BUT NOW WE ASK, 'IS MAN DEAD?' See Editorial Page Cj . 4c 41itr t a1T :4I 'itl PLEASANT High-75 Low-47 Mostly clear skies, few showers Sunday Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom VUL. LXXVI, No'. 'S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1966 SEVEN CENTS- FOUR PAGES 'U'English Department Assumes New Diret ctions By MEREDITH EIKER Unlike areas within the physical sciences, changes within English departments have been essentially subtle, taking place gradually and quietly over a number of years. 'Today, however, the results wrought by modifications and si- lent transitions have given a new direction to a traditional study. "The teaching of literature," Prof. Warner G. Rice, chairman of the University's English depart- ment, points out, "is not very old. It has only lately become a separ- ate discipline." He observed that thirty years ago the study of literature was included in the broad study of philology which encompassed grammer, criticism, and literary and linguistic history as well. Previously, Rice notes, philolo- gists utilized a chronological ap- proach to English studies, tracing historical sources and cultural de- velopments of a particular litera- ture through extended periods of time. Now, however, many scholars have shifted to concentrating on modern literature. "We are work- ing contemporaneously across lit- eratures rather than chronologi- cally through a single literature," Rice said. Pointing to the general change in emphasis in the humanities from the historical, developmental, and genetic to the statistical and descriptive, Rice commented that a connection with the past in the study of literature appears to many less usable and has become for many less meaningful. Literature, Rice continued, had been regarded as "a guide to life, denoting modes of action and thinking and being for many an economical means of extending one's own personal experiences." But here again the nation has lately been altered. Rice explained that literature as a representative of experience has largely been discarded in favor of literature as a structural thing. The search has become one of trying to find a pattern rather than a philosophical or moral con- cept. "We are describing literature more," Rice observed, "and asking question such as 'How is this work put together? On what is its structure built'?" With the switch to the descrip- tive and statistical in literary pur- suits has come the beginnings of computerization. Rice referred to the descriptive study stylistics to illustrate the role which the com- puter will have in university Eng- lish departments. "Stylistics is concerned With features of language within a particular author's works -in- stances of a certain type of vo- cabulary or phrasing, etc.," Rice said. "To compile an accurate work such as this involves count- ing." In the past the task has been long and tedious requiring several years to a lifetime of work. Often volumes were concluded on the basis of a partial count which cast doubt on its accuracy. Now, =however, the whole project can be set before a computing team and completed in a matter of weeks. Not only will the com- puter count," says Rice, "but it will sort and re-sort results in various ways." Advances such as these are forc- ing colleges and universities across the country to examine and up-date their English departments. Rice commented that the Uni- versity's department must decide "which developments to recog- nize and continue." "We must deploy our strengths and get new people in areas where techniques have changed," Rice said. "The kind of people-professors -added to the department in the future is far more important than the sheer number," Rice indicated. Again Rice cited advancements, this time in linguistics, to show the direction changes in the de- partment's needs were taking. Like literature, the study of linguistics has become independent of its parent, philology, and established itself as a singular academic dis- cipline. The University has been a pioneer in the development of linguistics which is concerned with the origin, structure, and modifi- cation of language alone. "Linguistics," Rice explained, "is currently being applied to com- position. If it proves to be an effective aide in the teaching and writing of effective prose, the de- partment will undoubtedly be add- ing more people trained in lin- guistics during the next few years." Linguistics isialso creating new grammars applicable in connection with remedial courses. Ultimately Rice sees uses for it in the teach- ing of criticism. Poetry, for ex- ample, may eventually be analyzed through linguistic analyses. "We want to make the new knowledge effective within the University's English department," Rice said. "We want people cap- able of teaching modern methods and techniques. We are prepared now for instructing graduate stu- dents who may want to use com- puters for compiling theses ma- terials." And the department will are aware of computer possibilities. Prof. Rice commented too on the changing professional goals of undergraduate students within the English department. He noted that this fall about half the. under- graduates concentrating in Eng- lish will also be seeking a second- ary education teaching certificate from the department along with their Bachelor of Arts degrees. "Training teachers," he observ- ed, is not like training scholars." More federal aid is available for such practical endeavors than for the intensified study of literature alone. Here, too, people with spe- cial educational training are needed.'\ Rice summarized the changing atmosphere within the English de- partment by commenting that "new areas are opening which we never con idered before. We must now decide which will be the most far reaching and exploit those." 'U' President Questions Draft Law Calls System A Poor Mobilization of American Youth CARBONDALE, Ill.-University President Harlan Hatcher ques- tioned whether the proposal to re- quire two years of universal na- tional service by American youth is "a legitimate approach to our, problem or in keeping with our American tradition and experi- ence." In an address prepared for com- mencement at Southern Illinois University last night, Hatcher said re-examination of the situ- ation has been brought about by Viet Nam, Concerning Viet Nam, he said, "the issues are dim, they are con- fused, they are ill-defined, they are not shared by other nations, and they become more unconvinc- ing as our leadership tries to sim- plify and explain them in black and white good-guy, bad-guy terms." Selective Service, said Hatcher, was born in national emergency. "It is not," he said, "to be used as a punishment for boys who like to wear beards or who declare 'A their protests against the confu- sion of the age," Ill-Planned Mobilization "Neither," maintained Hatcher, "is it an excuse for ill-planned mobilization of American youth for two years of 'non-traditional military projects or missionary tours in social work or religious instruction'." The concept of universal na- tional service, said Hatcher, with priority to military service but in- cluding various forms of civilian service "exalts government and its military arm" and sounds "omin- ous echoes of 1984." The many problems which need solution at home and abroad, Hatcher declared, require exact- ing skills and arduous training and are "not the kind of problem that can be solved by the Selective Service mobilization concept." He equated this with the belief that "the state is created to be served by young people and not to be the servant. It is the end, not the means." Rejects Arbitrary Draft Hatcher rejected this method as not appropriate for America. He said, "A young man or woman in America should be able to choose his role on the basis of his sense of satisfaction and tal- ent, with some held from tests, counselors, parents, and peers ... The workings of this kind of sys- tem, properly applied, will do more to accomplish the needed work of the nation than arbitrary draft for two years of the lives of our young people." As for the nation's military re- quirements, he said, they "should be scaled to meet our defense needs, not to police the world or fight in Viet Nam jungles while the people whom we want to help engage in suicidal strife or a kind of North-South civil war. Hatcher advocated a profes- sional military with the same dig- k r e SiWigau ail ''NEWS WIRE (2 Late World News TOKYO (P)--RED CHINA'S DEFENSE Minister Lin Piao appeared yesterday to have emerged as a likely successor to Mao Tze-tung for leadership of the Peking regime. This was indicated in an article stressing that to be a good Marxist one must "place Mao Tze-tung's thought right in the forefront in all work and absorb comrade Lin Piao's very im- portant instructions on the living study and application of Chairman Mao's works." The appearance of Lin's name together with Mao-a rare event-was important. LANSING -P)-THE STATE BOARD OF Education called a meeting yesterday to develop a program to assist school people in better understanding the amended labor mediation act. "We will ask the universities to help us develop a series of workshops and other programs aimed at giving school boards, administrators and teachers a fuller understanding of the law," said Ira Polley, state superintendent of public instruction. Polley said the advice from the experts will include such fields as the collective bargaining process and the human skills needed for effective employe-management relations. Experts from the University, Michigan State University and Wayne State University Labor Relations Institutes have agreed to take part in the program, Polley said. A LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL to create a state-supported Osteopathic College failed last night, 54-38. The Legislature vot- ed to reconsider the hotly-debated motion in a session June 21. The measure would have created a fourth state-supported medical school and was heavily attacked by both the existing state medi- cal schools and by the State Board of Education. 4 4 4 4 GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY YESTERDAY signed into law major revisions in the Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority Act, including power to guarantee 100 instead of 80 per cent of student loans. The measure, which goes into effect immediately, also gives the authority permission to make loans to persons attending trade, technical, nursing or other non-degree schools. The bill allows contracts with credit unions, insurance companies and pension funds as additional lending institutions and also pro- vides for administration of a new undergraduate scholar award program and the use of federal funds. 'i, * * SEVENTY PRESIDENTS, DEANS AND other administrators will attend the 12th annual Institute on College and University Administration at the University June 20-24, under the auspices of the Center for the Study of Higher Education. Purpose of the institute is to provide present and prospective administrators an opportunity to study some of the basic pro- grams of college and university administration, says Prof. William W. Jellema, director of the institute. The institute will be geared to the theme, "Freedom and Authority in Administration." SIX PSYCHOLOGY TEACHERS at New York City College conducted a protest yesterday against the college's cooperation with Selective Service regulations by filing a final grade of A for each of their 200 students. However, four of them backed down and announced they would provide information on the students' actual classroom performance if he refused to accept the uniform grades. They altered their plans, they explained, because failure by the department chairman to recognize the grades might "jeopardize" the students and deny them "fair treatment." University Must Lower Budget Costs Insufficient State Allotments Require Low Equipment Costs By MARTHA WOLFGANG The $5$ million allocation of state funds given to the University by the State Legislature yesterday has been labeled insufficientrby University officials. University offiicals went before the House Ways and Means Com- mittee, which held hearings on the bill, to request a $4 million in- crease in operating funds, last May. The Legislature refused to give the University this increase over the Senate appropriation, and now administrators are faced with the tremendously difficult task of deciding where to cut the Univer- sity budget. Budget Deficiences Marvin Niehuss, executive vice- president, said yesterday that the House appropriation will leave "deficiencies" in budget areas in the face of an expected 9.9 per cent enrollment increase. "It will be a very tight budget," Niehuss said. "If we do what we feel we have to do in raising salaries and wages" equipment purchases will have to .be cut back to an inadequate position. In a recent interview,, Niehuss explained that rising costs of the University are hard to cut. He noted that the University has al- most exhausted cut-backs in non- teaching areas. The funds for the planned ex- pansion of the Center for Re- search on Learningand Teaching were also withheld from the House bill. Few Alternatives James Lesch, assistant to the vice-president for academic af- fairs, explained that the Univer- sity is left with few alternatives if it plans even minor expansion of the Center. "We will either have . to look to outside funds, other general funds, federal funds, or turn to the other schools included in the program for additional money." He stressed that no de- cision has yet been made on the Center. In other legislative action yes- terday, Michigan State's proposed law school was at first authorized,. and then eliminated from the Higher Education Bill through floor action. COUPLE NUMBER. TWO! The University Activities Center's Summer Uprising got under way yesterday with a "hatchet hunt" on the diag and a dance contest (pictured above.) It will continue today with a canoe race and a car rally. FUNDS STILL INCOMPLETE: University Receives $ ilio ,n Federal Construction Grant By CLARENCE FANTO Co-Editor The Office of Education in Washington yesterday granted the University $1 million for construc- tion of a new literary college of- fice and classroom building. But the State Legislature failed to pass the University's request for the remainder of the necessary funds, so the building will be delayed at least one more year. The $4 million project is de- signed to relieve increasingly se- vere classroom and office over- crowding in the literary college. However, funds requested by the University for new construc- tion projects, falling under the category of planning money, were not granted by the legislature be- cause of the continuing dispute over provisions of Public Act 124. Teacher's Strike Creates Problem for Labor Board LANSING (4) - Gov. George Romney yesterday asked the Leg- islature to appropriate an addi- tional $100,000 to the State Labor Mediation Board. Romney said the money was needed urgently by the board to cope with new problems arising -from teacher-school board dis- putes, including a rash of strikes. The special request was made in a letter to Lt. Gov. William Milliken and Speaker of the House Joseph Kowalski (D-Detroit). Copies also were sent to chair- men of the House and Senate money committees. Romney said the request was made as an outcome of his meet- ing Tuesday with representatives of teacher organizations, school boards and school administrators. He said the additional money would be used for hiring media- tors, elections officers and fact- finding. PA 124 stipulates that funds and plans for new construction projects must be submitted to the state controller's office and to state architects. University offi- cials contend that such interven- tion by state offices would con- stitute a violation of the constitu- tional autonomy traditionally pos- sessed by the state's universities. The issue is still undecided but is expected to be resolved in a court test. Great Disappointment Dean William Haber of the lit- erary college expressed great dis- appointment at the new delay in starting the building. Noting that the literary college has added between 150 and 180 new faculty members in the past three years, Haber warned that "we'veused up whatever slack remained" in the utilization of class and office space. Among the results of the con- tinuing delay in construction of new facilities will be increasing use of unfavorable hours for class- es in the fall, doubling up of office space for faculty and the possible division of additional classroom buildings to create more office space. Haber noted that last semester 127 classes were held during the noon hour. This number is ex- pected to rise in the fall, along with additional use of 5 p.m.and evening class hours. Favorable Outlook In the long run, the outlook for space and facilities in the literary college is favorable because of the p 1 a n n e d new classroom-office quest, John-McKevitt, assistant to the vice-president for business and finance reported. He noted that nearly all the funds are earmarked for projects which have already been started. Planning money for new projects was not granted because of the dispute over PA 124. Construction money for projects already under way is not affected by the hassle. Most of the capital outlay funds granted were for Medical School buildings, but money was also ear- marked for the School of Dent- istry, University Hospital improve- ments, and heating plant con- struction. The University had re- quested $16.2 million for the total capital outlay appropriation. 'U' And City Officials Meet, Discuss, Common Problems 53 EXPELLED: 4-Day Riots Quelled at Southern Illinois By SUSAN SCHNEPP University vice-presidents met informally with Ann Arbor City Council and city administrators Tuesday night to discuss problems of common interest to the Univer- sity and the city and how they can open better channels of com- munication. Vice-President. for Student Af- fairs Richard Cutler, who termed the meeting "successful," said that University development, particul- arly North, Campus, enrollment and parking were the chief topics of discussion. North Campus ments are of great concern to the city for they will to a large ex- tent determine the type and ex- tent of problems the city and University will have to cope with in the future. However, it is im- possible for the University to pre- dict future enrollment figures, Cutler said, because "we just don't know." The perennial parking problem was also discussed, Cutler contin- ued, including the possibilities and implications of a shuttle service to North Campus. General Meeting Cutler emphasized that the By PHILIP SUTIN Special To The Daily CARBONDALE, Ill.-Four days of student rioting Sunday night tear-gas Tuesday to disperse the crowd. Last weekend's hot weather and the tensions of final exams were toward these spring high-jinx but this went beyond that. This ele- ment of students must be removed because it is not compatable with were equipped with hard plastic riot helmets and patrolled the groups of two to five men per car. Bill Winstead, a specially depu- rI