jr. (D-Mich) proposed yesterday that the secretary of state "vigorously push" for the creation of teams of observers from the International Press Corps to oversee South Viet Nam's Sept. 15 Constitutional Assembly elec- tion. The Constitutent Assembly will write a Constitution charting South Viet Nam's governmental course, and a national election will be held next year. "I can't see how we can accept results of any unobserved elections as credible," Todd said in a speech pends on getting facts-facts about who is permitted to vote and where, about how the ballots are distributed, and counted, and so on. What group of people---sl- ready on the scene-is more quali- fied to get the facts than the international press corps? "To lose the opportunity to es- tablish any observer team will in- crease the political turmoil, the instability and duration of the conflict," he said. Todd told the Daily that he had contacted Secretary of State Dean Rusk several weeks ago but had not yet received any response on his proposal. He indicated, honevr. that he felt the eationn "Complete territorial control is not a prerequisite to improvement of the political structure," Todd said in his speech. "Although it is clear that North Viet Nam now cannot conquer South Viet Nam, we must realize that soldiers, alone cannot rid the South of insur- gency. This implies that the U.S. and South Viet Nam should con- centrate upon improving social conditions more than at the present." In testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on May 11, released yesterday, Rusk said he felt that the Vietnamese "just do not like the idea very much that they have to be super- elude the Kennedy film from the ban. Such a bill cleared Congress and was signed by the President last fall and the film only recently. had its U. S. premiere in New York. Not sure whether they would be able to see the film back in the United States, a group of 29 American students and faculty, members cancelled a scheduled discussion meeting and joined the Ghanaian students at the showing in Ghana. The film alternates between scenes of the- Kennedy funeral frankly presented-even on such touchy issues as racial discrimina- tion where the behavior of many Americans is certain to disturb Africans and other nonwhite peoples of the world. At the University of Ghana the film was well received and there is no doubt that John F. Kennedy remains a popular figure among Africans. The film sparked oc- casional laughter, but none aimed at JFK. Laughter greeted some mild tirades on the evils of communism, which, fortunately, occupied only a few minutes of the film. Some