FRIDAY, JULY 15,1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TIRE ; FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1966 TUE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGI~ THIU!R L full J 1 ll LVt'/ll Ms UIYUnlikely To Admit Communist China in Fall UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (/P)- Despite all the talk about in- viting Communist China into the United Nations, the General As- sembly is unlikely to do that this fall and may give it even fewer votes than last year. Various U.S. scholars favor Communist China's admission, but not enough UN members are for it to make it come to. pass. Delegates estimate that in next fall's General Assembly a resolu- tion to oust the Chinese Nation- alists and seat the Chinese Com- munists will get several fewer votes than it did in last fall's assembly. That last resolution failed Nov. 17 on a 47-47 tie vote, with 20 nations abstaining. That was not so close as it looks because the assembly had decided it would take a two-thirds vote-not just a simple majority-to change Chinas in the United Nations. Nine of the 11 countries that husk put the question before the last assembly already are talking about how to handle it in the next one starting Sept. 20. Algeria and Cambodia have drawn up a mem- orandum setting forth their case. Ambassador Hsueh Yu-chi of Nationalist China told a reporter: "There will be six or seven more votes against the admission of the Chinese Communists." Hsueh cited as some of the reasons why the Communists had lost votes: his own government had won friends away from them; some African countries had caught them redhanded at subversion; and sudden changes in govern- ment had brought some changes in Communist Chinese policy. As far back as March 28, U.S. Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg remarked: "I would say right at the moment that there are fewer votes for admission of Communist China to the United Nations than there were at the last assembly." The following month UN Secre- tary-General U Thant said in- dications were that the question of the Chinese seat "will not be solved in the coming 21st session of the general assembly." Nevertheless, the issue will be argued out along familiar lines. Among the arguments for seat- ing Communist China are: -She is entitled to it. -Without her the United Na- tions is not "universal." -Some 690 million Chinese lack representation here. -Such world problems as dis- armament and the war in Viet Nam cannot be settled without Peking. Among the arguments against seating Communist China are: -She is not entitled to it be- cause the UN Charter says the United Nations is for peace-loving countries only. -She does not represent the Chinese people because they look to the Republic of China on For- mosa. -She is so hostile to the United Nations that she would only ob- struct settlements. -This open hostility shows a lack of interest in coming here. The Republic of China is a charter member of the 21-year- old United Nations. Its govern- ment fled to Formosa in 1949 when the Communists established the People's Republic of China on the mainland. agenda. By a 61-34 vote the assembly adopted a resolution sponsored by Australia, Colombia, Italy, Japan and the United States providing that any proposal to change the representation of China would need a two-thirds vote to pass. After that the Assembly de- feated a Soviet resolution to oust the Nationalists and seat the Communists. The vote on that was 36 for and 48 against. In 1962 the Soviet Union got usual resolution, which was de- feated 41-57. The assembly skipped the issue in 1964 because of a deadlock over financing peace-keeping op- erations. In 1965 it came back to the question, but the United States and several other nations got in first with another resolution say- ing it took a two-thirds vote to decide the China-seating issue. That resolution passed 56-49. The pro-Communist resolution then failed on the 47-47 tie. Its sponsors had a lot of trouble with it. They first drafted it to seat Communist China without specifying that Nationalist China be expelled. Then they got word that Peking wanted the expulsion spelled out. So they changed the resolution. Some diplomats later said the change had cost them five or six votes. Since the margin against the Chinese Communists had narrow- ed, hints were thrown out that the United States might shift its policy and agree to let the Chinese Communists into the United Na- tions provided the Nationalists were allowed to stay in. Such a two-Chinas scheme made sense to countries that argued in favor of a universal United Na- tions. It also made sense as a devise to keep the Chinese Com- munists out because they had said they would not accept it. But it did not make sense to the Chinese Nationalists. They claim there is only one China and they represent it. They worried over the two-Chinas talk and over Vice President Hubert H. Hum- phrey's remark last March 13 that the policy toward Communist China should be "containment without necessarily isolation." They stopped worrying when Secretary of State Dean Rusk, visiting Formosa this month, said the United States still recognized "the Republic of China as the government of China" and added, "We oppose the seating of the Peiping regime in the United Na- tions." The State Department uses the "Peiping" spelling. When a New York newspaper published a .Washington report that the United States was con- sidering a switch to a two-Chinas plan, three members of the U.S. delegation said they had never heard of such a thing in their mission. The official word from the U.S. mission is that "the policy re- remains the same-the tactics are under review"-and that a de- cision on tactics will be made in September. But the decision will involve only such matters of detail as whether it would be better to have the China debate early or late and whether the United States should push another two-thirds vote resolution. The United States decided inI the same question on the agendaI 1961 that it could no longer mus- ter the votes it had collected for 10 years postponing the issue. It had New Zealand propose the "question of representation of China in the United Nations" for the assembly's agenda. The Soviet Union then proposed an item titled "Restoration of the Lawful Rights of the People's Re- public of China in the United Nations." Both were put on the again and introduced a similar resolution, which lost 42-56. India quit sponsoring Peking's candidacy because of border trouble with the Chinese Com- munists. The Soviet Union quit because of its ideological dispute with the Communist Chinese. In 1963 Albania, the Chinese Communists' European ally, got the question on the agenda and, with Cambodia, submitted the Protests TI y Captured [reats Pilots To Tr- By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-In an implied warning to North Viet Nam, Unit- ed States officials said yesterday any trial of captured U.S. pilots as war criminals "would inflame the feelings of the American peo- ple." These officials refused to say what' kind of counteraction the United States might take if the North Vietnamese went through with their threats. Officials who asked not to be named spoke to newsmen several hours after Secretary of State Dean Rusk told a Senate Judiciary subeommittee the United States would view as a "grave develop- ment indeed" any abuse of Amer- icans held prisoner in North Viet Nam. The North Vietnamese on a number of occasions since the air war began have offered similar threats but officials appear to to take them more seriously thisi time. The U.S. officials coupled their remarks about inflaming Ameri- can feelings with a prediction that such war criminal trials would "outrage the conscience of people throughout the world." They said the U.S. government is doing everything possible to as- sure that Americans in Commu- nist hands are getting proper treatment. Rusk Testifies husk testified before the Sen- ate subcommittee that the United States is working on the problem but that he could report no as- surances "as to what the outcome will be." Off Capitol Hill, other officials said the United States is working through many channels, including the International Red Cross. The officials, underscoring a State Department declaration, contended that any war crimes. noi with Sidewinder missiles in su- trials of U.S. pilots captured by personic dogfights three minutes the North Vietnamese would be and 28 miles apart. "completely contrary" to the 1949 A slower and older MIG-17 had Geneva convention on treatment been blasted to pieces Wednesday of war captives. by another of the heat-seeking Deny Charges Sidewinders, this one fired by a The officials disputed allega- Navy Phantom. tions that the United States has Together these boosted the an- been inhuman in its bombing at- nounced toll on the Soviet-design- tacks and other military opera- ed fighters to 17 destroyed and tions. one probably shot down since the "We believe the civilian casu- first air-to-air engagement of the alties in North Viet Nam have war April 4, 1965. been very small," one official said. The U.S. command has report- He said that the inhumanity ed the loss of four planes in com- has been on the other side, in ter- bat against the MIG's. rorism practiced by the Commu- On the political front, Buddhist nist Viet Cong and the North sources said Thich Tri Quang has Vietnamese against South Vietna- agreed in principle to end the par- mese villagers and local officials. tial hunger strike that he launch- In military action, U.S. Air ed June 8 in an effort to force Force F-4C Phantoms, still offi- Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's govern- cially barred from hitting Hanoi's ment to resign. jet air bases, felled two Commu- They said they expected him to nist MIF-21 jets northwest of Ha- drop it later this week. That could mean the militant monk intends 'to return to active campaigning! 0 ,u against the regime. Approval Officials of the Saigon clinic where Quang is hospitalized, how- ever, said he was still limiting S ta n d a rdhimself, as before, to liquids. 7IU.S. planes staged another prop- aganda raid Wednesday, the sec- ond of the week. A spokesman mounted to minimize the likeli- said they dropped 2.7 million leaf- hood of injury to a person wear- lets urging North Vietnamese sol- ing a lap-type seat belt. diers to give up. -Ashtrays and lighters to be As if in response Radio Hanoi shielded, located away from the broadcast a Viet Cong claim that passenger or driver impact area. about 5000 South Vietnamese troops "deserted in the first NoChanges $3.3 BILLION: MadeinCIA House P WASHINGTON (/)-The House Super1-' Nv ision passed the $3.3-billion foreign aid authorization program last night WASHINGTON (P)-After a 3%l2 - and the votes of four Republicans hour debate behind locked and saved the multiyear authorization guarded doors, the Senate refused time period sought by the ad- yesterday to alter its system for ministration. supervision of the Central Intel- The "no" votes of GOP Reps. ligence Agency. Ogden Reid of New York, Joseph A 61-28 roll-call vote denied the of.Mass a nd StanleyCRt Senate Foreign Relations Commit- of Massachusetts, and Stanley R. tee three seats on the select pan- Tupper of Maine, helped defeat el which oversees the spy-and-in- a motion to recommit and cut telligence agency. the program to a single year. The Ign agency emvote on this motion was 193-191. In parliamentary terms, the de- Conte and Tupper cast their cisionustained a point of order# votes after the roll was called but raised by Sen. Richard B. Rus- before the tally was completed. sell (D-Ga) 'and sent the resolu- The vote on final passage was ton to the Armed Services Coi-,237-146, with 36 Republicans join- mittee. ing 201 Democrats in favor, and Russell's point: The resolution 89 Republicans and 57 Democrats' offered by the Foreign Relations opposed. Committee involves national se- All attempts to cut the multi- curity, and therefore is in year authorization and to trim the province of the Armed Serv- any funds from the nine-section ices Committee. bill were beaten. By sending the Foreign Rela- A series of minor amendments tions Committee's resolution to which do not affect substantially Russell's Armed Services Commit- any section was accepted. tee, the Senate clearly doomed it. Reid, a former ambassador to In the final minutes of public Israel, said he had seen how the ssesion, Russell accused the For- aid program works and "I know eign Realtions Committee of try- the longer term will save money Ing to muscle in on the territory and make for better planning." of his committees. The total authorization in the asses Aid Program bill, including various special and minor programs, is $4.1 billion for fiscal 1967 and 1968. But the ad- ministration has asked that only $3.3 billion be appropriated for 1967 and Rep. Thomas E. Morgan (D-Pa), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, "This is the important figure to look at." The bill authorized two-year programs for the first time on all sections except the Development Loan Fund and Latin-American Alliance for Progress, which are for five years as in the past. The administration first pushed for a five-year program, but the House Foreign Affairs Committee trimmed it to two years. The Senate has not yet acted finally on the foreign aid bill but its Foreign Relations Committee Government Finalizes Of New Auto Safety ONE SHOW ONLY AT 7:15 R COOLED BY i&YIui~r.JREFRIGERATION Triple-Threat Hero! Three-In-One Lover! b b has voted only a one-year pro- gram, a reversal of its past posi- tion. This is the first time the House.has voted for more than a one-year program. The House defeated efforts to cut the program's contingency fund from $150 million to $70 million; set a 25-year limit on installment repayment of loans; cut the Alliance for Progress from $850 million to $750 million and trim $25 million from supporting assistance funds. Amendments. adopted included one expressing the desire no funds be used in any activity or program that is contrary to U.S. foreign policy. Another prohibits any funds in the bill from going to the United Arab Republic unless the President finds it in the national interest. PHONE 482-2056 Entaxc UxARPEtiTER aaAD OPEN 7:00 NOW SHOWING America's Funniest Family in their F,ItSr~T ULENGTH pFATURE Shown at 8:45 &12:00 ALSO. I Shown at 10:40 Only PLUS-THE THREE STOOGES IN OUTER SPACE ITTERS" "GREAT RIVER" IN COLOR WASHINGTON (P)-The gov- ernment's long-awaited new and revised auto safety standards which are expected to become the basis for general vehicle safety standards were approved yester- day. Lawson B. Knott, Jr., general services administrator, signed the approved regulations yesterday morning and they were filed with the Federal Register for publica- tion today. The standards apply to vehicles purchased by the government, and wlil become effective on purchases of autos manufactured after Oct. 13, 1967. Proposed standards were an- nounced last spring and comments were taken into consideration in the final regulations, which it had been planned to issue before July 1. A spokesman said changes were of a minor nature. During congressional discussion of pending auto safety legislation it was stated the federal standards are expected to be made applic- able to all automobiles on an in- terim basis by the secretary of commerce. The new regulations set up nine new standards requiring: -Controls on windows and doors to be constructed, located or World News Roundup -Arm rests to be constructed to' minimize force or spread the area of contact upon impact by an oc- cupant. -Padded seatbacks to be used in sedans and buses, including school buses, carry-als, station wagons and light trucks; intracity type buses are excluded. -Head supports on the front seat to protect against neck in- juries, such as whiplash. -Side marker devices for se- dans, carry-alls, and station wag- ons to make them visible at night etiher through electrical or reflec- itve systems. -Rear-window defoggers on all sedans. -Roll-bar structure on utility- type light trucks to protect occu- pants In the event such soft-top vehicles overturn. --Fuel tanks and fuel tank fill- ing pipes to be constructed so as to insure against rupture. Both the' bill passed last month by the Senate and the measure now pending in the House Com- merce Committee require the sec- retary of commerce to issue ini- tial auto safety standards by Jan. 31, 1967, to take effect not less than 180 days or more than one year after that. months of this year," some re- turning to their families and oth- ers switching to the Communist side. Protesting the followup raid last Thursday against the Haiphong oil depot, President Ho Chi Minh's government charged the United States is "plotting to stage a naval blockade and paralyze the ports" of North Viet Nam. Such a move has been advocated by some Amer- ican military authorities but the ports, like the jet air fields, re- main immune. The Hanoi foreign military ac- cused the American Navy fliers of "directly menacing foreign mer- chant ships which were then in the port" and engaging in provo- cations against a number of for- eign ships at anchor in Ha Long Bay, up the cost from Haiphong. "In vain do they worship ne, teaching for doctrines /he conn- mandinents of men." -Matthew 12:50 THE ERlM THAT WAS TEN YEARS AHEAD Of ITS TIME IS T[N YEARS OWD.., (it's time -. I Plus 2nd FEATURE Dino De Laurentii's THRILLING SUSPENSE COMEDY "AND SUDDENLY IT'S MURDER" I (A JERRY LWIS PROUUUIUN) e Mary Ann Mobley Gila Golan DIAL 2-6264 11 By The Associated Press Washington bureau that its BELGRADE, Yugoslavia-Par- porters will be barred from liament yesterday elected former Aug. 5 wedding. Foreign Minister Koca Popovic, the son of a capitalisthas vice DARJEELING, India-The president under Tito in the coun- j tire staff of the Commi re- the en- unist Continuous Friday one o'clock w~- -wr . " V 'r~r. DIAL 5-6290 eetwt 4ti Modern eool try's hierarchy. Popovic was elected for a four- year term to replace Alexander Rankovic, who resigned after be- ing purged of his Communist party position. * , * NEW YORK-Women's Wear Daily said yesterday the White House has revoked its credentials to cover Luci Baines Johnson's nuptials because it published some sketches in connection with the wedding. Publisher James W. Brady said Elizabeth Carpenter, press secre- tary to Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson, notified the industry trade paper's Chinese newspaper People's Daily, published in Tibet, has been dis- missed for "anti-Mao" ideologies, Radio Lhasa has announced. A broadcast from the Tibetan capital, monitored here Wednesday night, said a new staff had taken over the ffbetan language news- paper and had as its first task publishing the thousands of letters received from "the T i b e t a n masses" condemning the former staff. TEL AVIV, Israel-Israel and Syrian jets fought above Syrian territory yesterday and both sides claimed victory. CHURCH OF CHRIST 530 West Stadium w r rrw rrr rr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrrrrr rrr I i I 1ri ummuum mmmimm immmmmimmm a TONIGHT and TOMORROW a at 8:00 P.M. in the AIR-CONDITIONED LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE C8 U UNIVERSITY PLAYERS (department of speech) present C8 jv, T MWoShoY the wevWd eaeliest anpd rr~est e~zzlirIyfierxaIe III I !E Art and Film Discussion Satyajit Ray's THE WORLD OF APU FOCUS-THE AMERICAN FILM DIRECTOR: ' U 1 CLARENCE BROWN t t t 1 t ' t ' t ' (1946) ' I t 1 t t t 1 One of the mosttouching andpoignant 1 of American films. tStarrina m III 1 1 11 I I !!/II/ll111111{IV \\\ "' I