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June 30, 1966 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-30

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By ROSS B. YOUNG lycus, a cut purse and general
Last night I spent a very en-j Alo of very worthy note were
joyable three hours seeing one of Miss Suzzane Young as Dorcas,
William Shakespeare's later plays, Susan Reynolds as Mopsa, Mr.
"Winter's Tale" produced by the Michael C. Gerlach as Camillo,
University Players and directed ,by and Mark Metcalf as Antigonus,
Dr. Richard Burgwin in the Lydia servant and lord to Leontes.
Mendelssohn Theater. The pro- Now comes the criticism, un-
duction itself was enhanced by pleasant a task as it is to do;
the excellent cast, distinctive cos- with regards to the men, diction
tumes, and a well-designed and would help considerably. I should
handsome set. like to see less of the Duke of
York and of Peer Gynt and more
First comes the praise, then the of Leontes. Florizel, a somewhat
criticism. The leading women sur- pretty part anyway, was worsened
passed the men in the dramatic by the* fact that a pretty boy
vein; the men were best represent- poorly mouthing pretty phrases
ed in the comic side. Miss Edward- almost killed the part. Another
ine Poblocki as Hermione, the distracting feature was the music
Queen, gave to the role the simple which came and went as the di-
yet strong elegance that the part rector's whimsy chose; it seemed
needs for its fullest realization, false.
Miss Donna Spaan as Paulina, Back to the praise, however;
first lady to the Court was the Miss Doyle's costumes were ele-
kindly, if sharp-tongued wit that gantly appropriate. This elegance
I am sure Shakespeare must have was surpassed by Mr. Daniel Lo-
had in mind. Mr. Thomas A. St. max's simple but very tastefully
Charles, as the kindly but thick- designed and executed sets, which
skulled shepard, assisted most ad- were added to by the lighting of
mirably by his number one son, Mr. Roger L. Held. Generally
Fred Coffin, the Clown; a kindlier speaking, the show should not be
and even thicker-skulled young missed. The few. criticisms that
man, were both being constantly one has are far outweighed by an
picked on for money and laughs excellent job done by everyone
by Mr. Stephen Wyman as Auto- concerned with the production


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