Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHTGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Prr:- ere Opinions AreFree, 420 Truth Will PrevailMAYNARDT, ANN ARBORMC. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writes or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,,1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER _ __ Can We Make Rules Not Meant To Be Broken? Aug. By LEONARD PRATT Co-Editor ONE OF THE most ironic things things about the University is the gap between its administrative top and bottom-betwen the fac- ulty's study of problems directly related to the University's ad- ministration and the actual handl- ing of those problems by its ad- ministrators. Some of the best work in the country on problems bearing on a university's life is done here, but pitifully little of it ever filters to the men who can do something with it. It's the University's own version of a modern dilemma: How do you organize and utilize great amounts of information? A university's problem is !-en worse than most organizations in this respect, because it is really a professional knowledge factory. It thus simply creates far more information than it can handle. between the tops and the bottoms, THE RESULT is an obvious gap between administration and fac- ulty-ranked in order of adminis- trative authority, of course. For example, the University has one of the nation's better insti- tutes of labor and industrial rela- tions. Yet, while that institute is compiling reams of data on how employes and managers learn to live with one another, the Uni- versity is embroiled in a costly- both in financial and political terms-and in some ways clum- sily-conducted dispute about terms-and in some ways =luins- ily-conducted dispute about whether or not its employes can be unionized. The American Council on Edu- cation says the nation's profes- sors rank the University's psy- chology department number two in the country. But it is hard to see how that department's data is being brought forcefully to bear on the freshman in East Quad- rangle who hates the place or on stress-producing elements of aca- demic life, such as the grading system. Educational research is turned out fairly regularly by the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching but, because it is basic- ally a faculty organization, this information is communicated on- ly sketchily to the administration. The faculty's abilities in com- puter handling have been ex- cluded for years from the ad- ministration's work. In 1963, a computerized system for handling the information picked up by the Office of Academic Affairs was proposed. It will finally go into service this fall. In a broader sense, the initia- tive and organizational abilities that created the teach-ins here aren't being creatively channeled to help mold the University's fu- ture. Two things are clear: that ad- ministrators could profit from "professional" advice and that they now aren't getting enough of it to make any difference. IN A WAY there already exists a channel for such help. The Faculty Senate appoints faculty advisory committees to each vice- president to consult with him on major decisions. Yet these committees aren't re- ally what's called for. Their mem- bers are appointed with more of a view toward ensuring equal repre- sentation of major disciplines than with any intent to provide advice in the area of a vice-presi- dent's specialization. Also, their advice is geared more toward spe- cific issues than toward the over- all policy guidance that would help an administration. What's needed is a formal con- sultation system between adminis- trative officers at many levels and those scholars within the Univer- sity most likely to be able to give a hand when they need it. SUCH A SYSTEM could be quite private and there would be no need for administrators to take the advice they got. All it would guarantee would be the best avail- able advice in a particular field- not a commodity to take lightly. It would be likely, however, that administrators would often take the advice. There's little need for most policy matters to be particu- larly controversial; this profes- sional advice would probably be welcome. Two qualifications are import- ant here. First, there have been several informal contacts between administrators and scholars in the past in an attempt to improve ad- ministrative performance. CRLT's contacts with administrators are an example of this. So. are the contacts between officials in the old OAA and the Cente' for the Study of Higher Education. Study of Higher Education. Second, there must clearly be a line between administrators and scholars - we certainly can't go back to the turn-of-the-century faculty senate that ran everything in sight, BUT EVEN with reservations, something like this plan is surely a necessity. Running a university of this size in a rapidly clanging social complex is a full-time Job in itself. Trying to keep up on all facets of the social changes that might affect one's work is stretch- ing any man too thin. Yet not providing a mechanism to help men keep up on them is stretching the University too thin. The Tops and the Bottoms THE UNITED STATES deliberately bombed the demilitarized zone be- tween North and South Viet Nam over the weekend. This was a direct violation of the 1954 Geneva Accords. But this il- legal action was justified by claiming that the North Vietnamese had first violated the Accords by placing troops there in preparation for an attack on the South. At thoe same time we demand VN in- tervention into the trials of the cap- tured American prisoners; severely cri- ticizing the North's violations of the 1957 Geneva Accords. THERE IS AN OLD expression which says that "all's fair in love and war." Can we afford to criticize North Viet Nam for violating the Geneva Accords when we have blatantly violated them ourselves? Speaking with objective rationality, we can't; if we plan to shoot dirty pool we cannot complain when the opposition does the same. Furthermore, when reasoning along the lines of "they did it so why can't we do the same," or "they made us do it be- cause they were in there first' is rather ludicrous thinking for a nation which claims to be the defender of democracy and possesses the greatest proportion of the world's wealth. IT WOULD BE interesting to see the results if the UN were to conduct a "trial" of the two nations at war in Viet Nam. The North has violated the Accords by sending troops beyond the 17th Parallel but they have justified this by insisting that they are fighting a civil war. The United States has violations of its own; it infiltrated South Viet Nam through its support of Diem in the 1950's. We have now escalated our violations by the bombing of the demilitarized zone. The North threatens to try the Ameri- can prisoners which would be a violation but has not gone beyond verbal violations at this point. Where is all this going to lead? Most likely it will either perpetuate the frightening parallel to the Korean War or perhaps plunge us into World War III. THE CONTINUOUS violations only prove that laws attempting to regulate the follies of war are merely meaningless political expressions of placation. While the world listens in hope their leaders plan the destruction of each other. Thus, while the violations are in them- selves an outrage, it is their possible repercussions which the world must guard against and avoid. The League of Nations established very loose guidelines for the game of war with no authority to enforce these regulations. And, World War II came and went. Like all wars, it too blatantly broke all the rules. The United Nations was envisioned as a "bigger and better" League with more authority and stronger regulations pre- venting mankind from destroying itself. But the Korean War was fought (with UN troops largely made up of American soldiers) and the war in Viet Nam is be- ing waged with increasing intensity. MEN MAY, AND DO, establish many regulations but man will never obey a law which is in basic opposition to his desires. Thus the continuous presence of war as a basic political tool is a rather tragic epitaph for the inherent goodness of man or a nation. World Wars III, IV and so on until in- finity can be avoided if nations cease to believe that "rules are made to be brok- en." If we cease to follow the example of "the other guy' in wanton lawlessness we may eventually be able to live in harmony with him. -PAT O'DONOHUE The A rmy Reserve's Two-Week Sotdier EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of three articles on re- serve training. By NEAL II. BRUSS. CAMP McCOY, WISC. - Col. Robert Dixon of Battle Creek, is a kindly, graying man whose retirement, after over 35 years in the regular and reserve Army, is in sight. At Camp McCoy, Col. Dixon works to maintain excellence in training and save decaying re- serve units. What personal patriotism Col Dixon holds does not boil over onto others. A military man, Col. Dixon thinks in military terms when he considers military mat- ters like the military war in Viet Nam. LIKE ALL the reserve training instructors and commanders at Camp McCoy, Dixon worries that the reservists he watches over will be sent to war unprepared. The term he and other com- manderseuse is "useless slaughter," the useless slaughter of the men who slacked off, who weren't driven to excellence in basic train- ing. Sometimes Col. Dixon thinks about basic training in the Com- munist world. "From what we have learned, we are ahead of them in training. Our education is based far more on intelligence than theirs. "For example, our military edu- cation depends on reading: theirs does not. The American soldier is being taught to think and be in- dependent." MEN LIKE COL. DIXON, men who are neither super-patriots or sadists but who have spent their lives in the Army, must take sev- eral things for granted. Tbiese things are the foundation of the military affairs that !irect their lives. They are rarely spoken but can be explained on req'iest. The first is that the United States, forsbetter or worse, is as militarily involved in world affairs as it is in politics and economics. The United States, then, can- not diminish its military involve- ment in world affairs without radically distorting its charactr-r. Another is that American sol- diers cagry out a sober respon- sibility with a benign spirit. The American soldier, in general, car- ries out his duty with more in- telligence, conscience and ingenu- ity than any of his enemies. The basic assumption-one that the commanders do not hesitate to state-is that American sodiers are channeled into war when other measures have failed, When the war comes, nothing but victory can bring peace.. AND THEN, as the trainers tell the recruits, the American soldier had better be doing the killing. This is why men like Col. Dixon intensify the training without ex- cuses or guilt. The training simulates killing and the steps that prepare for the kill. Throughout the lay, the white shingle barracks of Camp McCoy quiver to the distant thunder of artillery bursts. MAJOR JAMES MOORE, a for- mer University research assistant and currently a specialist in medi- cal instruments, has been close to the big guns since he began with the artillery five years ago. "The guns win the wars. The eight-inch Howitzerhcan send all sorts of shells as far as ten miles. It-can blow up an army, shoot off a mammoth flare to light a cattle- field, or send out a charge that will drill through a tank and send fragments spinning around the inside " Major Sol Baltimore of Detroit, overrun by Chinese troops during the Korean War, called down in- fantry fire on his own positions during the battle and credits his survival to accurate gunners. THE EIGHT-INCH Howitzer isn't as impressive-looking as the long-barreled guns in the war movies. It is covered with a tarp and unobtrusively hauled on Mich- igan highways every weekend. But it is hauled out to 1 he battlefield by an armored treaded truck, set up in moments, and vio- lent when fired. An observer placed to the side of a target directs the firing through an elaborate communica- tions chain. The shell is loaded with the pow- der to fire it by a 12-man crew. A safety check is made. The crew runs back from the gun. On signal, a soldier pulls a cord to fire the gun. Before a head-splitting roar is heard, the shock wave from the gun pops ear drums. A 20-foot yellow flame bursts from the bar- rel and a dusty fifty foot cloud of tan smoke rises. At the end of the flame, a black object can be briefly seen. The shell whirrs rather than whistles for less than, thirty seconds, and then, distant thunder of contact with the target. THE ARTILLERY impact zone at Camp McCoy, about five miles from each of three firing areas, is a wasteland of blasted trucks anid tanks, obsolete vehiclesudragged out as targets, devastated by the eight-inch guns. Camp McCoy also operates mor- tar and bazooka ranges. Charges from- bazookas are marked on targets with paint encased in the* shells. The weapons were not made to be learning tools, and regardless of the academic attitude both. trainees and teachers display, when the big guns are fired they carry through the involuntary movements of war, OF ALL THE weaponry courses, the rifle classes move the slowest. The soldier has been taught to clean and assemble his rifle at his home base. He has also been introduced to several firing posi- tions. On the rifle range, he gets in- dividual instruction from a spe- cialist standing at his side. He is not allowed to fire a shot before his position is perfect and several safety checks have been made. He learns to fire several models of guns at an increasingly difficult sequence of targets in 20 hours of instruction. Within sound of crackling rifles is a wooded course where trainees learn skills as old as the American Indian for spotting enemies cam- ouflaged in the countryside. Sgt. James Johnson a Chevrolet assembly worker from Detroit's inner city hides soldiers in the woods. Each will give his position away with noise, glare, lit match, or other indicator. Johnson says the skill he is teaching is difficult to learn. He finds hismen have the imagina- tionncssr for target detec- tion, but wishes hey could have more time to teach skills. "I can't expect much of two- week soldiers, men here on the course for only two hours. I hope they get more of this training ,when they go in for six months.". ALL THE MORALE boosting, all the calisthenics, all the lessons in soldiercraft are tested on the assault course. The soldiers are shown how to dig a foxhole, how to crawl on the hot dust and flip over with the barrel of their gun in their helmet and crawl under 'barbed wire. They are taught the teamwork of a coordinated assault. Then, they are sent on a group mission across a short simulated battlefield with blank shells being fired around them. Except' for the fact, that the crawling and charging is very hard physical work, the mock assaults are not convincing. In his second week, the soldier is expected to move skillfully on the course, but because he has only been in train- ing for two weeks, he cannot have gained the reflex skill of a veteran. The cadre of instructors, though, are satisfied if the new dogfaces growl convincingly, don't get too much dirt in their rifles, and keep moving on the battlefield. For, as one trainer said, "some of these guys couldrAt run straight when they got here." Tomorrow:The men in motion o 4 Aid to Indonesia:. Missing an Opportunity THE UNITED STATES has the oppor- tunity to gain as a firm ally the third richest nation in natural resources in the world. For years, Indonesia under Sukarno milked both the United States and Rus- sia for aid money until Sukarno's anti- American policies irkeq us enough to pull out of the aid race only $150 million in the red. But today Sukarno is only a shadow compared to his previous position as In- donesia personified. Nevertheless, his puppet-presidency is still enough to leave prospective foreign investors a little wary about committing their money to Indo- nesia's struggling economy. But, a little courage on the part of the United States, i.e., the courage to give direct aid to this strategic country, could secure good rela- tions between the two countries. DIRECT AID by the United States would surely lead to increased confidence in Indonesia's economy from Japan, West Germany, and the Netherlands (Indone- sia is currently soliciting these countries for aid). On a recent trip to Japan, Secretary of State Dean Rusk was quoted as saying that the United States was willing to en- gage in "joint assistance" to Indonesia. This joint aid is designed to leave the U.S. with a political "out" if turmoil erupts again in Indonesia in the near fu- ture. Meanwhile, Japan, West Germany and the Netherlands are licking their chops at the prospect of being the first to aid In- donesia, thereby, perhaps, through eco- nomic concessions, of acquiring a sphere of influence. IT IS SURPRISING that the three coun- tries have not already acted. A West German- or Japanese-Indonesian alli- ance could conceiva y make off with some of the econom power which the United States and Russia have long been hoarding. The industrial potency of West Germany and the resource potential of Tnonia wunnld marrv well Gprmanv U.S. to help their struggling nation. They have called back one emissary who was in search of credits which would allow the import of raw cotton for Indonesia's idle cotton mills because they were not willing to beg for aid from the United States. Currently, this same official is looking for credit in West Germany and the Neth- erlands. It has been reported that he will inform his government that the U.S. is not interested in doing business with In- donesia. THE UNITED STATES, at this time, has more than enough economic power to risk giving aid to Indonesia. By doing so it would ward off possible economic com- petition from West Germany and at the same time relieve any stepfather feelings Indonesia might have toward Russia. Quick action could prevent a serious eco- nomic and political break with Indonesia. -MICHAEL DOVER Honorable Discharge HAS TRIMESTER really got you down? You just can't catch up on the 10 weeks of work you've let slip by during the .first five weeks of the summer half- term? It's getting harder and harder to drag your body out of bed for those noon classes? And your counselor says it's too late to drop any courses? Try Health Service - that constantly maligned institution can really help you out of any spot, if only you know who to talk to. Take a mental health leave kid; you're going through an "identity crisis" or you're fed up with the banal exigencies of being mortal and can't face cleaning vomit from the toilet bowl. Then, you can take a rest from the run-around of class work and let your sympathetic psychologist take the notes,' which she will nrnmntlv send to vour A New Definition of the Pqtriot' 'V (EDITOR'S NOTE: This arti- cle is reprinted from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch of Tuesday, July 26, 1966.) THE PATTERN of President Johnson's weekend campaign forays has now been established. In Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky, as previously in Nebraska and Iowa, he sought to enlist support for his Asia policies on the sim- plest possible ground-by making the issue one of backing our troops in Viet Nam, of rallying around the flag, of firmness and deter- mination in repelling "aggression." Those who dissent were pictured as withholding from herioc fight- ing men the just reward they have earned by risking their lives for freedom. Those who question the wisdom of the President's Asia policies were made to appear as "fearful or frightened people" ,ready to desert the armed forces. THE ISSUE is not, and never has been, one of support for the armed forces. No war appropria- tion has been denied or even seriously questioned. What con- cerns so many Americans so deep- ly is not merely the Viet Nam war as such, but the basic policy of which it is the cutting edge: a policy based on the postulate that the United States has a mission to project itself into the social revo- lutions of Asia and indeed of the whole world. This policy that commits us to d e f i n e aggression unilaterally, without respect to international opinion, and to wage war where- ever we alone choose to say ag- gression has taken place; a policy that makes us the ideological guardian of Asia, and the self- appointed policeman of the world, Many Americans are properly concerned about this policy, not only because it has sent 300,000 fighting men into an Asian land war, but because it holds forth the prospect of unending war for years ahead wherever forces of social unrest, rooted in decades of his- tory, may spawn guerrilla insur- rectiins that can enlist Communist backing. The President has made himself the champion of a doc- trine of unlimited intervention in other peoples' affairs. IT IS NOT surprising that Sen- ator Goldwater should be emerg- ing as one of the President's most enthusiastic supporters. For Mr. Johnson practices what Senator Goldwater preached-the doctrine of ideological war against a Com- munist "world conspiracy." Im- plicit in the doctrine are two. as- sumptions,. first that there is a monolithic Conmmunist ideology to be contained, and second that it can be contained by military power. Both assumptions, in our view, are false. Divisions within the Communist world itself belie the first, and a long record of the failure of armed power to suppress ideas belies the second. REVOLUTIONS are not in fact made in Moscow or Peking or Hanoi; their sources lie in the history of oppression, injustice, poverty and exploitation which so many peoples have suffered. When we project ourselves into the rev- olutionary struggles of other so- cieties, engaging our own military power on the side of the status quo, we align ourselves on what in the long run is sure to be the losing side. When we then become the power behind the existing social struc- ture, we automatically inherit all the hatred that years of oppres- sion have generated against native or colonial oppressors. And we jump in at such a late state of disintegratiqn that the best of intentions to promote reform and improve the common man's lot can hardly offset the liabilities of being a 'foreign, unwelcome and rich intervenor. WE NEED TO ASK ourselves what precisely we gain by estab- lishing positions of this sort around the world. We. do not really gain military advantage. We possess more than adequate power to deter actual military aggression by one nation against another; more than adequate power to de- fend ourselves. Becoming the guarantor of counter-revolution can only diminish our over-all strength in the end. It can only brand us as the exponents of a new imperialism for which there is no moral justification and no economic or military necessity. THE PRESIDENT does not an- swer the questions in millions of Americans' minds by impugning their courage or patriotism. They support our heroic armed forces quite as warmly as he does; what they question is the commitment of those forces to a doctrine of unlimited intervention which they thought they were rejecting when they rejected Senator Goldwater so decisively in 1964. "Help 19 006,A - 4\ l - 4~O /42237 Schutze's Corner: SNtzkreg f 4 I By JAMES SCHUTZE SEVERAL congressional interns VEquietly launched an ex- perimental attack on ghetto con- ditions in New York which may one day change the face of urban areas throughout the United States. Thinking liberals have known for years what makes poor people so poor. They are poor because thinking liberals don't understand them. The only way to get rid of them, then, is to get to know them. THE NEW YORK experiment is boosting. property values. Real es- state planners are looking ahead to the establishment of a house full of rich kids in every slum in the nation. In the second place, the mere abscence from Washington of 80 influential constituent's sons has greatly encouraged the lawmakers. Some legislators are reportedly discussing similar projects in Val- entine, Nebraska and Nome, Alas- ka. FAR MORE importantly, the young interns are getting ac- quainted with poverty during their two week stints in the tenement the experiment's direction, re- marking that, "If it's OK with everybody else, I'd just as soon have them stay home and bring a bunch of us guys out to live in their neighborhood for a while.") But in general, no one can deny that the experiment has met with unparalleled success in its attempt. to create new understanding be- tween pior people and legislative interns. Rob Moody, one of the interns, observed recently that, "the Bedford-Stuyvesant residents., aren't simply poor: they have an impoverished attitude." Later, he remarked that, "they are also very downtrodden ... . I