TUEIDAY, JUNE 21, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY '!;! rM TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1966 rUE MICHIGAN DAILY A m' £ C1[.if IE. iJ1i 5 DeGaulle Seeks Accord. With Russia, ast, uro e A ~ A reeiien is ..O.t}.,,.. t t Suggested In Speeches Leaders Hint Joint Interest in European Security, Viet Nam MOSCOW (A)-President Charles de Gaulle told his Soviet hosts' last night that France wants to find a "way out of this vicious circle" of East-West confronta- tion. Beginning an 11-cay state visit to the Soviet Union, de Gaulle declared at a Kremlin banquet France seeks to "begin establish- ing new relations pursuing the aim of detente, accord and coop- 4 "' h{ ,t s F {' .....t eration with the so-called East European states." Associated Press France and the Soviet Union FRENCH PRESIDENT CHARLES DE GAULLE saluts troops at Orly Airport in Paris before flying to should go ahead, without waiting Moscow In speeches in Moscow yesterday he called for cooperation between East Europe and France , for the rest of Europe to settle for European security. its problems, to reach agreement between themselves, the French leader said. CIVIL RIGHTS SETBACK: Joint Initiatives De Gaulle and Soviet President Nikolai V. Podgorny suggested in th visirol edt on rnh Lim it Taking o. Rightis Cae the first day's speeches that the Soviet initiatives on European se- curity and the war in Viet Nam. Podgorny said he is convinced rro m State to Federal Court de Gaulle and the Russians could agree on the situation in Europe WASHINGTON (AP) - The Su- ously disrupt the administration ing session. The chief justice was and other areas "especially those preme Court ruled 59 to 4 yester- of our criminal laws," Warren absent because of the death last where the flames of war are rag- day that only in limited instances wrote. Friday of his sister, Mrs. Ver- ing today." This appeared to be a may prosecutions of civil rights "It would require the retrial or non Plank, of Oakland, Calif. reference to Viet Nam, workers in the Deep South be re- release of numerous prisoners Douglas left last week for his In his dinner speech, de Gaulle moved from state to federal courts. found guilty by trustworthy evi- summer home at Goose Prairie, said it is up to France and the And, in its last session of the dence in conformity with previ- Wash. Soviet Union to start trying to 1965-66 term, the court barred ously announced constitutional Warren's decision was read by solve European problems, partic- retroactive application of its his- standards." Justice William J. Brennan, Jr. ularly the German problem. toric decision of last Monday Warren and Justice William O. The senior associate justice, Hugo 'Fertile Unity, narrowing use of confessions at Douglas did not attend the clos- L. Black, presided over the court. trials. This was a 7-2 ruling.- __________________________ ____ "Without ignoring the essential The removal decision, announc- role that the United States has to ed by Justice Potter Stewart, is M1_E rlthtteUiesttshstedbJutcPotrSeatiscayplay" in the world, de Gaulle said, a setback for civil rights forces. M ISSissippi M a s c pnefS s F orge France thinks that the first con- He said for the majority: "First, y dition for world progress "is the no federal law confers an abso- O ne M R Planned fr-etil hmnity indf Europe of lute right on private citizens-on I) n M em or0ial Rly Planned fertile unity instead of having Eu- civil rights advocates, on Negroes, rope paralyzed by a sterile divi- or on anybody else-to obstruct a sion." public street, to contribute to BELZONI, Miss. (WP-The mili- mated at 250, walked from their A big welcoming crowd shouted the delinquency of a minor, to tant Mississippi marchers shout- churchyard campsite to the Hum- "Friendship!" as de Gaulle arriv- drive an automobile without a li- ed for converts yesterday as they phreys County Courthouse, where ed at the airport. Then the French ense, or to bite a policeman. headed south after getting the they urged local Negroes to reg- and Russians in a cavalcade were cNo Immunity, sheriff in Belzoni to unlock a ister to vote. Federal registrars and Ryousans aava Fre Nh courthouse restroom for their use. were on duty at the nearby post met by thousands waving Fenc "Second, no federal law confers Multicolored banners, proclaiming office. and Soviet flags in the 25-mile immunity from state prosecution Mississippi March 1966, marked Eight Negroes, said to be trus- ride into the city, on such charges." their progress through the cot- te rmtesaepntnir Welcome banners floated over- However, in a companion deci- ton plantation country. prison farm at Parchman, stood head, greeting de Gaulle and hail- sion, the court said unanimously A segment peeled off from the guard at the Confederate monu- ing Soviet-French friendship, that if equal access to public ac- main column for an 85 mile auto ment outside the courthouse. Identical Interests commodations-a right assured by trip to Philadelphia. There they The marchers made no effort, the 1964 Federal Civil Rights Law planned a nighttime rally and a however, to plant a United States Soviet President Podgorny said --is involved there cannot be any separate march today to mark the flag on the monument as they in an airport welcoming ceremony prosecution-either in federal or second anniversary of the slayings did at Grenada last week. that their two countries have an state court, of three young civil rights work- ' identity of interests in approach- The confession decision, written ers. Instead, Green led a small group ing a number of important prob- by Chief Justice Earl Warren, James Chaney 22, a Meredian into the courthouse to desegre- lems of modern international af- drew two lines. Negro, and two white New York- gate restrooms, They found twc fairs."ns ego adtw hteNw ok unlocked, One was marked "rest- fairs." It said the high court's land- ers, Michael Schwerner, 24, and rom," the t s mprked only,' Thus the most important visit mark 1964 Escobedo ruling, which Andrew Goodman, 20, were killed roon the oter employes only. to the Soviet Union of a Western for the first time extended the June 21, 1964, after inspecting the the restroom reserved for em- leader in many years opened with right to counsel to suspects un- remains of a Negro church de- the the prospect that France, the dis- dergoing police questioning, "af- stroyed by fire near Philadelphia. ployes. sident member of the Western al- fects only those cases in which Seventeen white men, including A third restroom, also marked liance, was seeking a new status the trial began" after the ruling Neshoba County Sheriff Lawrence "employes only," was locked. in Kremlin thinking. was announced. Rainey and Deputy Cecil Price, Threaten Sit-Down French officials have said the Similarly, it said last Monday's are scheduled for trial Sept. 26 "If we don't get to use the 11-day trip will not include sign- Miranda ruling, which barred at Meredian on federal charges in toilets, we are going to bring Ing any treaty or alliance, except trial use of incriminating state- connection with the deaths. everybody in and have a sit- possibly on scientific and cultural ments obtained from suspects Robert Green, director of edu- down," Green told Sheriff John mattosn whose constitutional rights to re- cation for the Southern Christian Purvis. "This toilet is symbolic 'a te , main silent and to have a law- Leadership Conference, made the of all the things the Negro has 6Z Alliance yer's assistance were not safe- announcement about the Phila- been locked out of in Missis- But diplomats noted that sim- guarded by police, "applies only delphia sidetrip at the start of sippi." ilar assurances were given when to cases in which the trial be- yesterday's march. The sheriff obtained a key from de Gaulle visited West Germany gan" after the ruling was an- "We are going to Philadelphia a woman employe and unlocked in 1962. A few months later aPris nounced. to protest the slayings and the the door. Several Negro girls filed and Bonn formed a little alliance "Retroactive application of Es- burning of churches," he said. past him. within the North Atlantic Treaty cobedo and Miranda would seri- The group, their number esti- The march route down U.S. 49 Organization. It has since broken The____march____route____down______U.S.___49-_ down over de Gaulle's determina- W went through sprawling cotton tion to pursue his own policies. Rf ( p, plantations. i ener d a1n dew s R oundu At one place, the marchers In the uniform of a French brigadier general, de Gaulle and Ppassed 10 Negroes on a cabin his wife stepped from a scialN porch. The marchers yelled, French jet plane into bright sun- By The Associated Press HAMPTON, Va.-Two military "gFreedom people! Freedom" bu shine here to begin a tour of five CLEVELAND - America still attack bombers collided over a Further down the road, fielc Soitciies. A sih, so far un- has time to "find an honorable shopping center in the vacation hands waved back. Across a dirt announced, top mightrmakeehim solution" to the war in South suburb of Buckree Beach here last road a group of whites in a greer the first foreign leader to see a Viet Nam "without a wider war- night. One crashed in flames in pickup truck smiled when a siai Soviet rocket launching. and hopefully with a short one," a residential area, leveling several white boy hesitantly raised has Podgorny and Premier Alexei N. Michigan Gov. George W. Rom- homes. Police said at least four hand and waved. Kosygin greeted de Gaulle as he ney said yesterday persons were dead, A car filled with Negroes drove came down from his plane. The It was his strongest statement The Coast Guard said in Nor- past and the marchers yelled: French president met them with to date on U.S. foreign policy in folk that four marine flyers had "March for freedom, don't ride!' salutes and then smiling hand- general and the Viet Nam war in been rescused by helicopter and The march, begun June 5 al shakes. particular. bat. The second aircraft came Memphis by James H. Meredith, Stiff Welcome Romney said in remarks for an down in Cheaspeake Bay off near is expected to end outside the It was a somewhat stiff recep- annual meeting of the Cleveland Norfolk. Mississippi Capitol in Jacksor tion, lacking the gallic touch of Chapter of the National Confer- At least four homes were de- Sunday afternoon. kisses on both cheeks or the tra- ence of Christians and Jews: molished and two or three others -- ditional Russian bearhugs that "Most nations, even including were reported badly damaged former Premier Nikita S. Khrush- our allies, no longer consider us when one of the planes-said to chev gave visitors. dedicated to peace-what a pity be A6 Marine Corps attack bomb- and costly misfortune. ers from Cherry Point, N.C.- UAT T U But the Russians had laid on "But it is not too late, we still plunged into a residential area of all the other touches to honor have time to learn from our mis- two-bedroom homes near the their visitor. De Gaulle was cheer- takesF" Fordham Shopping Center, pre ed by a crowd at the airport and te one of the biggest crowds along -- 5 t s ,, Y Red Cross Help Asked By Monks Coast Guard Cutters Seize Chinese Arms Bound for Viet Cong SAIGON ()-Embattled Bud- dhist leaders, blockaded in a Sai- gon pagoda compound, appealed yesterday to the International Red Cross for help in a health situa- tion they described as critical. They claimed one Buddhist had caught cholera, but the govern- ment said a hospital examination showed no such symptoms. In the northern city of Hue, extremist monk Thich Tri Quang, leader of the widespread anti- government agitation that has wracked the country for weeks, was placed under virtual house arrest. 13th Day on Hunger Strike A squad of about 20 govern- ment soldiers guarded his room in Hue Municipal Hospital where he was in the 13th day of a hun- ger strike to protest the govern- ment of Premier Nguyen Cao Ky and American support of Ky. While maintaining its firm pres- sures on the weakening Buddhist opposition movement, the govern- ment announced formally its plans for national elections in the fall and made official its intention to stay in power well into 1967. It also eased its curfew on Viet- namese in Saigon, and U.S. mili- tary authorities followed suit and relaxed restrictions on U.S. serv- icemen in the capital. Anti-American Demonstrations A tight curfew had been im- posed when Buddhists began a se- ries of antigovernment demonstra- tions that on numerous occasions erupted into violence on Saigon streets. In many cases, the dem- onstrations had a strong anti- American overtone. In the war, U.S. Coast Guard cutters intercepted and seized a blockade-running trawler that was about to deliver tons of Chinese- made arms and ammunition to Viet Cong guerrillas south of Sai- gon. The major ground action involv- ed units of the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airbone Division, which ran into a Viet Cong force of un- known size and became involved in a brisk firefight that lasted through the day. The Americans reported they killed four Viet Cong while suffering light casual- ties themselves. Hit Near Cambodia B-52 bombers from Guam blast- ed a suspected Viet Cong area in Zone C near the Cambodian bor- der. Officials said a Viet Cong unit of about 500 men and a head- quarters detachment were be- lieved in the target area. Monks of the besieged Buddhist Institute, where Saigon's violent anti - government demonstrations have originated, said in a cable to the International Red Cross in Geneva that one Buddhist had contracted cholera and others massed in the compound were "in hunger." The suspected cholera victim was permitted to leave the insti- tute in an ambulance, and offi- cials said no symptoms of the disease were detected when he was examined at a hospital. The monks claimed in their message to Geneva that 1500 adults and 400 refugee children were jammed into the compound surrounding Saigon's main Bud- dhist pagoda. "Electricity and water have been cut off," the cable said. "The health situation is critical. One Buddhist has caught cholera. Medicine and food cannot be brought in. Help, save our souls." In New York yesterday Secre- tary-General U Thant renewed his three-point plan for ending the Viet Nam conflict and declared that "these three steps alone can create conditions conducive to a peaceful solution of the Viet Nam problem." The three points, previously out- lined by the secretary-general, are: -A cessation of the U.S. bomb- ing of North Viet Nam. -A scaling down of military operations by both sides. -A willingness by all sides to enter, into discussions with all those actually participating in the fighting Thant said he had made no new proposals on the Viet Nam conflict recently. He acknowledged that he had touched on thes ub- ject briefly in an informal talk with U.S. Secretary of State Dean Dusk at President Johnson's UN reception in Washington last Tuesday, but described the con- versation as "casual." WASHINGTON (M)-The Sen- ate Ethics Committee, starting hearings on misconduct charges against Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, first ruled out copies of documents tak- en from his files but later dis- closed they are being used in the probe. At the end of a day-long, clos- ed hearing, Chairman John Sten- nis (D-Miss) said his opening statement about not using as evi- dence copies of over 4000 docu- ments removed from the Con- necticut Democrat's office requir- ed clarification. In his original statement he said the bipartisan committee felt the copies of the documents were "sufficiently stigmatized so as to preclude their use as evidence here." Documents Questionable Stennis told newsmen later that since the committee regarded the admissability of these copies as at least questionable, it considered it had a duty to secure "all docu- ments and facts obtainable," in- dependently, "This is what we are doing," he said. He added, "If the original documents obtained are at vari- ance, or do not include all docu- ments taken from Senator Dodd's office with respect tothe mat- ters before the committee, the committee will inquire into such variance." Stennis said that after screen- ing the copies it obtained, the com- mittee requested Dodd to furnish it with the originals of all the Boyd. who 'left Dodd's staff in May. 1965, said he is disturbed by the committee's ruling against the use of the copied documents' as evidence. "This will be of the greatest advantage to Sen. Dodd," Boyd said as he left the hearing room. He said he would be "very sur- prised" if Dodd had turned over all the documents involved in the case to the committee set up to police senatorial ethics. He would not discuss his testi- mony before the committee. Dodd and Klein Stennis said the committee's initial hearings would deal with Dodd's relationship with Julius Klein, owner of a Chicago public relations firm and a registered agent for West German business interests. Stennis said "a critical ele- ment" in this relationship is a trip Dodd made to West Germany in April 1964. "The committee will accordingly be especially interested in any evidence which seeks to establish or refute the allegation that Sen. Dodd employed the official sanc- tion of such a trip as a subterfuge for a scheme to improve the repu- tation which Julius Klein had in Germany." said Stennis. Trip To Investigate In his libel suit against Person and Anderson, Dodd said he made the trip for the Senate Internal Security subcommittee to investi- gate murder and kidnaping as in- struments of Soviet policy. The columnists had written that inateDodd made the trip to help Klein retain his West German clients after Klein had figured in a Senate Foreign Relations Coin mittee investigation of the activi- ties of foreign agents. Dodd willbe permitted to attend all the committee's hearings, to cross examine the witnesses and to offer evidence on his own behalf, Stennis said. Free Information Bill Win Unanimous Vote of House WASHINGTON (IP)-The House formation can be withheld. And it gave final congressional approval permits persons denied informa- yesterday to landmark freedom- tion to seek federal court action to of-information legislation making force its disclosure. it easier for Americans to examine The House accepted the bill documents it felt were material the records of the federal govern- to its investigation. ment, No Variance A unanimous 307-0 vote sent to Dodd has done so, Stennis said, President Johnson the measures adding that so far no variance has establishing a basic policy that been found in the originals and records of federal executive agen- the copies of the documents that cies shall be available to the public were removed from Dodd's files. unless specific reasons exist for The only witness heard by the maintaining secrecy. committee yesterday was James P. Sponsors predicted the Presi- Boyd, Jr., 37, former administra- dent will sign the measure, despite tive assistant to Dodd. Boyd free- efforts of some federal agencies ly acknowledged to newsmen he to block it. The law would take had participated in removing and effect in one year, and would copying the documents over a long apply to all executive branch period both before and after his agencies, but not to state and local dismissal from Dodd's employ- governments or to Congress which ment. conducts much of its business in He said he had turned copies secrecy. over to newsmen Jack Anderson. Secrets Opened an associate of syndicated col- Among the areas in which of- umnist Drew Pearson. Boyd said ficial secrecy would be stripped the copies were made outside away are names and salaries of Dodd's office and the originals federal employes, the details on returned to the files. millions of dollars of nonsecurity The copied documents figured federal contracts and the details in a series of columns in which of important regulatory actions Pearson and Anderson charged ranging from the Federal Trade Dodd with misconduct. The col- Commission to the Board of En- umns resulted in a request by, gineers for Rivers and Harbors. Dodd for the committee investiga- Basically, the bill replaces the tion and also in a $2 million libel vague language in existing gov- suit by the senator against the ernment information statutes with columnists. specific grounds under which in- passed last Oct. 13 by the Senate. Decade of Work The legislation is the product of more than a decade's effort by Rep. John E. Moss (D-Calif) and others to overhaul information policies of the executive branch. The legislation approved yester- day was sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Edward V. Long (D-Mo) whose predecessor, the late Sen. Thomas C. Hennings (D-MO) backed similar legislation in the 1950s. This legislation, Moss told the House, "will not only correct in- equities which have developed over the past 20 years but also will establish a governmental program to prepare for the wave of the future." 'Political Problems' And he noted that "government information problems are political problems" but not partisan prob- lems. "Let me emphasize today," Moss continued, "that the government information problem did not start with President Lyndon Johnson. I hope, with his cooperation fol- lowing our action here today, that they will be diminished." SEN. THOMAS DODD: Senate Committee Hearings Open on Misconduct Charge r e s t Y r Jr Y V r e ll e 9 C S Ci d d n 1, it d .t n 11 is e t ,e n Merry Christmas In 1895, in Copenhagen at the old Bing and Gron- dahl procelain factory, the idea of the now famous Christmas plate was born. Since then, a new plate with a new motif is manufactured every year. Every year, the molds are destroyed and the plates become col- lectors items, The theme for the 1966 plate shows the fishing fleet returning home for Christmas with a spruce decorating the mast-head in the old Danish Christmas tradition. The new 1966 Bing and Grondahl plates are now in ___ i JDENT COUNCIL sents mm da &E m - - 11 1 i II I