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July 01, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-01

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Sirr iogant


Continued high

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom






By The Associated Press
Republic-A frail, sad-faced law-
yer, Joaquin. Balaguer, today be-
comes the 70th president of this
little political volcano that has
had constitutional government for
only seven months in the past 36
In a clash with police yesterday,
left-wing extremists launched
what appeared to be a series of
demonstrations aimed at marring
the inauguration which caps a
costly and controversial 14-month
effort by the Organization of
American States to restore a meas-
ure of political and economic sta-
bility to the country.
Tht street fight took place in
front of Balaguer's Reformist
party headquarters only a few
blocks from the flag-bedecked Na-

tional Palace where the inaugura-
tion ceremony is to take place.
The incident occurred a few
hours before the scheduled arrival
of U.S. Vice President Hubert H.
Humphrey, who will head the
American delegation to the in-
Authorities said the police mov-
ed in to stop a scuffle between
students and party supporters
that threatened to grow into a
riot. When someone in the crowd
hurled rocks, police fired into the
Dominican intelligence sources
last week disclosed plans of left-
wing extremists to provoke dem-
onstrations during the inaugura-
tion to bolster their propaganda
that the election of Balaguer
means the return of political re-
pression to the country.
The president-elect apparently

won a major victory in his efforts
to create a government of national
unity, Two top members of an
opposition party were reported to
have agreed to serve in the new
Actually, this was the second
collective attempt by the hemi-
sphere nations to bring demo-
cratic rule to the Dominican Re-
public since dictator Rafael Leoni-
das Trujillo was slain five years
ago. The first try ended in failure
when Juan Bosch, only the second
man to be freely elected since
1924, was ousted in 1963 by a
civilian-military coup after only
seven months in office.
Balaguer, self-styled "candidate
of peace" pledging reforms im-
portant to the country's little folks,
was swept into office by a near
landslide, 58 per cent of the vote,
a month ago.

Thus, optimism and anxiety will
be in the wings when the 59-
year-old bachelor, who shares his
home with six sisters and his
monther, reoccupies the presidency
from which he was forcibly re-
moved in mid-January 1962.
Balaguer's ouster was one of the
many spasms in the political con-
vulsions that gripped the country
after Trujillo's assassination. The
most violent of these was the
April 24, 1965, military-civilian
rebellion, possibly a turning point
in the now five-year-old crisis. As
a result of this flareup, many of
the corrupt old guard militarists
and politicians have been exiled
or shoved into the background.
But because the basic problems
behind the turmoil have not been
fully resolved, the business and
professional community and some
political leaders are viewing with

caution the optimism aroused by
Balaguer's election, particularly
among the lower middle classes
and peasants.
Many Dominicans believe Bala-
guer has 90 days in which to'
move swiftly and decisively against
his most pressing problems. This
is the maximum period the inter-
American peace force, pledged to


him, will remain in
after he takes office.


Dominican scene. Although the
Castroite 14th-of-June revolution-
ary movement polled less than
5,000 votes in the June 1 elections,
it is only one of three (a fourth is
'being organized) Communist fac-
tions in the country. Their over-all
numerical strength is unknown.
But they've demonstrated for-
midable muscle in the past when
political circumstance has tossed
them together with the radical
anti-U.S. nationalist wings of the
two moderate leftist factions, the
Dominican Revolutionary party
and the Social Christians.
Among the most pressing prob-
lems confronting Balaguer is un-
employment-30 per cent of a
working force estimated at about
a million. The president-elect has
promised an austerity program
that could swell the unemployed
ranks sharply by reducing the

military and general administra-
tion payrolls, particularly in, the
state-operated business enterprises
whose chronic deficits have helped
increase the public debt to nearly
$400 million in the past five years.
The unions have threatened to
strike if Balaguer fires any of the
supervisory personnel in the state
sugar industry, an over-staffed, ill-
managed complex of 12 mills
whose product per ton costs more
to produce and ship than it sells
for, even in such a preferential
rate market as the United States.
To some foreign observers, the
major Dominican product is poli-
tical agitation. This is why Bala-
guer's task is expected to be doubly
complicated, especially in Santo
Domingo, where he lost the presi-
dential. race by an ample margin
to Juan Bosch.
Although official observers, in-

cluding one group of known
Bosch sympathizers, reported the
elections were clean and honest,
the losing Revolutionary party
officially contested some of the
results, alleging irregularities.
These have been nearly all re-
Nonetheless, the challenges ap-
pear to have swung considerable
nationalist support behind Cas-
troite Communist claims that the
United States influenced the elec-
tions and "imposed" Balaguer on
the people. The Communists are
believed hopeful this line will help
arouse enough public support for
demonstrations to embarrass Bala-
guer and U.S. officials at the
Balaguer doesn't fluster easily.
Quiet, unassailable patience is his
strongest characteristic, surpassed
perhaps only by his determination.


The peace force presence is extra
insurance against any violent re-
action to Balaguer's attempts at
reform. Some influential Domini-
cans are still not fully convinced
the Dominican army has been
entirely purged of coup-prone op-
portunists responsive to the ultra
conservative clique in Santo
At the other extreme. commun-
ism is a growing reality in the

NEA Claims
War Slows
School Aid
Congressman Denies
Charges That Viet
War Hurts Education
According to a report issued yes-
terday by the National Education
Association, the cost of the war in
Viet Nam is preventing the federal
government from doing all it has
promised for education.
The report, given at the associa-
tion's annual convention in Miami
Beach, Fla., was written by Mrs.
Jean M. Flanagan, assistant direc-
tor of research for the association..
In the forward to the report,
Chairman Burley V. Bechdolt said
that although the most important
change in school finance this past
year has been the large increase
in federal aid for all levels of
education, full funding of school
aid has been "somewhat hamper-
ed" by "federal policy to meet the
fiscal demands of the conflict in
Viet Nam and to curtail domestic
inflation in prices and wages re-
sulting from the military buildup."
Denies Allegation
The allegation in the report
was denied by Rep. Frank Thonp-
son, Jr. (D-NJ) who is a member
of the House Committee on Edu-
cation and Labor.
Mr. Thompson, who addressed
more than 200 delegates on the
role of the teacher in politics, said,
"I don't feel there is a reasonable
orndirect relationship between ex-
penditures for the military and
expenditures for education."
Mrs. Flanagan said in an inter-
view that "just about all federal
programs have moved slower be-
cause of Viet Nam." She added
that she had been told by an
official of the Bureau of the Bud-
get that Viet Nam was the cause
of the slack. She said, however,
that an improvement could be ex-
pected if there were new taxes
or a cutback in federal spending
In other areas.
The report disclosed that a sur-
plus of: secondary school teachers
was being trainedsand that the
greatest demand is for elementary
and secondary school teachers with
"special qualifications," particu-
larly qualifications useful in slum

At mrtligan Battg
Late World News
By The Associated Press
BEIRUT, LEBANON-The Iraqi government of President
Abdel Rahman Aref announced last night it had smashed an
attempted coup by a group of officers supported by army and
air force units.
Seven air force planes strafed and bombed the presidential
palace in Baghdad, home of Aref, and killed two persons and
injured six, reports said.
EUGENE, ORE.-The district attorney changed his mind
yesterday about trying to force Annette Buchanan. University of
Oregon Student editor, to disclose the names of seven marijuana
The prosecutor, William Frye, said he would not subpoena her
because she has said she still will not talk.
Earlier in the week Frye said he was thinking about taking
Miss Buchanan, 20, before a grand jury and again asking her
to disclose the names of the students she interviewed for a story
on marijuana users.
The girl was convicted of contempt of court for refusing
earlier to obey a court order to tell the grand jury the names.
She was fined $300.
LAS VEGAS, Nev.-The Nevada district attorney said yester-
day he will prosecute Federal Bureau of Investigation agents for
wiretapping a multimillion-dollar hotel-casino, according to the
Associated Press.
"There's no question about it," said Dist. Atty. Edward G.
Marshall. "We will go ahead with prosecution of the FBI.-
"We're not going to take any action until we make a complete
investigation. We'll have to subpoena their files. I don't know if
we'll get them. But we'll have to try. That's what it comes to."
DETROIT-The suburban North Dearborn Heights School
Board appeared ready yesterday to fight a ruling by a Michigan
Labor Mediation Board examiner that it must bargain with
teachers on matters in addition to salaries, the Associated Press
Royal Targan, school board attorney and a member o its
bargaining team, termed the mediation board decision "out-
rageous" and "irresponsible."
FOUR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS have been awarded Ful-
bright Scholarships for study abroad. Robert Bezucha, John
Kaiser and Carl Meier were among some 2,500 citizens selected
each year to go abroad, and will study in France. John Ekin will
go to Germany.
August 13 and September 10 at 9 a.m. It will be administered
in Ann Arbor at the Civil Service Room, U.S. Post Office Down-
town station, 220 North. Main. Those wishing to take the test
must fill out an application, available at all post offices and from
the Peace Corps, Washington, D.C.

Draft St






U Rankings
* Expected To,

-Associated Press
AMERICAN SOLDIERS CARRIED THEIR LUGGAGE to an Air Force C-130 yesterday, as the U.S. Air Force left France. President
De Gaulle's decision to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization takes effect today. The 513th Troop Carrier Wing unit is
the first U.S. Air Force unit to leave France since Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara's June 15 announcement of the pull-out.
'U'FundDrive Ahe Goal
Dnations i $43 Mill1ion Level

Be Released,
Graduates Formerly
Deferred To Remain
In Priority Group
fense Department said yesterday
the draft should be changed so
that 19 to 20-year-olds are taken
ahead of older men.
"Combat commanders prefer the
younger age group," a long-await-
ed Pentagon draft study asserted.
It said the present system of tak-
ing those nearest 26 first disjurbs
"those who are most settled in
their careers."
(According to Ernest R. Zim-
merman, assistant to the vice-
president for academic affairs, the
distribution of class ranking ac-
cording to grade point averages
for University men will be avail-
able within the next 10 days. The
necessary ranking to keep a stu-
dent deferment will, however, be
up to local draft boards.)
But Thomas D. Morris, assistant
secretary of defense for manpow-
er, backed the suggestion of Draft
Director Lewis B. Hershey that
married and unmarried men over
26 in the top priority: of 1A who
had received a college deferment
be taken in the same order as
single men.
Testimony at Hearings
Morris unveiled the draft study
in testimony before the House
Armed Services Committee hold-
ing hearings on the operations of
the draft.
He said it showed the cost would
be almost prohibitive-upwards of
$17 billion-to "theoretically buy"
a volunteer military establishment.
The study said every effort
should be made to induce volun-
teers to join; continually reassess
physical and mental standards,
and replace wherever possible sol-
diers in jobs that can be filled by
Rep. Otis G. Pike (D-NY) im-
mediately branded the report
"most disappointing."
"The biggest complaint about
the draft is the fact people aren't
treated equally by draft boards,"
Pike told Morris. "Aren't you con-
cerned with inequities of the
Morris replied "these are mat-
ters beyond our: responsibility."
He said others should decide
which men will be sent to it for
acceptance or rejection.
The defense study said there is
nothing now that will show the
draft won't be needed in the next
decade "unless world conditions
reduce force levels substantially
below those needed since Korea."
New Approach
Morris posed the following ap-
proach as a way of concentrating

Institute To Study Retardation

The University is close to the
goal set by the Regents in the $55
Million Campaign. In one year the
drive has amassed $43 million from
corporations, foundations and be-
quests. The donation of $10 mil-
lion by the automobile industry,
the largest corporate gift ever re-
corded, is the primary reason that
the drive is ahead of schedule.
The remainder is expected to come
from the alumni.
The $55 Million Campaign is
uniique for two reasons:
* Vice-President for University
Relations Michael Radock de-
scribes it as a "capital gift pro-
gram" designed to raise money
over and above the combined con-
tribtuions of corporations and
alumni. It is distinguished from
the Alumnus Development Fund
which operates on a permanent
0 No other state-supported in-
stitution has ever attempted to
raise an equivalent amount from
private funds. For this reason the
drive is attracting a sizeable
amount of interest among other
state universities and colleges; if
the drive is successful similar cam-
paigns are expected to begin across
the country.
Other Committees
The University is not alone in
the fund-driving field. All state-
supported institutions of higher
learning have established commit-

$55 Million Drive comes into ex-
Such organizations are highly
organized with national, state and
community chairmen aided by lo-
cal volunteers. The various sources
of income, bequests, foundation
grants, corporation gifts of stock
and individual contributions are
divided into sub-committees.
Private Donations
Special clubs, such as the Uni-
versity's President's Club, are es-
tablished for donors who contri-
bute $10,000 or more.
There are prolems in such a
drive. Radock said that some
alums will not contribute while
students are picketing or staging

attention-getting protests, such as
the October draft sit-in; and a
few become miffed when their,
children are rejected.
On the whole, however, the Uni-
versity has a long tradition of sub-
stantial alumnus support. Radock
said that they authorized the $55
Million drive only because it was
an attainable goal. The firm of
Kersting-Brown, Inc. was hired on
a retainer fee basis to conduct a
national survey among the var-
ious corporations, foundations
and alums, ana gauge potential
reaction to a fund-raising drive
on large scale. This same firm
has been retained to counsel the
managers of the campaign.

Radock said that, in general,
contributions were given because
the donor wanted something. in
particular built, such as a library
or theatre or becausecorporations
needed the University's help in
setting up programs, for example
in engineering. In this way both
the contributor and the University
have a stake in the project.
Both Radock and President
Hatcher are pleased with the re-
sults of the campaign so far; they
are confident in its success and
foresee no major problems be-
cause the alums "really believe in
the education that Michigan has
to offer."

The recently-approved Institute
for the Study of Mental Retarda-
tion will coordinate University re-
search and train personnel to
work in the field,
Prof. Donald C. Smith, chair-
man of the department of health
development worked on the prepa-
ration of outlined plans for the
institute and said yesterday that
the field of mental retardation is
baaly in need of trained per-
He said the government is cur-
rently encouraging universities to
enlarge their work in the field. The
University already has many pro-
grams in child and adult retarda-

be an appropriate site, and that The training programs may in-
the construction would get federal clude regular assignments for
support. medical school students and Uni-
It is planned to house a highly versity Hospital resident physi-
complex interdisciplinary' training cians in pediatrics and psychiatry.
and research program and a full The program may also include
range of patient services. The student teaching and research pro-
building's primary purpose is to jects for graduate students in edu-
provide a clinical setting for in- 'cation, field experience and ob-
terdisciplinary training in mental servation for graduate students in
retardation of physicians, edu- social work and nursing. Under-
cators, psychologists, social work- gra a ndinursing ny
ers, nurses, public health workers graduate students in nursing only
and other professional personnel." may participate In the projects.
Prof. E. Lowell Kelly, director In addition, postgraduate courses
of the Bureau of Psychological are planned for practicing physi-
Services, chaired the committee cians, social workers and other
which drafted the outline for the professionals. Parents of retarded
institute. He said the institute will children and day-care workers
"represent a new level of involve- may be able to attend programs

' Students Lose Draft
Appeal to Michigan Board

LANSING-Six University stu-
dents lost their appeal to the
Michigan State Selective Service
appeal board here yesterday. The
students were appealing their re-
classification to 1A drart status for
sitting in at the Ann Arbor draft
board last October 15 in a Viet
Nam protest demonstration.

They are expected to do so.
But Eric Chester, '66, and Ray
Lauzzana, '68, lost their appeal
by a 5-0 vote. Ordinarilly they
would not be allowed to appeal
the decision but Col. Arthur
Holmes, Michigan State's Selective
Service Director, said he is con-
sidering reviewing their records
later this month.

the students was initiated by Col.
Holmes last fall wth the encour-
agement of national draft direc-
tor Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey.
The two charged that the students
had violated a section of the Se-
lective Service law by sitting in at
the draft board and were subse-
quently eligible for immediate re-
classification to JA and induction
i-n the n .mv,

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