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June 18, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-18

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Wan ted: Protection

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Where Opinios Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



The USNSA Report:
Bringing the Town to the Gown

ALIENATION is becoming passe.
The new trend is toward "involve-
ment-in university affairs, the com-
munity, and national and international
The traditional idea of the university
as a "community within the community,"
a place where students are sheltered in
an ivory tower world for four years to be-
come educated and to learn about the
world, is out of focus with what this new
breed of student is searching for in a
In effect, what today's university is
facing is the students pounding on the
door of the ivory tower. They want to get
out, play an active role in the world, in
a word, to become "involved." But the
university is having a difficult time loos-
ening its hold on students and revising
traditional concepts of education and the
role of students.
NATIONAL Student Association, a
national union of students and stu-
dent governments representing about 350
colleges and universities, recently issued
a report in which it recommended that
credit should be offered for off-campus
experiences in such things as hospitals,
the Peace Corps, the civil rights move-
ment or the antipoverty program.
With this idea in mind, San Francisco
State College student government has ini..
tiated a Community Involvement Proj-
ect (CIP) which has offered an opportuni-
ty for over 600 students to become in-
volved in off-campus activity.
Through the project, students have or-
ganized tenant unions in housing proj-
ects, worked on a community planning
project, and provided youth counseling
and recreation for children in the city's
slum areas. The more than 300 tutors in-
volved in the Tutorial Program devote
four hours a week tutoring culturally de-
prived youngsters.
A few faculty members have reacted to
these student efforts by setting up com-
munity involvement classes to provide
the students with the "tools to solve the
problems of society." One philosophy pro-
fessor set up "The City and the College:
Their Culture," a course in which the stu-
dents work on projects to determine the
college's relationship to its surrounding
Editorial Staff
CLARENCE FANTO...................Co-Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER ................... Co-Editor
UT WILKINSON..................ports Editor
BETSY COHN ................ Supplement Manager
IGET EDITORS: Meredith Eiker, Michael Heffer
Shirley Rosick, Susan Schnepp, Martha Wolfgang.
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT .... ... Business Manager
LEONARD PRATT............Circulation Manager
JEANNE ROSINSKI.:........... Advertsing Manager
RANDY RISSMAN...........Supplement Manager
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise
credited to the newspaper. All rights of re-publication
of all other matters here are also reserved.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail); $8 two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail).
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich ,
Published daly Tuesday through Saturday morning.

THE SF STATE program is one attempt
to get at an answer to the question
that has been plaguing the alienated col-
lege student for years: "How do you ra-
tionalize the irrelevancy between what
you learn in the classroom with what you
learn in real life?"
Community involvement is providing
the students with opportunities to relate
classroom knowledge directly to the out-
side world and to make the community
itself a classroom. They are discovering
important roles they can play in society
even while students, rather than feeling
alienated and apart from the real world.
BUT IN THEIR enthusiasm to become
involved in community affairs stu-
dents have not forgotten the university.
Quite the contrary. Students are more
concerned than ever about the role and
meaning of the university both for stu-
dents and the rest of society, and like-
wise are eager to become more involved
in the university at all levels.
In the same report, NSA recommended
that "students should be more responsibly
involved in the management of college
affairs, such as in helping to identify ef-
fective teachers and rewarding them with
Not only in rewarding teachers, but in
all areas and at all levels, from depart-
mental to administrative, students are
demanding a more important voice in
the decision-making processes of the uni-
important first step in more intimate-
ly involving students through the propos-
ed Student Advisory Board System. The
proposal, which has already won the ap-
proval of President Hatcher and other
top administrators, would involve stu-
dents in an advisory capacity to the presi-
dent and vice-presidents in discussing and
working out problems facing students and
the University.
Student leaders feel there is no reason
why the administration, faculty and stu-
dents should not work together in equally
important roles in the management of the
But the student clamor for involve-
ment is just beginning to be heard by the
universities. At SF State administrators
are reluctant to give wholehearted en-
couragement to CIP, saying that "until
the regulations set up by the State of
California are changed, the prime duty of
the college is to provide higher education
in the classroom."
Here, setting up student advisory boards
is a slow process, with many questions
and doubts lurking in the background.
NEVERTHELESS, the long-alienated stu-
dent is emerging from the dormitory
and the library and moving into the
community and knocking on administra-
tors' doors. It is time now for the univer-
sities to act-to reevaluate themselves
and the roles they have assigned to stu-
Students are changing, so must the

THE CASE of Annette Buchan-
an, is really the problem of the
press in general. Miss Buchanan
is being charged with contempt
of court for refusing to reveal the
names of students using mari-
juana, whom she interviewed for
an article about drugs on campus
published in the University of
Washington Daily Emerald.
The publication of the article it
seems, had the unhappy circum-
stance of coinciding with the be-
ginning of a grand jury investiga-
tion into the use of drugs on
campus. Seemingly more anxious
to convict rather than investigate,
the grand jury went after what
they obviously felt was the most
vulnerable source of information
-a student.
But, Annette Buchanan was not
as vulnerable as they thought. Not
only did she refuse to reveal her
sources of information, but she
has begun a crucial test of the
right of the press to protection of
its confidential sources and the
reporters who obtain information
from them.
AT THIS POINT, protection of
the press laws have been passed
in only a few states. Washington
is not one of them; nor is Michi-
gan for that matter. In most of
these states, however, the laws
are incomplete, providing only
partial protection of the press or
providing it with important ex-
Even in states with protection
of the press laws, officials have
been known to use information
gathered by reporters as grounds
for prosecution.

During the Watts riots last year,
an enterprising CBS camera crew
interviewed a young man who had
participated in the riots. Keeping
the camera turned away from the
young man's face to conceal his
identity, the reporters got him to
describe his part in the looting
and burning of the past few days.
Although California has a pro-
tection of the press law, attempts
were made by law officials to
force the reporters to identify the
man that they had interviewed.
When this failed, they used voice
prints and other identifying
marks, such as a ring, in an at-
tempt to identify the man.
is less complicated. In a state
with no protection of the press
law, the grand jury clearly has
the right to prosecute her for not
revealing the names of the stu-
dents. But her position as a stu-
dent editor does pose some prob-
lems in the case.
The grand jury seems to regard
her as more vulnerable. She on
the other hand, was using the
customary sanctuary of the univer-
sity to investigate and express
an opinion not held by the society
at large. In prosecuting her, the
grand jury, in a sense, is choosing
not to respect this fundamental
right of academic inquiry-free-
dom from repression because the
ideas it espouses are not popular
with the general public.
VERY OFTEN campus news-
papers, this one included, are
forums for discussions of highly
controversial subjects such as the

The Associates
by carney and wolter
use of marijuana, the pill, etc. If
this forum is closed, through legal
processes,misuse of the informa-
tion disclosed, or the threat of
either, the campus has lost one
of the better aspects of the aca-
demic tradition.
Fortunately for Miss Buchanan,
the college administration has de-
clared itself solidly behind her in
her refusal to reveal the names
of the students involved, as, I
believe, would be most university
administrations. But without the
protection of the law, little that the
administration does will be able
to stop her prosecution.
THE CASE of the CBS reporters
in Watts is potentially a greater
problem for a court to decide.
California does have a protection
of the press law of some sort,
therefore, the reporter himself was
not prosecuted for failing to iden-
tify the man interviewed.
The question here is not neces-
sarilly whether or not the informa-
tion gathered by the press is used
by law officials, but whether or
not it is used with the consent of
the newsmen involved.
Unfortunately, the legal protec-
tion available even to thercom-
mercial press is, at best, ill-
defined. Marie Torre, TV critic
for the New York Herald-Tribune
in the early 1960s, was jailed for

for the
refusing to reveal the source of
a rumor about CBS programming
policy-a rumor which, ironically,
turned out to be true several years
Miss Torre lost a valuable posi-
tion with one of the nation's lead-
ing newspapers, but, more impor-
tant. her case set a dangerous
precedent-a newsman's right to
protect the identity of his sources
was deemed less important than.
the satisfaction of a top corpora-
tion's ire against a prematurely
revealed secret.
AN ATMOSPHERE potentially
detrimental to freedom of ex-
pression in the mass media has
been created in this country. Ar-
thur Sylvester, assistant secretary
of defense for public affairs, was
quoted recently defending the "in-
herent right of the government
to lie."
Newsmen asked him about the
credibility of American officials
on Viet Nam war reports.
"Look, if you think any Ameri-
can official is going to tell the
truth, then you're stupid. Did you
hear that? Stupid." Sylvester thus
expressed the increasing prevalent
attitude within the U.S. govern-
ment today that it is the pa-
triotic duty of the press to dis-
seminate only information that
makes the United States look good.
President Johnson came close to
advocating this viewpoint recent-
ly when he urged citizens to "put
away the childish, divisive things"
and unite for the greater glory of
Uncle Sam.
THE RECENT Supreme Court
ruling ordering a new trial for

Cleveland physician Dr. Samuel
Sheppard on the grounds that he
had received an unfair "trial by
press"-a justified ruling because
of the hullabaloo in the Cleveland
papers, which for all practical pur-
poses condemned Sheppard even
before the trial-also helps create
an atmosphere of doubt and un-
certainty around First Amendment
guarantees of freedom of the press.
The Annette Buchanan case and
the CBS-TV-Watts incident are
additional symptoms of a trend
which must be nipped in the bud.
During periods of wartime - and
let's not kid anyone that the U.S.
is fighting a major war with all
the attendant home-front impli-
cations--one of the first casual-
ties is press freedom.
During the world wars, govern-
ment controls in the form of gen-
eralized guidelines were imposed,
and the system worked well. News-
papers and radio stations did not
reveal strategic troop movements
or other vital security informa-
tion, but remained free to criti-
cize aspects of the government's
war policies.
BUT NOW, even the right and
the obligation of a responsible
press to search for alternative,
better government policies is in
danger of being squelched by offi-
cials such as Arthur Sylvester and
the Eugene, Ore., circuit judge.
The nation should pause and
take notice. If 'the basic free-
doms for which it is fighting a
distant jungle war are in danger
of being eroded on the home
front-then what is the justifica-
tioh for fighting even one more


Clarence Darrow: A Sense of History

The Story of My Life, by Clar-
ence Darrow, c. 1932, Chas.
Scribner's Sons, 460 pages.
his life and things he thought
about is the old wine of current
liberal legal-minded thought.
So much of what challenged
Darrow has been recognized, fac-
ed, and combatted in the last
several years that it would ap-
pear thatthe renowned Ameri-
can lawyer had a special sense
of history.
DARROW, who constantly pick-
ed up grave and difficult legal
cases because their defendants
were judged guilty by public opin-
ion before they came to court,
would rejoice at last week's Su-
preme Court decision throwing
out an Ohio murder trial be-
cause of oppressive publicity.
Darrow, who repeatedly took on
the seemingly hopeless cases of
penniless workmen accused of
major crimes and handicapped by
inadequate representation, would
hail the Gideon and Escobedo de-

antee equal legal representation
cisions which have begun to guar-
to the poverty-stricken.
Darrow, who attempted to com-
bat the global power of religious
dogmatists more concerned with
"Rock of Ages than ages of rocks"
in the Scopes evolution trial, would
rejoice at finding public prayer
excluded from public schools.
Darrow, who indignantly sailed
to Europe when Prohibition was
legislated with the Volstead Act,
would have been restored when
Prohibition was repealed.
PART OF THE man's sense of
history resulted in his frequent-
ly becoming involved in complex
cases, winning those cases, and
building momentum enough to
make a life out of it. Along the
way, it appears, Darrow was able
to work with the right people-
men like John Altgeld and Frank
Murphy, men who would be ac-
credited with a similar sense of
The cynicism Darrow tended to
develop at every lash of public
opinion against a fellow was mel-
lowed by a rural sensitivity.

YET, HE ASSAILED the trite
homilies of the American Way.
He knew that the will of the
people could never be the will of
any real God because people were
twisted and their judgments were
frequently wrong.
An agnostic, he inquired what
that God was. He decided he
could not believe in a god who
would order a nomad people to
stone their fellows for misde-
The author of several books on
the prison system, he was cha-
grined by men's self-continuing
tendency to add to lists of crimes
and to punish for offenses.
He believed there was something
wrong in calling men criminals
and punishing them for so-called
And he grimly believed that
thousands of Americans were verg-
ing on insane fanaticism, waiting
for the trumpet of some sick
cause to sound and mobilize them
into reckless action.
DARROW WAS the son of a
crackerbarrel agnostic, the only
one in his community. He at-

tended the University Law School.
He set up a law practice in
Chicago. He got a break dabbling
in politics. He became Chicago
counsel and an attorney for the
railroads during the years before
the Haymarket riot.
He defended Loeb and Leo-
pold, some Italian socialists, Dr.
Sweet of Detroit, and bands of
anarchists. Some of his cases last-
ed for over two years. A few
nearly strained him to death.
He tried to retire several times.
But people kept calling on him
for help before a jury.
None of his clients were exe-
HE FEARED orators, but en-
joyed public speaking more than
writing, and, consequently, spent
the years after retirement trav-
eling to public meetings where he
spoke on criminal law and public
But he aged and felt his mind
and energy subsiding, and the
speeches ceased.
His autobiography was written
in Europe while Prohibition was
reigning absurd in America. It is

an organized but relaxed book,
written under a cloud of immi-
nent death.
DARROW WAS the hunchback
of his own languor. In his busiest
days, he feared that he was
zooming to destruction. He blamed
the whole thing - his life, the
world's life-on the non-commit-
tal accidents of genes flung to-
gether on the gaming table.
Regardless of the monograph
on the folly of believing in an
afterlife he wedged into his auto-
biography, Darrow uittered at
every mention of the death com-
ing to his he could not ignore.
Significantly the only speech he
included in the autobiography way
the one delivered at John Alt-
geld's funeral.
HIS SPEECHES to juries are
neither included nor described.
But "The Story of My Life"
tells about the cases, men, and
ideas Clarence Darrow thought
were important,
And this is important because
Darrow was attending to things
of consequence years before their


Conversation with a University President


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I SPOKE TO the president of
Wayne State University last
night. I was apprehensive about
making the call. It was 11:45 and
Mr. Keast would probably be
evasive,eas all college presidents
are. When he found out that the
Daily was calling he would prob-
ably be evasive and nasty.
A story was being written about
Keast's policy statement announc-
ing that Wayne State University
would discontinue to compute
class standings for the Selective
Service System. There was some
question about Wayne State's po-
sition on sending transcripts to
draft boards, and it was felt that
Keast was the man who could
answer the question.
I STARTED to explain to Mr.
Keast that the Daily had reached
a snag on the policy statement he
had just made. He answered that
it was perfectly reasonable, ad-
ministrators and college presidents
sometimes reached snags also. I
was very relieved to hear a pleas-
ant and reassuring voice.
He asked me where I had read
his statements and I told him in
the Free Press. Later he offered
to send copies of his eight-page
policy statement to the Daily
I thought I was getting a nibble
so I very carefully phrased a few
questions that would lead up to a
statement on WSU's position on
sending transcripts to draft
boards. The bait wasn't necessary.
Mr. Keast was ready to talk and
he sounded like a man with firm
conviction and feeling.
HE SAID that WSU has always
had a policy of sending tran-
scripts only upon request of the
students. He felt that the current
crisis, calling for a re-examination
of the draft system, was due to
the draft board's new insistance
that good standing is not enough

standing by six percentage points.
He feels that this system is hurt-
ing higher education in that it
attempts to dictate false and
harmful educational standards
that rub against the grain of a
proper educational experience.
He also feels that he must be
fair to those students who did not
have to take the test because they
had high enough class standing
and thus will hold the new system
until the next quarter is over. Yet,
he sounded like a man who felt
very deeply about a situation that
was detrimental to the university
and everybody concerned. He
sounded like a man who was ready
to do something.
I told him that his remarks as
a university president were both
refreshing and important. I said
that I agreed with him 100 per
cent. He said, "I knew you would."
I HAD BEEN talking to Presi-
dent Keast for over 20 minutes.
No evasiveness, no nastiness, no
annoyance, as a matter of fact
firm conviction and feeling.
On my next question I was
ready for the evasiveness that
necessarily follows when admin-
istrators, even like President
Keast, are asked a question of this
I stated that as it now stands,
Wayne State University does not
plan to send out class rankings.
Yet, given the autonomy of the
draft boards all they have to do
is request the grades from the
student. If the student doesn't
comply he is breaking a federal
law and, as Arthur Holmes, direc-
tor of Michigan's Selective Service
puts it, "We'll have ourselves a
soldier." As far as class ranking
is concerned, all the draft board

has to do is to get the grades,
because grades will still be given.
and then set up a new criteria
circumventing class ranks.
PRESENTING this to Keast I
then stated, "Isn't it now obvious,
in view of what we have just
talked about, that the fundamen-
tal evil and base of most educa-
tional problems, amongnwhich the
Selective Service is only one, is
the fact that universities and col-
leges give grades in the first
Keast's reply was, "Yes!"
This was an unusual experience
for me. I did not expect to get
direct and what I thought were
honest answers from a university
president to questions that most
administrators wish to avoid. And
this raises the final issue.

The president or Dean of a
university or college is character-
isticly a person who deals with
compromise and mediation. Some
believe that they are in a tenuous
situation and feel that it is their
job to placate both students and
regents, the result being nothing.
Recent statements that have been
made by university presidents and
deans such as Harlan Hatcher,
Dean Monro of Harvard, and now
Keast seem to indicate otherwise.
It would be in the tradition of
American university presidents to
go along with the evils they state
the draft boards are doing. Noth-
ing direct lappens anyway. The
students will continue to be draft-
ed on the basis of grades and as
far as some college presidents are
concerned, no harm done.


The Leather Boys'

that President Hatcher will hon-
estly try to follow up his state-
ments and I was convinced that
President Keast will. They have to.
A recognition of what a gross evil
the Selective Service represents to
schools will be a start toward a
betterment of both systems.
There is an alternative to the
current status of the Selective
Service System. I believe that men
like Keast have made this recog-
nition and are beginning to realize
the importance of their positions
as catalysts for educational reform
and not as mediators of a dan-
gerous status quo.
What would Paul Goodman say
if I told him that one of my new
heros was a university president?


Arnold Wesker, "the kitchen
sink" has been a forceful symbol
in British drama. When English
film directors discovered that there
were other actors besides Peter
Sellers, they, too, started to pre-
sent the "ordinary working man."
This was nothing new. Since 1942,
the Italian neo-realists have had
the working man as their hero.
The "Free Cinema" as it is
called, is different. The directors
have adopted a stance of neutral-
ity. They are not committed to
highlighting social change. There
are no value judgments, no poli-
tical overtones. Rather, the em-
phasis is on a story and the
abundant humor of these films
("The Girl with Green Eyes," "A
Taste of Honey," "Room at the
Top," etc.) derives from situa-

"The Leather Boys" is a sen-
timental, humorous, all-British
story of the "trials and tribula-
tions" of newly-weds. Reggie (Co-
lin Campbell) and Dot (Rita
Tushingham) from Clapham, one
of the earthiest, friendliest, dirt-
iest suburbs of London, burst in-
to married life with the cus-
tomary white wedding; bus to
the reception for "beer and skit-
ties"; and the not so customary
honeymoon trip by motorcycle.
At Bognor Regis, which is to
the British working class what
Niagara Falls is to the American
middle class, Reggie and Dot dis-
cover that all is not well. Back
home the "True Romance" maga-
zine philosophy of Dot conflicts
with Reggie's passion for the Ace
Cafe - the Mecca for London's
"Leather Boys," with their motor-
cycles and talk of "ton-up" (100

Reggie's indecision is resolved
when he finally realizes that Pete
is a homosexual (only in films
are characters this slow in pick-
ing out the queer. British naivete
only goes so far!). This is too
much for Reggie. We are left
with him returning to Clapham
and, presumably, to Dot.
THE FILM is beautifully made.
The whole rhythm and tone of
the film (except for the last half
hour, which might have been more
drastically edited) follow the nu-
ances of Reggie's dilemma. Fast
cutting for the bachelor-gay is
followed by a much more intense
interleafing of images when the
dilemma becomes, in Reggie's eyes,
Rita Tushingham's performance,
as always, was fine but I was
even more impressed with the act-


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