MEDICAID HELPS POOR AND NOT-SO-POOR See Editorial Page , 4c Bk rgauC~ ASP 40P :43 a t #1 CLOUDY High-83 Low--65 Showers likely; windy and cooler Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VOI. LXXVI, No. 47S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 14,1966 SEVEN CENTS Tuskegee: Problems Prevent Necessary FOUR PAGES 'an ges By CAROLE KAPLAN Special To The Daily Third of a Four-Part Series TUSKEGEE INSTITUTE, Ala.- Tuskegee Institute faces some serious problems which seem to effectively block attempts to bring its policies and its campus in line with the rapidly-changing require- ments of its students. Shortage of well-qualified per- sonnel, lack of adequate funds and equipment, and a scarcity of alter- natives for many students combine to prevent the changes which would bring to Tuskegee the stim- ulating intellectual and social at- mosphere -so essential to learning. schools are the oldest and most Besides these factors, which are firmly established. Courses in edu- somewhat external to the Institute cation, food administration and however, there are several aspects clothing and design are also of- of the problem which are insepa- fered. rable from its history, its campus, Booker T. Washington, the and the students themselves. founder of the Institute, advocat- For instance, Tuskegee was es- ed a policy of co-operation and tablished as a technical and voca- conciliation toward the white personal initiative were never a part of the Tuskegee tradition. The tradition of the "Tuskegee Family"-still a part of every ma- jor speech by the Institute's presi- dent-in which the students are children, is apparent in the strong emphasis on religion, the exten- sive social regulation and a pro- pensity for making moral judg- ments on the part of the admin- istration. In addition to the difficulty of overcoming the strong conserva- tive traditions that dominate the Institute is the near impossibility for students to maintain contact with the outside world. The campus itself is only a few miles from the town of Tuskegee, but this town has no movie the- atre (the one that was there closed after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and no good restaurants or departmert stores; it offers no stimulation or entertainment, so students are forced to rely on what they can find on campus. The nearest city, Montgomery, is over 40 miles away, and even there the facilities which welcome Negroes are extremely limited. Most students cannot afford to do much traveling, so tile isolation of the campus is really quite ef- fective. At the Institute itself, there are movies shown in the gym every Friday and Saturday night, sev- eral lectures, debates or discus- sions each week and regular dances or "soul sessions" about every other weekend. But the large number of stu- dents simply standing around central campus on weekend nights, gathered in small groups outside the Union or near the fountain, testify to the limited interest in these attractions. A third factor, and possibly the most important, is the background of the students themselves. They lack the social, cultural and edu- cational preparation needed to motivate them to improve life at the Institute. Apathy goes deeper than mere discontent with the college; it is a result of generations of the Negro being kept "in his place," of growing up in a home where there were no books, where neither par- ent was educated and the values were always shaped by material insecurity and fear of the white world. This is the most serious problem of all, and until it is overcome little can be done. There are a few small groups of students who would like to take some action, institute new programs, protest some administrative policies and broaden the scope of intellectual activity. But these students can accomplish little without the sup- port of many students, and at Tuskegee, concrete support is hard to find. If it could be foundi, it would be a major step toward improvement of the educational experience available at the Institute. tional school to give Negro stu- dents an opportunity to equip themselves for occupations which were open to them at the turn of the century. Although the Institute now has a college of arts and sciences. the agricultural, veterinary and trade community, and the qualities stressed for students were dili- gence, dependability, trustworthi- ness and respect for authority. Al- though these are admirable quali- ties, other traits such as original- ity, independence, ability to or- ganize and take responsibility, and 'U' Denies It Sereens For CIA Placemient Director Says CIA Receives No Special Treatment By PATRICIA O'DONOHUE Evart W. Ardis, director of the Bureau of Appointments, took is- sue yesterday with a statement of the Central Intelligence Agency, by Rex Grieves, personnel director that the University screens stu- dents for interviews with the CIA. Ardis denied the statement of the CIA official, made by Grieves, that "The University and Michi- gan State University do a good job of screening students in advance." Grieves made the comment after noting that the Big Ten institu- tions provide many employes for the CIA. University policy, according to Ardis, is not to screen applicants for any recruiting organization. Equal Treatment He said the CIA comes to his office like any other business and lists its requirements for prospec- tive employes. These are then posted in the Daily Official Bul- letin, which appears in The Daily. The appointments bureau insists that all employment notices in the bulletin include the name of the employer, along with all neces- sary requirements and time of interviews. The requirements for the CIA junior officer training programI are that the applicant has a Bachelor's Degree (a masters if the recruitee is a woman) a B average, knowledge of a foreign language and countryand is be- tween the ages of 21-35. CIA Recruiters If the applicant has these quali- fications the bureau will set a time for the CIA recruiter here, John * F. Forrester, to interview him. The University offers no more assist- ance than to provide the room for the interview and space in its bul- letin for the recruiting anchor. Ardis said that Forrester has told him that the students he has interviewed here have been among the best he has seen in the coun- try. But, Ardis stressed, this is not because the University has in- tentionally screened these people for the CIA's benefit; the only screening was done by the Office of.Admissions whendthese people were accepted as undergraduate students. Ardis said that the CIA recruit- ers usually come in October and February. There are no concrete figures on the actual numbers of students the CIA has recruited because the CIA cannot tell the placement office which students have been employed. m~iegarn IailV Requests Two-Year t1 ff~t i 11r' 1/ A wwI Kr Late World News By The Associated Press CHICAGO-Disturbances erupted late last night about three miles apart as Negro gangs tossed rocks and started fires on Chicago's west side. Violence in a near southwest side Negro neighborhood, which had been quelled earlier by a massed police drive and a rain- storm, erupted again as youths smashed windows and threw homemade bombs into buildings. GRENADA, MISS.-City police arrested 35 Negro pickets who were parading through downtown streets yesterday drumming up support for an economic boycott against white merchants. "It was not an orderly picket," said City Prosecutor Bradford Dye. "We charged them with obstructing traffic." The pickets, most of them teenagers. squatted quietly on the hot sidewalk near the curb while awaiting the arrival of a police bus that carted them off to jail. FEDERAL JUDGE EDWARD McLEAN dismissed a suit by two University students seeking to have their local draft boards return them to deferred student status yesterday in New York, the Associated Press reported. Judge McLean ruled he had no jurisdiction in the matter of Peter Wolff, Grad, and Richard Shortt. The two students had their 2-S classitication changed to 1-A some weeks after they took part in the sit-in protesting U.S. policy in Viet Nam on Oct. 15 here. * * * ARDNER ACKLEY. top economic adviser to President 'Johnson, will spe~ak on "Thy se of Economic Knowl- edge" at the first August Commencement of the University. On leave from the University to serve as chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, he will address the 1966 summer class at 2 p.m. Sunday, August 7, in Hill Auditorium. Ackley, University professor of economics and department chairman, has been a consultant to numerous government agencies, foundations and research organizations. A Citation of Honor and a Honorary Degree will be presented by the Regents during the Commencement festivities. An estimated 1750 students will be graduated in the first August ceremony for the University, now on a year-round academic calendar. THE MIDLAND PLANT of the Dow Chemical Corp. will be picketed by 50 members of the Ann Arbor chapter of Students for a Democratic Society on Aug. 6 because the cor- poration manufactures napalm, a jellied gasoline used in Viet Nam, an SDS spokesman announced yesterday. The spokesman, Peter Steinburger, chairman of SDS, said the group will probably be joined by pickets from the Detroit Committee to End the War in Viet Nam. Representatives of Dow Chemical said they will take no action to prevent the demonstration. "We endorse a citizen's right to legal and peaceful demonstrations against actions with which he does not agree," the company said. GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY has approved more than $886.1 million in education spending for the current fiscal year, his office announced yesterday in Lansing the Associated Press reported. The $586.8 million school aid bill and the $229.3 million higher education measure were among 10 bills signed into law late yesterday. They represented the bulk of the $974.5 million general fund budget for the 1966-67 fiscal year, which began almost two weeks ago. edical School Expansion -. (State Board -Associated Press CIVILIAN JOINS SAIGON CABINET The military government of South Viet Nam announced yesterday that Dr. Nguyen Lun Vien, left, a civilian has been added to the cabinet as second deputy premier in charge of social and cultural affairs. ZONING, BUILDING CODE: City Planning Cn 3ReviewNew Housing ProposalN ro Consider Proposal Committee Presently Studying Michigan's Health Care Facilities By MEREDITH EIKER Michigan State University yes- terday requested the State Board >f Education to approve expansion >f MSU's new two-year medical school to a four-year, degree- ranting program. The request came in the form of i letter from MSU President JQh Hannah to the board, saying the MSU trustees instructed him to ask approval of a 'full degree pro- gram in human medicine" The two-year MSU College of Human Medicine will open this fall with a class of about 25 stu- lents. Original approval of the controversial college came before the board began operating, but the school needs board approval to xpand. Request To Be Studied According to Dr. Leon Fill, hairman of the board's medical education subcommittee, the re- quest will be studied by the State Board of Higher Education and will be referred to the board's committee on education for health care. The issue of establishing a two- year medical school at MSU re- mained in the talking stages for several years until the Legislature gave its consent. Last November the board decided not to take a position on the question because the Legislature had already acted upon it, though Board President Thomas Brennan indicated at that time that the board planned to consider budgeting of the MSU program. Brennan commented last night that he does not know what the expansion decision will be be, but said the committee report will weigh heavily. Study reports during 1962-63 had backed an 18-month medical program at MSU while shying away from a two-year course cur- riculum because it would appear as a commitment for future es- tablishment of a full medical school. Hatcher, Hannah Feud In 1964 President Hannah and University President H a rl1a n Hatcher became involved in a heated exchange during which Hatcher charged MSU with try- ing to get a head start in the race to become the site of a third med- ical school in Michigan. The state currently has only two colleges which grant the medical doctor degree-at the University and at Wayne State University. Further expansion of medical facilities at the University and at Wayne were suggested by Gov. George Romney's "blue ribbon" Ci- tizens Committee on Higher Edu- cation in the spring of 1965. The committee recommended that such action precede the establishment of another medical school. Fill said "the committee is now State Survey Shows Cavanagh Far Behindin Primar Fight By The Associated Press --but an Associated Press state- Cong and that a massive aid pro- DETROIT - Viet Nam is sup- wide survey of voters and poli- gram follow the settlement." posed to be the main issue in ticians indicates that while there Williams adopts the Adminis- Michigan's U.S. Senate Demo- is much concern about Viet Nam, tration position in general and1 cratic primary election. no one knows what to do and few says "the harsh reality of Viet But complexities and confusion voters know what the candidates Nam is that peace is not possible of the war, voter apathy and -a want to do. without both a firm military de- lack of other issues have left the Viet Issue fense and imaginative peace ef- Aug. 2 election a contest of per- Viet Nam "seems to be an fort." sonalities. As of now, former Gov. issue," said Sixth District Chair- Unsuccessful Debate Effort G. Mennen Williams seems heav- man Rod Riggs of Jackson "But Cavanagh has sought unsuc- i1v forer +o in rDer n tr+ni .1.C cessfully to promote a face-to-face By SHIRLEY ROSICK A City-University housing pro- .posal presented to the Ann Arbor City Council by the Student Hous- ing Association earlier this week has been referred for further study. SHA representatives are expect- ed to meet with members of the City Planning Commission and the Department for Building and Safety on revisions of a housing code and a review of a currently in-progress density study. SHA had prepared a report en- titled "Integrated City-University Housing Program," which was sub- stituted by a shorter statement calling for the review of density and building codes. The longer re- port, prepared after numerous consultations with architects, out- lined what is perhaps the most radical proposal to be set forth by SHA. Suggest U' Acquire Land In a few lines at the end of the report, it was suggested that the University acquire land "through use of its eminent domain privi- leges." The report continued that "Through private investment with lease-back arrangements, the Uni- versity could expand its building program without maintaining an city's R4 Multiple Family Densityi study. The study, which should be completed by the Planning Comn- mission within the next few weeks, is expected to recommend the re- duction of the density of new con- struction on the central campus area. That recommendation was con- sidered because of concern over the lack of open space with the rash of new construction built to meet the needs of an ever-increas- ing student population. SHA representative Tom Van Lente, '67, said that his organi- zation had hoped to recommend that density limitations be upped rather than decreased. The city's R4 study would have limited the amount of land allowed for build- ing to 15 per cent, while the SHA would like to see that percentage increased beyond the present 70 per cent level. Review Building Code SHA also has asked that the present Ann Arbor building code, which it calls "outdated," be re- viewed and include more stringent requirements on soundproofing, fireproofing and the general qual- ity of the interior of buildings. City Clerk John Bentley said that the Planning Commission has begun a study of the housing code "for some time" and that both the results of this review and a report on the R4 density study are ex- pected to be presented before Council within a few weeks. Councilman James Riecker (R- Second Ward) said that he was pleased to see SHA's concern with housing problems, and that he, inI talks with the group's members, had tried to "set them out on a path of coming up with specific recommendations." 'Undercover Agents To Combat Use of LSD on College Campus Collegiate Press Service WASHINGTON - A special corps of undercover agents is go- ing into action on college cam- puses and elsewhere to combat the illicit manufacture, sale and use of the mind-expanding drug LSD, the Food and Drug Administra- tinn has revealed. drug that can precipitate serious psychiatric illness or even suicide," he added. Goddard said that no one real- ly knows how widespread the cur- rent LSD fad is. "You hear loose talk about 30 per cent of college students using LSD, but I know of no reliable data on the extent of dangerous publicity that others have put forth advocating the use of the drug for mystical experi- ence," Dr. Goddard said. He revealed that special inves- tigators are in training now at the University of California at Berke- ley. "We now have 60 men working i