TUESDAY, JUNE 28, . 1966 PAGE FM% TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1 9 6 6 TIlE MICIIh(~AN DAt Y F'Af~ WUVIt ai tAL ;"1 j max, For Direct Classifeone-,764-0, Monday through Friday, 12 Noon to 2 P.M. 557 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES FOR RENT Tiffany Apts. SUMMER AND FALL Eight Month Leases Very Near Campus PERSONAL " USED CARS 4'.. BIKES AND SCOOTERS LINES 2 3 4 1 DAY 3 DAYS .70 .85 1.00 1.95 2.40 2.85 5 DAYS 3.00 3.75 4.35 Figure 5 average words to a line. Call Classified between 1 :00 and 2:30 Mon, thru Fri. Phone 764-0557 HELP WANTED 4ON-CAMPUS AND SUMMER JOBS AVAILABLE A great opportunity for aggressive college students to earn a high in- come distributing material to college campuses all over the United States. Combine summer travel with large profits, or work part-time on your own campus. Fall jobs are also avail- . able. Contact: Collegiate-Dept. D, 27 East 22 St., New York, N.Y. 10010. PART TIMBI Multi-Million Dollar Company hiring for part time sales work. Earnings in' excess of $3.00 per hour. This is not pots-knives-books or any of that door to door nonsense. This company is expanding all across the nation, con- sequently this could be more than just a part time job for the right person. If you're 20, have use of a car, and are bondable write William D. Nichols, 3372 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. FULL OR PART TIME, all training furnished, work any hours available. Call NO 2-6274. H31 HELP WANTED-College girl to baby sit in exchange for room and board. Call 683-9202 anytime. H126 WANTED - Young lady, help mother care for 4 children, age 2-14, live in option. Call 665-5917,.1H27 COLLEGE STUDENTS-Part time eve- ning work at Ypsi-Arbor Lanes as pin jumper. Apply in the evening. H33 $1 FOR 1 HR. Register Voters. Call 663- 0553. 1H24 SALESMAN to start June 1st. Profes- sional opportunity, married, 22-30, Bachelor's degree. Phone 453-4030 for interview. 1H41 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Position avail, for computer program- mer to work on FORTRAN, UMdAP, and IBM 360 coding and data man- agement. AB degree and 1 year exp.; math 473 or equiv. exp. Full or half time. Call 764-2115 to make appt. for interview. 1H21 FOR RENT 4TH MAN WANTED for luqi'- eand 2 NURE at3r eaeronnae EVi r'PLAY JAC'KS W lLFW~iII4 JoinVus in ti L I?, V1as_ stY 1in T1HE IGIJTSCPERSONI INTR ODUCTION SERVICF CiiF246, \i(aO S Dot"" rdio le'iot atoati ptl PITOH17 CAMPUS RIDERS-Can't hold ou tn r nnmsioi, o r pdoor.n 7 iin the corners? Back wheel hang Cill662-183 And N~h outtoo far in the slides? Full selec- '5__iMII-3Wr hes To- ion of Knobby tires, competition _"-: t r ; ; , _components, racing fuels at HONDA rneti o~e et. Singr, 64-446or of Ann Arbor, 3000 Packard Rd., 665- 602-475. NO 9281. w ~-- Home of the nicest comp. riders ..E.AN.SOOTRSce 1963. Z ~ vi'~tt o 10SUMMER SUBLET Son tha a ummr Sles 'esiva. AT, OR SUBLET -- Summer or 12 l~ti or rdernow t th hom 011he onths. Rest of summer $175 total, iiit~ It alo oeI 63,300 Pckrd 2-mnan, I bdrin, Call Dan Brown, Pd,66~2l.AO 663-0861, 1033 E. Univ. U)37 (O~ iTO)'tIA !'e0. helm, o650 miles, --__.__.._-.-.______ excehuo. N 5-948. Z4 SUMMR BARGAIN -- Mod., air-cond. - -- - Pt. Need 1 girl to share, For whole hlO'ltA ClAO ony 46 mles StredallotJ lh and August. Call 665-3121 w nr N 3963z24 I atci'3:00 p.m. 1U33 SUMMER SUBLET CHARTER HOUSE APT,-6-man, air - cond., 2 bathrooms, 3 bdrms. 66;,- 9954. tU19 WANTED--2 male roommates for IITB to share 6 room house near N. Ca'm- pus. $30/mo. Call 761-6234, betw'een 6-7. 1U27 NOW AVAILABLE Summer Apt. Modern, air-cond. 'Very cheap. Need one man. Call 665-5970 NOW?! U50 THE STUDENT RENTAL Service is once again accepting applications for the second summer term. If you have an apt, to rent or are looking, for a place to stay, come into our office at 1217 S. Univ. Open daily 10 to u. STUDENT RENTAL SERVICE Phone 665-4489 U)25 SUMMER SUBLET For second half of the summer. Excel- lent location - right behind South Quad. For one or two men. Must get rid of-cheap, Call 761.7982 between 5 and 7 p.m. or between 11 and 12:30 in evening. U)21 Won s FATEST SUMMER SUBLE GIRL TO SHA1RE 2 bdrm.Y apt. Air-corrd., pool, parkin $74 per 'mo, 663-9181 after5 _REDI9CED-Campus.hosp. are roomns and suites for mene Very attractively decorated Sorne panielled. House, r4 and phow~e. Leases thru Jut r $7 to $10 a week 665-0925 o: ET Island Dr. ig fac., et. 5., U 'ea, Studio or wmn and tun efri~gertocr .e or Aug. or62-92 TRLANSPORTATION R IDERiS WANTED to Chicago, leave Thurs. night, return Sunf. Call NO 3- 0353. G30 /r '' ,,,, y ,. 3 GRtAD. STUDENTS desire I other for rema indrer of summer, 917 Packard, 10 ?; inutes walk from campus. Air- ;,con ditiioned. TV. $30 a month. Call 662-1284, after 6. 1)39 1 ORf2 MEN TO SHARE huge, cool, 2ho, basement apt. 808 Tappan ati1111 668-6729, or 665-5692. $40 or : cstoo U40 F-- 'arTi.ilni a sold ixti B v. itli. ' andii,. I alirryduig mi Bu, 6-2 at, h i YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ENTER, MUSICAL MS. RADIOS,RER SPECIAL (iUI'1 AlA SAl I Now in sti ta (It) VA atid GiBSON CLASSiCS UNI\SPSl IY SIt'S>. ROUSt, lEt'. 5l'~ XVII lain Maya aId lion" at NO 2-ISA BANJOS, 01 ITAlIS. ANI) BONGo> A I Nw and Wed lmis'ruailnz. lien tmii l'tii'ii'li, se Plait l'Atll 'S .\lUtsl('AI. 1151 AlL 1 B \t, , \V0~..I Iii, iou SI.INGI.IILANI) tlramas, ll.i, tIn I, allan ium.,h Bat and i ide cxii ht xciii accept inor,< I at I ci '~I 603-41:.',, aLt I rr IL Ii: ciii I. tc. NA SUZUKI Cycle Cente'r -i0Wocnowv 76i 65 ZAi THE FIELD OF MENTAL HEALTH The Michigan Deportment of Mental Health operates one of the largest and most progressive mental health programs in the country. In its search for ways to provide better treatment, it has decided to make greater use of individuals with only bachelor's level training. A few promising applicants will be selected to participate in this special social work program.. They will have the opportunity of working with experienced professionals in all mental health fields, social work, psy- chology, nursing and psychiatry. Those who show potential for further training may receive an attractive, stipend from the Department for gradu- ate training in social work. Starting salary will be $6,01 3. Excellent fringe benefits provided by Mich- igan Civil Service. Applications are invited from both spring and summer term graduates. CONTACT: Ivan E. Estes, Personnel Director Michigan Department of Mental Health Lewis Cass Building Lansing, Michigan AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SATURDAYS 9-5-NO 2-5244 MUSICALindGRAD stun.(fmal i C211 umrseso.761-2119 L a!. p i s .. ......._ _..P2_._ SCHOLARS on campus ONE MAN-TWO MAN-COUPLES Tastefully furnished new apartments with concrete walls and ceilings to insure quiet and privacy. Phone; 662-7961 afternoons & evenings NEED RIDE to Tlra'erse CtxTrda' Call Wass, 7641-056.2. 1' efficient Ithan1the 113moert- wtorthy 1,:.. han 1 a fr'J-inend TeUl HLA. lI' ____________________________!GIRL WANTStE hr p.wt te 1 FEMALE GRAD, student seeks room- Box ,: >c oDil,42 ayad1t)1 mate for Fall semester. Call Maddie, 761-0637. 017HIHNSM!TeImy a.strd Now doesn1't It fill ~ aamni ii l1 r (: r f'fF- rcexistemic? 1.1 i 7 BE1SRIA r IN i P I \IIA lLoI~/ j 'pr Y ^ 3pY BLO D ON RSLuxury- 2-bedroom apt. with new fur- URGENTLY NEEDED nishings, wall-to-wvall carpeting, dis- $6 for Rh positive; $7, $10 and $12 for Also other modern furnished 1, 2 and Ph negative. Hours; Mon. thru Thurs. 3-man apts. in campus and hospital 9-4; Fri. 1-7. 18-21 years old need locations, immediate and fall. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT NEED 2 ROOMMIATE:S t ultr comfoYrtable 4-maui ot. t om 1111. Cal I' THOSE greatR,.t.i" dsire! i . RALPH'S MARKELT E ----- i fa I) .,. l~rt YPSILANTI Detroit Blood Service 404 W. Michigan 662-7787 days 761-4018 eves. & un.t FALL '66f 77!7 1 1 7-7, FOR SALE NEWEI, completely furnished, close-In ________________________________ apartments. Av ailable for 2-4 persons. FOR SALE-One television and one DAHLMANiN APARTMENTS new ping pong table with equipment.' Office: 545 Church St. Call 662-1859, B4 7670 7V S C a rEFNTALS-Lwsstdn ae a:,hintton fit. h re^e Delivery I' C28 FOR BALE--1964 Volkswagen. Spotless.,y_________' Has everything. $1250. Call after 5, 668-4107. B37 5-BEDROOM LAKE FRONT HOME at~-v_, Lakelands Golf and Country Club,. -, "----, Call owner, Brighton 229-4664, B3 BARGAIN CORNER SAM'S STORE Has Genuine LEVI's Galore! LEVI S SLIM-FITS---$4.50 ~White," and 5 Colors For "Guys and Gals" Cord. SLIM-FITS--$5.98 Asst'd. Colors.-$6.98 LEVI'S STA-PREST PANTS Never Needs Ironing LEVI JACKETS "White"-$6.98 Blue Denim-$6.98 LEVI'S Superslim's-$4.98 For Gals and Guys LEVI'S Dungarees-$4.49 S-T-R-E-T-C-H LEVI'S "White"--$5.98 TURTLENECKS--$1 .69 ( 15 Colors) Open Mon. & Fri. Nights SAM'S STORE 122 E. Washington The fire of love lies in the heart. Wkh ,,t better way to reflect its earthllyglow than tihroughY the diamond's scintillating becauty avild symbolism. Like your love, it must be the finest expression of nature's art. To uin ders>tand the heart and soul of a damond aho reirleS art on the part of your jeweler. Lect Our trained member of the A merican Gemi Society advise you properly on the ultimate tokecn to your beloved,.. either in an nagmn diamond, or one indicative ol. your present position. MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY ~j BAY'S Arcade Jewelry~ Shop1- 16 Nickels Arcade a O - yOUNG ELEGANCE f t . .e I r.. S ..e ( I : ~~~~~~~~~_._ ,e u o pee ln f~ otw a ;.om-1nz-ok ofCuhirnia Jatzn-outr S--olgeow 9FS ..p:: an mnyote tmos ams hlave you ever thought of running for President? Manty of our staffers do. One of our Alumni even DID it! Whvly? Because some of the Daily staff members feel t i icy could do a better job. And why not? They have a 01.oroucd i knowledg'e of the worad and national scenes. They )IaVc> felt the pressures of our 2 A.M. deadlines. I" tile Inewc of the day gives you headaches, join our business stall and help run a $3/4 million business.' Then be presi- (ilnil' G.M. 1Iut whatever your ambition or interest, drop in and see us. Don' t cheat your future out of a break it needs. Ii I A' . . You Can Save More! BUY USED TEXTROONIk". JOIN i'I I I ii