FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAEW mnVm For Direct Classified Service, Phone 7G4-0' Monday through Friday, 12 Noon to 2 P.M. I. "I----1 1J7 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 2 3 4 1 DAY 3 DAYS 5 DAYS I .70 .85 1.00 1.95 2.40 2.85 3.00 3.75 4.35 Figure 5 average words to a line. Call Classified between 1 :00 to 2:30 Mon. thru Fri. Phone 764-0557 HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA MONEY? , Fulior Part Time Work -be your own boss, too $25.00-$5.00-and more per month is possible, working part time. Not a door-to-door proposition, no phone soliciting, no quota to meet, no age limit, no "franchise fee," no training period. Come to the Ann Arbor YMOA-YWCA Tuesday, Aug. 2, 8:00 p.m., to get the full story. Ask for Mr. Campbell or Mr. Hoey. H42 EDP SYSTEMS ANALYST Antexpanding Data Processing program at Albion College offers an excellent opportunity for an imaginative and creative person to develop a College Information System designed around a 1401-1311 disk system. Responsibili- ties will include Isntallation Manage- ment, systems and procedures design, and programming. Compensation to be based on individual's experience and ability. Liberal fringe benefits including family-tuition allowance. Write: Mr. Werner N. Snow Albion College Albion, Michigan 49224 WANTED-Part-time garage attendant, no exp. needed, must be able to work __through next fall. For appt., NO 2- 5840. H39 THERE ARE still a few openings for qualified teachers in the religious school of Beth Israel Congregation,1 1429 Hill St., A.A. Anyone interested please contact Charles Rosenblatt, Religious School director, 665-2717. H40 STOCKMAN Small engin. and parts. Reap, for checking in, recording, dis- pensing to shop ad selling at retail. Automotive exp. helpful. Full time. Phone 665-837. H38 PART TIME Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring for part time sales work. Earnings in excess of $3.00 per hour. This is not pots-knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is expanding all across the nation, con- sequently this could be more than just a part time job for the right person. If you're 20, have use of a car, and are bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $6 for Rh positive; $7, $10 and $12 for Rh negative. Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 9-4; Fri. 1-7. 18-21 years old need parent's permission. 483-1894. YPSILANTI Detroit Blood Service ON-CAMPUS AND SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE A great opportunity for aggressive college students to earn a high in- come distributing material to college campuses all over the United States. Combine summer travel with large profits, or work part-time on your own campus. Fall jobs are also avail- able. Contact: Collegiate-Dept. D, 27 East 22 St., New York, N.Y. 10010. BARGAIN CORNER HELP WANTED SALESMAN to start now. Professional opportunity, married, 22-30, Bachelor's degree. Phone 453-4030 for interview. COLLEGE STUDENTS-Part time eve- ning work at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes as pin jumper. Apply in the evening. H33 PERSONAL WOMAN GRADUATE student (class of 1963) would like to share apt, for the coming year with 2 or 3 women roommates, central location, call col- lect: Detroit, VE 6-3033. F19 NEED 2 GIRLS to share our mod. 4- man apt. 1111 S. State No. 6. Call 665- 9692 after 6. F18 NOW FOR THOSE of you who can't carry a tune and sing along with Susie. We just want you to know you're welcome at Ralph's too. F HI HANDSOME! Having you here is just a bit nice. YES! F7 THIRD GIRL NEEDED for Fall and Winter to share new lux. apt. Near campus. 761-3729 after 5. F32 THIRD GIRL NEEDED for Fall and Winter to share new luxury apt. Near campus. 761-3729, after 5. P49 HI HANDSOME! See you tonight!!! F7 CHINESE STUDENT WANTED to help undergrad learn beginning Chinese. Phone Marc 662-8555. F33 MALE GRAD wants to share 2-main lux. apt. for Fall. Call Louis, 761-1396, 2-5 p.m. F34 APARTMENTS FOR FALL All sizes, locations, types. Call 761- 5538 between 7 and 8:30. F13 FOR SALE-Beautiful campsite. 51 ' acres on top of mtn. near Keane, N.H. Wonderful for nature and camping. Access by road. Lake at base of mtn. Call 482-3016. P12 HAVE 4 MAN APT. Need 2 girls for Fall. TU 1-4971 or TU 1-6981. F8 IF YOUR HOME is for rent or sublet, please CALL 761-1490. We need a 3 bedroom, unfurnished home, by Aug. AS THE BALMY breezes of summer drift in, thoughts just naturally turn to the out of doors-get all picnic supplies at TV RENTALS - Lowest student rates. Call iHi F Studio, 663-7242. 121 W, Washington St. Free Delivery. F7 PERSONAL EVER PLAY JACKS WHILE WORKING? WE DO. Come in and see for yourself. Join us in a game, or as a staff mem- ber. The Michigan Daily. Fi8 RENT Your TV from NEJACr Zenith 19-in. all channel portables for only $10 per month. FREE service and delivery. Phone 662-5671. F ANN ARBOR'S best buy on a diamond engagement ring. Check itl Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University. 663-7151. WANTED -- Man to share apt. Fall-1 Winter term. $57.50 monthly. Call Battle Creek collect, 962-0804, Mark.- FOR FALL 921 S. Division Modern 2 Bedroom Apt. Call 662-7961 1 OR 2 GIRLS needed for 3 man, 3j bdrm. apt. for fall. 8 mo. lease. Rent $53/mo. Call 665-0719. C49 WANTED-Maleroommate to share furn. 2 man apt. for fall. Call 761- 2473 evenings. F15 GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITY To train a new kind of specialist- in the teaching of science, math, reading, etc., to children under age six, especially disadvantaged. Excel- lent career opportunities at leadership and planning levels, as interest in quality preschool education mounts. Funds recently received for limited number of $2,500 fellowships begin- ning fall '66. providing a year of aca- demic study and active participation in an exciting research and develop- ment program. Able, aggressive, and independent students invited to ap- ply, regardless of undergraduate ma- jor Write to Dr. Carl Bereter, In- stitute for Research on Exceptional Children, University of Illinois, Ur- bana, Illinois 61802. F38 COINS-FOREIGN AND U.S. Old or modern, any number, cash, free ap- praisal. Call 761-7169, after 6 p.m. F14 ONE MAN NEEDED for 4-man, mod., two story, suave apt. one block from campus - for fall. Write to Steve Loewenthal, 1680 Clavey, Highland Park, Ill. (Roommate got married). F11 FRIENDLY KITTENS for sale! 6-8 wks. old; housebroken; 3 all-black, 2 tigers; medium and long-hairs. Call Andy: 764-8377 (1-5) or come to 114 N. Divi- sion after 6 p.m. F12 FOR SALE FOR SALE-1964 Volkswagen. Spotless. Has everything. $1250. Call after 5. 668-7107. B37 BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1961 BSA super rocket, 650 cc. complete- ly rebuilt. 663-0391. Z3 KAWASAK I LOW PRICES BIKES AND SCOOTERS New 85cc trail or road, only $310 full price-inc. tax, title, lie., while they last. RICH BELL'S 23257 Woodward, 548-4488 Ferndale, north of Detroit 1965 HONDA C100. Helmet. 650 miles, excellent. NO 5-9468. Z42 HONDA C-100. Only 416 miles. Stored all winter. NO 3-9623. Z24 BRIDGESTONE-COTTON I 50 to 250 cc. Service on Most Makes HONDA PARTS AND SERVICE UNIVERSITY MOTORCYCLE SALES 211 E. Ann NO 2-3979 BULTACO Immediate Delivery 100cc Trails 250cc Batadors 250cc TT, '661 Scramblers 175cc Camparas 175cc Merciures RICH BELL'S We carry complete parts 23257 Woodward, 548-4488 Ferndale, north of Detroit World's FASTEST Street 250: The X-6 HUSTLER with 12 mo. or 12,000 mile warranty, means the most in RELIABILITY. (See the NEW Sport 150, too) at SUZUKI Cycle Center 4040 Washtenaw 761-2650 MUSICAL MDSE., I RADIOS, REPAIRS SPECIAL GUITAR SALE Now in stock GOYA and GIBSON CLASSICS UNIVERSITY MU1SIC HOUSE, INC. 512 William (Maynard Street) NO 2-5579 SLINGERLAND Drums, Bass, Tom, Snare, High Hat and Ride Cymbals. $200 (will accept more if offered). 663-4877, ask for Rob; call late. X25 BANJOS, GUITARS, AND BONGOS A-1 New and Used Instruments Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington SUMMER SUBLET FURNISHED ROOMS for Summer only. NO 8-6906. Ul WANTED TO RENT HELP! Onio college instructor, two childrlen, need house or apt. 1 yr. NO 8-9054. L14 ANN ARBOR APARTMENT AGENCY Free listing of your apartment in booklet to be distributed weekly be- ginning Aug. 17. Call 761-6865 be- tween 10 and 6. NO FEES. L12 WANTED FOR FALL - West of and preferably close to campus, with bed- room, living room, kitchen and bath. Willing to pay what the place is worth, maybe more. Contact Thomas R. Copi at 662- 8183 or 764-0552. L9 USED CARS 1965 YAMAHA 80; 1200 miles, including helmet. Phone 761-1696. N30 1961 RENAULT CARAVELLE Convert. 2 tops, low mileage; ver. eco. unique transportation. Phone 663-6802 after 5 p.m. N31 1963 TRIUMPH HERALD 1200; 4 seater sports convert. $795. Excel. mech. cond. 665-0882. N32 Sunbeam Alphine 861-New top and tonneau cover. Well taken care of. Must sell. Leaving USA. Call 662 1332 evenings. N26 FOR RENT HALF A HOUSE on Catherine St. Call 662-7961 after 5 p.m. C51 FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL 4- or 5-man modern apt. available for Fall. Air-conditioned. See it at 1000 Oakland. For information, call Dan or Jim, 761-3785. C44 University Towers Apartments FALL RENTALS ON CAMPUS From $60 per person per month FEATURES INCLUDE: HEATED SWIMMING POOL Luxury Lobby Color TVs Billiard Room Air Conditioning Many other extras MODEL APT. OPEN 536 S. Forest 10-6, Every Day 761-3565--NO 5-4480 209 NORTH INGALLS Newly furnished, completely remodel- ed 2 bedroom apartments with wall- to-wall carpeting, modern kitchens, and a location between Rackham and St. Joseph's Hospital, $180 per month. One bedrooms also available from $135. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT Days: 662-7787 Evenings: 761-4018 C46 WASHINGTON MANOR 418 E. Washington Furnished luxury one bdrm.-$177. Only two available. NO 8-6906. C45 APARTMENTS FOR FALL 2 3 Mans NOW LEASING FOR FALL 2 Blocks from Campus New Building Air-conditioned, carpeted, fully fur- nished bi-levels with 1 large bedromm and study. Paved and covered park- ing, SPECIAL TERMS FOR MARRIED COUPLES 731 Packardj Call 663-8866I afternoons and evenings Something To Sell? Try Daily Classifieds APARTMENTS LIMITED 663-0511 NOW LEASING FOR FALL NEW AND OLD BUILDINGS Efliclencies, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Patrick J. Pulte Inc. WEEKDAYS-NO 5-9405 SATURDAYS 9-5-NO 2-5244 FALL '66 NEW, completely furnished, close-in apartments. Available for 2-4 persons. DAHLMANN APARTMENTS Office' 545 Church St. 761-7600 ROOMS FOR RENT-Excellent singles 308 MONROE--Large apt, for 2-3-4 and and doubles, available now in all- 5 students. Avail. for fall occupancy. graduate house. 3 blocks from cam- Ali-cond., covered parking. Finest pus. Phone 663-5930 anytime. C36 furnishings are but a few of the desirable features of our bldg. Still a few apts. available for summer. ,-n, ,A -~I FOR RENT FOR RENT rl~ - 921 S. DIVISION, 2 bdrm, new apt. for 14 to 6 man, newly furnished with Fall. 662-7961 after 5. C501 screened porch. 161-5690 or 1-864-3852. --r NICHOLSON M/C SALES Authorized dealer for TRIUMPH YAMAHA - BMW -- GILERA. 224 First. Phone 662-7409. S. Z RENT A CYCLE From $3.25 an hour. University Motorcycle Sales 211 E. Ann NO 2-3979 School Time is OLYMPIA TIME HONDA S90 1966, with insurance, exc. TIRES-All types and sires-Road, Race, cond. Must sell. $350. Call 482-7103. Srambles, Trials. Tachometers for Z2 HONDA, Yamaha, Suzuki, Bridge- stone, BSA, BMW. SAVE $8 to $10 HONDA of Ann Arbor On all new HONDAs during HONDA of 3000 Packard Rd. Ann Arbor's Summer Sales Festival. 665-9281 /I i1~eSfr ti an D t OFFICE HOURS Circulation-764-0558 Call between 1 and 4 Clcssified-764-055 7 Call between 1 and 3 Celebrate Bargain Days, & The Art Fair All the nnoey you've saved DINE OUT FRONTIER BEEF BUFFET Cafeteria Open 7 Days Sun.-Thurs. 11 :30 A.M.-8:00 P.M. Friday and Saturday until 8:30 P.M. 2333 E. STADIUM 663-9165 "Roast Beef at its Finest" *e**, Buy or order new at the home of the nicest people since 1963, 3000 Packard Rd., 665-9281. 01 FOR SALE-1864 Yamaha 80. Only 21003 miles. Excellent condition. Call 761- 7179. Z47 WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM HOME-Wanted to rent or sublet; unfurnished, by Aug. 1. Phil- lips executive family. CALL 761-1490. University Typewriter Center Home of OLYMPIA, the Precision Typewriter 613 E. William St. 665-3763 1I University Towers Apartments I SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI'S SLIM-FITS-$4.50 "White" and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS-$5.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing Asst'd. Colors-$6.98 On Campus 6 - $65 8-Mo. Lease Available on Consultation LEVI JACKETS "White"-$6.98 Blue Denim-$6.98 " Air-Conditioned * Fully Carpeted * New Modern Furniture " Laundry Facilities " Heated Swimming Pool " Billiard Room " Disposals * Luxurious Lobby " Color TV Selections are Limited Don't Delay - Call Now. " 761-3565 * NO 5-4480 LEVI'S Superslim's-$4.98 LEVI'S dungarees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White"-$5.98 TURTLENECKS-$1.69 (15 Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington Summer STUDENT DIIIIECTORiY 50C On Sale Monday at Bookstores, League, Union, !V - 1T 1la a *r 'V Specializing in GERMAN FOOD, FINE BEER, WINE, LIQUOR PARKING LOT ON ASHLEY ST. Hours: Daily 11 A.M.-2 A.M. Closed Mondays I I Old Ileidelber 211-213 N. Main St. 668-9753 11 I --------------------------------- ---- I I I MODELAPT. OPEN I I 10-6 Every Day I I 1 If you are unable to visit our Rental Office I you may complete apartment leasing arrangements by mail enclosing $65.00. I PLEASE SEND COPY OF LEASES TO: I I I I NAME I I GIRLS !! Become Angels Open Meeting Tues., Aug. 2, 8 P.M. I I I I i I I I LO). AR I V - ,,' ,ai-1 -