"=MEN" i r Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS FEIFFER WNV? AM I pmc ? Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. : i JESDAY, JULY 12, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLE KAPLAN V6AP AFTR YEARS VA5! ThAT Q&;T(0M 0F MN6EF. bHY H , A MWITARY MAtOA 65N1RA11 COU-66C comPit&ce- £X6T ICJ SE6ARCH O F AN )A~lW6U I. SOUGHT Oft m!E PPu't- I2CMF OF (RYOLJ6LW6U AM9 r PuT flip E~rO&oJ 76OHIM. / R A&15 HIRPY (WAS: 1"6EpiEPALS AR& TO COHM6EMjUT CX~fg- C156c2 W~AT FOcb~AT b15; -h2 H(6KR EAUCATIOM V09ER FReE ERPmISe' YOU CAM AWIAYS G RK OUT A DENL- LSD: Support Your Local Travel Agent 4' " TN E1 'UMSI1FY 600 UOS) 15&VS 1 AOP WrI21QVtAPFYOLI, t SUMMERTIME IS FUN TIME. Summer- time is vacation time. So, let's take a trip-just a little jaunt away from it all, away from the noise and pressures of the city, away from the problems of the world Let's take a trip and spend some time on self-examination and introspection- some time alone ... Unfortunately, however, we may have a bit of trouble getting wherever we're going, particularly in Michigan. It's not like in the good old days anymore when you could walk to a nearby Walden Pond. This, friends, is the 20th century, a cen- tury of high speed travel-you know, the jet age .. .This is the era of the mobile society. People have spunk, real get up and go. Except in Michigan. Airlines are on strike; Detroit manu- factures unsafe automobiles; boats from Frankfort to Manitowoc, Wis., run spor- adically; motorcycles make too much noise for most Ann Arborites, and as of yesterday, the most progressive method of transportation away from the hustle and bustle was declared illegal by Gov. Rom- ney. Yesterday, Gov. Romney signed a bill making the possession, sale, or use of LSD a felony. MICHIGAN HOPES that Northfield will become the site of the Atomic Energy Commission's $375 million nuclear accel- erator; Michigan wants the University here to be, among the top in the country; Michigan wants to attract new industries, and Michigan's governor wants to become President. It seems to me that there's a rather sad paradox currently existent in the state. Michigan is trying desperately to convey the image of being the paradise for the new and experimental, a haven for the leaders of progress, liberality, and advancements of the future. And yet the only means the state has found for cop- ing with the adventure of the tomorrow it seeks is to outlaw whatever seems even slightly volatile in its early stages. Editorial Staff JLEONARD PRATT ......................... Co-Editor CHARLOTTE WOLTER .................... Co-Editor BUD WILKINSON ..................... Sports Editor TYOON ....... .........Supplement Manager NIORT EDITOR: Meredith Elker Michael Refer, 8htrley Rosick, Susan Schnepp, Martha Wolfgang. Business Staff SUSAN PERLSTADT .............. Business Manager STEVEN ENSLEY .............. Circulation Manager JEANNE ROSINSKI ............... Advertising Manager RANDY RI8SMAN .............. Supplement Manager Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. Granted, Gov. Romney is undoubtedly trying to protect the general welfare of the state's citizens. Yesterday he sim- ilarly signed into law a bill concerning safety inspection of cars now on Michi- gan's highways, and for this he and the Legislature are to be commended. BUT THE WELFARE and the safety of the citizenry does not depend to any degree on whether or not the use of LSD is legal. Outlawing LSD does not mean that the homicide rate will decline in Michigan, or that people will drive more carefully on the state's highways, or that fewer people will be stricken with mental illness in the next 10 years, or even that college students will be less explosive and more studious. Declaring LSD illegal only indicates that Michigan is afraid of the unknown, that Gov. Romney has already begun campaigning for re-election in Novem- ber and ultimate election to the White House in 1968, and that Michigan's ac- ceptance of the socially uncompromis- ing has hit an all time low. SO, RESIDENTS of the nation's great vacationland, looks as though pros- pects for travel in the state will remain pretty slim this summer. However, I do know of a good deal on a tricycle and the kid down the street has a plastic swimming pool that's over three feet deep in places... -MEREDITH EIKER The Most Exclusive Club AT HIS NEWS CONFERENCE on June 18, President Johnson forewarned any would-be conqueror that "When and if you attempt by force to subjugate peo- ple, you will meet tne United States of America. An essential basic part of our policy ... is to serve notice on those who live in this world with us that gangster- ism and aggression and force are not to be rewarded." Evidently we can rest assured that no aggression and force will be tolerated or rewarded on this planet-except our own. -PAT ODONOHUE Drug Push Inflation GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY could have committed a colossal blunder by sign- ing the Legislature's ban on the manufac- ture, sale and use of LSD. Of course, the ban will have little affect on the use of the drug. So the only real effect will probably be to raise the market price of the stuff. And with Michigan as dependent on static sales taxes as it is, the last thing we need is price inflation. L.P. .%l 6A uUm, ,. ''i i -I Research: Reforming the Impossile, A By DAVID KNOKE THE CURRENT attempt by the House Subcommittee on Science and Astronautics under the chair- manship of Rep. Emilio J. Dad- dario to revise the National Science Foundation Act raises new questions about the direction of science policy in this country. H.R. 14838 is the product of two years of investigations, reports and hearings. It seeks to update the basic structure of NSF which was created in 1950 to cover the gaps in the patch-work of federal science organizations. The purpose of NSF, strength- ened under executive order by President Kennedy in 1962, is to recommend policies for "the pro- motion and support of basic re- search and education in the sciences." Daddario's bill proposes minor reorganization of the staff structure and inclusion of former- ly neglected areas, such as the social sciences. HOWEVER, there are two more important revisions of policy in- cluded in the bill. First, there is a provision for support of applied research. This is an abrupt about- face from past federal policy be- cause the NSF, with an annual budget of close to one-half billion dollars, is the largest patron of "pure" research. Second, there is a provision directing the National Science Board to be responsible for the policies of the foundation. This is a reassertion of NSF's policy- making functions which were transferred to the Office of Science and Technology in 1962. An enlightening remark was made in an interim report after last fall's hearings: "The federal science complex is at once broad and intricate; it also shifts and fluctuates rapidly. Data and situa- tions which are now reliable may not long remain so." THE SPRAWLING federal com- plex of science support is the child of the Second Warld War. It was force-fed to rapid maturity by the high priority nuclear physics research which yielded the atomic bomb. Federal spending for research, both basic and applied, now stands at $15 billion annually. The politics of the various agen- cies and Congressional committees largely decides who gets what por- tion of the support. The current Congressional dissatisfaction with much of the basic research which scientists would like to have fi- nanced stems from an impatience with research that does not have immediate visible results. The pork-barrel politics and executive pressures can "make or break" priority considerations. THE CONCERN for defense re- search led many agencies to give priority to military requests. It was only because of the outcry of the atomic scientists and through the maneuvering of Sen. Brian McHahon that civilian control was established over the new Atomic Energy Commission. As a result, defense research spending has leveled off some- what in recent years, although the space effort has soared. The Ken- nedy bid of May 25, 1961 to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade sent the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration (NASA) portion of the budget soaring from 4 per cent in 1958 to almost 45 per cent in 1966. This lopsided emphasis on one area of science at the expense of others is indicative of haphazard evaluation and planning for the goals and methods of the nation's science program. There is no cen- tral agency, no cabinet-post Dept. of Science and Technology to exert central authority. NEVERTHELESS, there are many cogent reasons for main- taining this arrangement despite the overlaps in effort and mis- proportions that occur. The federal influence grows larger every day in nongovernment areas and demands-"results." There is a proliferation of agen- cies and executive departments that carry on research and edu- cational functions. They have their own systems of selection and review of programs and are check- ed by Congressional control of ap- propriations, Beyond the federal government the universities, private founda- tions and industries contribute support and influence the direc- tion of science programs. But the federal preoccupation with results can often lead to sweeping largess in an effort to get things done, such as the Manhattan Project and the space race. When the lay- man is asked to foot the bill and the Congressional representative equates results with votes, those experiments which are not "mis- sion oriented" suffer most. Project Ozma, for instance, was designed to monitor the depths of space for incoming radio signals that might uncover intelligent life elsewhere in the universe; it was dropped after three months. In 1962, 68 high-energy physicists outlined estimated projects for the next fifteen years. They were asking for about $5 billion for what atomic scientist Ralph E. Lapp calls "a purely intellectual expedition into the unknown" that would not match the outlay of funds with "results." ONE FORWARD STEP in sort- ing out priorities in defense, space, health, conservation and public works was taken with the forma- tion of the President's Science Ad- visory Council (PSAC). This is an elite, high-level advisory body to the Chief Executive. Less than a decade old, it has-not yet exerted great influence because it lacks operating power. The mechanism for debate and consensus agree- ments is present, however, and in time it may become a real co- ordinating power. Strong federal direction of science policy is most touchy in the area of higher education. What University of California President Clark Kerr calls "the federal grant universities," the PSAC euphemistically refers to as "centers of excellence" around the country and the national goal is to increase this to 30 or 40 schools by 1975. THE CONFUSION becomes evi- dent immediately. Should present university facilities be expanded or should new industrial-park re- search centers be employed? Uni- versities are often asked to do research, such as secret defense work, which is inappropriate to their central functions. Will the invasion of the ivy walls by grant swingers result in a decline of the teaching function? Will teaching be relegated to second-class in- stitutions not given a cut of the cake? And, what becomes of corporate loyalty and freedom when the federal government pays part of the staff salary and administra- tion and research recepients in- termingle in a new court-style politics? THE PROBLEM of deciding science policy appears unsolvable and probably will remain so for quite some time. A growing con- cern for society's right to know the intentions and purposes of the research it supports will grow with the development of a scien- tifically literate voter public and Congress-there is only one Ph.D. scientist now serving in Congress, Rep. Weston E. Vivian (D-Ann Arbor). Until rational planning and thinking on the objectives and purposes of scientific research be- gins, the pattern will remain a crazy quilt of divided efforts. We Will Be Paying for Viet Nam--in Yen t f M r r By PAT O'DONOHUE MUCH HAS BEEN said in the last few weeks about the United States' bombing attacks on Hanoi and Haiphong. The decision was debated for many months and was made. The "rightness" of that decision, the "might have beens" are empty words now. The question now is what re- percussions have the bombings had and what can we anticipate as a result? IN THE WAY of "repercus- sions," the United States has lost the support of many of its great- est allies. England has withdrawn her support of the United States effort in Viet Nam as she threat- ened to do if Hanoi and Haiphong were bombed. The Prime Minis- ters of England and India are making a joint visit to Moscow in search of support for a peace conference which would return Viet Nam to the status quo estab- lished by the Geneva Accords in 1954. The Warsaw Pact nations have pledged to aid North Viet Nam if it asks for such aid. Both Peking and Moscow have "threatened" the U.S. by saying that they cannot stand by while the U.S. commits such unmitigated aggression. China said, in a government statement broadcast July 3 by Hsinhua, the official press agency, that "The Chinese government and Premier Chou-En-lai have solemnly stated many times that the Chinese people mean what they say, that China is prepared and that once the war breaks out, it will have no boundaries. THIS IS an expected bit of why this plan may not prove feas- ible. There is also evidence that there is more danger in this form of attack than the Pentagon may have bargained for. In other words, the bombings may boom- erang. The bombings closed the port, which is expected to severely cut North Vietnamese supplies. How- ever, now that the ports are clos- ed, North Viet Nam will rely more heavily on the Chinese aid trans- ported on the Chinese roads lead- ing into Viet Nam. The Chinese have said in of- ficial Peking broadcasts that "China and Viet Nam are neigh- bors as closely related as lips and teeth and are most intimate fraternal Socialist countries." The United States intention was to raise the cost of aggression but the price may be paid in yen. NOW, NORTH Viet Nam, by its own proclamation, is a Com- munity country. Nevertheless, Ho Chi Minh communism is not set in the same mold as the Maoist tactics employed in China. North Viet Nam is a country built and run on the emotions of national- ism. It was a fiercely proud coun- try when it defeated the French at Dienbienphu and remains one today regardless of Pentagon re- ports that their morale is weak- ening. Their military personnel, under General Giap who fought the French, are among the best in the world, as U.S. troops have discovered. Viet Cong troops are able to live and fight on minimal supplies. Their fighting ability on the ground is virtually unequaled; it is one of the main reasons the U.S. took to the air. encountered in either World War II or the Korean War. THE LEADERS who defeated the French are the leaders today. Their attitude is the same attitude voiced by Ho Chi Minh when the French were seeking a peaceful settlement in 1949. At that time no support was promised; Russia was launching the Cold War and China was involved in her own civil war. Ho said that "we would be cowards if we accepted this" and walked back into the jungles for seven more years of fighting. North Viet Nam regards this war as a "sacred cause"; they are determined to liberate their fellow countrymen in the South from "U.S. imperialism" at any price. The war began as a civil war and North Viet Nam more or less still regards it as such. But, to win this war North Viet Nam will have to rely on China more than it wants for "their hearts are in Moscow but their stomachs are in China." North Viet Nam has fought dearly for her independence, is still fighting for it, and does not want to en- danger this prize through a close alliance with China. Yet, she will be forced to depend on the Chinese roads to carry in her much needed supplies. As casual- ties mount she may have to ask for the troops promised by the Warsaw Pact nations. THE U.S. HAS indeed raised the cost of aggression but at what price to herself? Are American citizens willing to match the price the Viet Cong are willing to pay? The situation as it now stands is not worth any price. It is too close a parallel to the Korean War in which the U.S. fruitlessly fought only to reach the same settlement established prior to the war; a restoration of the status quo at the 38th parallel. In that war too Russia and China promised and gave aid. The aftermath of that war has seen communist aid pouring into North Korea while America pays for the democracy of South Korea and the military maintanence of the status quo. THIS SAME situation is likely to repeat itself in Viet Nam. The administration must realize this, if it hasn't already. If they do realize that we are likely to win no more than what we started out with. then it is foolish to con- tinue fighting the war in an effort to command a total victory. It would be much wiser to answer the alleged "peace feelers" from Hanoi. We must resign ourselves now to a return to the status quo before we delude ourselves with false hopes of victory. fig Goldbricking: Campus Threat? By LEW ALPERN Collegiate Press Service A RECENT SURVEY taken to ascertain "What's In Among College Students" has divulged a surprising fact: the most popular new activity among the hope of the future is not sex, nor narcotics, nor cramming themselves into phone booths. Today's college stu- dents are now channeling all their free time and effort into academic goldbricking. "The trend is away from ful- filling responsibilities," says one University of Michigan student, "but goofing off is not enough. You have to do it without getting usually enjoy a degree of respect unequaled by even cum laude graduates. HOW THE TREND started is not quite known. One theory credits it to compulsory orienta- tion programs for freshmen. Ac- cording to this theory, anxious young freshmen eager to purchase college sweatshirts and explore fraternity and sorority houses, boycott orientation programs and discover how easy it is to talk their way out of it. They take their new-found experience and adapt it to skipping classes, miss- ing tests and fabricating papers. Another theory holds that gold- the goldbrickers to fabricate term papers. In courses where students are asked to compile their own survey material, this practice is most common. However, fabricated term papers have been known to appear in courses such as litera- ture, philosophy and even history. Of course this practice is neces- sarily more dangerous than cutting classes or tests, but at schools where the faculty 'is uninformed, fabrication has prospered. ..No matter how academic gold- bricking got started, indications are that it's here to stay for quite a few semesters. In the past, con- scientious students were respected I