PAGE TIVO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNF. TIAV_ TL'TY V211. 7494 , .. WOTEMIHGN AL VIL'flNT~i~julV VT'I f OflW JJ . V Li~ Ih Red Chinese Soviets into Accusations Force TIGHT MONEY: New Housing Figures for June Drop to Lowest Level Since Recession of 1961 w Defensive P '' { 1 By The Associated Press day after day with violent abuse. Kosygin declined to ,use the Soviet attitudes toward Viet Vice Premier Chen Yi calls the Soviet position as co-chairman of Nam leave the impression that the Soviet leaders "accomplices and the 1954 Geneva conference to re- Communist Chinese have hit upon flunkies of U.S. imperialism." convene its members. an effective form of blackmail People's Daily calls Moscow "the He turned down suggestions which permits them a large meas- hub of Washington intrigues." It that he intercede with Hanoi to ure of influence over Kremlin brushes aside Soviet denials as withdraw its threat to try U.S. policy. nonsense and alleges "U.S.-Soviet prisoners as war criminals. The Chinese become more and secret collusion to force the Viet- Fears Escalation more vituperative in accusing the namese people to accept peace There has been evidence that Kremlin of plotting with the talks" by the bombing of the out- Moscow fears an escalation of the United States to achieve peace in skirts of Hanoi and Haiphong. Viet Nam war might get out of Viet Nam. And Moscow appears "No denials can change the hand. Two new factors could con- to be more and more on the de- fact," People's Daily insists, tribute to significant escalation. fensive. The more violent such attacks, One is the threat to try the As if fearful of providing the the more the Kremlin leaders seem American prisoners, the other Red Chinese with evidence that the to try to prove that they are in- China's offer of its territory as a Soviet leaders are lukewarm revo- deed heart and soul behind the rear area for the Vietnamese Coin- lutionaries, the Kremlin retires Vietnamese Communist cause and munists. behind a stone wall of noncoopera - rigidly against compromise. However, both China and the tion. Rejects Approaches Soviet Union 'appear to have pro- It rejects any suggestion that Premier Alexei N. Kosygin re- vided themselves with safety it might occupy the role of referee jected the approaches of British valves. Both leave key decisions to to lessen the Southeast Asian Prime Minister Harold Wilson the Hanoi regimte. threat to world peace, then had this rebuff announced The Soviets say a decision on Peking bludgeons the Kremlin to a news conference. prisoners is strictly Hanoi's busi- >.sition ness. China says a decision to accept use of its territory as a rear area is up to Hanoi. Up to Hanoi Both say that a decision to call for "volunteers" from any Com- munist nation is entirely up to Hanoi. Neither sound anxious to have "volunteers" offers aceepted. Hanoi's response to all this has been to complain that its situa- tion is extremely serious and ask for greater "moral and material strength" and morecohesion in world Communist ranks. From China it received in re- ply a reiteration that Peking will "take action any time we consider it necessary" and an expression of Peking's faith in "the unshakable confidence of the Vietnamese people in their resolve to fight and win.'' This leads some to conclude that China still wants to avoid direct involvement and a showdown with the Americans, while Peking coa- tinues to work to bring about a Soviet-American clash. The way Soviet policy reacts to the Chinese propaganda lash, Peki~ng might consider that its efforts can one day bear fruit. TT~ DLI WASHINGTON (A) - Housing starts dropped again during June to the lowest level in more than five years but the fall wasn't as hard as the 14 per cent tumble of a month earlier. The continuing decline in hous- ing starts to the lowest level since the recession of early 1961, how- ever, triggered the nation's home builders to call an emergency meeting for July 27 to discuss depressed housing conditions and to lobby on Capitol Hill for more mortgage money. The Census Bureau, in its monthly report, said the number of new privately owned housing a seasonally adjusted annual level units begun during June dipped to of 1,288,000 units, one-half of 1 per cent below May's revised level. The bureau had previously fig- ured May's level at 1,306,000 units on an annual basis but dropped that Tuesday to 1,295,000, like June the lowest since May 1961, when the seasonally adjusted an- nual rate was 1,248,000. The National Association of Home Builders repeatedly has charged that the industry has been a sacrificial goat in the ad- ministration's drive to stem in- flation. "This is how concerned we are," one association official said in announcing the emergency meet- ing. "This is just further proof of how much we have been hurt." June was the third straight month for a drop in housing starts which last year totaled 1,542,700 units. The level reached 1,569,000' units during March but dipped to 1,499,000 in April before plum- meting in May. The scarcity of mortgage money, one phase of the current tight money market which is marked by an interest rate war for savings between commercial banks and savings and loan associations, is a major factor in the receding num- ber of housing starts. Slowdown Earlier this year, the Securities and Exchange Commission report- ed a slowdown in the growth of savings deposits at banks and savings and loan associations- and a shift of individual savings to- ward government bonds and mu- tual funds. The Johnson administration al- ready has asked Congress for "prompt legislative action" to pre- vent further increases in interest rates which in California have reached 5 per cent on some types of bonus accounts. The House Banking Committee' has scheduled a meeting on the question for next Monday and will look into the possibility of im- posing a ceiling on interest rates which can be paid by both types of financial institutions on dif- ferent types and amounts of de- posits. The Census Bureau said it has no indication as yet what the pattern of housing starts will be this month but it reported a drop in building permits issued in June to 941,000 units on a seasonally adjusted annual basis. Permits during May totaled 1,098,000 on an annual basis. Although the May drop was general throughout the country, the June figures were mixed with increases in housing starts in the Northeast .and South and declines in the North-Ceneral and West- ern areas. Africans Pose Threat of Force Following World Court Ruling Federal Research Grants Favor Science, Handicaps Small Liberal Arts Colleges Iue L0 I IdII1! I THE HAGUE, Netherlands 0)-- the South-West African People's Nationalist leaders from South- Organization. West Africa, incensed over the "The surpeme test must be fac-I World Court ruling in favor of ed, and we must begin to crossI South Africa, are threatening many rivers of blood on the march bloodshed to win freedom for their to fre'edom." white-ruled territory. A spokesman for the South- The 8-7 decision handed down West African National Union in in a crowded Hague courtroom Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, warned: Monday caused jubilation in South "The international community Africa, rage throughout black Af- must bear the consequences of rica and concern in London and what may follow." other Western capitals. The U.S. State Department did Black African fury exploded at not comment immediately on the word that the international tri- based on a legal technicality aid bunal had thrown out the six- not lessen the indignation in Afri- year-old suit by Ethiopia and Li- c:'urt ruling. beria to break South Africa's con- rhe fact that the ruling was' trol over the 317,000 square miles can and Asian capitals and in the of mineral-rich land. corridors of the United Nations. of mineal-rih latnd. aThe court held that Ethiopia The League of Nations awarded and Liberia had no legal right to South -Africa the mandate in 1920.bring the suit as individual mem- Rise in Arms bers of tho League of Nations only be brought by the league council-which no longer exists.1 Case Killed Sh tD w Thus the case was killed with no decision on the black African e R a charges that South Africa had D u i g R i misruled the territory by imposing its apartheid policy of racial seg- Saigon AP)-Three U.S. planes regation on the 450,000 nonwhites were shot down over North Viet who are more than 85 per centNam yesterday during raids on of South-West Africa's population. Nin eterday Hrng raids on "TiilcnvneArcn oil depots near Hanoi, the U.S. "This will convince Africans Command said today. that thoven~ a ~ ot hsnic Mat, U cIIe CU I I ex 'NPeCC tion to be settled by ULis ueiV' reasonab.l e means," Ambassador Achkar Mar- of of Guinea, head of the UN committee on apartheid, said at UN headquarters in New York. South African Prime Minister Henrik Verwoerd hailed the de- cision as "a major victory" in a special broadcast to the nation. The most important implication of the ruling, he said, was that an attempt by black African na- tions to mount "a drastic attack against South Africa" has failed. Two of the planes were downed by anti-aircraft fire and the oth- er was shot down by a Commu- nist MIG-the first U.S. plane lost in aerial combat in more than a year. North Viet Nam's official news agency earlier claimed 10 Ameri- can planes were shot down over North Viet Nam yesterday and that a number of U.S. fliers were captured. The U.S. Command said the three pilots of the downed planes were listed as missing.j "We have no alternative but to rise in arms and bring out libera- tion," declared a representative of Court President Sir Percy Spender of Australia, who cast the deciding vote, held that such action could DAFLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 1) That Cal knows how to compete for talent is proven by its being ranked this year as "the best balanced distinguished university in the country" by the American Council on Education, surpassing Harvard for the first time. - Alienation The whole process-the huge- ness of the universities, the lack of contact between student and scholar-tends to reinforce the feeling of alienation that has be- come a real problem for many institutions. Kerr should know. Students at California's Berkeley campus have been in ferment for two years, complaining and protesting about these very things, among others. The troubles at Berkeley result- ed in a searching inquiry by a fac- ulty committee on what to do' about it. Faculty Avoids Students Speaking generally, the New York Times commented, "the in- nocent freshman arriving on cam- pus with the idea that a university is a place to have intimate contact with great and learned minds often discovers that some of the faculty want to have as little to do with the students." Brookings' Orlans noted in his independent study that a dean at one great university is supposed to have once remarked, "The sight of an undergraduate makes me sick." But the "grossest imbalance of all," the Orlans study says, is "the heavy concentrate on the sciences and neglect of the humanities." Market Place Value It is the scientists who get the federal research money, and their value in the academic market place has climbed accordingly. One important way they have zoomed above their colleagues in! the humanities is with federal Walter Kerr of the "New York Tribune" calledI A THURBER CARNIVAL "A completely captivating revue!" grants that continue through the summer months. Most academic salaries are on a nine-month basis and this added income puts them ahead.+ Orlans said, "An institution, like a nation, cannot long endure half slave and half free. The breach between the humanists who teach; more hours for less pay and the scientists who teach less hours for more pay has been opened by federal programs-or, to be more accurate, by historical forces which have affected federal pro- grams and the academic market." Top Universities The largest federal grants go to the already established top universities, such centers of ex- cellence as the University of Cali- fornia, the University of Chicago, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology-about 20 in all. The theory behind it is that it is in the national interest to buy the best research available, and' therefore the government goes where the best research is. Phone 482-2056 Ent700wSCARPENTERRODng Open 7:00-Now Showing I I TS Moliere s Delightful Farce THE RELUCTANT DOCTOR UNIVERSITY PLAYERS (Dept. of Speech) presenft In the years since World War II this led to establishment of national laboratories, operated by the institutions, at some of these centers of excellence. Judgment Sound Orlans concluded there was "no reason to challenge the essential soundness of the judgment that placed the great national labora- tories at a few institutions now receiving several hundred million dollars a year from the federal government." He said: "There was only one Fermi and one atomic pile, and they were at Chicago; one Law- rence and one Cyclotron, and they were at Berkeley; one Wiener, and he was at MIT. The Daily Official Bulletin is an oIttcial publication of the Univer- sity of Michigan for which Ihe NlMchigan Daily assumes no editor- ial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYLEWktKITTE:N form to Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be- tore 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Snnday. General Notices may be published a maxi- mum of two times on request; ay Calendar items appear once only. Student organization notices are not accepted for publication.. WEDNESDAY, JULY '0 Day Calendar National Band Conductors Conference Concert-Brad]ey Spinney, percussin- ist: Recital Hall, School of Music, 9 a.m. National Band Conductors Conference Concert--Flcrian. Mueller, oho ist, Theo National Band Conductors Conference have a student identification card. Concert-Durand High School Band, Robert Green, conductor: Rehearsal} Hall, School of Mu'Ac, 3:45 p.m. C1liege of i iterature, Science and the Arts Lecture-Jhillp Grierson, Gonville and Camus College, Cambridge, "Mcdi- eva] Mint Output": Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, 4 p.m. National Band Conductors Conference ('on cert- Bet levile High School Band, Edward Downing, conductor: Michigan Stadium, 8 p.m: Dept. of Sl)Ieeh t'niversit Players Performance - Harold Pir:er : "Th Thate,8 """" University uIsical Society Summer Series Concert Ex eln'e Croch), pin- ist: Rakham And, 80 )m. (i~',__r_ _ ____ These continuing students may secure in icentification card by making appli- cation at window A of the Office of the Rgistrar in the lobby of the Ad- ministration Bldg. during regular work- lug hours M nday through Friday. All students will be required to have an identification card in order to register durnn 1 .ei trati n, Aug 29-31, 1966. Publie Relations Firm, Mieh.-Man- aw hip opening in speialzed form o pub]i- relations,. candidates should ~ave pulic relaions work exper. or nxaageniat biltyinl th~~ i hel. Local manager i given croniderable aiton- -Appi;ld I eseareh Laborattories, Inc., Glen dale, Calif.- Applications Division Manaer-Assaite Director of ResearchI and Develpment.1 Responsible for fa- ril:te Iafa drslsin (dev. of oi' iimeih ala y'i. , 'petroscopy. PhD ii Pl Appi. lvs.. Phys. Chem Axial. .l m Illo Iligs. lio. Chemn. Es- tabi s ied n ,s eretroscoy, I adership kmowi in ecoui of capital-type indus- tril and research mn:trnnsation. La nagement Consultants, New York Area -Chtg Indu tid Engineer. Re- palriibe to Plant Mianager for mndust. eagug. dept. Degree in Indust. or Mech. Engineering:. Exeper. in Installing in- e:ntive plans for factory operations, 1prefrably In mtal workin G rowing University in Michigan-As- .Iant Pulitirbons Editor needed any timwe after Aug. 1. Journalism or writ- in bkd. Man or woman, age not im- ] tntt ro specific experience required. Know. o grahc, and som;~e photog;- anage~ent(' nstulants-East Coast ' cm:pa i piy. tarospaice research and mann. of precision measuring in- struments, vacuum equipment and lab- 'ratory processing apparatus needs Vice- President and Director of Acquisitions. Will develop the corporate plan for profitable expansion through acquisi- tions and assist the president in for- mulating company objectives. He will be responsible for screening, initial contact, preliminary and continuing ne- gotiations and the thorough analysis of state of the art literature relating to corporate objectives. Min. three years in acqu and diversification of a la rgo corporation. Undergrad degree in engineering and MBA with emphasis on financihl planning. A multi-division man ufcturer of office equipment, shop equipment; and other precision metal prodtucts needs. Director of Corporate Marketing, respon. for policy guidance on all division marketing activities. Several years of responsibility for a miijor marketing or sales planning func- tion, total of 15 years broad industrial e- per. Undergrad degree in engineering and MBA. For further information ph-dse call 7134-760, (eneral Division, Bureau of Appointments, :200 SAH. St:LMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: Ilunt Foods and Industries, Toledo, Ohio-Looking for students to work in iood processing plant. Apply now, start work first of August. Good wages and overtime paid. Details at SPS, 212 SAB, Lower Level. 4:00 P.M. July 28th and 29th TRUEBLOOD AUDITORIUM (U of M Frieze Bldg.) Send Check and Order Form below to Children's Theatre, Dept. of Speech, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor =------= ---- --------- --- -- m mm m * THE RELUCTANT DOCTOR u 1 enclose $ for Children's tickets (50c) Adult tickets ($1.00) I I r Performance: Thursday Friday # NAMEPhone_ _ Address City Please mail my tickets to me. I enclose a selfi * stamped envelope. u * _ Please hold my tickets at Trueblood Box Office.f Open 12:30-5:00 P.M. beginning Tues. July 28. EI Make checks payable to University Players I "" " !! !I"""" " r I a a University of Michian school of M Student Accounts: Your attention is sic: Recital Hall, School of Music71 I caled to the t,. i wing rules passeO by a.m. the Regents at their rneeting on Feb 28, 1936: Students shall pay all aecoru it National Band Conductors Conference due the University not iltrr than they concert-University Summrr S"!om last day of classes of ech seme-ster Band: Rehearsal Hall, School of Music, or vmer session. Student loans which 1.30 p.m are not paid or renewed or subject to Aa regultion; Lhowever, student Ilans Audio-Vis!a] Education Center Film not yet due aie e: mpt. Aiiy unpaid Preview--"oPrrait of a Disadbantagd accouits at the close of business on Child," "Portrait of the Inner Cit," the last day otf classes wll be reportrd and "Portrait of the Inner City School": to the Cashier of the University and Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li- ai All acadr-mic credits will be with- brary, 1:30 p.m held, the grades for the semester or summer session just completed will not he released, and no transcript of credits I wtI be iss ied. ORGANIZATION A sun oi s w i a t be alowed to regi.ter in any . 'e rua;ent mestfer or -umMe-r ses- NOTICES ___s n= " sinuntil payment has been made. Student Identification Cards: Stu- dents who enrolled for the first tine L SE OF Tils COIJ'MN FOR AN- tin the summer half-term and who will NOUNCEMEN'TS is available to officialy be continuing in the fall term, should h PANANSIOW and METROCOLOR . ALSO -A ,SWIM, DOG,THE MONKEy GEC"TJ G Shown Y U tE F only A COLLEE y r NEGgt0 GI RL PLUS: "Race with the Wind' Color - Sports in Action 2 Color Cartoons i I N 11 C / 'sa / " recognized and registered student orga- nizations only. Forms are available it Room 1011 SA B University Luth"ran Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw, book review: "The Docu- ments of Vatican IL" reviewed by Rev., Arthur Spomer, Wed., July 20, 9 Midweek devotion, "Christian Goals in Individual Lives," by Rev. Scheidt, 10 pm ___ o"Nowsm in W ago 40 'o -P=-m Cooled by Refrigeration DIAL 2-6264 ENDS TONIGHT Triple-Threat Hero! Three-In-One Lover! ERR-Y h\ ost dazz2., qeZl e age DIAL 5-6290 --vwc - .- : _ti___ F fe -f- r -f ff fa o e 4;g v OPENING TONIGHT University Players (Dept. of Speech) present ยง if Presents EVELYNE CROCHET, French Pianist Tonight at 8:.30' in RACKHAM AUDITORIUM (appearing in Summer Concert Series) PROGRAM: Ending Tonight ONE SHOW ONLY AT 7:15 U!,. 1% i st B .d:se Fantasy and Fugue in A minor Three Pieces, Op. I I Sonata in D major, K. 311 ThrePieces. Oh. hndhnim'nu Bach Schoenberg Mozart Schubert 3 i 11