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June 10, 1966 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-10

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Seventy-Sixth Year


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Where pins Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIdc-.
hrut Will Prevail

NEwS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


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FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1966


The Atlanta SNCC Office:
'They Shall Overcome'

E VISITED the headquarters of the
Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee in Atlanta the other day, cur-
ious to find out what the office was like.
Taking up all of a complex of offices
above a warehouse near downtown Atlan-
ta, the nerve center of "one of the most
radical civil rights organizations" struck
us as being rather disorganized-not un-
like the offices of any radical group.
As the receptionist, whose baby was
asleep in a playpen in front of her desk,
explained it, "we're more interested in
getting things done than in keeping
everything in perfect order."
AND GET THINGS done they do. Using
a veritable maze of office equipment,
ranging from an ultra-modern teletype
system which connects them with their
offices in New York, Washington and
Jackson, Miss., to an old, battered, hand-
operated ditto machine, they are kept up
to date on the activities of their projects
throughout the South, and in turn keep
their own branches and supporting groups
SNCC program secretary Cleveland Sel-
lers told us he felt that "keeping people
constantly informed as to what's going on
is good for several reasons. First, people
in the North, more or less out of touch
with the Movement, can be kept interest-
ed if they are kept informed. This is im-
portant, because much of our financial
support comes from the North.
"Second, keeping each project up to
date as to what's happening in the other
places is good for morale." Remembering
his own work in SNCC projects in the deep
South, Sellers told us that "working on a
project can get pretty lonely sometimes,
and knowing that there are others doing
the same thing you can be a big help-
it sort of keeps you going, knowing that
you're not really alone."
THE SNCC OFFICE attracts all kinds
of people, from those waiting to go to
a project, to Atlanta students and school
dropouts. Since there was an executive
committee meeting much of the time we
were there, and office work had pretty
much come to a standstill as new strategy
and programs were being planned, we
spent a great part of the time in the of-
fice singing "freedom songs" as well as
vintage rock and roll, and listening to
people talk about projects they had work-
ed on.
Over a dinner of "soul food"-chitter-
lings and rice-we asked one of the SNCC
workers who was on his way to Alabama
what it was all about, why he was going
to work on a project where he would ac-
tually be risking his life, and what he
thought would come of his efforts,
Pass That Brick
"SAY, HERE COMES another one-hand
me that piece of brick there, will you?
Thanks. I got two Lansing police cars
and a campus patrol already. What have
you gotten?"
"I haven't gotten anything yet. I just
got here-I heard about it on the radio
and came over. I figured it would be a
good opportunity to do some recruiting
"Wow! Did you see that? Right through
the windshield! What did you say! Re-
cruiting for what?"
coming Sunday for commencement,
and I figured we could get up some kind
of picket line or something to protest the

war in Viet Nam, since he represents the
administration, and all...,
"What? You must be kidding. You're
not going to get many MSU students to
take part in something as radical and ir-
responsible as that. Hey, here comes the
sheriffs car . .
Editorial Staff
CLARENCE FANTO ....................Co-Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER................Co-Editor
BUD WILKIN8ON.....................Sports Editor
BETSY COHN... ... ....Supplement Manager
NIGHT EDIORS: Meredith Eiker, Michael Hefter,

"WELL," HE BEGAN, "sometimes it's
hard to say if it's really worth it, be-
cause sometimes we sure dont seem to be
going anywhere. We break our backs to
organize a meeting somewhere and when
the meeting-time comes we're the only
ones there ...
"Or you can talk to some poor share-
cropper about registering to vote for an
hour, explaining about how it'll help him
get a better life, with him nodding his
head in agreement all the while, and then
at the end, when you ask him to go with
you to register, he'll sort of scratch his
head and say that he'll have to think
about it for a while, that he doesn't see
how being able to vote will do anything
for him.
"These people have been under the
thumb of the white man for so long, that
they just can't believe that somebody
really wants to do something for them,
that somebody wants them to be able to
decide their own lives."
er" displayed a great deal of emotion,
and we knew what it must have been like
to meet disappointment after disappoint-
ment while working so hard for some-
thing we believe in so strongly. As he
finished talking he was listlessly push-
ing his food around on his plate, but
then he perked up-SNCC people don't
seem to.stay morose for long.
"It's like Stokely says," he said, refer-
ring to SNCCs new chairman, Stokely
Carmichael, "if we didn't give up before,
we're sure not going to give up now, no
matter who tries to get in our way,
whether they be white or black, whether
they be some red-neck farmer or the U.S.
government. We're in this thing for sure
now, and by damn we're going to see it
through to the end."
And we have the feeling, that with con-
viction like that, they will.
No Smokin
IN DETROIT, a select goup of savants are
currently testing the kicks of a new
It is a kind of cigarette, and its name
is Bravo. "Instead of tobacco," the pack-
age legend reads, "Bravo contains whole-
some leaf of Lactuca Sativa, a variety of
IT IS A NICOTINE-free cigarette. An-
other component the cigarette lacks is
flavor. For urbanites with deadened sen-
sors, there is no flavor. Others report an
odor like burning grass.
It is the filter king. Its crest is a pot-
bellied University of Michigan Oil Lamp
topped by an op Mace of Hermes. The
motto is "Excellence Through Research."
"Caution: Cigarette Smoking May Be
Hazardous to Your Health" does not ap-
pear on the side of the package.
MANUFACTURED in Hereford, Texas, it
is a cigarette with dubious flavor, no
trips, "no morning taste," and apparently
no nicotine. There is a filter to catch tars.
Combhat Bedbugs
IN THE CURRENT leave-no-stone-un-
turned military campaign in the Viet
Nam laboratory army scientists have
found something under those stones, bed-

bugs or in military jargon, combat-bed-
The bedbugs would be used as an alarm
system because they cry out when sensing
the approach of human flesh, supposedly
Viet Cong flesh. The scientists in Mary-
land are working on an amplification sys-
tem that would make the bug's cries audi-
One hopes that the C-Bugs might be a
bit more discriminating than U.S. Army
and government officials have been in
the past few decades. However, while not
trying to be too much of a pessimist,
I don't think the bedbugs will be any more
discriminating and will probably make the
same sounds when South and North Viet-

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Repeating Hi story Can Be Dangerous

THE CHAIRMAN of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Wheeler,
said on Sunday that the Ameri-
can effort in Viet Nam is an at-
tempt to establish a balance of
power that will preserve peace.
Gen. Wheeler argued, I think
rightly, that among powerful na-
tions there is no more effective
way of keeping the peace than a

intervention I have believed that
our policy was unsound and inef-
fective. This conviction comes not
from personal expertness, but from
a lon gfamiliarity with the clas-
sic American strategic objection
to fighting land wars on the As-
ian continent.
President Johnson is, as a mat-
ter of fact, the first American


presence and wants us to leave.
Viet Nam is a political quagmire.
Any other place on the mainland,
if used for land operations, will
prove to be a quagmire.
IN CARRYING out a policy of
a balance of power, it has always
been a prime consideration to
nma to an understanding with

IN VIEW of Secretary of State
Dean Rusk's indefatigable love of
historical analogies, in view of his
belief that the war in Viet Nam
is in principle the same war as
that which came when Hitler was
on the rampage, I venture to add
a footnote. The fundamental mis-
take which was made by Neville
Chamberlain in 1938 was his fail-

is 1

lance of power e P.esident who has discarded the TO ESTABLISH a balance ure to come to terms with
the enemy of your enemy. When
While it is by no means all that old strategic rule. Gen. Dwight against a great Asian country like Great Britain administered the Soviet Union as an ally aga
necessary to peace, to know Eisenhower refused to violate it. China, the first consideration of balance of power in Europe it Hitler.
at military power cannot be used Gen. Douglas MacArthur warned high strategy is to find and estab never lost sight of that considera- The appeasement which
ectively and at a tolerable cost us against violating it. Gen. Mat- lish a firm and secure basis of tion. Always it made allies of the practiced at Munich, that is
the mightiest of all checks upon thew Ridgway refused to approve American power. It seems to me other countries menaced by the sactisacrifice of Czechoslov
litary aggression. For there is proposals to violate it. President aggressor government of the time. to Hitler, was the consequence
thing so corrupting to a power- Kennedy, though he intervened find a secure base on the main- the fact that Chamberlain had
nation as the feeling that it is considerably more than did his land. The base must be in the Britain never fought alone if ally in Eastern Europe. The t
-esistible. Predecessors, still adhered to the nature of things take account of she could help it. For us, in the alyrasefteaaernEuoe.nthreu
Gen. Wheeler was, we must as- rule that the war was not to be- the fact thatn theChinese have case of China, the firstunecessitygrocef the tappasemen rsui
me, talking about establishing a come an American war on the As- no sea power and that we do have has been and is to cooperate with prejudices and scruples preve
Lance of power which would ian mainland. great sea and air power. the Soviet Union which is China's him from building an alliance
eck and restrain the expansion Those who have held to this From the point of view of se- great rival in the interior of the contain Hitler.
Red China. He must have rule have always realized that as curity, Viet Nam, which is open Asian mainland.
ant that the object of our a war on the mainland escalated, to the whole mass of Indochina But instead of doing that we SINCE IT IS for the mom
hting in Viet Nam is to estab- the Asian forces opposed to us and China itself, is a particularly have been soft-headed enough to fashionable to talk in histor
h a balance of power against would prove to be inexhaustible. badly located base for American appease our hawks and thus to analogies, it would be useful
Chinese. Assuming that this We ought not to be surprised that power. make it impossible for the Soviet
our objective, how sound and this is happening. For there are Moreover, a base for American Union to cooperate with us. No and we in 1965 each failed to c
w effective is our strategic and more Asians in Asia than there power in Asia must be firm in the one who really knows what it to terms with the enemy of
)lomatic policy in Asia? ever can be American, and this sense that it is not established in means to conduct a policy of bal- enemy
elemental fact cannot be got rid the midst of a people which feels ance of power would act as we
FROM THE BEGINNING of our of by firepower and bombing. oppressed by a massive American are acting. (c), 1966, The Washington Post C
Full Sto-machs Sell Better Than Ideology.
By PAT O'DONOHUE But the fact often overlooked ones out of step. The world does The belated effort is obviously labels, it wants food and a hig
THINK it will work, I really by the PR men in the State De- not recognize the ideological due to a late start in involvement standard of living. Orientals
patetIs ta h eto h not western minds coveredv
think our foreign policy is go r ha e to e spheres of these two opposed coun- on the international stage. Until yellow skin, their history rest
tikorfrinplcisg-world is also human enough to be ylo kn hi itr et
g to work." interested in pragmatic realism tries, and the two dragons are not the Berlin blockade which inaug- a different cultural base, anda
This exuberant opinion is ir- and self-preservation. effectively communicating with urated the Cold War, American result the values are slightlyi
fevant to lih y Te quei And, the use of ideology, such the world of today. As Emmet isolationism ruled our gold coasts. ferent.
not ere ly.ne Tof suess or as branding any adversary "Com- John Hughes wrote in a recent Diplomats the world over for the The common demoninator am
not merely one of success ea munist," is not sufficient in the article, "whoever first lowers his most part remained American in men is man's human nature,
lure but what that policy s.ace of our numerous Interven- voice will win the hearts and dress, habits, living conditions, and meniis man's humd nae,
face of ur umerus ntdren-desire for a good life. On
DESPITE inevitable administra- tions to gain a favorable judgment minds of men." most important of all, thinking, short-range scale he becomes
rn changes, there are a few in- from the rest of the world. The Rationalization of U.S. policy was volved in ideological warfare;
national guidelines which re- people of the world are not con- THE ANONYMOUS voice must done on a Western plane in an ultimate end remains food in o
in long-term residents of Cap- cerned with the identity of the not only lower its tone, it must oriental land. Logic does not come stomach, children in the ho
1 Hill, themost obvious being tank trespassing upon their rice speak the language of the peo- across well under these circum- books upon the shelf, and kn
e policy of containment. paddies; they merely want it re- ple. The Russians have long trainptstances. edge in his mind. This is the1
Conceived during the post-war moved so they can begin grow- ed their diplomats i the culture,
ministration of Truman the ing food. religions, dress and language of FOR EFFECTIVE foreign poli- shoulde everyone understands
the country they enter. The Unit- cy, the State Department must sold bexsoken more ten;
y omntelteIRONIC as it may sound, the re- ed States is just beginning to do learn that the world is not inter-
inr gt maining proponents of ideology this ested in "free" and "totalitarian" But for how long?
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ritory with a military apparatus.
This is designed to "keep them
where they belong." The United
States goes beyond its borders to
patrol those of the Communists.
The chief product evolving from
this process is the limited war,
relatively speaking. In the age of
prospective nuclear horrors a small
scale World War I or II is a lim-
ited war.
The war in South Korea, and the
present escalation in Viet Nam are
efforts to maintain the status
quo, the prevailing Western ori-
entation of the dominant world
order headed by the United
States. It is reluctantly conceded
that innocent bystanders, their
countries and homes may become
trampled in the process.
HOWEVER, in an effort to dis-
guise this injustice, the American
government crusades in the name
of anti-Communism. If it destroys
a country in the process, that
country shall be rebuilt in a dem-
ocratic fashion and become the
showplace of Southeast Asia.
If the final result in Viet Nam
is similar to that "achieved" in
Korea-containment of "aggres-
sive forces," the State Department
will be pleased. The people re-
ceive billions in aid ex post facto;
the "mouse that roared" type of
These wars are accused of fol-
lowing the guerrilla warfare tac-
tics outlined by Mao Tse-tung.
The Pentagon, despite the lesson
of "Mein Kampf," at first dis-
missed his writings as those of
just another madman. With the

amidst the current shouting are
the residents of Peking and Wash-
Moscow is becoming a domestic
city; Brezhnev and Kosygin are
involved in improving the domes-
tic situation of their country. The
improvements ushered in by so-
cialism have been accompanied
by capitalist cravings for refrig-
erators and private homes. To
protect their achievements the
Russians are actually in accord
with the American desires to neu-
tralize the moon. Russian diplo-
mats sought to calm the Egyp-
tian-Saudi Arabian dispute over
Yemen. In the Suez crisis the
United States and Russia jointly
demanded removal of the English
and French troops through the
auspices of the UN.
Indonesia, after milking Com-
munist funds and support, threw
them out in a purge which de-
lighted the United States and
drew anguished cries from Peking.
The Indonesians didn't really care
who was offended; the Commu-
nists had just become a burden
in the countries efforts to im-
prove the lot of the people. For
this same reason the dispute with
Malaysia was finally called to a
halt because it was supported with
funds that could be better used
to revitalize the domestic situa-
Singapore basked in Chinese
patronage at its inception but
found the ideological burden too
heavy on the material road to a
high standard of living; Commu-
nist power is almost nil there

Thought vs. Feeling in Fi lms


To theEditor:
spective on Film Criticism" is
such a hopeless botch that it can
hardly be criticized. However, his
critical mud-pie is so self-assured
that it does not deserve to escape
For one thing, the article is full
of errors, revealing a knowledge
of films so defective as to pre-
clude any attempt at establishing
a "new" aesthetic theory. "A Patch
of Blue" was not directed by
"Coe" (does he mean Fred Coe?)
but by Guy Green.
Statements of "fact"-such as
"the cinema as yet does not lend
itself to sophisticated dialogue"-
are simply incorrect. Ifuanything,
the medium has frequently in-
spired such dialogue, unless we are
to consider Truffaut's script for
"Jules and Jim," or Cocteau's for
Robert Bresson's "Les Dames Du
Bois De Boulogne," or even the
brittle repartee of "The Philadel-
phia Story' dim-witted or unin-
DESPITE HIS many factual er-
rors, I would like to be sympathet-
ic to Mr. Lugg's desire to direct
film criticism away from such sim-
ple considerations as "artiness" or
nC n~ni~ n~ ]t e ]] P] ..]] P

true, there can be no film criti-
cism. The same absurdity is evi-
dent in his concluding observa-
tion that a consistent and control-
led "mood" (or mistakenly, mise-
en-scene) can serve as some sort
of index to a film's quality. The
most pandering and pathetic of
films, "The Singing Nun" for ex-
ample, is at least as consistent in
mood and tone as the finest film
one can think of, yet is hardly
worth our contempt, let alone an-
APART FROM Mr. Lugg's me-
anderings, the only thing neces-
sary for the production of worth-
while film criticism is a good film
critic; intelligent, self-effacing, lu-
cid, open-minded and in posses-
sion of a thorough knowledge of
the medium under consideration.
Joel E. Siegel
To the Editor:
YOUR FRONT PAGE story fore-
casting no rise in "U" appro-
priations, unjustly pinned much
of the blame upon the proposed
tuition grants (SB 780) to students
attending non-profit private col-
lncac - v, i

nue caused by the slump in car
WE BELIEVE that the bill to
help students attending non-prof-
it private colleges deserves sup-
-Peter Coughlin
Legislative Relations Chmn.
Michigan Federation of
College Republicans
The Lemmings
To the Editor:
-" released record pleading for
patriotism, is said to be "Hot-
test Thing on Records since Bea-
tles." This response is frightening
precisely because it reveals the
effectiveness of the composition's
marshalling of militant emotions.
Mass hypnosis-mood making-
depends upon the stimulus of a
widespread emotional experience
which thereupon blocks rational-
ity at the very time when cool rea-
son is most needed to avert cat-
astrophic courses of action from
being irrevocably set into motion.
The AP report said that KFWB,
Los Angeles, on the first day the
record was played, received some
200 cnllsi al"favornlhi And fan-



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