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July 20, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-20

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r mals,

Declared War


Formal War
Not Issued
Prisoners Not To Be
Considered Under
Geneva Convention
By The Associated Press
TOKYO-North Viet Nam's am-
bassador to Peking said yesterday
that captured U.S. pilots are "not

-Associated Press
PREMIER CHOU EN-LAI of Communist China greets Tran Tu Binh, left, North Viet Nam ambassa-
dor to Peking.
Johnson Wants Congressional
dHold on Nondefense Spending

WASHINGTON (P) - President anti-poverty bill which the House
Johnson called yesterday for a is scheduled to consider Wednes-
congressional holddown on non- day.
defense spending, saying the al- A plea to the House to heed
ternatives are substantial deficit Johnson's economy cry, at least
financing or a tax increase. on the domestic front, came from
He mentioned another alterna- a Democrat, Rep. George H. Ma-
tive, wage and price controls, but hon, of Texas, who nevertheless
virtually ruled that out. Few, if urged approval of a $58.6-billion
any, recommend such controls, defense budget appropriation bill
Johnson said. although it is $900 million over

Johnson's request.
"In my judgment," he said, "the
President has already requested
too much for nondefense spend-
Mahon said what Johnson was
"really talking about" was a labor-
welfare appropriations bill which
"went through the House un-
necessarily high"-$490 million
over the budget.

Concerned by what he called
add-ons by Congress to his spend-
ing recommendations, the Presi-
dent urged that appr =opriations be
held as nearly as possible to
Already, he said, add-ons to
his nondefense spending request s
amount to almost $1 billion and
that, barring reductions, they
could run to $5 billion to $6 billion.
The President's warning was
described by one Republican as so
strong as to call for postponing
action on many remaining admin-
istration bills.
That view was given by Rep.
Melvin L. Laird of Wisconsin who
reported the request to a m. eting
of House GOP members.
Laird said the Republicans
agreed to cooperate by voting
against taking up the $1.75-billion

Claims Javits Knew
More Than Dodd

prisoners of war but war crim-
inals" and will be tried, Japanese
correspondents in Red China's
capital reported.
The United States had warned
the North Vietnamese against such
The correspondents said Am-
bassador Tran Tu Binh told a
news conference North Viet Nam
does not consider the case of the
prisoners as coming under the
Geneva Convention for humane
treatment of war captives. The ap-
parent reason is that there has1
been no formal declaration of war.
Heavy Casualties
In Saigon, thousands of U.S.
Marines hunted near the 17th
parallel for North Vietnamese reg-
ulars who finally broke off a costly
human-wave attack Monday after
inflicting heavy casualties on two
Marine platoons-90 men out-
numbered about 10 to 1.1
Contact in and around the jun-1
gled Song Ngan Valley dwindled]
to light and sporadic exchanges
in the wake of a battle that an
American officer estimated left'
a Red regiment of 1,000 troops+
with 500 dead or wounded.
The rest-survivors of Marine
fire and the hammering of sup-1
porting planes and artillery-may
have split into small groups.
The reports of Tran Tu Binh's
statement were the first to in-
dicate the pilots wil be tried, al-
though the North Vietnamesedhave
been threatening trials for months.-
In Prague, Czechoslovakia, North
Vietnamese Ambassador Phan Van
Su told a news conference: "The
captured pilots will be sentenced;
according to the character of their
Increase Danger
The correspondent for the
French News Agency in Peking,
reporting on the lecision to try the
Americans, quoted unnamed ob-
servers as saying the U.S. warn-
ings only endangered the captured
U.S. pilots.
The observers were said to feel
that North Viet Nam would appear
to be giving way under U.S.
threats if it did not try the pilots.
A recent report from the Pen-
tagon said there were 37 known
American prisoners of war in
North Viet Nam but how many
are pilots was not known.
Concern for their safety has ris-
en in the United States since some
of them were paraded July 6
through the streets of Hanoi, the
North Vietnamese capital.
Communist broadcasts said
crowds cursed the pilots.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
told a Senate subcommittee last
Thursday that the abuse of any
prisoner held by North Viet Nam
would be "a grave development

-Associated Press
PEOPLE MILL AROUND RUINS in the Hough section of Cleveland, where rioting and looting occurred last night.
Racial Violence Continues n Cleveland

By The Associated Press
Ohio Gov. James A. Rhodes or-
dered 1,000 National Guard troops
into Cleveland last night because
of racial violence in that city.
Rhodes' office said he acted at
the request of Cleveland Mayor
Ralph S. Locher.
The guardsmen were ordered to
report to an armory in Cleveland
to begin duty at 6 p.m. in the
racially troubled Hough area,
where some 200 armed police al-
ready patrolled.
Worst Violence
The police were checking re-3
ports of sporadic brick and rock
throwing in the wake of Cleve-
land's worst racial violence, in
which one woman was killed.
In Chicago, Police Supt. O. W.
jWilson announced N a t i o n a 1
Guardsmen would stay off the
streets of the West Side riot zone
last night-if there was no out-
break of violence.,
The troops, he said, would be on
standby duty.
Four Days
The troops arrived in the area
Friday, the last of four days of
major rioting that resulted in two
deaths and 50 injuries.
Relative peace has prevailed
since then.
In Cleveland, Police Chief Rich-
ard Wagner said 400 policement
were assigned to the predominant-
ly Negro area.
There were 200 men there Mon-
day night when a 26-year-old
woman was killed in an exchange
of gunfire between police and
Joyce Arnett was calling for her

children from a second-floor win-
down when she was shot in the
head. No one was able to tell
where the bullet came from.
Six policemen and one fireman
were injured in the rock- brick,
bottle and fire-mob throwing, none
seriously. "At one point it was
sheer bedlam," said Capt. Richard
Two Negroes were wounded by
gunfire and two others were hit
by flying objects. None of the
tour was seriously hurt.
Windows Smashed
Police cruiser windows were
smashed and tires slashed. Roving
gangs smashed store windows and
Started at least eight fires, police
Firemen needed police protec-
tion when they were pelted with
rocks and bottles. Some fire hoses
were cut.
One fireman said, "Wer'e not i
hired to fight a guerrilla war, and
that's what this is."

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Wagner said the rioting

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"confined to a small band of
hoodlums and opportunists."
Just before daybreak a fire from
a supermarket spread to an adja-
cent apartment building. All occu-
The eight-block section contains
pants got out safely.
about 75,000 of this city's estimat-
ed quarter-million Negroes. Most
live in dilapidated and old apart-
ments in the Hough section.
There were conflicting reports
on what touched off the rioting.
Wanger said he had heard two
versions, one that it started at a
bar on E. 79th Street and Hough
The owners are white. Trouble
started when owners reportedly
refused to serve free ice water to

Wagner said another version was
that a woman had gone into the'
same bar, soliciting patrons for
money to help pay for the burial
of a friend.
The woman reportedly was
ejected and told neighbors, who
returned and started looting the
bar's cash register.
It was the second racial vio-
lence to hit Cleveland in less than
a month. There was sporadic
trouble June 22-25.
A 10-year-old Negro boy was
shot and wounded June 23. Police
said the shot was fired by a white
man in an automobile.
There area was along Superior
Avenue in a racially mixed neigh-
borhood less than a mile from the
Hough section,


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WASHINGTON (P)-Public re-
lations man Julius Klein testified
yesterday that Sen. Jacob K.
Javits knew more about his
troubles with West German clients
than did Sen. Thomas J. Dodd-
and said both men helped him.
The chunky, 64-year-old cigar-
puffing publicist-who insisted he
is no lobbyist and no press agent-
gave sometimes contradictory tes-
timony to Senate ethics investi-
gators looking into Dodd's rela-
tionship with Klein.

World News Roundup

"Would you have been satisfied
if Sen. Dodd had done or said
whatever Sen. Javits did or said?"
asked Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy
"That's right," said Klein.
Klein said he had been depicted
as a Nazi sympathizer, and Javits
defended him.
Javits. a New York Republican,
told a reporter he mentioned
Klein's name in talks with former
German Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer. and Foreign Minister Hein-
rich von Brentano.
In both instances, Javits said,
the discussion dealt with Klein's
views on German reparations to
Jewish victims of Nazi persecu-
"I thought Klein's position re-
flected credit on him," Javits said.
Klein testified he turned to
Dodd. Javits and other senators
for help after the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee conducted an
investigation into the activities
of foreign agents.
That was three years ago, and
Klein said it hurt his image with
his German clients.

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By The Associated Press
rejected 48 to 35 yesterday a move
to give the administration's pro-
posal for long-term foreign aid
authorization a two-year trial, as
the House had voted.
The Senate vote upheld its For-
eign Relations Committee's refusal
to authorize the economic aid for
more than the traditional one
y e a r. President Johnson had
sought a five-year authorization to
make long-range planning easier.
WASHINGTON - Airline strike
talks turned critical yesterday. The
machinists union said it would put
management's latest offer up to a
vote of 35,000 strikers if there is
no contract agreement by today.
A vote among the strikers on
the five major airlines shut down
by the walkout would take from
three to five days. The strike is
now in its 13th day.
rJAKARTA, TIndonesia-Fear of
civil war in central Java increased
yesterday as reports poured in of
clashes between opponents and
supporters of President Sukarno.
Lt. Gen. Suharto, the Indone-
sian strong man, made a speech at
a student conference in Jakarta
asking the memberrs to tone down
their utterances.
His talk appeared designed to
cool off the powerful student group
-called Kai-that led the fight
resulting in stripping Sukarno of
his once all-powerful authority.
* * *
PARIS - France dropped her
first atomic bomb from a plane
yesterday as she pursued her pro-
gram of atmospheric nuclear test-
ing in the South Pacific.
A supersonic Mirage IV bomber,
flown half way around the world
for the tests, let go the device
+htp atoll of Mururna lust

the device was of 20 kilotons-
that is, it exploded with the force
of 20,000 tons of TNT.
The French scheduled the test
so it would not interfere with the
flight of the U.S. Gemini 10 astro-
nauts, John W. Young and Mi-
chael Collins. They were due over
the South Pacific explosion area
an hour after the scheduled drop.

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