Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 'A. 5t Yi....... ...riv.v .... rr. r1.. .. ,., r.. . ,."*.*." ".. rn s.. 5 . . ..*. .." .v avr v .* v ..*.*. **.yr**.. WFARMON - IMW, 47- - 71-1-4 Where Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 I - Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLE KAPLAN The Street Art Fair: Not So Much Fun DESPITE THE FACT that, as the Ann Arbor News says, "Everyone appears to love an art fair," this year's doesn't live up to even the smallest expectations. The Art Fair, in conjunction with the Ann Arbor merchants' field day-nomin- ally called Bargain Days-is indeed en- joyable for the city's residents. Some of the bargains are genuine. The exhibits can be attractive. And, the milling crowds and general good-feeling associated with these days of license give the town a re- laxed, comfortable atmosphere. The artists, too, get in on the high- spirits with booming sales and naive cus- tomers. Yet, perhaps this is where the whole idea of the art fair fails because the emphasis has turned to sales, sales of everything, rather than the exhibi- tion and enjoyment of original work. HE PAINTING at the fair, to put it mildly, is poor. Those who have gone beyond the stage of painting covered bridges and kids with dogs (and there are few enough of them) have resorted to gimmicks, and unusual use of various media, to attract the curious onlooker. There were perhaps four or five ex- hibits, some by University students, that showed some inspiration in the field of painting. Yet, the crowds still came and marveled at the nice watercolors and pic- turesque landscapes, pointed out beatniks to their wives and bought pastels of the kids. Fortunately, some of the pottery and craftwork displays were of higher quality; there were many works here that one could proudly buy. ALL THIS IS NOT to say that the art fair need appeal only to those who are art experts, those who can pay the higher prices for better paintings, that the fair should seek to exhibit only the most avant-garde work. Obviously, this sort of art fair would not only fail to draw many customers, but would not contribute to the appreciation of art by all residents that the fair ostensibly is supposed to foster. But what should be done is what the managers of this art fair claim to have done-careful review of applications for entrance to the fair, with a prior show- ing of the work to be exhibited, and judg- ing on the basis of knowledgeable criti- cism of each artist's work. If the planners of the Ann Arbor Art Fair must enlist the aid of Art School teachers or of some well-known critic, so much the better. No one will be completely satisfied with their decisions, but the quality of the fair's exhibits will undoubtedly be raised. BUT, UNTIL THAT IS DONE, the crowds will come and buy and buy. After all, that's the purpose, right now, of the fair. -CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Co-Editor The Draft vs. The Humanities THE COURSES in the humanities are gradually being killed by two weapons: the mass of federal funds devoted to sci- ence and its partner in education, re- search, and, now, by the proposed draft- ing of teachers of all but the "critical" subjects. It all started with Sputnik in 1957. The public educators in the United States were struck by the scientific significance of the Russian venture into space and pro- ceeded to revamp the American system of education. And it has been a bleak day for the non-scientific courses from that ,day on. Federal funds are eagerly granted to the fields of science, more particularly the public health sciences and, now, the military sciences and the sciences of com- munication. NOW THAT TEACHERS are under draft- able consideration, a national cry has come forth demanding that the teachers of "critical" subjects remain in the class- room. But then, this is not a new demand; many laborers in "critical" industries re- main working in the plants rather than fighting in the paddies. While science is admittedly an impor- tant aspect of today's technological world it should not become the end-all of our existence, nor our federal funds. It should not drain the laborers, educators and stu- dents of our society. While building an altar to the god of science we are ignoring the soul of life; the development of the mind. If teachers must be drafted, they should be drafted regardless of the "criti- cal" value of their subject; if laborers are to be drafted, they should not be exempt merely because they supply the tools for those who are less fortunate than they. IT IS LAMENTABLE that anyone must be drafted; the tragedy should not be increased by discrimination against the mind-building sciences in favor of the de- velopment of "bigger and better" mechan- ical methods of war. -PAT O'DONOHUE WASHINGTON-To paraphrase that famous critique of Lord Chesterfield's letters to his son, Washington often seems to have the manners of a dancing-master and the morals of a whore. In the appearance of Julious Klien one finds the quintessential expres- sion of some of Washington's least appealing - but omnipresent as- pects. Klein, a Chicago-based public- relations man, is typical of the "best" of the breed: high-powered, high-pressured and "a top opera- tor with unlimited guts and gall," as a prominent Republican politi- cian here recently put it. FOR SOME REASON such op- erators are deemed important and useful in our society-even though they have unusual and at times obscure duties. Klein, in testimony before the Senate ethics commit- tee last Tuesday, was vague about what he did for his clients (among them Germand firms like Bayer Aspirin and Daimler-Benz) and at one point seemed to imply his contracts left those duties unspe- cified. But one of the great unspecified duties of any Washington PR man which Klein understandably left unstated last week-and which the Senators didn't really have to hear about anyway-is simple in- fluence peddling. For in Washington, access to those in power is even better than knowing who is powerful; it is a very valuable commodity. Klein and those like him thus try to look valuable in this way, or, if possible, even be valuable. ONE TECHNIQUE Klein relied on to look valuable was to rush up to say "Hello" to Senators and other dignitaries. Since they rare- ly refuse to return a greeting, they look like old Klein buddies. An even better technique anoth- er lobbyist hit on was - after bumping into House Speaker Mc- Cormack in the elevator, asking him how he was and being told, "Fine, thank you:" to write his clients telling them he'd just had a most informative discussion with the Speaker. But Klein not only said hello to Senators; he even knew some, in- cluding Jacob Javits, Hubert Hum- phrey (who signed a letter saying Klein "has more friends in the House and Senate than any other man I know") and Thomas J. Dodd. Therein lies Klein's current no- toriety, for Klein - after being grilled by J. W. Fulbright's inves- tigation on the activities of agents for foreign governments and busi- nesses-began losing some of his German contracts, including one with a quasi-governmental status and some very important func- tionaries among its major backers. ACCORDING TO columnists Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson, Klein got Dodd, whom he has known since 1945, to go to Ger- many, ostensibly on Senate busi- ness (and at Senate expense), but actually to save Klein's remaining contracts. Some of Pearson's other charg- es-that Dodd diverted camnpaign dinner money to his personal use -are far more significant. But Dodd's activities for Klein are ty- pical of the kind of tomfoolery that Bobby Baker-Baedekers get away with every day here. Hence Washington's Chester- field-like reaction. Too cognizant of the presence of the many prac- titioners of Klein's high-pressure, nervy art to be much surprised, and too used to its ramifications to be much outraged, Washington greeted the testimony of General Klein with a slightly gleeful air- not the way the Puritans would go to view those in the stocks, but the way the Romans would go to view those in the Coliseum. One of the old gang just goofed. BUT KLEIN didn't disappoint them when the ethics committee had him at their hearing last Tuesday. It was a gorgeous show from beginning to end. The star of the show showed up early, with a Corona in his mouth and a massive statement in his hand. About two dozen pho- tographers swarmed around him, snapping away feverishly, from the time he got into the room (be- fore 9:30) to the time the hearing was ready to start (10:00). Com- mittee chairman John Stennis of Mississippi finally had to order them all to leave. Despite the research Klein put into his "statement"-largely a diatribe against Pearson which Stennis wouldn't allow to be put into the record-he seemed some-' what unprepared, perhaps not ac- cidentally. "He just doesn't have total recall," one observer wise- cracked. For while he was trying dili- gently to throw up an impene- trable smokescreen of confusion and qualification, Klein was more self - incriminating than evasive. He reversed, amended, "clarified" or "remembered" things at will. I REALLY DON'T know," he'd say. 'Senator, I take three or four, or five, trips to Europe so I can't answer that unless I know what trip you mean." Not every person on a list he'd prepared for Dodd to use as a sug- gested appointment list in Germ- any could have helped him with his contracts, Klein said. Later, though, he meekly agreed with Stennis that everybody on the list could have helped him. "As you keep on asking me questions, thank God my memory comes back," Klein would exclaim. Later on, when the committee's efforts failed him, he went back to, saying, "I really don't remember." Everyone in the room got a good chuckle from Klein's twist- ings and turnings. Yes, he was being evasive; but the committee and the audience were willing to be tolerant. For Klein was being roasted, slowly but thoroughly, and senators are not wont to sac- rifice decorum when the desired result occurs anyway. BUT THE PRESS still' hadn't gotten its pound of flesh-until after the hearing itself was over. Then, though, the four dozen as- sorted reporters came into their own, first surrounding their prey before he got up from his table and then overcoming the cries of "Come on, Julius, let's go," from his lawyers. Then the ultimate came, as they propelled Klein-a former star reporter for the now-defunct Chi- cago Herld-Examiner of William Randolph Hearst-towards a huge, battery of cameras and micro- phones outside the hearing room. With fangs bared, the press went over the questions the com- mittee asked to record Klein's answers to them on TV (the com- mittee does not allow radio or tele- vision or photographers inside the hearing room) to find out if Klein were Kosher. YET AFTER A quick spate of such questions the proceedings got bogged down. The press could scarcely cross-examine Klein the way the committee did, and Klein had by this time been' able to re- hearse his replies. So the reporters tried to think of new angles be- fore the whole thing ran out of gas. What would their viewers think! "It's been said you have more friends in the House and Senate than anyone else in Washington," said one reporter, smiling, his best Pepsodent smile. "Where are they all now? Don't you think you've lost some friends as a result of all this?" Klein said he thought he had about as many friends now as he ever had (which, everything con- sidered, is probably an accurate statement). "Don't you think Senator Dodd let you down by not pushing you in Germany as much as you'd have liked?" asked another. Klein said he was still a very good friend of Dodd. A FEW REPORTERS moved restlessly, and one said "Thank you," which is the signal for the end of such press conferences. Somebody else, though, tried again. "You have so many prominent friends," he asked. "What's the secret of your success? What's the basis of your charm?" A few reporters snickered, since Klein is a vaguely reptilian man who has lost most of his hair and whose "secret" is not charm but chutzpah. But Klein got the last laugh. I'm an old newspaperman," he said. The crowd laughed-the report- ers surrounding him a little ner- vously, his secretary behind him quite appreciatively. s "I thought that was the way you made enemies," said one newsman with a talent for mak- ing the obvious obvious. "No," Klein beamed, "that's my secret. I'm just an old newsman." THERE WASN'T much more the crowd of newsmen could think of to ask after that; they already looked silly enough. "God damn! An old newspaperman," one of the reporters murmured to himself as they all filed out. Klein may have lost the war-but he certainly won a battle. TwoFold Problem of Land Re form 10 By JAMES M. LONG Associated Press Staff Writer ROME (/P)-The world's experts on land reform agree that it is needed for economic and social advancement. But they do not agree on any one system for ac- complishing it. They agree it may bring the farm worker or tenant farmer a higheerhstandard of living, but warn that this may lure him to the city rather than keep him on the land. They caution that breaking big holdings down into small, private- ly owned farms may not neces- sarily increase overall production. And they warn that whatever system is followed may succeed only if it is supported and im- plemented by large government aid and credits. LAND REFORM experts from 71 countries around the world c o u n t r i e s around the world weighed successes against fail- ures and difficulties against bene- fits during a two-week meeting at the Rome headquarters of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organi- zation. Their overall conclusion was that economic progress and social jus- tice require planned and state- aided reforms in the tenure of the world's agricultural lands. In the broad definition which FAO and national experts follow. land reform is simply that-a change in the system of land tenure. It has been happening all along, back as far as land holding laws of the Chinese, the Babylonians and the Hebrews. In the broad sense, when the early American pioneers moved westward and es- tablished farms and ranches on lands the Indians had owned, that too was land reform. The Indians did not necessarily approve of the system. THE TASK TODAY is not just to watch changes in land tenure happen, but to direct these changes to the benefit of rural society, general economy and im- proved productivity. How this is accomplished varies widely, depending on social and economic conditions and on the balance between land and popula- tion. The Communist world-the So- viet Union. the Communist coun- tries of Eastern Europe, and Red China-have carried out almost total land redistribution based largely on collective and state farm systems. So has Israel with its kibutz and cooperative farm systems. In the Far East, Japan is far advanced with land reform. and Korea, India. Pakistan, Ceylon and the Philippines are in various stages of progress toward land re- distribution or changes in systems of tenure. To a lesser extent such programs are getting under way in Thailand and Malaysia. In the Near East, land reform is under way in Iran and Iraq, al- though less extensively than in Israel. LATIN' AMERICA, with major land reform and urgent need, is getting started toward breakdown of huge estates and redistribution of tenure, Mexico has its land re- form system far advanced and operative. In most countries of South America there is still far to go. A UN land tenure report says: "In most countries of that con- tinent land resources are adequate for the current agricultural work- force. Why, then, are these coun- tries faced by serious problems of under-employment and unemploy- ment in agriculture? "The answer lies in the system of land tenure: too few families supported by the big estates; too many trying to live off small farms." This report said that in South America as.a whole, less than ten per cent of the holdings contain 90 per cent of the land. The problem is not only to break these large estates down into smaller farms, but to consolidate too small farms into agricultural properties that will support the families working on them. The FAO report said that 60 per cent of farm families in Argentina and 88 per cent in Guatemala and Ecuador live on land holdings too small to support them. IN EUROPE there has been In crowded parts of central Europe uneconomically small farms have been consolidated into larger hold- ings or grouped into cooperatives. In the large land tenure areas of southern Italy land redistribution laws have broken estates down into smaller, individually owned farms. In Denmark, high land taxes caused the automatic break- down of large holdings. In the United States, Canada and Australia the availability of land in relation to population has not made land reform necessary beyond the normal changes which have taken place under economic and social growth. In the United States, for example, the average size of farms has not decreased in recent years. The steady flow of rural population to urban centers has kept a balance. In the emerging lands of Africa, even without population conges- tion, there is a start toward change in land tenure. Lands always own- ed in common by the tribe are passing into individual ownership. ESPITE THE TREND toward these diverseforms of change in lanl tenure around the world ex- perts cite some warnings. One UN report notes that a breakdown of large holdings into small farms may not increase production unless the small farm- er has adequate equipment and credit. Another report says many plan- tations (large holdings) are in- tensively farmed. But another ex- pert at FAQ says all too frequently these are not successful because of discontent of the hired workers. The UN report on large planta- tions adds, however: "Wage labor on the land can- not be condemned as such, any more than in any other section of economy. If working conditions on the plantations are unsatisfactory, that is a matter for legislation . rather than agrarian reform." Still another report says: "Even where (farmer) incomes have risen, the farmers seem un- der pressure of a pull from the non-agricultural sector. When- ever opportunities arose, the in- dividual farmers were ready to leave the farm in search of higher income. Even when such oppor- tunities were non'-existent the rural people expressed hope that their children should succeed in moving out of the farm to better their level of living." I4 Once More, Once More Unto the Wars REVIEW: 'The Love Godesses' And 'Circle of Love' FROM WITHIN the Albion, the engines began to heat up. From the old hulk steam began to pour, burning out gen- erations of cobwebs. In half an hour the old freighter was on its way down the Hudson off to its third war. I'm beginning to get excited. With the mothball fleet taking to the high seas and teachers next on the list to go, it seems that everyone will get in on the war act. rpIE TROUBLE with every new genera- tion is that they have never been to a war. They have seen the movies of course, and remember that everyone is supposed to get Star-Spangled Bannerly all over during a war. But while many of the new generation search for a substitute for nationalism, everyone around them is still national- istic, if not chauvanistic. Unfortunately, the major philisophical substitute for na- tionalism is communism. Therefore, for those "liberals" concerned with the in- justices of every political ideology they find, the only course seems to be revolt against the status quo. Yet the rest of the nation may be about to commit itself, willing or unwillingly, to a major war. In this time of crisis Congress is about to surrender more powers by giving the ~f~g AI114~Zm ~ZT President the power to halt the air lines strike for months and months. When the war starts bringing more crises, we may all be called on to make some of those sacrifices our fathers made. THEN IN 20 YEARS or so, we will sit back with our grandchildren and watch Hollywood pictures of the Viet Nam War. We will think about those few glorious hours before we too were called on to fight. And as the picture and the Viet Nam war come to a close, and the Albion returns to the mothball fleet, we will for- get the doubts we had about the war, settle back to sing "America," and wait for the next war. --MICHAEL HEFFER Goldwater In Exile BARRY GOLDWATER has urged Lyn- don Johnson to take to the streets in racially troubled areas to calm them down. Talk "straight from the shoulder and heart without the thought of a vote" in mind, he urges. There certainly is nothing like hearing how an expert at race relations would go about it. A few years ago, an editorialist in the east urged a statute of limitations on gov- ernments in exile. His idea was that after a certain time.-sav five or 10 ears.-.-the ' ' By ANDREW LUGG "THE LOVE Goddesses" con- sists of a large number of excepts from American and Euro- pean films which purport to show how the sex "motif" in film has changed as our sexual mores have become more liberal. It is part of a continuing process we are told. From the nickelodeon to super panchromatic technicolored cine- mascope, from Lillian Gish to Sophia Loren the great liberation unfolds. Ceres, Juna, Prosperpine, Diana and Minerva, nude or scantily dressed, parade before us, accompanied by a commentary which makes Playboy's recent "history of Sex in the Cinema" appear like a classic piece of writ- ing. Although the film presents neither a "sociological" survey nor what the public really wants to see-dirty movies-it does give some interesting excerpts. WITNESS for example: the orgy scene from D. W. Griffiths' "In- tolerance" or the excerpts from Fritz Lang's "Spies" or Abel Grace's "End of the World." But better still, that any one of these were shown in its entirety, since they are all classic films within their own right. The photography of Heddy La- mar in the nude was an important cinematic event but to show only photographs of Marilyn Monroe (and none of these film stills) and stills of Brigitte Bardot made the film look distinctly lop-sided. However bad "The Love God- desses" is, it is far superior to "ThP rirn of Lnvn. play from Jean Anouilh, who turn out this sort of rubbish. / The "message" of this film is only revealed at the end When the old "Concierge" of a warm, loving prostitute's apartment reveals that she too was once the belle of the ball. We are led up to this "tour- de-force" by two hours of juxta- posed sequences centered on the love game, conquer or be con- quered. This entails the husband expecting his wife to be faithful but considering himself free to sow wild oats as long as he is physically able-the old polyga- mous/monogamous myth; Albert who does not quite make it with Sophie quoting Stendhal in jus- tification of his failure; the Dra- goon taking his pick from a fine array of "Goddesses"-Jane Fon- da, Anna Karina, etc. IT MAY BE possible to film "The battle of the sexes" from the point of view of a six year old child, but not Vadim since he is both too pretentious and a very poor exponent of the film art. Slapstick, humour, and lyricism are interspersed in jerky fashion which destroys all the potential charm of the film. Added to this the color, the composition of the scenes, and the use of out-of- focus shots is downright abyssmal, "Circle 'of Love" might just pos- sibly have been a whirligig of rau- cous, wild living. Instead it Is the most boring film to have been shown at the Campus Theatre in a long time. F -..- - .1 E1 10.