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Lit i~tgau
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less humid
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Black Power: Rallying Cry for Mississipi
Editorial Director
Special To The Daily
Last of a Two-Part Series
GREENWOOD, Miss. - When
Stokely Carmichael, the 26-year-
old leader of the Student Nonviol-
ent Coordinating Committee, ar-
rived at the march, the word went
out that he was "planning some-
thing" for the next day.
He was. While the marchers
made their way from Holcum to
Greenwood, where they expected
to meet a good deal. of hostility,
Carmichael went on ahead. He
and two co-workers attempted to
pitch the march tents in a school-
yard without the permission of
local authorities. They were ar-
rested for trespassing and held in
jail for seven hours until $100
bond was put up.
It was evening when Carmichael
returned to the march to speak.
"Every county courthouse in
Mississippi should be burned to
get rid of the filth," he said. "We
are in the majority here, but
everybody owns our neighborhood
except us. The only way we can
get justice is to have a black sher-
iff. We want black power! We
want black power!"
He turned "we want black pow-
er" into a chant which the more
than 700 listeners took up quickly
and loudly.
That same evening a short in-
terview with Carmichael appear-
ed on the evening news, in which
he denounced the idea that SNCC
was a "black nationalist" orga-
nization. The interpretation of the
national media had left many with
this impression, but while Car-
michael conceded that the writings
of the assassinated black nation-
alist leader Malcolm X "had a
profound effect on my thinking,"
he quickly added that those writ-
ings "have had a profound effect
on all Negroes."
The national press was also giv-
ing big play to the very pointedly
anti-white sentiment felt by many
Negroes, especially from SNCC. An
example of this was a long Life
article entitled "Out to Get
Whitey," which ran that same
Many Negro workers I met on
the march did, in fact, express
some hostility to whites in gen-
eral, making no distinction as to
the various positions of the indi-
vidual whites. On the one hand
they mistrust and resent those
"liberals" who "don't come to help
but to visit," as one white SNCC
member told me. "They go back
home saying that they 'were in
Mississippi' and then are among
the flocks who move out of neigh-
borhoods when the first Negroes
move in."
Even on the Meredith march,
where white and Negro addressed
each other as "brother," there
were instances where Negroes re-
fused rides with white marchers.
Some addressed all whites as
"whitey." One, who had come
from Florida to join the march for
a few days, told a white boy from
New York who had been working
in Mississippi for over a year:
"Listen Whitey, if you get shot,
tell them you're from CORE so
we'll get the money."
Instances such as these did oc-
cur and, of course, are remem-
bered the longest-but they are
certainly not the rule of the day.
The whites on the march were
easily accepted when, in fact, they
tried to mix and when they did so
on an equal basis. But a white
skin did involve a test of sincer-
For certainly it was a Negro
march. Whereas the previous big
rights marches - most notably
Washington and Selma-had been
at least 50 per cent white, the
Meredith march was no more than
25 per cent white. No one march-
ing in the front line was-the
spirit, the manpoyer, and the lead-
ership were all Negro, and every-
one was conscious of that fact.
Such a development has been
a long time coming. Conscious of
the need for developing their own
leaders, Negroes are no longer anx-
ious to share responsibility with
whites. Floyd McKissick, speaking
of his own organization, said "we
have to develop our own leaders
now. I have no desire to hold my
position for any great length of
time-I want new, young Negroes
to rise up and take my place.
Carmichael voiced rather the
same sentiment in an interview
appearing in the Socialist "Mili-
tant": "We've got to fight separ-
ately now because we've never
done anything on our own. That's
most important now. We have to
have control over our own fight
right now."
The same interview forecast the
"black power" cries at Greenwood
and Belzone: "We began with a
protest movement. We worked on
voter registration; we held a school
boycott; we protested police bru-
tality. Using the energy built up,
we then built a movement to take
power to get control.
"If we control the school board,
we won't have to have school boy-
cotts anymore. Instead of protest-
ing police brutality, we decided
to take over the office of sheriff.
If the Negro can get power, we
won't have to protest anymore."
And he went further: "In this
country anything all-black could
never be worse than it has been
all-white. Things have been all-
white too long. We're going to
change that. Some people say we
should save a place in our party's
slate for a white, but whites didn't
ever leave any places open for us
in their primaries and we don't
need to leave any places open for
"Sometimes you hear Negroes
talking about all-black is no good.
Well they're just talking about
themselves. If I say something all
black is no good, I'm talking about
myself. I'm all black and I know
I'm good."
This is where the moderate
leaders differed vocally on the
question of attitudes, and the dif-
ferences came out at Greenwood.
Carmichael comes on harsh and
polarized, and indeed SNCC is, on
its widest level, the closest to be-
ing "anti-white" of any of the ma-
jor organizations.
While many of its members are,
in fact, openly antagonistic to
whites and white helpers, Car-
michael has established deep per-
sonal ties with whites inside and
outside his organization. And how-
ever much "anti-white" or "na-
tionalistic" feeling there is, McKis-
sick felt it had been overplayed
and encouraged by the media.
"That's the first thing the news-
paper picks up. People read about
this thing (black nationalism) and
seeing it as this big movement
pretty soon they're going to start
believing in it."
King, too, expressed similar dis-
content. The day after Carmich-
ael's rally in Greenwood he took
issue with the now-famous "Black
Power" chant: "It is absolutely
necessary for the Negro to gain
power, but the term 'black power'
is unfortunate because it tends to
give the impression of black na-
"We must never seek power ex-
clusively for the Negro but the
sharing of power with the white
people. Any other course is ex-
changing one form of tyranny for
another. Black supremacy would
be equally evil as white suprem-
He repeated McKissick's senti-
ment that he saw "no significant
trend in the country toward black
The north was not completely
convinced. Editorial comment
from usually sympathetic sources
decried the slogan, black nation-
alism, SNCC and Stokely Car-
michael. The answer, they said,
was not in black nationalism and
not in the exclusion of whites, but
in the cognizance of a hand-in-
See NEGROES, Page 3
Sees Benefit
(tdW;1j Aitgafl Batty Of Nuclear
Norman Describes
Late World News
SAIGON, SOUTH VIET NAM-Strong elements o1 the elite
Vietnamese 7th Division destroyed one of the main Viet Cong
medical and arms depots in the Mekong delta in a massive attack
yesterday, a government spokesman said.
More than 155 enemy troops were reported killed in the
heavy fighting that lasted through the day.
MOSCOW-President Ho Chi Minh of Red North Viet Nam
was quoted yesterday as ruling out peace talks with the United
States unless U.S. troops withdr'aw from Viet Nam.
The Soviet Magazine New Times quoted Ho in an interview
at his Hanoi residence but did not give the date. There have
been recent rumors North Viet Nam is seeking ways to end the
Ferency declared yesterday that the unallocated portion of the
state treasury surplus-more than $60 million-should be used
"to meet the crisis in our schools," the Associated Press reported
from Grand Rapids.
Ferency told Kent County Democrats, "It is sheer political
chicanery for (Gov.) George Romney to take credit for the
tremendous educational achievements during the past two years,
The truth is that these accomplishments were made in spite of
Romney's dogged reluctance to do so."
Ferency pointed to education appropriations by the Demo-
cratic-controlled Legislature which he pegged at $50 million above
Romney's recommendations for 1965-66 and 1966-67 budget years.
A SURVEY OF FAMILY INCOMES of University students
currently being undertaken should be ready by fall, according to
Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler.
Student leaders charged last fall that only the "economically
elite" could afford to attend the University, backing up their
statements with figures from a small-scale survey conducted a
few years ago.
Cutler had announced plans for a more comprehensive
income study several Regents' meetings ago. He has refused to
release the names of those conducting the study but did say
that "it's no one in the Institute for Social Research proper." He
contended that if those to be surveyed knew what the researchers
were looking for, they might not fully cooperate.
Cutler said figures would be obtained on the basis of residence,
father's occupation and other factors. While this method may not
give an accurate picture of individual incomes, it will be effective
for obtaining overall figures, he said.
Lag in Personnel
Influx to Area
A. Goeffrey Norman, vice-presi-
dent for research, views the Uni-
versity's chances of obtaining a
federally-financed $375 million
nuclear accelerator optimistically,!
but says the choice of nearby
Northfield township for the ma-1
chine might not affect Ann Arbor
as much as some have predicted.
"I'd much rather see the ac-
Selerator come into Northfield
than local industry," said Normnan
yes'terday. He obser2ved thart fromnt
a strictly superficial standpoint,
the AEC project would be cleanerF
and visually more attractive.ยข
He envisions the countryside as
riemaining unscathed and well-
landscaped. The accelerator com-
plex would be primarily just "a
mound with a cluster of well-
designed buildings around it."
But Norman also acknowledges
that even if the Northfield site is
chosen (and this may never hap-
pen), it would take close to seven
years before the first arrival of
"technical and scientific inmi- Moving vans gathered in front of the Alumni Memorial Hall yesterday to transport the Alumni Assoc
A small influx of personnel Destination? Across the street to the Union.
would perhaps occur during the
first two years in the form of en- FEDERAL LOAN:
gineers, architects, and some few
researchers. This time might be,
termed a "design" period when
the site will be studied in detailu
and final plans drawn up.1
At the conclusion of the design'
period would come the time for
construction. Again outside per- o
sonnel would be necessary, thoughu
probably only in managerial and 200-U nit
supervisory positions.
Finally, the accelerator staff it-
self would begin to arrive to run Ann Arbor has received approval and Urban Development has ap- No approval has been received
the project. Thus, development of for a federal loan which will pro- proved the city's application for for this program yet, according to
the unit would be gradual and vide funds for 200 dwelling units
wildfire growth in population of low-rent public housing.
within the area would seem un- The Public Housing Adminis- cover survey and planning costs Aquinto.
likely. tration's Department of Housing leading to the development. Immediate Needs
The Housing Commission, fol- The leased housing program,
lowing approval by the City Coun- was established under see-
lowng 14 f +u 191,'Fpprd lc-
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
Aation's offices to a new location.
Romney Hits
U.S. Policy
In Viet Nam
Humphrey Asks for
Governors' Support;
Defends Involvement
LoS ANGELES ()-Gov. Geoge
Romney, at the 58th annual Gov-,
rnors Conference yesterday, rip-
>ed into some administration
noves in Viet Nam, and said that
Democrat-sponsored resolution
>n U.S. foreign policy "has no
place before the conference."
Earlier, Vice-President Hubert
R. Humphrey, in an address before
the conference, made a bid for
a ck ing the adhmistrations
ourse in Viet Nam.
Humphrey said the initiative
now is ours in the war.
To a question as to whether he
had any information that Hanoi
might be more willing to negotiate
for peace, he replied: "I do think
there are flickering bits of evi-
dence, that are not solid or con
erete, that Hanoi spokesmen are
wandering around wondering if
there is some way out."
Viet Resolution
Democrats at the conference
irculated a resolution tiptoeing
as to a stand on Viet Nam alone
but affirming "absolute support of
our global commitments and the
policy presently being followed to
honor them."
In this connection, Romney pro-.
tested Washington influence at
the conference.
Humphrey snapped to reporters:
"The administration is not trying
to pressure this conference, nor
has it."
The vice-president had drawn a
heavy outburst of applause when
he injected into his speech a line:
"The time has come for some of
us to stand up for our own coun-
Raising questions about admin-
istration objectives there, Romney
told reporters: "Unless we are
committed, we ought to get out-
unless we are committed primarily
to a struggle to defeat commun-
If we are, he said, then we
should decide on the timing and
place for a showdown.
But on the question of pulling
out, the vice-president said in his
Immoral Policy
"I frankly confess to you that I
cannot conceive of a more im-
moral and potentially disastrous
"I say,',' Humphrey added, "that
we must stay and fight and work
in South Viet Nam until we have
achieved our objectives-the halt
of aggression from the north, the
independence of South Viet Nam,
and peace in Southeast Asia."
The Humphrey and Romney
news conference, and the vice-
president's speech in between,
highlighted a day of swirling ac-
tivity that also featured a brief-
ing on Viet Nam by three spokes-
men President Johnson had dis-
patched westward at the request
of the conference chairman, Gov.
John H. Reed of Maine,
Selling Job
Before their arrival, Humphrey
r New
expected to take at least six
months, while the actual construc-
tion could be as far off as three
to five years.
In its application for the pre-
liminary loan, however, th
mission asked that only U
h f " Pur tnn clf tinn w
Administrative Planners Beat Red Tape
With Programmed-Budgeting Approach
cil, made the application in mid-
The 200 units would be provided
by new construction or by acqui-
sition and rehabilitation of exist-
ing housing. With approval gained
for the preliminary program reser-
vation, the Housing Commission
must now draw up a budget to
show the government how the
funds are to be used.
tion 23 of te i 1 Fre aera Hious- De o new consuruci on, w
ing Act, is designed to meet more city to obtain 50 unitst
immediate housing needs. Follow- acquisition without rehab
ing approval of this application, and another 50 throughf
officials say that funds would be tion and rehabilitation.
released to the commission within With the approval of th
30 days, cation, Aquinto said thata
The survey and planning for the ing Commission director w
long-range low income project is ably be hired soon.
For Student Draft
he com-
00 units
with the
e appli-
a Hous-
ill prob-
By The Associated Press
In an attempt to do away with
some of the inefficiency that re-
sults from the legendary "red
tape" and sheer size of large or-
ganizations, planners in big ad-
ministration are looking toward a
more efficient future with "pro-
The United States Defense De-
partment has already started us-
ing this, and the University is set-
ting the stage for possible use of
it in the future.
The basic idea behind program-
med-budgeting is a review of
budgets by function and purpose
* 'rAthpr than h individual office
each school submit its requests
on the same form. So far, the
University is the only one to use
this form.
Programmed - budgeting was
brought into the Defense De-
partment by Secretary Robert Mc-
Namara, to prevent overlapping
between government agencies.
One government source said the
plan, although still in its infan-
cy, is bound to have good results.
The present system is so bad, he
said Sunday, "that you could hit
it with a sledge hammer and do
nothing but good."
One-Year Projections
Henry S. Rowen, assistant di-
money is being spent on the right
At the Pentagon, he said, think-
ing was changed from focusing on
Army, Navy, and Air Force to such
functions as strategic nuclear de-
terrence, continental defense and
anti-submarine warfare no mat-
ter which branches of service
were involved.
Justify Spending
The system won't change the
way in which the administration
sends its budget each year to Con-
gress-that will still be spelled out
by department and agency. But
officials are convinced it will pro-
vide the more detailed informa-
review the money requests of de-
partments and agencies,
Crossing Division Lines
One division - the Education,
Manpower and Science Division--
this year as an experiment will
cross division lines and look into
education programs, for examples,
throughout government.
Another division -- the Re-
sources and Civil Works Division
--now scrutinizes the money re-
quests of the Interior and Agri-
culture Departments and the Ar-
my Corps of Engineers.
John Haldi, head of the Budget
Bureau staff which is working on
the &qm . sad allhree aen-_
Gradual Release
The funds would then be re-
leased over a gradual period. The
amount of the loan fund is fig-
gured on the basis of a govern-
ment formula which takes into
consideration the number of units
Unexpectedly, it was approval of
a smaller project on which the
commission met with slowups. The
1-_,-4 _v4rc_"incar fr cri
The Board of Directors of the
American Council on Education,
recently expressed support of cur-
rent Selective Service procedures
for determining the deferment and
the induction of students,-
In a resolution passed unani-
mously by the board, both total
deferment and no deferment for
understanding that they may be
eventually required to make their
talent available.
0 Second, that manpower poli-
cies, particularly their relation-
ship to the operation of the Selec-
tive Service System, should be re-