Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS by larncean Grim Meaning of Back& Power' yt SOUND and FURY of D1 h yt Where Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT O'DONOHUE Johnson's Newest Escalation: Neither Peace nor Victory WITH THE BOMBING of oil storage de- pots at Hanoi and Haiphong the Viet Nam war has now been escalated anoth- er notch. Once again the country is told that only the sternest military necessity and a strong desire to bring about peace negotiations may lay behind the decision. There is every reason to believe, how- ever, that the military results will be negligible-that this escalation, like oth- ers before it, will be matched by equal escalation on the other side. Ever since February of 1965 we have been bombing North Viet Nam in order to interdict the support of Viet Cong and South Vietna- mese forces in the South. The objective ,has not been achieved; the infiltration rate is greater today than it was when the bombing began. Why should any dif- ferent results be expected from the new strikes at the major cities? As for diplomatic results, administra- tion officials in the past have acknowl- edged that bombing the cities might well end any hope of negotiations. We hope they were wrong. But in view of the rec- ord of 18 months of air attacks it must be granted that, as Senator Mansfield says, the new scale of the war makes a peaceful settlement more difficult rath- er than less. IT IS A CURIOUS coincidence, if noth- ing more, that every American escala- tion of the war has appeared to come at a time when Hanoi was sending peace feelers, or international efforts for peace negoteiations were afoot. A report pub- lished last week called attention to this fact, and naturally one wonders whether history is repeating itself. In recent days, President de Gaulle, UN Secretary-General U Thant and Pope Paul VI all have reiterated the world community's pleas for peace. A Canadian ambassador visited Hanoi on a special mission and brought back information which must have been important, since the administration sent Assistant Secre- tary of State William P. Bundy to Ottawa for a personal report. A Romanian deputy premier, after visiting Hanoi and Peking, called on the American ambassador in Bucharest reportedly to explore the pos- sibilities of a negotiated settlement. What, if anything, has been going on the public has no certain way of know- ing. The State Department dismissed both the Canadian and the Romanian contacts with the perfunctory statement that they showed no change in Hanoi's position. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). The Assocated Press is exclusively entitled to the use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to the newspaper All rights of re-publication of all other matters here are also reserved. The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. But U Thant, who may be a more detach- ed witness, was reported last week to feel that there was hope for peace talks if the United States would accept his recom- mendation for an indeterminate suspen- sion of air attacks on North Viet Nam. INSTEAD, THE AIR attacks are expanded and escalated. The American position is that we will consider ending the bombing only if Ha- noi agrees to end its support of the Viet Cong. This is asking for surrender. It is asking for North Viet Nam to end its buildup of ground troops while we re- main free to continue ours. U Thant has also laid down as one of the conditions for a peaceful settlement American willingness to accept represen- tatives of the Viet Cong at the conference table. Secretary Rusk in Canberra said this could not be done because it would give the Viet Cong a veto on a settle- ment. This, too, is asking for surrender. It amounts to saying that the principal belligerent on the Communist side shall have nothing to say about the terms of a settlement. Why should we be surprised at a Communist refusal to negotiate on that basis? O THE ADMINISTRATION'S stated de- sire for negotiations must remain un- convincing. If you sincerely want a ne- gotiated (which means a compromise) settlement, you do not escalate the war in ways most likely to discourage peace talks. You do not support implacably a military junta in Saigon which is unde- viatingly hostile to compromise or nego- tiation, You do not exclude from the conference table the principal force you are fighting. We believe the road to a peaceful set- tlement lies in another direction from that which the Johnson administration is following. It has been repeatedly point- ed out by U Thant, speaking as the con- science of the United Nations; first, a suspension of the air war; next, a re- ciprocal reduction of hostilities leading toward a cease-fire; and finally, a peace conference at which the Viet Cong shall be represented, whose object would be to restore the principles of the Geneva agreements of 1954-principles founded on the concept of military neutrality for Southeast Asia. T-HE NEW ESCALATION does not lead in this direction and neither, in our opinion, does it lead toward some easy victory that will dispose of the Viet Nam problem once and for all. It may increase the cost of Hanoi's military operations as Mr. McNamara hopes, but more im- portantly it will cost the United States untold sums of good will and esteem around the world. -ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH By CLARE Special T EW YORK- cial discon brightly across nowhere is the dent than in t community of r lion Negroes. There have b cidents in Harle mer, despite a which sent tem 100's several da "black power"i quently, althoug the term has1 Black Muslims supremacies. Stokely Carm er of the Studen ordinating Com the phrase dur march last mon in areas where majority of th( groes had the ri power at theI sized that decis would hencefort groes, not by N erals. He decla tacked, Negroes defend themse meansmay ber anyone else. BUT THE TEL and the newspa ael's battle cry out of context through whiteI ers, both libera In a recent ra A ENCE FANTO michael claimed that his state- To The Daily ments had been quoted out of con- -The fires of ra- text by newsmen whose intention tent are burning was to "discredit" SNCC. He te naeibni ng charged that former SNCC chair- tesnation and man John Lewis, once character- tesion' moeei- ized as an extremist in the press, this city's teeming had suddenly been transformed in- nore than one mil- to a "moderate" upon Carmichael's appointment and Lewis' resigna- been no racial in- tion. em as yet this-sum- Carmichael also clarified his 10-day heat wave emphasis on economic betterment tperatures into the for the Negro. "Integration means iys. But the cry of nothing to a Negro who earns $5 s uttered more fre- a day or less," he pointed out. He gh the meaning of added that SNCC is not in favor been distorted by of black supremacy, nor is it and other black anti-white; on the contrary, he plans to use white civil rights nichael, new lead- workers to build up a power base nt Non-Violent Co- in suburban areas. nmittee, originated ing the Mississippi UNFORTUNATELY, whatever th. He meant that, his intentions, Carmichael's em- they constitute a phasis on "black power" has led e population, Ne- to grave misunderstandings, both right to exert their amonfi sympathetic whites and polls. He empha- other Negro civil rights organiza- sions within SNCC tions. Roy Wilkins, executive di- th be made by Ne- rector of the National Association [orthern white lib- for the Advancement of Colored red that, when at- People, attacked the slogan as well have the right to as Carmichael. He charged that lves by whatever the words suggested an "anti- necessary, just like white" attitude. "The kindest thing that can be said about the expression is that LEVISION cameras it exhibits a kind of naivete, may- pers took Carmich- be playful naivete, but kind of of "black power" dangerous," Wilkins said at a re- and sent chills cent news conference. readers and view- However, at their recent con- I and conservative. vention, the Congress of Racial .dio interview, Car- Equality enthusiastically adopted View ofthe the theme and defined it as "the effective control and self-determi- nation of men of color in their own areas." "POWER is the total control of the economic, political, education- al and social wealth of our com- munity from top to bottom, and the exercise of this power at the local level is simply that which all other groups in American society have done to acquire their share of American life," Lincoln Lynch, CORE's associate national direc- tor, declared. Thus, the "black power" phrase has already led to dissension with- in the civil rights movement as well as misunderstanding among whites. Perhaps the most serious ramification of the schism in the rights movement will be seen in the racial ghettoes of our major cities. Outbreaks of violence have al- ready occurred this summer in Cleveland, Omaha, Boston and Los Angeles. Tension is high in New York, Chicago, Miami, New- ark, N.J., and Philadelphia. Wash- ington, D.C., is reported to be sim- mering after several incidents at amusement parks early this sum- mer, and Baltimore is in a similar situation. Stokely Carmichael may mean nothing more than voting and eco- nomic power in his "black power" declaration, but to the unemploy- ed, barely surviving resident of a ghetto, the phrase is a battle cry for action. FOR EXAMPLE, a reporter who recently toured Harlem en- countered several teenagers who threatened him. "You just get goin'," one of them said. "You laugh at me, you white -? You laugh at me? Let me tell you somethin,' whitey. This time next year, you don't even get here 'less you got you a passport. Harlem be a nation then. All the Jew bastards be gone. We gonna own. the stores, we gonna have our own police, and everything else. You come up here then, you gonna be killed. Your women come through in a car, you never see them again. Blood gonna flow, whitey. Blood gonna flow." It is sentiments such as these which are in danger of being in- flamed by the statements of prom- inent civil rights leaders. CORE's advocacy of "black power" may be ideologically justifiable, but the ramifications of such a declara- tion could get out of hand. The ghetto dwellers who hear the ral- lying cry "black power" are not going to stop to think of what the phrase may mean politically. They are going to use it in a rampage against the hated white man, who has hobbed the Negro male of his manhood and deprived him of his basic economic and political rights, as the Negroes see it. They may not be far from the truth in their assassment of the white man, but they are treading a dangerous path if they reject all offers of political help from sympathetic whites. LEGISLATIVE ACTION is the only consistent road to betterment for the Negro in this country. In the past, civil rights bills have been passed in the wake of impres- sive non-violent, bi-racial demon- strations of protest, such as the Selma-Montgomery march last year and the farch on Washing- ton in summer, 1963. On the other hand, riots have usually been fol- lowed by white backlash and sus- picion. Conditions have improved very little in the Watts area of Los Angeles and in Harlem since the riots there in 1964 and last sum- mer. In fact, there have been re- ports that whites in Los Angeles have stocked up on weapons in anticipation of 'another outbreak. Parts of that city are said to re- semble an armed camp. "This time next year, the (only white man in Harlem will be a dead one," the kid in Harlem said. IF MASSIVE outbreaks of ra- cial violence in the nation's cities are to be avoided this summer, civil rights leaders, who should know better, must not say things which may agitate or inflame the passions of residents in the ghet- toes. Although most of the Ne- groes' complaints are justified, the only road to progress in race rela- tions is the non-violent one. If the long-standing prejudices of the white middle class are to be over- come, the Negro community must exert an effort- not to reawaken deep-rooted fears among whites of a racial bloodbath in the na- tion's cities. North found that no students or teachers had been mobilized but a big ex- pansion of teaching staff and student intake was under way. Also that political and ideological courses had been organized to explain to staff and students why it was better service to the coun- try to study, than to take off with a gun to fight. Students are to be 100 per cent subsidized as from this year with substantial material improvements also for teachers. In general, the war has given the country a thorough shaking up with; great emphasis on the need for what is described as the "tech- nical revolution." Often one heard the phrase: "We have to thank the Americans for this." THERE IS no question but that morale is good, people everywhere, but especially the youth are in high spirits and there seems jus- tification for Pham Van Dong's remark that: "We are living through an extraordinary epoch in our history, a veritable flower- ing of the traditional virtues of our people, courage, energy, in- telligence, patriotism, faith in victory." *' ar from the EDITOR'S NOTE: This article is the last of a two-part series writ- ten by Wilfred Burchett, an Aus- tralian Communist writer who has traveled frequently to North Viet Nam. It gives a Communist view of the war and its effects, and is presented for whatever light it may shed on the situation in view of the fact thatrAmerican correspond- ents are barred from North Viet Nam. By WILFRED BURCHETT By The Associated Press PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - Among my visits in North Viet Nam was one to that country's Defense Minister, Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, once called the "Tiger of Dien Bien Phu." I asked him the military effects of American bomb- ings on his country and he replied: "The Americans had hoped to break the morale of our people, destroy our military and eco- nomic potential and by this change the situation in South Viet Nam in their favor. They have not attained their aims. They have only stirred up hatred and reinforced the Vietnamese people's will to fight. The Pentagon has been forced to admit that it is dealing with an adversary who shows not the slightest sign of weakness. We continue to build our Socialist system. We had a marvelous harvest last year. As you've been able to see for your- self, the railway is still running, prices have not increased. Our military and economic potential has increased, not decreased." GIAP SAID use of B52s against the North and the attacks against the textile town of Nam Dinh and in the outskirts of Hanoi and Hai- phong at the end of April, were "no surprise" but could not change the situation. In replying to my question as to the effects of U.S. military activities in both North and South Viet Nam, Giap said: "Viet Nam is one and indivisible. American intervention followed by armed aggression in the South already constitutes a very grave violation of our country's sov- ereignty. By their air raids against the DRVN-Democratic Republic of Viet Nam-they have carried the war to the whole of Viet Nam in such circumstances to resist aggression arms in hand for our national salvation is the most sacred duty of every Vietnamese patriot, of the entire Vietnamese people. Our people are determined to defend the North, to liberate the South and to achieve the peaceful reunification of the dents or cutting back on the edu- motherland. cational program they were taking in 50 per cent more students into "THE AMERICANS have failed the higher educational establish- in what they called their 'dry ments for the 1966-67 scholastic season' offensives. They will fail year; far more students were being again. They have failed in their sent abroad and a big expansion of desperate attempt to stabilize the the educational system was under Saigon puppet government. They way, starting from this year. can reinforce their expeditionary "We have the war on our hands corps in South Viet Nam. They but there is also an urgent need can intensify their bombardment to train technical personnel," said of North Viet Nam, even engage Minister Huyen. "To do that we in other adventurous measures. need to train teachers to be ready But the further they get involved in three years time to have train- in the war, the more they will ed technical cadres five years after expose themselves to heavy de- that. Normally we take in 800 to feats. We will fight until final 1,000 trainees for secondary school victory. And we will win." teachers a year, but for the 1966- Premier Pham Van Dong ex- 67 school year we will take in pressed himself similarly on this 2,5000. During the past few years point. On the question of nego- we have matriculated an average tiations, Pham Van Dong said: of around 15,000 a year for en- "For the problems of South Viet trance to the higher educational Nam, it is necessary for the United establishments. But our aim in 5 States to talk with the National to 6 years time is 40,000 in order Liberation Front, the only authen- to train technical cadres for the tic representative of our com- South as well as the North. We'll patriots in the South." need cadres to push the country ahead at 'cosmic' speed." ONE OF THE surprises was at the education ministry where Min- AT HANOI UNIVERSITY, the ister Nguyen Van Huyen told me Polytechnical Institute and the that far from mobilizing any stu- Teachers Training Institute, I 4' 4' Decentralizing the Great Society / , -(my / j~ LfJ, By DAVID KNOKE First of Two Parts L ANE'S END, Brookville, 0. - John Loomis surveys the woods before his tractor. His eyes pick out, then his feet trace, a path through the underbrush over which he will drag the 18-foot felled oak trunk to the winding dirt track. "John, even at 79, continues his logging," his wife, Mildred, had said last night. John Loomis settles his wir y frame into the ancient vehicle's seat, checks the pulling chain, guns the motor and hauls. After five holdups to jolt the trunk from the mud, he will pull it through the woods to his field where it will become firewood for the winter. BACK AT the homestead gar- den, Mrs. Loomis has been gath- ering green peas for lunch. "We're at least 95 per cent self- sufficient when it comes to food- stuffs," she explains. "You'ie watching a lesson in domestic technology; for 25 years I've nev- er bought my bread." Many of the farmers around the Dayton area turn their yields into cash and re-purchase their food in processed forms. Mrs. Loomis claims she can produce six pounds of nutritious bread for 25 cents and 10 minutes of her time. This would cost $2.25 from a health store. The Loomis's also make their own cheese, butter and other staples on small electric grinders and mixers. LANE'E END is neither an an- achronism from the American past nor an imminent portent of the future. Yet this seat of the School of Living, now with its two re- maining permanent proprietors, is looking toward the future. It bears the undeniable stamp of one man, Ralph Borsodi, a visionary with practical convictions whose life books, "National Advertising vs. Prosperity," in which he lambast- ed the frauds of mass marketing long before Vance Packard made it fashionable; and "This Ugly Civilization," published in 1928, in which he described his family's experience in rural homesteading. "When the Depression hit," re- calls Mrs. Loomis, "the banks clos- ed up, people were thrown out of work, children came to my classes hungry and without shoes. There was not enough money to re-hire us school teachers. "R.B.'s second book had been largely ignored when first pub- lished, but now important people in the government were at odds end for a way to take care of so many unemployed people. The De- partment of Agriculture, Elmer Roosevelt and Harry Hopkins be- came interested in self-heir home- steading as a result of Borsodi's Dayton experiment." BORSODI had hoped to get the people out of the city into dozens of self-sufficient little communi- ties where by building homes and raising their own food they could develop a modern philisophy of in- dependence and pride in a crea- tive life. John Loomis, a Missouri farmer who had been forced by a variety of circumstances to sell his "eighty," bought a plot in the First Homstead Unit west of Dayton. Mildred Jensen became involved in this decentralist com- munity and there met and mar- ried John. "The experiment ended before it had fully blossomed," says Mil- dred. "A million dollars was ear- marked for the project, and Wash- ington insisted on direct supervi- sion when renewal of the loan came. Borsodi had always been adamant on the decentralism of government principle; so he with- drew from the project and it lost most of its direction and momen- School of Living bought 32 acres of Dutch Farm and renamed it Bayard Lane. The community im- mediately set out to establish an Independence Foundation to make the purchase of land easy, and to research in this human laboratory for the best methods of home- production. The educational aspects of the School of Living were hammered out in hundreds of hours of sem- inars, informal lectures, corres- pondences, with advocates of every stance in the political and econom- ic spectrum churning the new idea around. Mildred Loomis was UN, Britain FOR THE FIRST time since it was formed, the United Na- tions, on the request of Great Britain and with the support of this country, has invoked Chapter VII of the charter. This chapter covers unexplored territory, for it deals with the use of military measures to enforce the peace. All the rest of the charter deals with pacific measures, with concilia- tion, mediation and the like. But Chapter VII envisages a resort to war by the United Na- tions itself; it envisages the wag- ing of war to forestall "threats to the peace, breaches of the peace and acts of aggression." Until last week the members of the United Nations have always avoided bringing Chapter VII into their arguments. The Security Council has now accepted a commitment under Chapter VII in the dispute be- tween Ian Smith's rebel racist gov- ernment in Rhodesia and the Queen's government in Britain. IT IS ADMITTED that in order to do this the Security Council has at Suffern for 18 months during its peak activity before internal difficulties caused its dissipation before World War II. "I LEARNED more about the real problems of life then, than I learned out of all the books which I had studied in a half-dozen schools," she remembers. "We use modern electric tools to reduce the drudgery-unlike strict Thor- eau homesteaders who 'rough it.' And we produce our meat, grain, vegetables, fruit, honey and dairy goods for home consumption, sell- ing only the natural surplus." and Rhodesia:] Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN Salisbury, Rhodesia, is a "threat to the peace." When the Security Council accepted this determina- tion it possessed the legal right to authorize Great Britain to prevent oil intended for Rhodesia from being carried to Portuguese ports in ships. It cannot be denied, I think, that there is a genuine threat to the peace in the smoldering racial conflict in that part of Africa which is controlled by Rhodesia, Portugal and South Africa. The Security Council is not concerned with an emergency, but it is con- cerned with a real and not an imaginary threat to the future. For there exists in South Africa and Rhodesia, though not so sharply in the Portuguese terri- The School of Living holds small seminar groups around the coun- try, especially in New York and Michigan, but Lane's End is the nerve center from which Mildred Loomis keeps the interest alive with a voluminous correspond- ence. She soon hopes to see a large scale active school going with the forthcoming purchase of nearby land and building by oth- er interested decentralists. It is from such carefully fanned hopes as these that decentralism is keep- ing itself alive today. TOMORROW: Borsodi the Man. Last Resort? off. It is a real one. What is not so clear is whether it was neces- sary, whether it was prudent to involve the United Nations at this stage of the quarrel with Ian Smith's rebel government. For in doing this it has become involved along with Britain in a quarrel which extends beyond Rhodesia and includes Portugal and South Africa. Would it not have been better if the Wilson government had treat- ed Rhodesia as a British responsi- bility? Could it not have taken over British measures which would have involved only mem- bers of the Commonwealth be- fore it involved the United Na- tions in a quarrel which is not, at least not yet, international? IT IS OF THE UTMOST im- portance that the United Nations should not be used as a dumping ground for hard decisions which are unpopular at home. For sure- ly it is in no sense a world gov- ernment which can step in where the national governments fear to tread. It cannot, for example, set- tle the racial conflict in Africa 1' I