GENEVA AGREEMENTS: DO UNTO OTHERS... See Editorial Page C, 4 r 5kA1iFlUU ,43 a t I FAIR, WARM High--90 Low-07 Partly cloudy; chance of thundershowers Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 55S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1966 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES I I --- { Supports Johnson. China Policy Williams Campaigning In Detroit for Final Week in Senate Race By DANIEL OKRENT Special To The Daily DETROIT-Again following the lead of the Johnson administra- tion, former governor and Assis- tant Secretary of State G. Men- nen Williams has called for the "ultimate" inclusion of Mainland China in any "meaningful dis- armament negotiations." Speaking this weekend to a gathering of campaign workers in Detroit's West Side 17th Congres- sional District, Williams included this point in his outline to main- tain "increased understanding even with those with whom we disagree most," nearly echoing re- marks by Vice-President Hubert Humphrey a week earlier. Final Weeks Entering the final week of a campaign in which many see him heading for a nearly certain vic- tory, Williams is continuing to '. ignore his opponent, failing to mention- Detroit Mayor Jerome P. Cavanagh at any public ap- pearances. In an interview later, Williams spoke of "several inequities in the draft system." He did not, how- ever, mention any corrective pro- posals. "I believe that the work of the Congressional committee now in- vestigating the draft will lead to necessary solutions of these in- equities. I don't believe that I am currently in any position to make concrete suggestions," he said. Draft As to whether he subscribes to the lottery draft theory of Sena- tor Edward Kennedy (D-Mass) or to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's doctrine of choice be- tween military or civil duty, the tall smiling figure who spent 12 years in the Lansing State House refrained from direct comment, again affirming that his present position does not "lend itself" to a judgment of the draft issue. Asked what he feels are specific draft inequities, Williams said that Michigan's draft quota is twice as large as that in many other states, and unjustifiably so. Selective Service quotas are currently de- termined and assigned on the basis of a state's population. Answers Charge Williams also brushed off # charges made by Mayor Cavanagh following the former Governor's trip to Washington last Thursday to meet with New York's Senator Robert Kennedy. The Mayor had labeled the trip an "attempt to bolster a sagging campaign," implying that Wil- liams was seeking to capture some of the limelight constantly attach- ed to the popular Kennedy. Wil- liams said there was no panic in- volved, the meeting having been arranged considerably before hand. Optimistic The campaigns of -both conten- ders for the seat now held by Republican Robert Griffin are now moving toward their final stages. With the election only a week away, the Williams camp remains highly optimistic. His administrative assistant, Mike Murray, said that Williams ' will take a two-day rest before "beginning the campaign for the general election." 04r hirigau Bae NEWS WIRE Late World News By The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO-Brig. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell, son of World War II's "Vinegar Joe," the famed Burma Road general, was feared down at sea yesterday in a plane missing since one of its two engines failed Sunday. The aircraft carrier Yorktown, three destroyers, Coast Guard cutters, merchant ships and 20 planes pressed a massive search 700 miles out into the Pacific for the general who trains the Army's Green Berets, now fighting in Viet Nam. Stilwell, 54, commander of the Army's Special Warfare Cen- ter at Ft. Bragg, N.C., flew out Saturday night for Honolulu as co-pilot with two other men on a DC-3 being ferried to Thai- land's air force. He got permission to fly as far as Honolulu so he could increase his instrument rating as a flier. *~ * * * WASHINGTON-Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) introduced yesterday a bill to abolish the death penalty for federal crimes and substitute life imprisonment. "The death penalty is a symbol of a dying order of vengeance and death," he said, adding that there is no evidence that capi- tal punishment deters crime, The bill would not affect capital punishment under state laws. But Hart said 13 states already have abolished the death penalty and he hoped his bill would encourage other states to do so. CAM LAO, South Viet Nam-The North Vietnamese are bombarding U.S. Marines with propaganda pamphlets quoting statements made by U.S. Sens. Wayne Morse of Oregon and Er- nest Gruening of Alaska, both Democrats. "The North Vietnamese are throwing the leaflets all over the area of Operation Hastings and our people are picking them up," said a Marine officer. There are about 7000 Marines on Operation Hastings in a massive search for North Vietnamese just south of the 17th Parallel demilitarized zone. One of the pamphlets shows a pic- ture of a woman holding a sign which reads "My son died in vain. Don't fight. Go to prison." * * * WASHINGTON-Edwin O. Reischauer resigned yesterday as ambassador to Japan, and President Johnson immediately named U. Alexis Johnson to the important Tokyo post. For Johnson, whose first Foreign Service assignment was as a language officer in the Japanese capital in 1935, it was the achievement of a 31-year goal. THE MIDLAND CITY COUNCIL unanimously approved Voice's petition for a rally and parade there Aug. 7 and 8 last night. The rally and parade are in conjunction with the picketing of the Dow Chemical Company for its manufacture of Napalm. Voice's activities are part of the International days of protest against the war in Viet Nam scheduled to mark the anniver- The vote was unanimous and was passed without any discus- sary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. sion which was unexpected by the members of Voice present who feared local opposition. Bill Robbins, who runs a local telephone interview show, said that his calls were running about even as to those who were against Voice coming to Midland and those who felt Voice should be allowed to come. * * * * A MEETING with U.S. officials to discuss cutting off all federal urban renewal aid to Michigan has been requested by the state leader of the National Association for tl;e Advancement of Colored People in Ann Arbor it was reported by the AP. Dr. Albert Wheeler of Ann Arbor said yesterday he asked for a meeting as soon as possible with Dr. Robert C. Weaver, admin- istrator of the federal Housing and Home Finance Agency. Urban reneway policies are causing racial tensions across the state, Wheeler said. "The situation is really very serious," he added. "Every community has these tensions, with possible erup- tions." He said among Negroes' complaints were lack of adequate housing for persons displaced by urban renewal, slated demoli- tion of homes previously designated adequate, and lack of rep- resentation of affected persons on municipal commissions deal- ing with urban renewal, ARTHUR M. EASTMAN, of the English department and president of the Faculty Advisory Committee to the Regents on the presidential selection, will serve as a participant at the In- ternational Seminar on the Teaching and Learning of English. The seminar will be held at Dartmouth College from Aug. 20 to Sept. 16, 1966. -Associated Press RACIAL TENSION REMAINS IN CLEVELAND Members of the National Guard remain on watch in the Cleveland Hough Area. The tension of the past week has not yet died down. CITES RACIAL TEMPERMENT: Modern Irish Writers Abandon Ex-U.S. Aide Asks New War Tactics Cautions Against 'Americanization' Of Viet Nam Conflict NEW YORK (A) - A former presidential assistant, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., warned yesterday that increased "Americanization" of the war in Viet Nam could make that conflict virtually "un- winnable." "The more we Americanize the war-by increasing our military presence, by summoning Saigon leaders, like vassals, to conferences in an American state, by trans- forming the local war in Viet Nam into a global test between Amer- ica and China-the more wemae the war unwinnable," Schlesinger said. The former top aide to both Presidents Kennedy and Johnson was one of five foreign policy ex- perts asked to describe their per-_ sonal feelings about the war, as though they had just been asked by the President, "what should we do now?" Bitter Fact Others were Prof. Hans Morgan. thau, University of Chicago; Prof. Henry Kissinger, Harvard; Han- son W. Baldwin, New York Times military editor, and Herman Khan, Hudson Institute director. "The bitter fact is that the war in Viet Nam can never be won as a war of white men against Asians," Schlesinger said. He urged that the United States to encourage a civilian govern- ment, making sure that the re- gime "represents the significant political forces in the country and is capable both of rallying the army and carrying out programs of social reform." Recommendations He alsonurged the reconvening of the Geneva conference, a hold on the number of American forc- es in Viet Nam, a tapering off of the bombing of the North and discussions with Russia, France, China and other interested na- tions about the neutralization, un- der international guarantee, for all of Southeast Asia. Kahn and Kissinger said the United States cannot pull out of Viet Nam now. There would be, they said, what Kahn called "a disastrous erosion of faith in the United States" among those nations to which we have made commitments. Development Further, Kahn urged the devel- opment of a stable Saigon govern- ment and a minimizing of the U.S. nonmilitary role in Viet Nam. Kissinger said that while mili- tary action is necessary to defeat the enemy in Viet Nam, the prime issues are political and psycholog- ical. "If we cannot deal with political, economic and military problems as an integrated whole, we will not be able to deal with them in- dividually," he said. Baldwin took the position that the United States must win in South Viet Nam, but warned that it is the "eleventh hour." "It is not too late to win, but it soon may be," the newspaperman said. Victory Among" his suggestions for win- ning were a declaration of nan- tional emergency by Congress, ac- companied by authorization for a mobilization by the President of 500,000 reserves for two-year serv- ice and increased draft calls as necessary. He also called for an all-out campaign against the passage of arms from the North to the South by means of bombardment, quar- antine, blockade and mining of land and sea routes, and increas- ed pressure on guerrillas in the South. Lyrical Impressionism of Past By MEtREDITI EIKER Irish short story writers are to- day abandoning the "lyrical im- pressionism" which has long char- acterized their writing and striving instead for a "terse expression" and a "brashness of idiom," said Thomas Macintyre visiting in- structor, writer, and critic. As part of the Michigan Council of Teachers of English's sixteenth annual conference series, Macin- tyre spoke yesterday on "Writing Short Stories." The fifth of six lectures, Macintyre's talk opened with a brief attempt at defining the idiom of short story writing, calling the story the result of a "fanatic heart" and "efforts at trapping the lightning of exper- ience." Macintyre cited the racial tem- perament of the Irish people as being one reason for the growth and success of the short story in Ireland. He noted that the Irish writer takes "an obvious delight in the challenge of working in a limited area." The short story, he observed, is a "work in miniature" and it takes and "agile artist" to be successful within such a tiny framework. Macintyre pointed out too that Ireland's fragmented society has been suited to the short story. "England," he explained, "has no tradition of short stories, but ra- ther has a long history of novel authors. This is due, in part at least, to the years of stability present in the English society." Ireland, on the other hand, has no novel tradition and no stability within its society. "The interest there," Macintyre said, "has been in the individual-whether it be individual gaiety or desolation." Bitterness engendered by the civil war in Ireland which came at a time when the Irish short story was in its formative years, drove writers to the more personal form of short story writing rather than to the public form of drama. The Irish short story, said Mac- intyre, began with "form being dominant over material." The way a story was told was most impor- tant and thus the rambling Irish tales of the 19th century develop- ed. "Later, however," he continued, "material began to take prece- dence over form. The lyrical impression and way- ering rhythm long characteristic of the Irish short story has reach- ed the point where "in my genera- tion it is becoming arthritic and exhaustive," commented Macin- tyre. "The tradition does not need to be added to in a similar idiom, rather young writers in Ireland need a new way of stating the old." y 'Alive' Salinger and the Russian author Babel were seen by Macintyre as pointing the way for the Irish short story writer. "In answer to the Irish problem of too much lyricism, Babel particularly has shown what can be done with a line of high relief-potent and dramatio-and with a sharp, brash idiom." Where the Irish were once gar- rulous, Macintyre sees them now as becoming terse. For him the story of 700-1200 words, the highly compressed story, can be the most powerful. For the young writer in Ireland, as well as for every artist, Macin- tyre observed that there are two things for each to work out-an individual "landscape" and a "hand." He defined the "land-1 scape" as being that area of ex- perience in which the writer can be most comfortable and forceful. The writer's "hand" or technique -his way of saying things differ- ently-Macintyre saw as being the greater problem for the Irish writer. The landscape-the oppressed Puritanism-is obvious in Ireland. The method of expressing it is not," he said. On the specific writing of the short story Macintyre noted that the "American energy in short story writing appears to be of the sort which can be achieved, and often is, in an afternoon." He said that Irish writers spend months working on a piece-weighing lan- guage and rhythms and polishing several times. He said arrangement within a story is highly important to the success of its outcome and could serve to achieve maximum po- tency and dramatic explosion, par- ticularly in the compressed work. Larcom Calls Cit To Civil Rights Problems AUG. 2 PRIMARY: Williams Cavanagh Race for Senate To Increase As the date of the Democratic primary draws near, the Williams- Cavanagh race for the U.S. Sen- ate nomination is expected to pro- duce a final spurt of campaigning zeal from both candidates. G. Mennen Williams, who has ignored his opponent thus far, refusing to mention his name in speeches or to meet him in open debate, says he is certain of vic- tory. Nevertheless, he plans to spend up to 14 hours a day cam- paigning from now until Aug. 2. At a recent meeting Williams said that in the next few days, "toh- a hp A. li of Wl stands, relying on the force of his personal popularity to carry him to victory. Cavanagh Telegrams But Cavanagh, attempting to cut into Williams' sizable lead, has been sending public telegrams almost daily, stating his own po- sition on various issues and re- questing that the ex-Governor state his. Williams has replied to most of these, usually agreeing with Cava- nagh in a moderate way. Some of the issues that the Detroit mayor has raised are: __The' war in Viet Nam-Cava.- Activity -Michigan politics-Cavanagh has said Williams helped to alien- ate labor and management during his terms as Governor, to the ex- tent that both groups were harm- ed. Williams has not answered this directly, but his campaign literature claims he helped the state a great deal during his tenure in office. - Africa - Cavanagh's latest telegram concerns the recent de- cision of the International Court of Justice not to take action to end South Africa's apartheid rule. The Detroit mayor claims that the Ann Arbor was described as "a community that is alive to the ' problems of civil rights," in a+ document prepared by City Ad- ministrator Guy C. Larcom Jr. listing human relations activity in; the city. The 10-page report, authorized by the mayor and the City Council, was sent to Glenn T. Seaborg, chairman of the Atomic Energy{ Commission. It is part of an at- tempt on the part of Ann Arbor to convince the AEC to use a site in Northfield Township for its proposed $375 million atomic par- ticle accelerator. The chronology of civil rights activity was written in answer to another letter recently sent to the AEC. This was from Dr. Albert H. Wheeler, state chairman of the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People, Wheeler was very critical of race relations in Ann Arbor, and many feared this might damage the city's chances of successfully bidding for the accelerator. The document prepared by Lar- com and his staff said, "Without implying that all is well and that all programs have succeeded or are proceeding fast enough, Ann Arbor nevertheless holds forth this list of documented activity as in- dications of its sense of responsi- bility, its intentions and its direc- one ofvvneei s circiticuisms -Lne C in his "profile" was in the area shown g of police relations with the Negro problem community. relation In the'area of education, Larcom years." said that action has been taken by He ad the Ann Arbor Public Schools to course, end "de facto" segregation. He munities added that "The Human Relations tance of Commission is working with the atomica School Board to implement prac- Detroit tices to encourage the hiring of sumably more Negro teachers." Commis In addition to the work of the conditio city government, Larcom said that munitie cizes ofAnasn Amr aiv great public interest in the s of civil rights and racial s for the past several dded that "Ann Arbor, of is only one of many com- es within commuting dis- f the proposed site for the accelerator since the whole area is available and pre- the (Atomic Energy) sion will be concerned with ns in these other com-) s." r,.- of AxThanlnT"'c ohinf ovifinicmc. "fho i-ifi7 anc of Ann Arhnr hA.VP. STATE COLLEGE OF IOWA: Questions Right To Expel Students By EUGENE DOOLEY Does a state.-controlled college have the right to dismiss a stu- dent on the grounds of an un- satisfactory grade-point index? Ernest Seeman, the father of an expelled State College of Iowa sophomore, maintains that it can- not and to prove his point has filed suit in the District Court 'at Des Moines. The outcome of the case could have wide range ef- fects on the entire system of state-supported higher education. In the spring of 1966, Edward .p ,, a., rnha.tinn a+t r in Defendants named in the suit were Marshall Beard, registrar at SCI; J. W. Maucker, president of SCI; the State Board of Regents, and the State of Iowa. The attorney for the defense, State Solicitor General Timothy McCarthy, was not available for comment and left no official statement concerning the case. However, according to his office, he applied on July 5 for a special appearance in court and, although no official date has yet been set, it was believed that litigation wouildbegin "snmetime in Au- victory would bring about a low-t ering of educational standards orE a lowering of quality. "The col-t lege that educates most, educatest best." By most, he added, he< meant the number of people serv- ed by an educational institution. t Rather than viewing a victory1 as detrimental, he felt that a vic- tory would make higher education1 available to a greater number oft people.1 When questioned about the pos- sibility of political publicity on thei part of the plaintiff, Seeman saids "The boy's father is running for tion declined to make an official statement in connection with the case. Speaking unofficially, some members felt that the Seemans could not win. In the event of a plaintiff vic- tory a precedent would be estab- lished which would make it ille- gal for any state institution in Iowa to expel a student because of grades. Likewise, present grade- point requirements in specialized areas of study such as student teaching and teacher education, could be struck down. Another possibility is the illegal-