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June 15, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-15

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De Gaulle s






PARIS (MP)-President Charles de
Gaulle leaves Monday for Mos-
cow on a trip that has caused
uneasy suspicion among at least
two of his allies-America and
West Germany.
Both are worried that he may
engage in some bilateral treaty or
agreement with the Russians
which would be disadvantageous
to the West.
The United States regards the
journey with a somewhat jaundic-
ed eye, and officials have been
frank in saying privately that they
are worried lest de Gaulle engage

in some special agreement with
the Soviet Union on Germany.
To French officials who are as
privy to the austere French presi-
dent's thinking as one can be-
and that is not always especially
close-nothing could be farther
from the facts.
No Treaty, Say French
They say he does not plan to
sign any treaty or agreement, and
that such is not the purpose of
his trip anyway.
It is likely that they are cor-
rect, for in the framework of his
policy, there is nothing mystify-
ing about his journey to Moscow.
De Gaulle feels that the German

problem is the matter of greatest
importance, and when he says
German problem he means the
questions of Germany's reunifica-
Germany a European Matter
He regards the eventual reuni-
fication of Germany as a long-
range project. More important, he
regards the creation of the proper
atmosphere for reunification to be
a strictly European matter. French
sources say de Gaulle does not
think America could be any help
in relaxing tensions between East
and West, so the Europeans should
do it.
In what seems to be an exercise

in presumption, he has made it
clear that once the conditions were
established for reunification he
would consider it proper that the
four victorious powers in World
War II would sign the peace trea-
ty with Germany.
In short, in the French view,
the United States should let Eu-
ropeans get on with relaxing ten-
sions all around so that, on some
distant day perhaps 10 years
hence, there will be the proper
atmosphere for German reunifica-
It is certain that he is going
to talk to the Russians about the
reunification of Germany. This is

not a popular subject with the So-
viet Union, which expresses fear
of a resurgent Germany.
Problem Needs Agreement
But de Gaulle thinks that a
solution to the German problem
requires a detente and agreement,
especially a m o n g Germany's
"He considers the reunification
question the nucleus of the en-
tire German problem and thinks
that the Iron Curtain should be
lifted bit by bit so that a de-
tente can be accomplished," said
one French source.
There seems little doubt that if

de Gaulle wanted some sort of
treaty with the Soviet Union he
could get it in a minute.
Will 'Crang One Up'
As one Western diplomat said
recently, "If the general wants a
treaty, the Russians will be glad
to crank something up for him."
But up to now he has made it
plain through his officials that he
will sign no agreement or treaty
during his Soviet visit.
There had been talk when he
announced he was withdrawing
his troops from the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization that he tim-
ed it in advance of his visit to

Moscow, so he could arrive as
an unfettered Westerner.
Deny Using NATO
But a French official denies this
had anything to do with it, say-
ing: "If he had wanted to use the
NATO question at all it would cer-
tainly have been more logical to
keep his intentions quiet and then
use his departure from NATO as
a bargaining point in any talks
with the Russians."
But it seems reasonable that his
detachment from NATO makes
him even more palatable to the
Soviet Union's leaders.
He is going to visit Moscow, Len-

ingrad, Stalingrad and Novosi-
birsk, and he undoubtedly will
have a long schedule of private
talks with Soviet chieftains.
Project To Lessen Tensions
He is taking his astute foreign
minister, Maurice Couve de Mur-
ville, for talks with Couve's oppo-
site number, Andrei A. Gromyko.
French sources insist that the
entire project is aimed at de
Gaulle's overall program of try-
ing to lessen tensions between East
and West.
And, it goes without saying, to
make France the leading power in

Viet Nam Demonstrators)

41Report Battle
A 'Set Bac
To Viet Con
Hunger Strike Leaves
Buddhist Chief Tlich
Tri Quang Seriously Ill
SAIGON (M)-Vietnamese troops
and riot police blockaded the Bud-
dhist Institute and, curbing at-
tempted antigovernment marches
yesterday with pistol shots and 3
tear gas charges, rounded up
scores of draft-age demonstra-
tors for army service.
From Hue came. word that the
chief of the Buddhist militants,
Thich Tri Quang, was in weak-
ened and serious condition in the
seventh day of his antigovern-
ment, anti - American hunger
strike. To that announcement from
a spokesman for the monk, a
clandestine Buddhist radio added
a report that Quang's heartbeat A U.S
has become irregular. name
Amid efforts of a Buddhist mi- 101st,
nority to revitalize their drive
against Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's ed in
regime and the United States for
supporting it, air and ground forc-
Ses pressed the war against the3 0
War Pressed
Brig. Gen. Willard Pearson, l.
commander of the 1st Brigade of 1
the 101st Airborne Division, said:
North Viet Nam's 24th Regiment
had been destroyed as a fighting GEN
force in the Kontum plateau bat- attack
tle and "I believe this battle has marked
set the Viet Cong timetable back 17-nati
several months." With estimates terday.
of the enemy dead ranging to understa
more than 1000, Pearson said he should
believed the kill ratio would favor the Gen
the allies by as much as 14 to 1. Sovie
-A strike by two U.S. Navy Roschin
F4C Phantom jets against two can be
propeller-driven planes spotted in of nucle
predawn darkness off North Viet United
Nam's coast 70 miles southwest tary op
of the port of Haiphong was a a treaty
highlight of the air campaign. the coni
One vanished from radar screens
with the explosion of a radar- Rosch
guided Sparrow missile and a most bi
spokesman said it was probably years o
shot down. The other fled inland. nounced
-A broadcast dispatch from William
Hanoi declared North Viet Nam's ganda b
armed forces shot down five U.S.,
planes Monday and sank a U.S.- Rosch
x. South Vietnamese commando boat States o
in the Tonkin Gulf off Thanh troops
Hoa, 80 miles south of Hanoi. The called
official newspaper Nhan Dan said against
the Viet Cong have begun their mese pe
monsoon offensive and inflicted about p
heavy casualties on American and Washin
allied troops. There was no offi- arms ra
cial comment on any of these prospec
statements in Saigon. neva.
Jeep Burned Rosch
Ky's security forces cracked K. Tsar
down against the revived rioting conferen
in Saigon after a monk-led mob the Vie
of 3000 burned the jeep of two regretta
U.S. military policemen and two point o
other vehicles. Demonstrators lowed t
made off with two 45-caliber sub- in Gen
machine guns the MP's left be- been a
hind in flight. West Gc
Troops and police drove the When
rioters back and laid virtual siege than tw
to the institute, choking Off doz- marks a
ens of incipient demonstrations. Nam be
The arrest of the youths was in statemer
line with a warning last week gates fr
that student demonstrators would vakia, P
henceforth be subject to conscrip-
tion for front line duty.
Showered at times with stones,
police fired into the air and oc-
casionally into the ground as they I

repeatedly charged surging bands
of youths headed by a few monks.
Bullets hit at least two demon-
strators. Reliable sources said the
officers were instructed to fire
to wound rather than permit dem-
onstrations to continue.




-Associated Press
. SKYRAIDER pulls out of a dive after dropping its load of bombs on entrenched North Viet-
se regulars in the Toumorong valley, about 30 miles northwest of Kontum. Units of the U.S.
Airborne Division, locked in close combat with at least two enemy divisions since Tuesday, call-
viets Blast U.S. War Poicy
srupt Geneva Negotiations

Named as
Riot Cause
Wiser Puerto Ricans
Blame Chicago Riots1
On Language Barrier
CHICAGO (P)-Lack of com-
munications between authorities
and a community of Latin Amer-
icans who speak little or no Eng-
lish was blamed yesterday for two
successive nights of rioting on Chi-1
cago's northwest side.
"Police brutality" was the term
most often expressed as the root
of the violence along West Divi-
sion - Street where some 40,000
Puerto Ricans live.
But wiser heads among the
highly mobile Puerto Ricans blame
the language barrier and lack of
understanding by police assigned
to the area for the smoldering
enmity that erupted in terror Sun-
day and Monday nights.
80 Arrests
Eight Puerto Ricans were shot
and wounded and an undetermin-
ed number were injured in the
rioting. More than 80 arrests were
The scene of the rioting is a
changing neighborhood that once
was largely Polish and Bohemian
but now is mainly populated by
Puerto Ricans. It is a mile-square
area surrounded by 14 ethnic
groups including central and east-
ern Europeans, Mexicans, Negroes
and Southern whites.
Division Street is a setting for
stories by author Nelson Algren,
who lives nearby.
'Difficult Street'
William Brueckner, director of
Chicago Commons, a neighbor-
hood settlement house, describes
the street as "one of the most
difficult in our city."
"It is one of those streets where
newcomers take over without much
trouble. West Division is a no
man's land. It belongs to noe one,"
Brueckner said.
Puerto Ricans began moving
Into the neighborhood after World
War II. Most of them have jobs
and authorities say unemployment
has not been a serious problem.
Not Slums
Their homes, shabby but not
slums, are mostly two-story brick
dwellings on side streets leading
off Division and three and four
story apartment buildings on bus-
iness blocks.
Most businesses in the neigh-
borhood are operated by and cater
to Puerto Ricans. Advertising signs
along the street are mostly in
Cloudio Flores, vice-president of
the Association of Puerto Rican
Organizations and editor of a
Spanish language newspaper in
the area, criticized police for their
treatment of Puerto Ricans.
Want Respect
"They are not being treated as
citizens by the police," Flores said.
"We want the respect of the po-
lice department as any other Chi-
cago citizen demands and nor-
mally receives."
Flores said Puerto Ricans in
the community are looked upon as
"fly-by-nighters, living in a large
city but with no identity."
The Rev. Donald Headley, ex-
ecutive director of the Cardinal's
Committee for Spanish Speaking
People, a Roman Catholic welfare
organization, attributed the trou-
ble to "a lack of communication"
between the area's residents and

DETROIT <P)-New car sales
in early June ran behind the 1965
pace with only General Motors
topping its sales mark of a year
Preliminary sales reports from
the four U.S. auto makers yester-
day listed sales of 239,214 cars
in the June 1-10 period. This
trailed both the 251,477 cars sold
in the comparable period last year
and the 256,489 sold in the final
10 days of May.
It marked the fourth straight
10-day period in which industry
sales trailed those of a year ago.
Sales Ahead of '65
On a calendar year basis to date,
however, sales continued to run
well ahead of the 1965 pace.
General Motors had the strong-
est sales report as its sales of
135,965 cars was a new high for
the early June period. The old GM
mark of 134,157 cars was set last
GM Vice-President H. E. Craw-
ford said, "We are encouraged by
the present trend of sales. While
the figures for the current 10 days
represent completion of sales
campaigns at Buick and Oldsmo-
bile, we are gratified by the steady

improvement in relation to last
year's experience since the low
point in the first period of May."
Chevrolet Tops Ford
Chevrolet, which trailed Ford
Division by about 10,000 cars last
month, regained its sales lead in
a hurry this time. It reported 60,-1
655 passenger car sales in the
opening 10 days of June while
Ford notched 50,325 sales.
Chrysler Corp. listed sales of
35,766 cars in the 10-day period
compared with 43,924 in the com-
parable 10 days last year. Both

Chrysler-Plymouth and Dodge di-
visions pointed out they had sales
contests going at this time last
year which added extra incentive
to dealer efforts to sell cars.
Ford Motor Co. listed 59,913
car sales compared with 65,582
a year ago. Lincoln-Mercury Di-
vision had 9,588 sales, Just about
100 ahead of last year's sales ef-
fort, but Ford Division was off.
American Motors sold 7,570 cars
compared with 7,814 in the June
1-10, 1965 period.

New Criminal Suspect Rules
Extend. Individual's Rights

WASHINGTON () -- Congress
is nearing a midyear stalling point
with indications that President
Johnson is going to have to bear
down on the throttle to save his
Great Society programs.
Far from being ready to com-
plete its work in July as John-
son once predicted it could, Con-
gress has enacted only six major
bills-excise tax restoration, emer-
gency defense appropriations, GI
benefits, uniform Daylight Sav-

Great Society Bills Stalled
As Congress Nears Slump

Early June Car Sales Behind
1965, But Trend Encouraging

EVA (P-A virulent Soviet:
of U.S. policy in Viet Nam
the resumption of the
on disarmament talks yes-
The tirade broke a tacit
anding that Viet Nam
not be allowed to disturb
ieva negotiations.
t chief delegate Alexei A.1
told the meeting there
no treaty to stop a spread
ear weapons as long as the
States continues its mili-
erations in Viet Nam. Such
y is the main issue before
in's speech, one of the:
tter delivered in the four
f the conference, was de-
by U.S. chief negotiator
C. Foster as a propa-
U.S. Responsible
ain accused the United
f duplicity in sending more!
to Viet Nam for what hej
a merciless campaign
freedom-loving Vietna-
eople while resuming talks
peace in Geneva. He said
gton thus increased the
ace and is responsible for
ts of no progress in Ge-
in's predecessor, Semyon
rapkin, had assured the'
nce earlier this year that
et Nam conflict, though
ble from his government's
f view, should not be al-
o disturb the negotiations!
eva. Tsarapkin has since
ppointed ambassador to
Roschin took over more
*o months ago, critical re-
about the U.S. role in Viet
tgan cropping up in his
nts and those of the dele-
.rom .Bulgaria, Czechoslo-
oland and Romania.

But these asides, though some-
times stinging, were short and
mild compared with the Soviet
delegate's long and bitter state-
ment yesterday.
Recapitulation of Criticisms
Western delegation officials said
it sounded like a concentrated
recapitulation of every main cri-
ticism the Soviet Union has voic-
ed against Washington during the
past six months.
Roschin attacked the United
States over Viet Nam and the

prospect of Atlantic nuclear weap-
ons sharing with West Germany.
He accused Washington of fo-
menting the arms race and try-
ing to sabotage an agreement to
stop underground nuclear explo-
He also denounced what he
called the "continuous military
provocations against the Republic
of Cuba" around the Guantanamo
military base, a subject frequently
raised by Communist speakers in
the current international labor
conference in Geneva.

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
ROME-Results of weathervane
local elections pointed yesterday
to a possible new voting trend in
Italy with steady postwar gains of
the Communists at least checked
and the Fascist right badly beaten.
Italy's biggest party, the Chris-
tian Democrats, which has the
backing of the Roman Catholic
Church, registered slight gains.
In the Sunday and Monday bal-
loting for new administrations in
168 municipalities and three prov-
inces, the Christian Democrats
and their socialist allies in the cen-
ter left national government won
majority control of the Rome City
CHICAGO - Police who have
been battling rioters in a Puerto
Rican neighborhood for two nights
were given new orders yesterday
on the use of police dogs.
The department superintendent,
0. W. Wilson, also ordered inte-
gration of two-man squads and
put a new commander in charge
of the district encompassing the
riot area.

Seven Puerto Ricans were
wounded in rioting Monday night.
One was shot Sunday night.
WASHINGTON - Tentative
agreement on a formula for man-
datory federal safety standards
for automobiles was reached yes-
terday by the Senate Commerce
This word came from Chairman
Warren G. Magnuson (D-Wash)
after a three-hour closed commit-
tee session.
As tentatively proposed by the
committee, Magnuson said the in-
terim standards would be set by
Jan. 1, 1967 and thus might be
designed to become effective with
the 1968 models.
In fixing the standards, Magnu-
son said he assumes the secretary
of commerce would specify 26
items which the government re-
quires in the 60,000 cars it buys
every year.

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON (W) - Another
storm seems certain to break over
the Supreme Court for a decision
it gave Monday, one of its most
far-reaching and historic.
Under it the right of an indi-
vidual not to incriminate himself
has been extended and strength-
ened as never before.
But, as a result of it, far few-
er people held as criminal sus-
pects will admit anything; police
therefore will have to work a lot
harder solving crimes, and per-
haps fewer of them will be solved.
In a 5-4 decision, written by
Chief Justice Earl Warren, the
court laid down these rules which
police must follow scrupulously
before attempting to question an
arrested suspect:
New Rules
1) He must be told he has the
right to stay silent.
2) He must be told anything he
says may be used against him in
3) He must be told he has the
right to have an attorney with
him before any questioning.
Free Attorney
4) He must be told that, if he
wants an attorney but can't afford
one, an attorney will be provided
for him free.
5) If, after being told all this,
an arrested suspect says he does
not want a lawyer and is willing
to be questioned, he may be, pro-
vided he reached his decision
"knowingly and intelligently."
6) If, after being told all his
rights, a suspect agrees to be
questioned, he can shut off the
questions any time after they have
started, whether or not he has
an attorney with him.
Basis for Appeals
Rule No. 5's requirement-that
a voluntary confession or state-

ment can stand up in court only'
if made "knowingly and intelli-
gently"-will no doubt be the bas-
is for countless appeals from fu-
ture convictions.
The court bases its decision on
the Constitution's Fifth Amend-
ment which says "no person
shall be compelled in any criminal
case to be a witness against him-
self," which means he can't be
compelled to incriminate himself.
Justice John M. Harlan, one of
the four justices who disagreed
with the decision, dissented in
very strong language.
Will Discourage Confession
In part he said: "I believe the
decision of the court represents
poor constitutional law and entails
harmful consequences for the'
country at large. The thrust of
the new rules is ultimately to dis-
courage any confession at all.
"We do know that some crimes
cannot be solved without confes-
sions. The court is taking a real
risk with society's welfare in im-
posing its new regime on the
'Hazardous Experimentation'
"The social costs of crime are
too great to call the new rules
anything but. a hazardous experi-
The attorneys general of 27.
states urged the court not to put
further limits on questioning sus-
pects in criminal cases. Monday's
decision was the court's answer,
spelled out in detail.
Warren said the court encour-
ages Congress and state legisla-
tures to develop their own safe-
guards against self-incrimination
by criminal suspects.
But the chief justice indicated
such safeguards won't stand up
before the Supreme Court unless
they are as effective as the rules
laid down Monday. And, of course,
the Supreme Court will do the de-
ciding on whether they are.

ing Time, Asian Development
Bank and Food for India. This
is an average of about one a
With the exception 'of House
passage of minimum wage in-
crease and Food for Freedom
bills, neither house has tackled
any of the social and economic
legislation asked by Johnson to
strengthen civil rights, clear city
slums, unravel tre transportation
snarl and accelerate health and
education programs.
Minor Bills
The Senate, where the legisla-
tive machinery moves at a creak-
ing pace at best, met 40 minutes
Monday. It passed a sheaf of mi-
nor relief bills and quit until to-
It had nothing important on its
docket because its committees
haven't acted one way or the
other on the measures the Presi-
dent has proposed. The Foreign
Relations Committee, for example,
hasn't come up with an agree-
ment on foreign aid after kicking
it around for nearly a month.
Johnson had the Senate com-
mittee chairmen last week for in-
dividual reports on what their
groups were doing. Some of the
chairmen said there was no pres-
sure for a speedup.
64 Bills on List
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield said there were 64 bills
-by no means all of them classi-
fied as maor-on the list the ad-
ministration would like to have
passed before Congress quits fr
the year.
These, of course, are in addi-
tion to the regular government
money bills..Of these only that for
the Interior Department thus far
has been enacted into law.
A July 4 vacation, on which
House members will take 10 days
off officially and senators will
match their time unofficially, will
provide some new readings on how
the folks at home feel about the
legislative program as well as the
Viet Nam war.
If Congress comes back after
that break in its present wait-a-
while mood, Johnson is going to
face the choice of going to the
whip or giving up on major seg-
ments of his programs.
As a man who seldom gives up
on anything, Johnson is likely to
make it a hot summer for the law-
makers. If that happens many of
them may be in Washington an-
swering roll calls next autumn
instead of being at home cam-


THIS YEAR-" -Detroit News



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