STREET ART FAIR: NOT SO MUCH FUN See Editorial Page cl: 11 r Lit 'irau~ 4Iaii CLOUDY Hlgh-85 Low--62 Little change, chance of showers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 58S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1966 SEVEN CENS Washtenaw Community Colle e o Open ii Its students . . . scholarships and for loans under programs to meet these object- which utilizes former business Its Campus .lege plans and builds for three to transfer student who will take s the National Defense Education lives. Work-study progromas simi-|buildings, will make this difficult four years, opening the fourth fall courses in a general studies pro- n By MICHAEL DOVER Act, according to Donald Mc- lar to high school cooperative pro- for a while. By MICHAEL ANDREWS with a permanent campus. Ponitz. gram for up to two years, complet- w Ewan, counseling director. grams, allows the participant to The 235-acre permanent campus however, feels responsible for the ing his college education at an- a Approximately 1000 students will "As of right now we are accept- be a full-time student and still will be more compact, although A dynamic young man with a estimated 4.000 students who other school. start classes Sept. 15 at Washte- keep a steady job. enrollment is expected to reach unique sense of obligation has would be deprived of much-needed Extensive occupational trainingd new Commnunity Colege e - ig a whonk tpy MrEcanaid, Th utys gb i 5.000 by its opening in the fall of transformed a bowling alley, a training and education in the is available to the other student, t ary campus in Willow Village, east "if we think they are capable of The faculty is being obtained! 1i8 eat market, a dairy plant and ainem.wo Pntzdcrbsa"en-i the work here." He said that all from local high schools, other 196.terim. whom Ponitz describes as "tem- it of Ypsilanti. .s g ty m t g d -"We are hoping the students tea room into a remarkable edu- Ponitz and his staff, which will porarily terminal." Ponitz esti- S The students will begin their choo gradate applyinsmitol- will initiate a student government cational institution that will open number fifty when the college mates four to six retraining per- t work towarddegrees incollege possessing high school equivalencyss thos- and a newspaper to promote this to alost a thousand students opens, are now planning a per- sods in the life of today's worker. i wrkartowrdegre ina college posseseialny sMcEwan stresses the close per- unity," he said. this fall.manent campus as well as the fall He proposes a new corollary to i preparatory, vocational and gn diplomas. The college is also in- sonal contact planned between No varsity athletics are being He is David H. Pontz. AB. curriculum. The permanent cam- the old education-means-success eralcousesoforthestuentnot eretedinuaultstuent, hefacltyand tudnts HesaidconempatedatdhenempraryMe.fEdDulresdennofWashudeusnill.e HethsViienn Famstaw:pRetainng eanssucess" I interested in the diversity and in- said. one-third of the professors' time cnem teda h eporary M.A.,.., president o Wash- pus will be in the Vivienne Farms law: "Retraining means success" b tensity of a four-year progra-hii' o hen proesso-r ti campus. but intramural athletics tenaw Community College, one of area between Ann Arbor and Ypsi- Occupational Programs train c Students aforea progam ct wa pofthe out the ob- llss penrtin la one-thIrd ae planned. four such two-year schools open- lanti. Construction at the 235- students in business and manage- c Students will come from Wash- jective of the college. "We are class preparation and one-third While bidding for the construe- ing this fall in Michigan. Since acre site will begin next summer ment, the health sciences, library t tenaw county-for whom the tui- trying to serve the needs of all in individual conferences. tion of the permanent campus will his arrival in Ann Arbor last fall. and should be completed in four service and technical and industri- n tion is $100 a semester, out-coon- young people; the needs of some He said that the college "wants not take place until March, the Ponitz and his ambitious staff years. al skills. Washtenaw, for instance. state-Michigan-$200, and out-of- people are vocational while oth- to mix students of different cur- building costs will be around $3,000 have been working toward a self- The fall curriculum reflects the will be the fifth community col- c state-$300 a semester. ers need college p r e p a r a t o r y ricula" in order to provide school per student. Designs are being imposed opening deadline of Sept. needs of two types of students lege in the nation to offer train- ' They will be eligible for Michi- courses." he explained. spirit and unity, but that the drawn by California architects 15. which Ponitz believes will enroll ing in inhalation therapy. f gan Higher Education Association The college offers a variety of widespread temporary campus, Odell-MsConnel. I Normally, a new community col- in fairly equal numbers. One is the This hospital skill, and others s SIX PAGES i all uch as x-ray technology and tursing in medicine and dentistry. Till be taught in Ann Arbor with ssistance from the University. Automotive servicing and pro- uction will be taught on Carpen- er Road, southeast of Ann Arbor, n a building that once housed the ealtest Dairy. Other school func- ions and programs will be held n a 60,000-square-foot complex n eastern Ypsilanti. This includes the converted owling alley, which will be a ombination recreation - library - ounseling area designed to at- ain maximum "student - staff nix." one of Ponitz's major goals. Advertising in the recruiting ampaign was based on the theme, WCC Seeks a Fierce Commitment rom Outstanding Teacher-Coun- elors." Helms Calls Fulbright To / c Atidt-n 4r Give Apology Says He I egrets His Letter-to-the-Editor, Calls It 'A Mistake' By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON (RP)-CIA Direc- for Richard Helms telephoned a quick apology to Sen. J. W. Ful- bright last night for a letter de- claring "pleasure" at a newspaper editorial critical of Fulbright. Helms' letter kicked up a storm of protest, criticism, and expres- sions of surprise in the Senate yesterday afternoon. Helms, it was learned last night. telephoned Fulbright. chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Com-, mittee. said he apologized for the letter and told the senator in substance, "It was a mistake and I regret it." Apology Confirmed Fulbright, who joined in the Senate discussion of the incident, confirmed the apology. The Arkansas Democrat said the CIA head told him that he "was sorry and regretted the letter and that he didn't really feel that way about me," as the letter said. His own reaction, Fulbright said, was that, "I was glad to hear that." Otherwise, he said, the "in- cident speaks for itself and I have no other comment on the matter." Scheduled To Appear Helms was scheduled to appear before Fulbright's committee to- day. (See Related Story, Page 3) Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy (D- Minn) called the attention of the Senate to the editorial and the l r the paper published over, Helms' name. Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana called it "a most serious matter," and express- ed hope all senators "would take cognizance of it." 'Brickbats' The editorial was titled "Brick- bats for Fulbright" and dealt with the Senate's side-tracking of an effort by Fulbright to gain a role for the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee in the supervi- sion of the CIA. The supersecret agency's activi- ties now are overseen in the Sen- ate only by a special committee made up of senior members of the Armed Services and Appropria- tions Committees, Earlier yesterday afternoon, Mc- Carthy had called Helms' letter "entirely out of order, and said the CIA director "owes an apology to every member of the Senate." Helms' letter said of the edi- torial about Fulbright, "It reflects so well your paper's policy of 'printing the news impartially' " AUG. 2 PRIMARY: Late World News by The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO-The Coast Guard and Navy may end their search at nightfall today for the missing DC-3 aircraft carrying Brig. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell and two companions. A spokesman said the search will be discontinued if noth- ing is found to warrant further search. Navy and Coast Guard ships have searched over thousands of square miles of ocean since the plane vanished Sunday. No trace of it has been found. BALTIMORE-Gangs of white youths began roving neigh- borhoods surrounding a park in southeast Baltimore last night, shortly after a National States Rights party rally broke up. Police reported some forays into surrounding Negro neigh- borhoods and several Negroes were chased by mands of whites. Police said they had arrested a number of persons as they tried to disperse the gangs, which were knocking over garbage cans, running across lawns and generally being disorderly. At the rally, the third at the park in four days, some 500 per- sons heard speakers exhort them to stand up for the "white man's rights." LONDON - The British government approved yesterday plans for a price freeze backed by law, and refused to bend un- der union demands for relaxation of a wage standstill. Reactions to the decisions, reported taken at a cabinet meeting, were harsh from both business and labor. Both sides continued demanding concessions in the austerity program organized by Prime Minister Harold Wilson to protect the pound.. John Davis, director general of the Confederation of Brit- ish Industry, said his organization would not support a standstill policy unless "unacceptable and unworkable" parts of it were changed. TOKYO-The Japanese foreign ministry confirmed yester- day that visiting Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko had declined a request that the Soviet Union try to help end the fighting in Viet Nam. "We suggested that the Soviet Union use its influence with North Viet Nam to stop the fighting," Kinya Nilseki, foreign ministry spokesman, told a news conference. "Gromyko replied that the Soviet Union was not directly in- volved in the Viet Nam dispute and therefore had no intention of getting involved in the question of bringing peace in Viet Nam." PROF. ARTHUR G. HANSEN, chairman of the department of mechanical engineering, has been appointed dean of engineer- ing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The announcement of his appointment came yesterday from the University System of the Georgia Board of Regents. Hansen will begin teaching at Georgia Tech on Oct. 1. PROF. RUSSELL A. SMITIl of the Law School was ap- pointed head of a new committee to "seek out better methods" of relations between public institutions and their employes. The announcement came from Gov. George Romney yes- terday, as municipal employes in Grand Rapids were voting on whether or not to strike, and city employes in Lansing had just ended a walkout. Also on the board is Prof. Ronald W. Haughton, co-director of the University-MSU Institute of Industrial and Labor Rela- tions. -Daily-Thomas R. Copt ART CONFERENCE, EXHIBITION HERE The 14th annual art conference and regional exhibition, sponsored by the University extension service, opened yesterday. One of the programs in the conference (pictured above) featured portrait painter Helen Van Wyk. Miss Van Wyk chose a subject out of the au- dience and proceeded to paint his portrait, explaining as she went along the many things that go into painting a portrait. The exhibi- tion will run through August 12, in the Rackham galleries. PICKET MONDA Y: ClevelanrRefuses ToSee ReprsentatA"G ivesfrom Glnule Election To Fill Place on State Board Voters To Choose Two Members for Board of Education By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE There are two vacant seats on the State Board of Education which will be filled after the November elections. The terms of Donald Thurber and Dr. Leon Fill have expired. There are eight members onthe board and at the present time all are Democrats. The Republicans hope to take advantage of the two expired terms in an effort to place Republican people on the board. Charles Orlebeck, special advisor to the Governor, said that the Re- publican candidates at the pre- convention stage are James O'Neil, an executive with Ford Motor Company; LeRoy Augunstine, Chairman of the Bio-Physics de- partment at Michigan State Uni- versity, and Robert Cotton, owner and director of several nursing homes in Jackson. O'Neil was a former member of the Board under the old, four- member system. Both O'Neil and Augunstine were former candi- dates for the Senate seat which was eventually filled by the ap- pointment of Sen/ Robert Griffin (R-Mich) to the date Patrick M- Namara's seat. Both Fill and Thurber will seek re-nomination. Fill said that heR had been urged by fellow mem- bers of the board to seek re- election, A Lansing source indicated that there might be some controversy over Thurber's nomination by the Democratic party because of Thurber's opposition to the ap- pointment of Ira Polley as super- intendent of public construction.. After Polley's appointment Thur- ber said that he couldn't go along with the appointment and many members of the board expressed their displeasure at his stand. However, Neil Staebler, Demo- cratic National Committeeman for Michigan, said that it is "usually the case that if an incumbent seeks re-nomination to his post he will get it." He added that this was not a formal law but .rather "the political rule." The Board, prior to its re- definition as a result of the change in the state constitution in 1962, consisted of four members who were appointed rather than elect- ed. It was responsible for the lead- ership and general supervision over all public education under the auspices of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The present state Board of Edu- cation consists of eight members who are elected in the regular November elections. It is respon- sible for the planning and. co- ordination of higher education in the state, rather than having di- rect jurisdiction over the institu- tions of higher education. By MEREDITH EIKER included requests for more super- well as adults showed up. The Cleveland's mayor, Ralph Loch- vised playgrounds, extermination community is very much alive er, yesterday refused to see rep- of the city's rat population, more and the people want to act- sentatives of the riot-scarred traffic lights on Lakeview Ave. constructively if possible." Glenville neighborhood who Satur- and better safety patrols, a police The residents of Glenville de- day had presented him with a list review board, more Negro police cided to give the sanitation de- of eight demands. who understand the people and partment until Monday to collect According to Bill Ayers, '68, who ' their problems, and the resigna- the trash and then they will A cord ing toBillAyer '68,whotion of Police Chief Wagner and picket the mayor's office. "We've is ed'l'ently woi'king for Cleve- Safety Commissioner McCormick. planned to picket Monday morn- land s exCui ty Consider Demands ing for about three hours," Ayers explained ethatthe mayor would betay Locher had promised to read said, "and maybe for another tied up for the next two week and and consider the demands and three Monday afternoon. Tuesday cote upfoi hiet one hn then get in touch with Glenville the kids will probably move the concentrating his efforts on the representative who made the rubbish into the streets if it hasn't Bourhbdia'cs whrast Terek's Thursday appointment with the been removed." disturbances oriinated.rer iep- imayor. "The violence," continued Ayer.s, health and tative «wre directedsto Ayers said that of a more im- "has brought the people togeher; The demands whicha t offcil mediate concern to Glenville resi- it would be a shame if there were Te d d wi G i dents is the collection of trash no follow through by the Cleve- residents diew up at a neighboi- which Negro youths cleared from land administration." hood necting during the rioting alleys and backyards in a two- Meanwhile National Quardmen block area along Lakeview earlier this week. The clean-up followed are still present in Cleveland a meeting of teenage gang leaders though they get fewer in number who undertook the project in an each day. "Guardsmen have com- fbi effoirt at showing the city ad- mented," said Ayers, "that 'the al Pase inistration a willingness to work people are behaving.' They don't toward rectifying existing slum conditions. C' -r _ expect trouble and there probably won't be any between now and Sunday when the last of them leave." Grand jury investigations aimed at determining whether or not the racial violence in Cleveland' was part of an organized con- spiracy are also continuing as the first week of calm settles on the city. "While there has been plenty of talk about what happened, how it happened, and even why it hap- pened, there has been little talk so far about what will be done to appease the people on a permanient basis," Said Ayers. Nor has any substantial Negro leadership come out of the riots. The unity and willingness to work together which has appeared with- in the Glenville community will need direction and guidance. Ayers commented, "I'm not sure that if the kids decide to put the trash in ,the streets that it will be the right thing." 1 Senatorial Battle Enters Its Fi AIL _ _ _ __ By CAROLE KAPLAN Last of a Four-Part Series The race between Ex-Governor' G. Mennen Williams and Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh for the Democratic nomination to the U S. Senate continues into its final stage as expected, "reinforces my suspicion that his And Williams has reiterated his One recent development was the The youths piled the rubbish tf ? [Z t I1Ig ti (1 1n l .t ill real purpose in proposing labate support of the present U.S. policy offer of New York City Mayor along the curb where it could be is (( (, (, i i V was to create a public spectacle in Viet Nam, saying that "the John Lindsay, a Republican to easily picked up by the sanitation rather than public enligiifen- realities of the situation" require give Cavanagh his all-out support department. The sanitation de- 4 ment." U.S. support of the Ky regine, in the campaign. Cavanagh de- pairtment, however, has not yet F r tn o n even if it is a dictatorship, clined the offer however, report- been by. "And this," said Ayers. I e at g W a i nlasienal eneyx It seems as though Williams I"I don't like military dictator- edly because he felt it was not "is anothei reason why we went t eyersonal campaigyn a ships. But you can't have chas," appropriate to use out-of-state Re- to see the mayor. The administra- Ralph W. Muncy of Ann Arbor the Socialist Labor Patry, contend- tt the ex-goveinor said Wednesdy. publicans in a Democratic primary. tio should be aki evey has registered a complaint with ed that passages about :a- *d Recei~ves ext Vboks to legal and constitutional stand- ards in their treatment of 'civil