YES, LBJ, THERE IS A THIRD WAR See Editorial Page l6fir A6F :43 a t t CLOUDY High-85 Low-60 Continued warm; showers likely Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 54 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1966 SEVEN CENTS AA UPReports Great Increase in FacultySa FOUR PAGES laries By MEREDITH EIKER For the first time since 1958 when the American Association of ;University Professors began its yearly survey, faculty salaries dur- ing 1965-66 rose at "an annual rate sufficient to achieve a doub- ling over a decade." In its summer Bulletin issued earlier this week, the AAUP in- dexed colleges and universities across the country according to faculty "average compensation" and "minimum compensation" scales. "For all ranks combined," the report stated, "compensations in 1965-66 were 7.3 per cent higher' than they were in the preceding year," and showed the first in- creases after a two year decline. This year the University re- ceived an average compensation scale grade of +A and a minimum compensation scale grade of +B indicating both an increase in faculty salaries from the previous year as well as an increase in the rate at which University sal- aries are rising. Prof. Ralph Loomis of the en- gineering school, who is also state chairman of Michigan's AAUP, explained that an A ranking in- dicates that salaries at a particu-' lar institution can be expected to double within a 10 year period. "This means," he said, "that fac- ulty salaries must experience a 6 to 7 per cent raise each year in order to keep the rating." Loomis pointed out, however, that University faculty salaries have probably increased at a rate greater than 6 to 7 per cent be- cause the plus sign before the grade indicates improvement from the previous year. "Such improve- ment," Loomis said, "is only pos- sible with a better than 6 to 7 per cent rate of increase." According to the AAUP's "Eco- 4 Northwestern is in the $14,500-j nomic Status of the Profession Report," the University ranks high among institutions with average compensations for full-time fac- ulty members of $10,500 and above. The University is listed along with Columbia, Duke, Johns Hopkins, New York State University Gradu- ate School of Public Affairs and Yale in the $14,000-14,499 range. Harvard heads the list with an average compensation range of $17,500 and above, while only Northwestern among the Big Ten schools leads the University. 14,999 average salary range. The University's compensation grades of A on the average scale and B on the minimum scale are equivalent to those of Cornell, Northwestern and Stanford. Lake Forest College and Parsons College received the highest grades: A on the average scale and AA on the minimum scale. The AAUP report also found that in general faculty incomes at liberal arts colleges rose more rapidly than those at universities, those at church-related institu- tions went up faster than those at public institutions, whose rate of increase exceeded that at pri- vate institutions. The survey indicated too that not all institutions shared equally in the escalating incomes of higher education-some institutions still have salary levels which are ex- ceedingly low. Colleges lacking large endowments or those seeking to educate students from the poor- er economic groups faced yearly financial problems and as yet had not reached what the AAUP con- sidered to be "adequate" faculty compensation. Southern institutions, which for years had been found to have significantly lower salaries than those in the rest of the country, closed the faculty compensation gap somewhat between itself and other regions during the past five years. The AAUP noted, however, that "regional income differentials for any profession reflect a variety of influences" including the fact that talent may be distributed un- equally among regions. Cost of living in a particular location may affect faculty salaries as well-- a lower cost of living, a lower average salary. Several institutions were singled out by the AAUP report as having made "outstanding accomplish- ments" in efforts to improve the economic status of their faculties. Among Michigan schools receiving such recognition were Michigan Technological University, Univer- sity of Detroit, Michigan State University and Ferris State Col- lege. The AAUP faculty salary surveys will continue until 1968, Loomis said, when the first 10 year period will be over. He indicated that at that time new standards and rating scales would be drawn up. Testify At Hearings On I idhigan Bai InterrogationE Bem, Kamisar Give Testimony on Effects - - Of Police Methods By MICHAEL HEFFER Two University professors are among those testifying before a Senate subcommittee on the ef- fects of recent Supreme Court de- cisions on confessions, interroga- tions and other police procedures. Prof. Yale Kamisar of the law school and Prof. Daryl Bem of the Center for Research on Language* and Languages Behavior testified on the opening day of hearings of the subcommittee on constitutional amendments of the Senate com- mittee on the judiciary, last Wednesday. Bem said yesterday that the purpose of the hearings is to in- vestigate the effect of the con- troversial Supreme Court decisions on police work. Policemen across the nation have claimed the court's rulings have considerably tied the hands of policemen in ob- taining confessions. (The hearings will be partially televised by the National Broad- casting Company at 3:30 Sunday.) Bem, in his appearance at the hearings, told the senators that it was quite possible to convince a witness that false information is actually true, and that true in- formation is false. He said it is even possible to convince someone to confess to a crime he never committed. The basis of this claim is that "there are circumstances in which the very act of confessing or m ak- ing a set of statements itself - fects the individual's own beliefs." "We find that an individual will believe his own statements to the extent that he has made those statements under a minimum of inducement or coercion." In other words, the witness never discovers he is making a false statement. Bem illustrated this at the hear- ings by asking someone questions about something she had done ear- lier. As he asked the questions and she answered correctly, a green light went on. Eventually, whenever the green !light was on, the person began to' believe she was telling the truth even when she was not. In the same way, said Bem, a clever interrogator could phrase his questions so that a witness kept giving correct information. After a while, said Bem, the wit- ness, believing he was telling the: uth, could be led farther and farther from it. Bem said this is not really coercion, but turns out to be much more effective than force. The public must be protected from such practices, he concluded. "We need to protest the indi- vidual more," said Bem. Despite; what policemen claim, they do not need more sympathy from the courts, he concluded. Late World News By The Assoiated Press NEW YORK-ONLY TWO incidents, which police termed minor, disturbed the precarious calm of ,last night in the East New York section of Brooklyn whei'e racial groups have bat- tled almost nightly during the past week. During the evening, a motorcyclist was hit by a brick as he passed through the area, but was not seriously hurt. Shortly before midnight, police arrested eight persons from a group of about 45 who had run down a street screaming, "Get the whites, get the whites!" All were charged with unlawful assembly and disorderly con- duct, and one, who resisted arrest, was charged with felonious assault on a police officer. See related story, Page 3.' SAIGON---THE LEADERS of South Viet Nam's militant Buddhist minority denied early today that anyone tried to kill a young monk who died from burns after his gasoline-soaked robes caught fire. Police claimed that before the monk died last night he made a statement indicating he was drugged. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY trustees approved a 1966- 67 operating budget of $60.9 million Thursday-up $8.9 million from last year to handle 3,200 more students, the Associated Press reported yesterday. Of the total. $44.2 million is from the state treasury and $14.9 million will come from student fees. The state appropria- tion is up $5.6 million from last year. Philip J. May, MSU vice-president for business, said MSU's business office also will collect and disburse an additional $70 million for contract research, international aid programs, ath- letics, student accounts and other auxiliary enterprises. The school expects 38,730 students on its East Lansing campus this fall, compared to 35,500 last year. To take care of the addi- tional students, he said, the new budget provides $4.2 million to add 266 faculty positions and 257 other jobs. OAKLAND UNIVERSITY is seeking to establish a profes- sional resident repertory theatre. Warren M. Huff, Michigan State University Board of Trustees chairman, has announced that John Fernald, former principal of London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, will head the project. Oakland is affiliated with MSU. Fernald will start rehearsals in September with a troupe of at least 16 actors, aiming for an inaugural performance in December or January. A minimum of 26 weeks of performances is planned, including an eight-week summer season. The idea is to establish the acting company first and then add a drama academy later next year. The troupe, to be known as the John Fernald Company of the Meadow Brook Theatre, will perform in the new 600-seat Matilda R. Wilson Hall on the Oakland campus. It is anticipated that a new 1,250-seat theatre will be built on the campus in the near future. THE PEACE CORPS, for the second 'time in its five and one- half years, is recruiting volunteers for a specific overseas assign- ment-in Kenya, where there is a critical need for teachers and land settlement officers. The goal is for 160 volunteers to begin training in mid-Sep- tember and mid-October. The deadline for applications is Aug. 15. In a crash recruiting program on major college campuses in May and June, 2800 people responded to a sudden call for 400 volun- teers to go to America's Pacific Trust Territory (Micronesia). Peace Corps Director Jack Vaughn, following a recent trip to Kenya, described the shortage of teachers as "crippling." He said the Kenyan government had asked for a sharp increase in the number of volunteers now teaching there and for additional volunteers to work with land settlement schemes, managing large tracts of ex-European farmlands on which the government is settling landless families. One More Dies in Riots In Cleveland Guardsman Calls Lawless Four Days 'Guerilla Warfare' CLEVELAND, Ohio (P)-Gunfire yesterday took the third life since rioting exploded four days ago in a Negro slum and blazed into a nightly guerrilla warfare by fire bombing arsonists. "We are fighting a guerrilla war," said Col. Robert Canter- bury, commander of nearly 2,000 National Guard troops called up last Tuesday after two nights of wild rioting by Negroes. (Atty. Gen. Nicholas Katzenbach said last night that the federal government is "prepared to offer any assistance which might be requested or which might reason- ably be expected" to help halt the big city racial riots.) As the fire bomb attacks lulled last night, Police Chief Richard Wagner disclosed at a news con- ference his men had found a makeshifa fire bomb school. The third killing came at dawn. A Negro man, Samuel Winches- ter, 54, was felled by a bullet near a bus stop about three miles from the troubled center of Hough. Before he died, Winchester gasped that his assailant was a white man, shooting from a car. A few hours later, Negro Coun- cilman M. Morris Jackson called on Mayor Ralph S. Locher to de- mand martial law for he riot- struck area after violence had left three dead, more than 30 injured and heavy, continuing property damage. Locher conferred with National Guard officers and police officials. Then he announced that a curfew and martial law still was under consideration but no action had been decided upon. An 850-man guard unit from the Cleveland area was pulled home from summer training camp at Camp Grayling, Mich., 24 hours ahead of the original schedule.,An aide to Gov. James A. Rhodes said in Columbus there were nio plans to use the Guardsmen in Cleve- land "as of now." Locher said he expected in- creased lawlessness over the week- end. He said he had taken ample pecautions,buwolntea- orate. The police chief said he was convinced that fire bombs were be- ing manufactured at an East Side house used by a militant Negro group. Fire has wrought heavy damage in widely scattered areas. In four nights, firemen answered- nearly 250 calls-many of them ignited by crude fire bombs, often gaso- line-filled pint size whisky bottles. "We know there is a school training these kids how to make fire bombs," Wagner said. -Daily-Thomas R. Copi GOING OUT IN A BLAZE .0 Much of the remains of the West Physics building were destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The structure, which was being demolish- ed to make way for an addition to the general library, burst into flames from workmen's torches ignited oil-soaked floors. Dozens of firemen on the scene used high-pressure fire hoses in an attempt to bring the blaze under control. The east wall of the structure, that closest to the Undergraduate Library, collapsed into the driveway separating the two buildings, but the other walls, which firemen feared might collapse, remained standing. READY IN FALL. SekRao m nG ogaGoverning Disciwplinary Action, By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE 1 Student pressure at the Univer- sity of Georgia has resulted in the draft of proposals aimed at re- forming the present student disci- plinary proceedings. The students circulated a peti- tion among the student body and members of the faculty calling for a change in the present system early in the spring. Prof. D. Meade Feild of the Georgia law school, with several members of the law faculty, prepared a draft which is now being reviewed by a presiden- tial committee. The committee has not been able to review the pro- posal thoroughly, according to Feild, because they would like to put the new system into operation at that time. Feild noted that in the present system "if a student were to be seen on campus with his shirttail out he would be packed up and shipped home." The reform measures would en- sure the student due process of law in disciplinary proceedings. The proposals as they now stand provide for: -The prohibition of illegal searches and seizures; -The serving of adequate no- tice upon students before disci- plinary proceedings began and -The right of representation by a lawyer or lay advisor. The proposals also outline the manner in which the hearings should be conducted; -The hearings would be held before a board which would con- sist of at least three members but not more than five. The members of the board should come from the faculty and at least one member should come from the law school. A specific term would be desig- nated for the members. Full au- thority to hold hearings, make de- cisions and to apply penal regula- tions would be made, which in turn should be supported by the evidence. -The University of Georgia would be responsible for providing sufficient evidence supporting the chargeagainst the student. At the conclusion of the hearings the board should find the student in- nocent unless sufficient evidence has been presented. -The p r osec u tilnig officials should present evidence by way of witnesses or documents. Feild said tions. Both students and officials would be notified of any pending changes. -The board would be required to conduct an open hearing. -A confession of guilt by a student would not be accepted un- less it was voluntary. -Until the hearing is held, the status of the student would not be changed and his right to attend classes and university functions wouldremain the same. The pres- ent practice of seizing ID cards during an investigation would be prohibited because such seizure amounts to punishment before conviction, the report states. Un- der the new system the student would only be required to present his ID card. --Upon conviction the student would be informed of his right to appeal. Feild said that these proposals were not intended to criticize the disciplinary officials of Georgia but that the standards proposed are merely those things which seem essential if disciplinary pro- cedures "are to accord with due process." Feilds said that he 'hoped" the reforms would be accepted in the fall. He added that while many of- ficials support the old system the student pressure for reform is very strong. Group May Hold Referendum ToStp loin o Uio Po REACTION TO THREATENED TRIALS OF PILOTS: Griffin Predicts 'All-Out War' Demand . LANSING UP} - The trial and erate handling it on a purely po- portedly was not nearly so en- sentencing of United States air- litical basis," he added. couraging. men by North Viet Nam could lead Griffin is running unopposed in But there has been "a dramatic to a public demand for "all-out the Republican primary, while improvement," he said-due prob- war," U.S. Sen. Robert Griffin (R- former Gov. G. Mennen Williams ably to his appointment to fill Mich) said yesterday. and Detroit Mayor Jerome Cav- the vacancy created by the death If Hanoi carried through on its anagh fight for the Democratic of U.S. Sen. Patrick McNamara threat--and many exnect it will- nomination for the Senate seat last spring, "a trend both here and general election campaign," he added. Griffin, in turn, said that Sen- ate Minority Leader Everett Dirk- sen (R-Ill), House Minority Lead- er Gerald Ford (R-Mich) and Sen. Thruston Morton (R-Ky) "are an- xious to help in the Michigan cam- By CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Co-Editor A group of students, faculty and alumni who are opposing the clos- ing of the Union Pool and its con- version into office space, an- nounced yesterday plans to present their case to the Union manage- ment in the near future. James Nourse, an alumnus who is acting as spokesman for the group. said the pool, contrary to action taken will be to present9 to management a letter outlining their obligations and to arrange a meeting to discuss the closing of the pool. If the management does not agree at that time to halt the renovation plans, according to the; Union constitution, the group must then petition them, with sig- natures from 200 Union members who oppose the action. If the Un- ion management does not wish to injunction, but added that no plans for this action have been made. Nourse felt that the conversion of the pool into office space, in addition to depriving the central campus of needed recreational space, was a waste of the Univer- sity's money. He said that the cost of refurbishing the pool in order to attract a larger clientele was a fraction of the cost of turning it into office space which could be