l. Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS F........d''r f..h...v.? .ri v +F:'... frAr,.r""r...{... .....,.....,,...... .-... , POWER C ornerstone Project:.Oserving th e Getto POETRYby MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH - ere Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE I Academics and Politics: They Didn't Believe Plato EVER SINCE THE TIME of its origin in ancient Greece, the academic world has been closely associated with politics. The first "academy" was the garden where Plato and his students met to dis- cuss philosophical-political issues such as the role of the individual in the state, the advantages of various forms of gov- ernment, and the relationship between rulers and the ruled. It never occurred to anyone to call these philosophers out-of-touch with reality, or to question their competence in the field of political analysis. In fact, they were taken so seriously that Socrates was executed for his political preachings. More important, it never occurred to anyone to call the questions they dis- cussed irrelevant or too abstract. The Athenians knew that refusal to recog- nize the moral issues and human impli- cations of politics would not make them go away. NOW, OVER 2000 YEARS later, members of the academic world are still search- ing for "sophia"-the kind of wisdom that leads to good actions-and once again they find themselves involved in political questions. It is unfortunate that the rest of the world seems determined to ignore the results of their "academic" inquiry. For the academic community of today is much better qualified than the Greek philosophers ever could have been to make considered judgments and recom- mendations on matters of national policy. Plato and his followers had as their chief qualities analytical minds and the desire for truth. Many academics of to- day have these qualities-in addition to ready access to the most complete and accurate information ever available to man. IT IS, THEREFORE, horrifying to hear the citizens of the United States, who get virtually all of their information from the Associated Press and United Press In- tternational releases reprinted in their lo- cal papers, tell the sociologists, anthropol- ogists, economists-and even the political scientists-that they are out of contact with reality. For most of us, the ultimate reality is the Huntley-Brinkley report. We don't go any deeper-we don't have time. That is, perhaps, as it must be. But this is all the more reason to listen to those men among us who spend most of their time studying, questioning and researching. They have informational tools and sources unknown to the average citizen, and the freedom and courage to make their findings public. AN ELECTRICAL engineer working as an informational systems analyst in a nearby government research project said recently that he disagrees violently with U.S. policy in Viet Nam, but if he said so publicly he would lose his job, which re- quires security clearance. Several members of local government agencies have been in the same situation for months; unable to register their pro- test in any public way because they simply "can't afford it." ACADEMICS who criticize national pol- icy, however, are not fired for their views. Neither are they executed, as Soc- rates was (although if they *ere young enough and loud enough they may be drafted, which could lead to the same re- sult). So many of our professors and instruc- tors, probably the best-informed group of men in the country, have been able to come out publicly against a national pol- icy that they feel can only lead to disaster. In teach-ins, public letters, pamphlets and protests they have tried to tell the citizens of the United States that we are fighting a war that cannot be won, that is immoral, illegal, and will probably lead to World War III. They have particularly warned against the danger of escalation--of the U.S. forces taking the initiative in expanding the war. AND HOW HAS Washington reacted? Holding blindly to his "consensus theory," President Johnson has ordered increased bombings, and now U.S. forces are extending the shooting war into a formerly demilitarized zone. Hopefully, it will not be too late when the people of the United States realize that, having climbed a few steps up the "ivory tower," our academics may be able to see the world in a truer perspective, while the view from the ground gives only part of the picture. -CAROLE KAPLAN WASHINGTON-Rob Moody,'68, spent the last two weeks look- ing at broken toilets, pricing ba- nanas, and smelling garbage as part of what David.Miller, '67L, calls an "intensive cram course in the realities of urban problems, discrimination and poverty." Moody is one of over 80 summer interns working here, primarily in congressional and senatorial of- fices, who signed up for a two- week stint in this "cram course" -the Cornerstone Project, which Miller and another university stu- dent, Louis Ferrand, '67L, thought up last spring. THE CORNERSTONE PROJECT grew out of a series of "seminars" which Miller held in his law quad room to acquaint himself and his friends in the University Young Republicans with problems of civil rights, and a Young Republican- sponsored conference on civil rights, "Promises to Keep," of which Miller was chairman. "It began to appear," Miller says, "that a lot of students had very serious questions to ask about the interrelated problems of civil rights and poverty and urban af- fairs but did not even know enough to ask them." And so the idea was born: Give summer congressional and sena- torial interns-an intelligent, pre- screened group of young people interested in public affairs - a chance to live in a well-known urban ghetto and, rather than try to do something, simply look and listen. MILLER AND FERRAND ap- proached Charles Orlebeke of Governor Romney's staff, who in turn made arrangements, with Romney's enthusiastic endorse- ment, with New York City Mayor John V. Lindsay. Lindsay in turn was enthusias- tic, giving the project his official sponsorship and helping them lo- cate it in Brooklyn's Bedford- Stuyvestant ghetto. Fairly soon thereafter, the project got over $15,000 in donations from founda- tions like the Rockefeller and Philip M. Stern Funds and anony- mous donors-most of them lib- erals in Congress-and was on its way. Miller and Ferrand then rented a tenement house in the Bedford- Stuyvesant area for the 80-odd interns, who arrived in four shifts of two weeks each starting on June 19, set up jobs with city agencies for the interns in the daytime and seminars on area problems in the evening. MOODY, for example, worked during the daytime as a complaint inspector for the City Housing Board and heard speakers during the evening from such area in- stitutions as "Liberation" maga- zine, which favors black power. And always the interns were looking and listening. Moody ran into several surprises on his job, including a "considerate" land- lord who, if tenants' rooms needed paint, gave them the paint and said, "Do it yourself." A more typical apartment: Ask- ed by one tenant to put handles on shower knobs which otherwise had to be turned with pliers, one resident manager simply removed the bathtub handles and put them on the shower knobs. WHILE THE PROJECT is short, it seems to have been full of in- sight for Moody and his colleagues. "The Bedford-Stuyvesant resi- dents aren't simply poor, they have a impoverished atttitude," "As they live in poverty and de- pendency, their minds work the same way. "And they feel that most anti- poverty and civil rights programs don't take the right -approach, either," Moody adds. "They feel that, 'the white man keeps his finger in the pie,' and gets what he wants done rather than what they feel should be done. They want more control over these pro- grams themselves-because they know what needs to be done and want to have the pride of having done it themselves. "They're also very downtrodden by the 'white system' and can't escape from it," Moody declares. "This gives them a very defeatist feeling, the 'apathy' so many whites feel is the prevailing atti- tude. The apartment tenants would often tell me wearily, 'Weve had so many people asking us what's wrong and never doing anything about it'." THE BRAIN-CHILD being a success, Miller is optimistic about getting more people to work with him on the project staff for next summer, expanding the number of students in the program, starting more projects in other ghettoes and perhaps including some on regional poverty and migrant workers as well as urban problems. And, of course, Miller is hope- ful that the project has been edu- cational-in a somewhat special sense. "We're not teaching any-' thing-just opening windows," he says. "In two weeks you can't 'teach' anything; you just abandon preconceptions." But there seems to be at least two other accomplishments of the Cornerstone Project, and these are far more important. FIRST, while both Democratic and Republican interns have gone into the Cornerstone Project, many of them are Republicans working for congressmen like Bow of Ohio, Latta of'Ohio, and Curtis of Mis- souri-all of them who have rarely displayed much enthusiasm or un- derstanding for solving the prob- lebs of poverty. "We're snitching their interns out from under their noses," Miller, says, only half-joking. "The aver- age congressman just doesn't realize that the Protestant ethic doesn't apply in the ghetto," he adds-implying he hopes their in- terns will. If they do-and if they do begin to understand the realities of pov- erty-it will be a big step forward for the future of the Republican party, which has exhibited an os- trich approach to nearly every im- portant contemporary problem in this country. There should also be a second, and even more important, long- run accomplishment of the Cor- nerstone Project; not only should it provide the Republicans with a new sensitivity and insight-but with an issue as well. THIS ISSUE is central to the problems of race and poverty-and it is an ancient ( and largely un- used) Republican doctrine. It is the belief in the virtue of the in- dividual and the distrust of big government as insensitive to the individual and his rights. For the poor-the Negroes- have been disappointed time and time again by a system which is "so many people asking us what's wrong and neverkdoing anything about it," which purports to solve their problems but in reality mere- ly perpetuates their dependency. As Adam Clayton Powell said recently in a fascinating private discussion of black power: "The Negro sees himself as downtrodden by a white power structure. He wants to get black power to smash the white power structure and make it an all-American power structure-just as the Irish and the Jews and the labor unions did. "For years the Republicans have denounced big government and exalted the individual without knowing why. These Cornerstone Project interns, or many of them, at any rate, should now know why: because big government too often means "the system": Insensitive to individual needs and unwilling to listen to the individual or include him. AND, IF the Republicans get anything from the Cornerstone Project in addition to an eagerness. to confront the twentieth century, it should be a rededication to an aggressive doctrine of the worth of the individual, of the individual as the creator of government rath- er than its victim-a doctrine the Republicans have nearly aban- doned for the idle pleasure of af- fluence and ease. 4f Rugged Training in the Army Rsrves -I EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer observed basic training in July on special assignment for the Detroit Free Press. First of a three-part series By NEAL H. BRUSS CAMP McCOY, WISC.-Thou- ) sands of Michigan men who have enlisted in the U.S. Army's reserve program are being intro- duced to soldiering here this sum mer in rugged two-week basic training sessions. They are men who have not spent six months in the reserve's regular six-month program. Many enlisted in the reserve as an al- ternative to an imminent draft. As the Army is wont to say, some are boys who are away from home for the first time in their lives. THEIR TEACHERS, both vet- eran reservists and regular Army men, are aware that the reservists they are jolting through intensi- fied lessons are much more intel- ligent than the soldiers they train- ed or fought beside during either World War II or the Korean War. The carde of instructors, in fact, are awed to find they are train- ing doctoral candidates. They re- spect their pupils. The instructors are using every possible moment in the two-week periods for training. They wake their men at 4:30 a.m., work them all day, and bring them back to the barracks to prepare for dinner at 4:50 p.m. On top of this are regular night excersises from 9 p.m. to midnight. The soldiers are taken to their lessons at a formal march pace. Although they are all supposed to have had 16 hours of drills at their home unit, many of the reservists have never marched be- fore when they arrive at Camp McCoy. BECAUSE REGULAR Army training camps are being used for training of full-time enlistees and draftees-the men who will go to Viet Nam-and because reserve units cannot train enlistees as fast as they enlist, reserve commanders are sending new men to two-week camp?. This training is supposed to pre- cede rather than replace the six- month regular basic training. One McCoy commander says the two- week period "provides a veneer to cover a raw recruit." The raw recruit learns soldier skills that will mark him as a specialist when he eventually is programmed into basic training. Every two weeks, 1,900 men come to camp from home bases such as the Livonia base of the 70th Division of the VI Army Corps. Often they bring their own equipment: armored trucks, tanks, artillery, and rocket launchers. These material are supplemented by over $24 million in the camp motor pool. THE CAMP ITSELF is set tri- angularly in 60,000 strikingly green acres near the western Wis- consin border, in Monroe County. It was established in 1909 and has housed soldiers training for every American war since then and the Civilian Conservation Corps. During the winter, four feet of snow regularly cover the camp. Training is only conducted during summer. There are facilities for military parades, rifle firing, hand-to-hand combat, tank running, missile fir- ing, war games, object identifica- tion, jet takeoffs, and five-mile ar- tillery shots. "THE TRAINEE is being taught to shoot, salute, and protect nim- self on the battlefield," says Col.. Herb Marlatt who runs much of the training operation. "There are combative exercises to make him aggressive. He lives in the field for one night to teach him how to take care of himself. "Then men are making personal adjustments to military service here. I've seen them leave with confidence they've never had be- fore. "We are trying to teach leader- ship to these men. The Army needs men with education and a sense of enterprise. Many of our recruits plan to go to officer candidate school. "Sometimes we wonder if they will perform when they go into active duty. For years we have found that the reservists perform. THE YOUNGSTERS are being taught to kill, and they are not allowed to forget it. They are taught to growl as they run into hand to hand com- bat. They are first taught how to fall safely and then how to flip an enemy. When they master the fall and the throw, they are taught the killing blow. Hand-to-hand combat lessons come during the second week, after marching, running, and calisthen- ics have toughened the trainees. Jerome Valente, a market re- searcher in Detroit for General Motors says, "It's pretty rugged. They are pushing us pretty hard, but we know they don't want to break us." His bunkmate, Mike Patton, a Fort Wayne, Ind. assembly line worker says, "We recruits are a rat pack. I was taught the code of conduct in the rain. For a few days, I felt pretty independent, but after doing in enough push ups from Wisconsin, I had to change." Charles Haskins, curator of the National Bank of Detroit's money museum, says "After 11 days, it has gone a lot smoother than I thought it would. Still, we're being pushed right along. LT. COL. LES MONNET, a Fort Wayne brewmaster, says the ma- jority of the trainees are between 21 and 24 and have been to college. During July, both the heat and the humidity oppressed trainees. There were several periods over five days long in which tempera- tures ranged over 105°. But the weather and the pace of training failed to wear down train- ees, according to Major Howard Trenkle, a social studies teacher in Livonia's Bentley High School. Trenkle is one of several reserve officers assigned to appraise train- ing and catch strain in reserve units. Col. Marlatt says, "They want to compete within and between com- panies. They are dogged to learn skills. Each wants to succeed." BUT MONNOT is startled by the tension and physical strain in some of his reservists. "I have men on special diets for ulcers, men with heart conditions. I have never seen such tense men in the re- serve." They think of it this way: in the reserves, they figure, they have about an 80 per cent chance of avoiding the battlefield. But, if they are sent to war, they will need all the "education they can get." TOMORROW: The Muscle of the Reserve. Detroit's Plum Street: Imagination and Fun CHARLIE COBB, the Michaelangelo Buonarroti of Detroit's new Plum Street project, a semi-private urban re- newal venture, parries all attacks by prophets of doom. "Plum Street isn't going to die," he says. It hasn't really opened up." Cobb's latest voluntary is a set of old- time bathtubs, painted black, and stuffed with geraniums and other flora, FROM HIS BLANKET at Kensington Metropolitan Park, pot-bellied Char- lie, 19, a California art student home in Detroit for the summer, recently disclosed that several new enterprises have been begun since the project's initial opening on July 4. -A stationary store selling official Fro- do Baggins bumper stickers, the only out- let for Hobbit regalia in the Detroit area. -A guitar store run by veteran De- troit musicologist, Al Majors. -A free speech clinic at Elton Park, one block south of Plum Street. -A combined bar and restaurant con- vertable into a coffee house. Buffs under 21 will be able to enter. -Several antique shops. -Newsstands selling the Detroit hippy newspaper, "The Fifth Estate." CURRENTLY OPERATING on Plum street is a store called The Wee Folk, owned and operated by a pair of eight- year-olds. It is a converted ice locker stocked Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT ............... Business Manager with licorice and other goodies. The child on duty assails you as you walk down the street: "Hey, kid, do you want a piece of can- dy? ..." Next door is an apartment house with Tiffany windows. It was saved from dem- olition, structurally strengthened, and re- furnished. A few tenants have taken mod- erately priced rooms. "We will be open in a month," Charlie articulated while fielding his Miami yel- low Frisbee. "We'll have a lot to offer soon." "People have been shaking their fists at us, telling us we are doomed, but they're a minority. "Hundreds of people have come to Plum Street since we opened. We ran out of space in our guest book. They've bought a lot of books and beads. "They tell us Plum Street is a good idea and promise to come back when our bar and coffee shop open." PLUM STREET is located between Fourth and Fifth Streets in Detroit's Inner City, less than a mile from Cass Technical High School. It is a temporary access route for eastbound Vernor traffic. It is a street re-created through the efforts of Detroit government, utilities, citizens, entrepreneurs, and Charlie Cobb's paint gun. NEAL BRUSS Motor Pool AMERICAN MOTORS yesterday joined the club by announcing that its sales had fallen off and that it would pay no dividends to stockholders this year. Q n V %77- n trnnv-a s-. 01+n -n is ~ The Strange Life of the Journalist By PAT O'DONOHUE WHAT IS JOURNALISM and how is it regarded by the world outside its realm? We must first define the word journalism. By journalism I do not mean a course of journalism given in a university or the art per se. I mean the career; the art of journalism in its actual opera- tion and as envisioned in the minds of its practicioners. MANY OUTSIDE the realm of the printer's ink, the shop and the roar of the linotype machine, re- gard a newspaper or its glossy counterpart, the magazine, as a world of its own, sealed off to pro- tect its occupants. As people dis- appear behind the doors of some- one's Daily they mourn their lost friend and weep for his loss of a well-rounded social life. He is ac- cused of becoming a journalistic machine. He is feared for his public power and pitied for his position behind a typewriter, his ears jointed to the nearest phone. However, the term "journalistic machine" is a contradiction in terms. The very nature of journal- ism requires a creative, inquisitive mind. A journalistic machine is the AP wir'e, it is a tool of the journalist rather than the char- acter of the journalist himself. The published results of jour- ~nle:nnfnra - . -a ~~ hr-'+c few personal friends outside the journalistic world in which he dwells, the public friends he makes through his fact-finding missions suffice. He is, in the abstract, a self- appointed professor in public edu- cation. A lack of information sows the seeds of ignorance and in this era we can ill afford ignorance. In an era wreathed in complexity and the interrelations of millions of anonymous human beings, John Doe needs all the information he can get. And he cannot rely on one source for this information; one source alone cannot provide the ideal in objectivity. THERE ARE MANY unique characteristics of the journalist himself, which stamp his whole profession and which necessarily force him to live the life of many people rather than his own. He may be initially regarded as rather egocentric in the sense than he honestly believes he has the almighty power to change, or at least initiate the spirit of change in others. He believes in the responsibility as well as the power of the pen. In most cases he has knighted himself as the overseer of the Es- tablishment (for someone must keep an eye on its actions, as it is rarely done from within). As a conscientous objector to the im- personal bureaucracy of the Es- stinct and the joy of a clever question bringing forth an un- expected gold mine in an answer. THE JOURNALISTIC CODE is not a formal institution, it is in- bred in the soul of the journalist. It is a conglomeration of ethics which would probably not meet with the approval of a recognized moralist, such as Socrates, but it exists nonetheless. -A story is a story is a story . . . if it's news it will be printed. If you have a glimmer of news you aplproach it as if you knew all the facts and are merely checking them out with the man on the other end of the Bell line. He 'will usually confirm your judgment of the facts. -Facts must be printed but rumors may be included, provided they are identified as such. And if they elicit more facts so much the better. -If your source wishes to re- main anonymous he becomes a "high official." -A constant communications network is in effect among the members of the trade; you tell me some news, give me a lead, and I'll give you one in the future. You reprint my article and I'll reprint yours. -Never apologize for your pai- ticular "rag," it is the expression of your ideas. Some are obviously haiP,. +hn n nhs hii- ,,n.. , ici He is a man of few ideals. When one searches for truth and facts it is nearly impossible to retain the quality of idealism. Idealism is the luxury of the naive; it is af- forded by ignorance of what is actually taking place outside the palace of one's own heart and mind. He has faith, not the organized faith of a particular domination, but one unique to the world in which he lives. He has faith in himself and to some paradoxical degree, in the rationality of man- kind. He believes in his ability to find the facts, to discern the truth, and, while he does not trust others to do it for him, he believes that only he can do it for others. He does not trust their rationality to the extent that he believes they will educate themselves. He hopes they will be rational enough to believe, and read, him. JOURNALISM is not an art or a talent it. is an instinct. It is a way of life and the journalist lives it. It is a world which is likely to infiltrate yours. It is a world which knows no bounds and this fact alone makes it livable. LETTERS: More Argument On 'Melodrama' I To the Editor: MR. BARRETT W. Kalellis' reply (Daily Thursday) to my note on Melodrama is consistent within itself but quite unrelated to the original piece that I wrote. In my reviews I attempt to work out my ideas in a logical progression. I expect, not too unreasonably, that my readers start at the beginning and finish at the end. Thus I am not suggesting that if we are "charmed" then we have t, - ,, , i.,mt-Il artin f mere foolishness. Kalellis' defini- tion of melodrama is not mine. Indeed it is the very lack of super- ficiality and pretentiousness that are the reasons that the American Drama Festival is able to aspire to the first rate theatre. THE LAST PARAGRAPH of Kalellis' letter shows most clearly his "cut-out" type mentality. My "post-facto Freudian analysis" was linked to the humor of the r,- ta +hat +is fhn tm oa f the 4 I