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June 21, 1966 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-21

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,u flr~ian Ball
Seventy-Sixth Year

June 21: Apology to Carl Cohen, et al

Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1966


The New Asian Union:
Security from Within

Circulation Manager
Moreover, I confess and apolo-
gize to the campus at large.
Ever since the end of May it
has been I who managed, to the
degree that is possible, the Daily's
circulation department. It was my
boys that, with the precision of a
brain surgeon and the grace of a
Sherman tank, lofted your paper
through the second-floor window
at 7 a.m.-or at noon. And it was
I who, with the best intentions
in the world, told you that I
would leave the boys a note and
tell them not to do it again.
WHAT YOU probably didn't
know was that the circulation
manager has about as much con-
trol over his paper boys as Snoopy
has over the Red Baron. "But if
the circulation manager has about
as much control over his paper
boys as Snoopy has over the Red
Baron," you rightfully ask, "what's
the sense of having one?"
The only reason The Daily has

a circulation manager, as far as
I've been able to figure out is,
quite frankly, educational. Except
for bartending, there is certainly
no profession better situated to
study human nature than The
Daily's circulation manager.
So in addition to quitting, con-
fessing and apologizing, I'd hon-
estly like to thank you all for
letting me get to know you.
YOU'RE DIVIDED into four
basic groups. First are the Good
Guys, consisting largely of profes-
sional and non-professional phil-
osophers and secretaries. Notables
among this category are Carl Coh-
en (first winner of The Award,
see below) and the secretaries at
-the second-floor information desk
in the Administration Bldg., the
information desk at the University
Hospital and a secretary some-
where within the Administrative
Services Bldg.
Other Good Guys are those who
have had this sort of job before,
All can be recognized by their
gentle tones and their use of many
indefinite word forms like "if,"

"when," "might," "could" or "stu-
Many Good Guys eventually be-
come eligible for The Award. We
figured that if someone wanted
The Daily enough to complain five
times without cancelling his sub-
scription he deserved some rec-
ognition. So we gave him a free
subscription; thus The Award.
THEN THERE are the Bad Guys.
Bad Guys have two techniques for
trying to get a Daily delivered to
them. The first is the "just got
out of bed" approach, known also
as the "I'm normally a nice guy,
but God fm I mad at you" tech-
nique. Their hope is certainly to
coerce these idiots at The Daily
into delivering the paper while
not leaving the impression that
they are any worse than the next
guy. It doesn't work.
A second major Bad Guy tech-
nique is to try and frighten the
circulation manager into seeing
that they get a paper. Usually
this pitch runs "If you don't de-
liver a paper here tomorrow morn-
ing I'll cancel my subscription!"
It doesn't work either. ,

-There is one way to assauge
the feelings of both Good and
Bad Guys. That is to knock 50
cents or so off their bill. It is in-
credible, just incredible, to hear
how happy a student paying $1500
a year of his father's $13,000-a-
year income becomes when you tell
him you'll charge him 50 cents less
for his Daily.
THIRD ON MY list of Daily-
subscriber-types are the Hurt
Guys. They are hurting because
they the not receiving a Daily
and feel somehow slighted; I think
they are genuinely worried that
the paper doesn't love them.
Look here, Hurt Guys: The
Daily doesn't love anyone. I've
been working here three and one-
half years and it only likes me.
Stick with it, though, and maybe
it will begin to nod its cupola as
you walk past.
FOURTH and last are the Per-
fectionists. This is the sort of
subscriber who tells us when he
gets too many papers or gets them
when he hasn't ordered them.

Please don't misunderstand, Per-
fectionists; I'm really glad you
care enough to ask us not to send
the very best.
The problem is that there's no
Awardhwe can give you for your
thoughtfulness but sending -you
more papers than you've ordered
or a paper when you ,haven't or-
dered it at all. What can you do
for a lady who calls to inform you
that she got six Dailies this
morning but has no subscription?.
Also on the Perfection list are
those who are having their papers
mailed to them and who write
to complain that their name is
spelled wrong. Although I suppose
Steve Muchnick, alias Stee Much-
nich, alias Steve Muchnich could
have a legitimate complaint.. .
SO, SUBSCRIBERS, I just want
to tell you that I love you all. I
will personally testify to your
worth as human beings, individ-
ually and collectively, whenever
you like.
There's even a little bit of
nostalgia involved in leaving you.
Drop into my life again sometime.

AS SOMEONE recently remarked, when
the political situation in Viet Nam is
bad the administration points to the mili-
tary success; and when the military situ-
ation is bleak, the political progress in
Saigon is hailed with each peaceful, pass-
ing coup. This formula has been working
quite well until recently, when everything
seems hopeless.
The PR men for the government are
now pointing to a few strategic Asian
countries and their current attempt to
form a solid power bloc. The administra-
tion is quick to point out that this un-
precedented cooperation has taken place
while the United States was defending
democracy in Viet Nam. Those in the
higher echelons are of the opinion that
it was this staunch presence in the midst
of their rice paddies which gave the
Asians their courage and perception.
IT SHOTLD BE pointed out that the
union was proposed in spite of the war
In Viet Nam. The nations involved, Thai-
land, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singa-
pore and the Philippines have reached
the pragmatic age. They are growing
rapidly, but not fast enough to please all
of the populace, and the economies move
in spurts. Alone the nations can do very
little and the newly-developed feelings
of nationalism are ruffled at the onrush
of foreign aid.
Industrialization is the creed of all un-
derdeveloped countries; it is the ticket to
world success. But the process of indus-
trialization in the wake of the progress
of the Western world would require large
capital investments and technical knowl-
edge. Only Japan, among the nations
currently seeking each other out, has
shown significant advances along the
technological path.

The others, after the reign of the "go
it alone" philosophy, have found that with
independence comes the realization that
one is still dependent; dependent on the
resources of others to accomplish the goal
of industrialization.
THE ASIAN MOVE toward cooperation
is to be applauded for its pragmatic
realism in the face of East-West ideologi-
cal clashes. The informal union should
do a great deal to further the develop-
ment of Asian resources and power.
And, the fact is that neither the West
nor the Communists played a large role
in the Asian move toward increased co-
operation. In fact, the union was most
likely conceived as a means of protecting
the Asian sphere from foreign interven-
tion into problems which are rightfully
regarded as Asian problems to be solved
by the Asians themselves.
Other countries may alleviate the pres-
ent difficulties now facing the underde-
veloped countries but true strength must
come from within. The Asians themselves
have recognized this, and their current
meetings indicate that they are now
ready to draw up the master plan for a
multi-lateral co-prosperity sphere.
WHILE THE U.S. is making an abortive
attempt to bring democracy, freedom
and prosperity to the South Vietnamese
the rest of the Asian world is building
security from within.
It's a shame that the South Vietnamese
weren't represented at the Asian meeting.
But then, Uncle Sam is there to make
their decisions for them. Who needs oth-
ers with a Sugar Daddy like that?


IS U: The Irony of Operation Upgrade


las Lackey graduated "with
highest honors" from Michigan
State University a few days ago,
a year ahead of time, but he
wasn't in the football stadium here
to receive his degree.
Instead the thin, brown-haired
student was outside walking a
picket line. He and others were
protesting the Johnson Viet Nam
policy and the presence at the
commencement of Vice-President
the university itself enticed him
to come to Michigan State three
years ago. Like many other col-
leges and universities across the
land, Michigan State has been in
the midst of Operation Upgrade,
wooing top students in an ef-
fort to enrich the intellectual at-
But in many cases, they are
getting perhaps more than they
bargained for-the brightest stu-
dents often turn out to be the
radicals and "trouble makers."
CONSIDER the situation at
Michigan State. In 1963 it start-
ed its ambitious program to at-
tract scholars and help further
shed its agricultural-college im-
age. But it went further than
most universities.
Instead of counting on money
from Sears, Roebuck and Co., IBM
and other companies that bank-

roll National Merit Scholars, Mich-
igan State itself started dishing
out its own National Merit schol-
arships. To make sure it got plen-
ty of winners, it began actively
recruiting all high school seniors
who reached the semi-finals of
the National Merit competition.
Soon the campus was flooded
with National Merit Scholars.
Michigan State now boasts that
its roster of 560 (of which 425 are
financed by the university) far
exceeds any other campus. Sec-
ond-ranked Harvard has 405.
The University rates its recruit-
ing program a big success. yet
lately, amidst the glee over all the
brains attracted to East Lansing,
there have been signs that such
scholars are not always tranquil
A NUMBER of radical and dis-
sident groups have cropped up,
and almost all of them were or-
ganized by National Merit Schol-
ars. One of the ringleaders is Mr.
Lackey, who also received a Wood-
row Wilson grant.
Item: National Merit Scholars
formed a free-swinging weekly
newspaper, called "The Paper." It
regularly criticizes the universi-
ty administration and came out
with a particularly ribald issue
recently when 8000 parents were
in town for parent's weekend. Yet
it purports to aid Michigan State's
intellectual growth by "reporting
and commenting on the universi-
ty experience and encouraging
others to do so."

Item: Enraged because dormi-
tory self-service laundry prices
were raised 15 cents above the
going rate off-campus, a Merit
Scholar organized a protest group
called SCUM (Student Committee
to Understand Machines). Its slo-
gan: "SCUM is stronger than
Item: When Ramparts, a "new
left" maagzine, was preparing to
expose Michigan State's involve-
ment with the CIA through its
sponsorship of a Viet Nam proj-
ect, several National Merit Schol-
ars did research at $3 an hour.
Even as University President John
Hannah was defending Michigan
State's position in the affair at a
televised press conference, the Stu-
dents for a Democratic Society -
spearheaded by National Merit
Scholars-was busy picketing. "We
are not so good at learning but
we're great at coup d'etats," jeer-
ed one National Merit Scholar.
SOME OF THIS activity, of
course, can be written off as good-
natured fun-amusing but nettling
to any university administrator.
But considering Michigan State
went out and solicited its brain-
children-turned-hell-raisers, Mr.
Hannah and his associates are
faced with a delicate situation.
One worry: Michigan State may
be subsidizing its own transforma-
tion into one administrators call
"the next Berkeley"-a reference
to the University of California
where student unrest produced
havoc, and a black-eye for admin-

Indeed, one of Mr. Hannah's fa-
vorite speech topics is a warning
that some of the activist student
groups forming on many campuses
may have Communist links.
But there is a dilemma. Too
hard a crackdown could backfire,
creating big black headlines of an-
other sort. Michigan State hews a
cautious course, somewhere be-
tween no action and a get-tough
JOHN FUZAK, vice-president
for students, hired a graduate stu-
dent this year, "to keep track of
these kids," after he received many
complaints. "They tell me to 'sus-
pend 'em, kick them out, they're
a bunch of kooks'."
But Mr. Fuzak is quick to ex-
plain that his new employe is no
spy. "We're just trying to get some
knowledge about them to find out
if they have some legitimate com-
Michigan State is hardly blind
to the ironic situation its Merit
Scholars recruiting has produced.
But it mainly blames the students,
not the program.
"THERE IS NO simple answer
to the problem of student discon-
tent," says the university's 1965
annual report. "It must be rec-
ognized that many bright stu-
dents-and we continue to at-
tract our full share of them-be-
come disillusioned because their
developed expectations have not
been satisfied and they blame 'the

University,' not themselves, for
their disappointment."
Others on campus, however,
think the backfire in the end
may cause some healthy changes.
"The average kid gripes, but the
National Merit Scholar type seems
to go out and do something about
his gripes," says Edward Graham,
a humanities professor. Adds Louis
Berman, advisor to the campus
daily, "Let's face it. This was an
extra-conservative campus until
the National Merit Scholars came.
These kids are disturbing a lot of
people who need disturbing."
Many professors think the Na-
tional Merit Scholars' unrest re-
flects disenchantment with class-
room challenge here. "It's easier
to improve recruiting than it is
teaching," says Maurice Crane,
another humanities professor. "We
have special problems of bigness
here and we hope the National
Merit Scholars will continue to
act as a leavening agent and help
us out."
WHETHER the Merit Scholars
at Michigan State become a cat-
alyst for better education or bad
publicity remains to be seen.
Some campus observers believe a
set of faculty recommendations
that would put more responsibil-
ity in students' hands might help
ease the pressure if adopted. But
the ironic situation in East Lans-
ing points up a dilemma confront-
ing a growing number of quality-
minded universities these days.
(Reprinted from the wall st. Journal)


Equality: When Chance
Replaces Discrimination

about time education realized it. Anti-
discrimination forces are descending on
education, and if education does not move
fast, it will find itself removed from the
decision making process in its own insti-
Education is like most other fields, re-
senting the intrusion of outside forces
into its daily affairs but still subject to
the pressures of these outside forces.
From sputniks to Viet Nam, from civil
rights to the war on poverty, the out-
side world has illuminated and forced rec-
ognition of many of education's internal
problems-such as discrimination.
A CASE IN POINT is the effect of the
civil rights movement on college ad-
missions. Civil rights workers have
brought about the increased desire for
fairer means of determining who gets in
to college, with less emphasis on mone-
tary solvency, and an end to the socio-
economic discrimination of the present
This has led "white" universities to
bend over backwards seeking Negro stu-
dents, and has even led Negro schools to
seek white students to make up for the
loss of Negroes with the ability to pay
who went to white universities. Such ac-
tivities merely heighten discrimination.
WHAT IS NEEDED is a system that does
away with discrimination, one that
does away with emotional and rational
factors-chance. Each high school stu-
dent wishing to go to college could, com-
pletely by chance, be given a number from
one to one million. He could then apply
to whichever college he likes.
Admissions officials could choose those
students with the lowest numbers to fill
their classes. Since this selection process
could take a very short time, it would al-
low for nearly immediate notification and
response dates, to aid in the filling of all
the college places throughout the
nation. More selective schools could re-
quire a certain minimum test score for
applicants. All students would then be
guaranteed money from the federal gov-
ernment, if they needed it to go to college.
FROM THE HUBBUB about Viet Nam
comes another case, the recent stir
about the college's issuance of transcripts

be accessible for national service only
in case of emergencies, and then by lot-
tery only. Colleges will then be freer to
study the elimination of grades without
this outside influence, and even make
grading other than on a pass-fail basis
PEOPLE WILL CALL the system anar-
chy. Those in charge will smile secret-
ly for they know it as controlled anarchy.
People will curse a system that lets
other people out of duties because of sim-
ple luck. Those in charge will sigh and
wonder how people can curse one system's
chance without reason when they cursed
another system's discrimination with rea-
THERE ARE WASTES of time and there
are wastes of time. But then there are
also insults. Like the orientation movie
entitled "Circle of Health" which opens
multifarious wonderful doors to our in-
coming freshmen-the doors of the Uni-
versity Health Service.
Young freshman Johnny Applepie
(played by Brandon De Wilde) arrives
at the big "U" and his dorm (South Quad,
of course-why don't they ever show any-
one arriving at East?) with his family
(played by Jane Wyman, Wally Cox and
the Lennon sisters). As he moves in they
are all smiles.
Later, on his very own, Johnny swims in
a pool (not the Union-and he jumps in
holding his nose). Johnny walks around
campus in the beautiful Ann Arbor
weather which is always sunny and leafy.
BUT ALAS AND ALACK, after studying
ever so hard and dutifully while pic-
tures of Mom and Dad watch on, young
John is stricken with a virus. "This," the
narrator says, "is John's first sickness
away from home." John's roommate
(played by Trueblood Doright) sees his
agony (John is in bed with the covers
pulled up around his neck and an expres-
sion of pain on his face-I was certainly
convinced that it was John's first sick-
ness away from home) and maternally in-
sists he go to that mother-surrogate for
sick young boys, HEALTH SERVICE.

For a Really Big Show- Contact NASA

MILLIONS OF television viewers
followed every step of the re-
cent Gemini 9 space mission, will-
Ing to watch breathlessly for hours
to view a momentary trail of
smoke in living color. The plan-
ners of America's space program
should ponder this fact carefully
the next time the space budget is
criticized as a tax burden.
THERE IS an aura about our
space efforts which is now being
readily exploited by the mass
media. Television, especially, takes
full advantage of the high viewer
appeal of space ventures by pre-
senting live coverage sponsored by
well-healed corporations. For all
the benefits television receives, it
pays nothing for access to the
government space facilities and
such shows present no great pro-
duction problems.
Where else may main characters
be found at no expense who are
dying to explain detailed blue-
prints of guidance systems while
seated in a mock capsule set with
a backdrop of equipment worth
billions? These conditions make
the launchings quite profitable for
the networks, promoting the es-
tablishment of such "gimmicks,"
as NBC's "Space Central," an ex-
pensive permanent installation on
the Cape for producing several
telethons a month.
On all channels, however, glow-
ing commentators can command a
large home audience as they read
off acceleration speeds and fuel
pressures, display do-it-yourself

missiles and sprout the many
cliches of astronautics.
AND SO continually our space
efforts have become theatrical
ventures while security measures
are quickly relaxed. All this sug-
gests that if private firms can
make profits from the excitement
generated by a capsule orbiting
the Earth, perhaps part of the
$3.3 billion annual cost of space
exploration could be defrayed if
the government would employ a
good talent scout or public rela-
tions man to head the space pro-
The first order of business would
be to establish a competitive bid
system to each mission. Thistac-
tic, extremely profitable for pro-
moters of spectaculars such as the
World Series or the Olympic
Games would be equally success-
ful for the space program. The
rights may be coupled with a
promise of more showmanship at
the Cape, such as painting the
spacecraft for color television.
THE NUMBER of imaginative
promotions which could be initiat-
ed once such showmanship is es-
tablished is stunning. These are a
few examples which may well be
seen in the near future:
1) Rather than leave the many
tourists who come miles to sit on
the beaches with binoculars to
watch the flights, a moveable
grandstand should be placed in
front of the launching pad and a
sign reading "See All The Action
-$2.00" placed on the highway.

Ground personnel nmay be pressed
into service as hot dog vendors.
2) That is only a start. Surely
large corporations could be in-
duced to sponsor space ventures.
The vehicles would reflect the
sponsor's image and bear the
names of Union Carbide or U.S.
Steel rather than Gemini. Only a
tiny portion of the huge profits
being reported by any of various
companies could finance part of a
space vehicle and result in very
effective promotions.
3) A NATIONAL space sweep-
stakes before every firing would
offer valuable prizes to the ticket
holders who come closest to guess-
ing the exact distance from the
primary recovery craft the capsule
will land-with a special bonus for
a bulls-eye. Our propensity for
gambling sends millions of dollars
to Ireland each year to support
their hospitals, there is no reason
why this money shouldn't be kept
in America to capitalize on the
"buy American" appeal to support
our astronauts.
4) Space shots could be made
community affairs. It may not

raise more money, but people may
be more willing to part with some
of their tax money if they could
see what they bought. Taxpayers
could agree to pay a reduced
federal income tax and place the
remainder into a central fund.
When this fund becomes large
enough, it would be used to fi-
nance a space craft and the city
would be its namesake. A group
from the community would chris-
ten it and "The City of Ann
Arbor" would be a source of civic
pride for years to come.
5) STIMULATING the patriotic
nature could also help raise
money. People who donate a cer-
tain sum of money would receive
a bumper sticker proclaiming "I'm
helping overcome Communist dom-
ination of space." Large scale phil-
antropy could be rewarded by a
"patriot of space" medal.
6) Finally, the government could
issue space bonds, guaranteeing
the holder the right to a plot of
land on the moon. Their novelty
value would make them popular
before man lands there, and when

we actually have settled on the
lunar surface they would induce
many to move from the over-
crowded Earth.
OF COURSE, these measures
are still in the future and would
stir a great deal of debate as to
their feasibility. However, face-
tious these proposals may sound,
they are typical of what will even-
tually have to be done in order to
support the financing and popu-
larity of our ambitious space pro-
gram. The government has already
allowed science to assume a side-
show aspect and it is only a matter
of time before it takes advantage
of the profit potential.
There will be those who will
argue that such behavior will pro-
stitute the importance of safety
and technological excellence and
reduce space ventures to farcical
theatrics. They must remember,
though, that any costly and in-
volved undertaking demands sac-
rifice. In this case the cost to
science is dear. But it must come
to this and sooner or later, it will.
It is known as progress.



The Press and the Courts

"And Some Day They Might Even Extend The Idea
To Our Own Little Planet"

T IS ALMOST crisis time for
newspapers because their func-
tion and ability to responsibly
document crime are being dis-
Statistics of some crimes are not
being printed. Judges have ruled
that due process for some recent
criminal cases has been disrupted
by newspaper publicity.
The conviction of the Ohio doc-
tor now in prison for murdering
his wife was invalidated by the
Supreme Court recently. A ma-
jority ruling concluded that the
trial was twisted by "inherently
prejudicial publicity." Ohio prose-
cutors have scheduled a second
An, extremely able Detroit jurist
postponed the bribery and con-
spiracy trial of the Boys from

themselves. Detroit police officials
have been sluggish to initiate
their own investigation.
The scandal comes at a special
time for Detroit, close to major
elections. If investigations are de-
layed long enough, it will lose its
meaning, which is considerable in
a city that has boasted of police
virtually free from vice for years.
Both unfortunate events are be-
ing blamed on newspaper activi-
corder's Court bullpen swells with
unnamed desperate men who
await trial for unpublished crimes
in astounding number.
When a Recorder's judge is
overwhelmed by the number of
cases in a day's docket, the news-
papers may be excused for print-
ing the fact. But newspapers do

by the guy who pulls a gun on the
store owner and that committed
by the businessman who uses
money the wrong way, can be
written and published in good
taste by newspapermen. It is most
important that these crimes be
printed, for they are touchstones
for something very wrong with
the way booming cities are shaping
up and money is being distri-
The collage of crime points to
cruel and pitiful conditions in
the big cities, the way the poor are
living regardless of their civil
rights, and the way some others
are living beyond their personal
liberties. This is where the indig-
nancy should be, against the con-
ditions that drive the thug to
shoot the bartender and the en-
trepreneur to conspire to bribe.
But there can be no public in-
dignation if the facts never reach

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