Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS June 8: Making the Green One Black a. eret Oii Ae Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HEFFER The University's Budget: Who Is to Blame? By LEONARD PRATT A COUPLE HUNDRED of us took off last Friday morning and went out and killed a fellow. We couldn't be sure who it was, nor even of where or how we did it, but we killed him anyway. It wasn't particularly difficult, being a collective effort. It was in self defense too, which even makes it legal. And all we did was take a draft exam. Talk about the perfect mur- der. THE ONLY THING one had to do to get in on it was ink one's left thumb and stamp it on a card. The ink was difficult to get off; everyone who tried said that the results of their efforts was to turn the wash water black. Try as hard as you'd like, you just couldn't get your hands clean. The shooting was conducted by a man and woman who were most careful to ensure that all the par- ticipants played by the rules. "Ready"; they said as they trotted him out, "aim; the following set of words consist of a pair which is pinted in all capitals followed by four sets printed in lower case. You are to pick the lower case pair which come closest to having the same relation to one another H. C. ALLEN, an English history professor who visited here last semester, once told his class a story: during the war, he was riding in a jeep with an American soldier and asked him how he felt about serving with Gen. George "Blood and Guts" Patton. "Hell," the GI replied, "his guts and my blood." Allen kindly commented that the story illustrates the "unique perspective which rank gives a man." If rank gives a man a unique perspective, then so does the lack of it. And, strongly influenced by our own unique perspective on military service, we killers all scribbled away madly-trying to convince a secretary somewhere to kill anyone but us.; We had the odds on our side, of but when you're fighting for your life it never seems particularly bad to have the odds with you. The test gave us a fairly good chance of staying alive, and so we took it. And keeping ourselves alive en- sured that someone else, some- where, somehow would have to die in our places. We will have killed him no more than the man next door, true; but how little a degree is that, anyway? Not very small. PERHAPS IT'S impossible for an individual to do, or to refrain from doing, much of national im- portance without taking an action that is almost certain to have someone's blood on it. The great interrelationships between dif- ferent segments of modern society plus the democracy of this coun- try mean that individuals in the right places have a good deal of power over the lives of others not so well placed. There is nothing harmful about the interrelationships in them- selves; they are neutral. What course. Unfair? Well yes, probably, makes them harmful is the wide- spread public failure to recognize their existence and to act accord- ingly. As a result these relationships are allowed to seep into the tiniest cracks in the society. It is not possible, to take a minor example, to go for a drive in one's car with- out adding to the smog-dominated miseries of urban America 25 years from now. SO, THIS MADDENING inter- dependence must be lived with. But living with it is far from sanctioning the often peryerse ef- fects of its misuse. And sanction- ing its effects is even farther from having one's nose rubbed in it by an examination which is utterly insensitive to them, and which thus perpetuates them na- tionally in the attempt to provide men for a war wvhich is perpetuat- ing them internationally. MODERN LIBERALS have often been criticized for their inability to suggest alternatives for the conditions they condemn. Very largely this is an unfair criticism: their condemnations are more re- action than criticism and while it may be hoped that criticism will be constructive, it is hardly the role of reaction to be so. Yet if those liberals ever attempt to codify their alternatives to present power arrangements they could do far worse than to base their suggestions on this: the destruction of the American pub- lic's lethargy by making them aware of their incontrovertable in- dividual impact, no matter what they do or do not do, upon the lives of their fellow citizens. The reasons why the public has not yet fully recognized that im- pact are the principal criticisms that the New Left makes of Amer- ica today. It is a very puzzling complex of reasons. EVEN MORE puzzling is just how a society clever enough to disguise guns as pencils and an- swer sheets as bullets ever allowed itself to get caught up in such a complex. Maybe it's just that the ink wears off after a while. * THE STATE LEGISLATURE has come to a decision on the amount of state funds it will give the University for its 1966-67 budget. The Senate and the House have decided on a figure of approximate- ly $58 million. After the allotment of such a disap- pointing sum, it is natural for critics of the University and critics of the state Legislature to throw brickbats at each other. The real issue, however, is not one of tossing out the blame or accepting the inevitable decrease in our request. The crux of the issue goes much deeper than who is to blame for the loss of "x" million dollars to the University for a certain fiscal year. THE LARGER FAULT lies with the en- tire government of the state. It lies in the failure of the legislators to create a suitable tax structure for the state of Michigan. Only when enough money is coming into the state treasury, will the state be able to provide sufficiently for its educational needs. The state's underlying objective should be to set itsgoal towards providing the best education available for any young person who has a good chance of bene- fiting from a college education. The federal government has recogniz- ed its responsibilities in this area, and has made great increases in educational spending. It's about time the state of Michigan does the same thing. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY in the state of Michigan has pledged itself for years to the idea of a state income tax to raise state funds. When faced with the opportunity to act on this proposal in an election year they were more concerned with petty politics than the state's edu- cational needs. The impetus must come from the state government. Education costs money and they must be able to find the means of providing it. The University provided the legisla- tors a figure for minimum needs of the University, and they failed to meet them. This has also happened to every other state school. lators are swamped with figures from the 10 other state supported colleges and uni- versities. The University has also alienated some legislators by its somewhat stubborn stance on autonomy. This is not to say that the University should sit back and lose its autonomy to the state Legisla- ture step by step. But, it seems wasteful that University officials are alienating many labor-oriented congressmen on the issue of Public Act 379, when the Uni- versity basically agrees with most labor men in the area of unionization. THE LEGISLATORS, on the other hand, have tended to be narrow-minded in their dealings with the University. They don't seem to grasp the University's posi- tion of one of the leading schools in the country, and have shown no interest in the necessity for keeping it there. They don't see the University as a tremendous asset to the entire state. They are more interested in the quantity rather than the quality of education. The legislators can be criticized for their parochialism. They picture a visual count of the number.of rejection slips the University sends out to their particular district, rather' than a first-rate univer- sity beneficial to the state as a whole. But, it is not the University's function to court the legislators in order to wrench their limited funds from them. Their goals should be synonomous. Quality edu- cation for the state of Michigan. THE UNIVERSITY had originally re- quested $65 million. When the Legis- lature appeared to be stingy, the Univer- sity reduced its request by $4 million. University officials announced that this was the lowest figure they could receive, and still keep the educational standards of the University close to their present level. As a result the University will spend insufficient amounts on two top prior- ity needs, faculty salaries and teaching staff. Equipment, space, supporting staff and obsolescence funds will not be taken care of. The University has already drop- ped to 17th on the AAUP scale for teach- ers salaries. In a list of states with Big Ten col- leges, we have dropped from third to fifth in the total per cent of state income spent on education. MeNamara: Freedom Captivates Man Address by Robert S. Mc- Namara, secretary of defense, before American Society of Newspaper Editors, Queen Eliza- beth Hotel, Montreal, Canada, May 18, 1966. Second in a Two-Part Series NOW, I HAVE SAID that the role of the United States is to help provide security to these modernizing nations - providing they need and request our help; and are clearly willing to help themselves. But what should our help be? Clearly it should be help towards development. In the military sphere, that involves two broad categories of assistance. We should help the developing nation with such training and equipment as is necessary to maintain the protec- tive shield behind which develop- ment can go forward. The dimen- sions of that shield vary from country to country; but what is essential is that it should be a shield, and not a capacity for external aggression. THE SECOND - and perhaps less-understood category of mili- tary assistance in a modernizing nation-is training in civic action. "Civic Action" is another of those semantic puzzles. Too few Ameri- cans-and too few officials in de- veloping nations-really compre- hend what military civic action means. Essentially, it means using in- digenous military forces for non- traditional military projects- projects that are useful to the local population in fields such as education, public works, health, sanitatin, agriculture - indeed, anything connected with economic or social progress. It has had some impressive re- sults. In the past four years, the U.S. assisted civic action program, worldwide, has constructed or re- paired more than 10,00 miles of roads, more than 1,000 schools; hundreds of hospitals and clinics; and has provided medical and den- tal care to approximately four million people. What is more im- portant is that all this was done by indigenous men in uniform. Quite apart from the developmen- tal projects themselves, the pro- gram powerfully alters the nega- tive image of the military man, as the oppressive preserver of the status quo. BUT ASSISTANCE in the pure- ly military sphere is not enough. Economic assistance is also essen- tial. The president is determined that our aid should be hard headed and rigorously realistic: that it should deal directly with the roots of underdevelopment, and not merely attempt to allevi- ate the symptoms. His bedrock principle is that U.S. economic aid-no matter what its magni- tude-is futile unless the country in question is resolute in making the primary effort itself. That will be the criterion, and that will be the crucial condition for all our future assistance. Only the developing nations themselves can take the funda- mental measures that make out- side assistance meaningful. These measures are often unpalatable-- and frequently call for political courage and decisiveness. But to fail to undertake painful, but es- sential, reform leads to far more painful revolutionary violence. Our economic assistance is design- ed to offer a reasonable alterna- tive to that violence. It is designed to help substitute peaceful prog- ress for tragic internal conflict. The United States intends to be compassionate and generous in this effort, but it is not an effort that it willcarry exclusivelyby itself. And thus it looks to those nations who have reached the point of self-sustaining prosperity to increase their contribution to the development-and, thus, to the security-of the modernizing world. AND THAT brings me to the second set of relationships that I underscored at the outset; it is the policy of the United States to encourage and achieve a more effective partnership with those nations who can, and should, share international peace-keeping responsibilities. America has devoted a higher proportion of its gross national product to its military establish- ment than any other major free world nation. This was true even before our increased expenditures in Southeast Asia. We have had, over the last few years, as many men in uniform as all the nations of Western Europe combined--- even though they have a popula- tion half again greater than our own. Now, the American people are not going to shirk their obligations in any part of the world, but they clearly cannot be expected to bear a disproportionate share of the common burden indefinitely. IF, FOR EXAMPLE, other na- tions genuinely believe-as they say they do-that it is in the common interest to deter the ex- pansion of Red China's economic and political control beyond its national bounaries, then they must take a more active role in guard- ing the defense perimeter. Let me be perfectly clear: this is not to question the policy of neutralism or nonalignment of any particular nation. But it is to emphasize that the indepen- dence of such nations can-in the end-be fully safeguarded only by collective agreements among themselves and their neighbors. The plain truth is the day is coming when no single nation, however powerful, can undertake by itself to keep the peace outside its own borders. Regional and in- ternational organizations for peace-keeping purposes are as yet rudimentary; but they must grow in experience and be strengthened by deliberate an dpractical co- operative action. IN THIS MATTER, the example of Canada is a model for nations everywhere. As Prime Minister Pearson pointed out eloquently in New York just last week: Canada "is as deeply involved in the world's affairs as any country its size. We accept this because we have learned over 50 years that isolation from the policies that determine war does not give us im- munity from the bloody sacrificial consequences of their failure. We learned that in 1914 and again in 1939 . . . That is why we have been proud to send our men to' take part in every peace-keeping operations of the United Nations -in Korea, and Kashmir, and the Suez, and the Congo, and Cyprus." The Organization of American States in the Dominican Republic, the more than thirty nations con- tributing troops or supplies to as- sist the government of South Viet Nam, indeed even the parallel ef- forts of the United States and the Soviet Union in the Pakistan- India conflict-these efforts, to- gether with those of the UN, are the first attempts to substitute multinational for unilateral polic- ing of violence. They point to the peace-keeping patterns of the future. We must not merely applaud the idea. We must dedicate talent, re- sources, and hard practical think- ing to its implementation. IN WESTERN EUROPE - an area whose burgeoning economic vitality stands as a monument to the wisdom of the Marshall Plan -the problems of security are neither static nor wholly new. Fundamental changes are under way, though certain inescapable realities remain. The conventional forces of NATO, for example, still require a nuclear backdrop far beyond the capability of any Western European nation to supply, and the United States is fully committed to provide that major nuclear deterrent. However, the European mem- bers of the Alliance have a natural desire to participate more actively in nuclear planning. A central task of the Alliance today is, therefore, to work out the relation- ships and institutions through which shared nuclear planning can be effective. We have made a prac- tical and promising start in the Special Committee of NATO De- fense Ministers. Common planning and consulta- tion are essential aspects of any sensible substitute to the unwork- able and dangerous alternative of independent national nuclear forces within the Alliance. And, .even beyond the Alliance, we must find the means to prevent the pro- liferation of nuclear weapons. That is a clear imperative. THERE ARE, of course risks in nonproliferation arrangements; but they cannot be compared with the infintely greater risks that would arise out of the increase in national nuclear stockpiles. In the calculus of risk, to proliferate in- dependent national, nuclear forces is not a mere arithmetical addition of danger. We would not be mere- ly adding up risks. We would be insanely multiplying them. If we seriously intend to pass on a world to our children that is not threatened by nuclear holo- caust, we must come to grips with, the problem of proliferation. A reasonable nonproliferation agree- ment is feasible. For there is no adversary with whom we do not share a common interest in avoid- ing mutual destruction triggered by an irresponsible nth power. THAT BRINGS me to the third and last set of relationships the United States must deal with: Those with nations who might be tempted to take up arms against us. . These relationships call for realism. But realism is not a hard- ened, inflexible, unimaginative at- titude. The realistic mind is a restlessly creative mind-free of naive delusions, but full of practi- cal alternatives. There are prac- tical alternatives to our current relationships with both the Soviet Union and Communist China. A vast idelogical chasm separ- ates us from them--and to a degree, separates them from one another. There is nothing to be gained from our seeking an ideo- logical rapprochement; but breach- ing the isolation of great nations like Red China, even when that isolation is largely of its own making, reduces the danger of potentially catastrophic misunder- standings, and increases the in- centive on both sides to resolve disputes by reason rather than by force. THERE ARE many ways in which we can build bridges to- ward nations who would cut them- selves off from meaningful con- tact with us. We can do so with properly balanced trade relations, diplomatic contacts, and in some cases even by exchanges of mili- tary observers. We have to know where it is we want to place this bridge; what sort of traffic we want to travel over it; and on what mutual foundations the whole structure can be designed. There are no one-cliff bridges. If you are going to span a chasm, you have to rest the structure on both cliffs. Now cliffs, generally speaking, are rather hazardous places. Some people are afraid even to look over the edge. But in a thermo- nuclear world, we cannot afford any political acrophobia. Presi- dent Johnson has put the matter squarely. By building bridges to those who make themselves our adversaries "we can help grad- ually to create a community of interest, a community of trust, and a community of effort." WITH RESPECT to a "com- munity of effort" let me suggest a concrete proposal for our own present young generation in the United States. It is a committed and dedicated generation: it has proven that in its enormously impressive per- formance in the Peace Corps over- seas; and in its willingness to volunteer for a final assault on such poverty and lack of oppor- tunity that still remain in our country. As matters stand, our present Selective Service System draws on only a minority of eligible young men. That is an inequity. IT SEEMS to me that we could move toward remedying that in- equity by asking every young per- son in the United States to give two years of service to his coun- try-whether in one of the mili- tary services, in the Peace Corps or in some other volunteer de- velopmental work at home or abroad. We could encourage other countries to do the same; and we could work out exchange pro- grams-much as the Peace Corps is already planning to do. While this is not an altogether new suggestion, it has been criti- cizedasginappropriate while we are engaged in a shooting war. But I believe precisely the oppo- site is the case. It is more appro- priate now than ever. For it would underscore what our whole purpose is in Viet Nam-and indeed any- where in the world where coer- cion, or injustice, or lack of decent opportunity still holds sway. It would make meaningful the central concept of security: a world of decency and development -where every man can feel that his personal horizon is rimmed with hope. MUTUAL INTEREST --mutual trust-mutual effort; those are the gals. Can we achieve those goals with the Soviet Union, and with Communist China? Can tfjc7 achieve them with one another? The answer to these questions lies in the answer to an even more fundamental question. Who is man? Is he a rational animal? If he is, then the goals can ultimately be achieved. If he is not, then there is little point in making the effort. ALL THE EVIDENCE of history suggests that man is indeed a ra- tional animal-but with a near infinite capacity for folly. His history seems largely a halting, but persistent, effort to raise his reason above his, animality. He draws blueprints for Utopia. But never quite gets it built. In the end, he plugs away obstinately with the only building material really ever at hand: his own part- comic, part-tragic, part-cussed, but part-glorious nature. I, FOR ONE, would not count a global free society out. Coercion, after all, merely captures man. Freedom captivates him. 4: 9r The Economic Consequences of the War IT IS NOT EASY to know what to think about the economic issues which are now before the country. Thus, the President's closest official economic advisers have been surprised by the boom since they published their esti- mates in January. One of the members of the Coun- cil of Economic Advisers, Arthur Okun, explained in a speech made last week why the advisers find it difficult to forecast the course of the economy: "The most im- portant message bearing on eco- place, and is unofficially estimat- ed to reach 400,000 men by De- cember, is not reflected in the budget of 1967, the budget under which the government will oper- ate for a year from this July. We know that the budget places a figure of $4.6 billion on "special Viet Nam costs" for the year end- ing this June 30, and $10.3 bil- lion for the year which begins July 1. BUT THESE FIGURES are mis- leading. For until recently the Today and Tomorrow By WALTER LIPPMANN magazine for April. This article has all the earmarks of expert- ness and conservatism, and it comes to the conclusion that the war at its present level is actual- v in ,yc Al1'shillinn a~r1 that at less total demand is reduced by taxation. ON THE QUESTION of what to do about the developing inflation, the administration has thus far refused to heed the advice of its own economists, of men like Dr. Heller, who are the architects of the Kennedy-Johnson prosperity. Though these economists are urging the President to ask for the standby legislative authority to levy higher taxes which would yield an additional $5 billion of rvnue. t1~ head ,ministration isre- fort not to let the excessive de- mand operate against the inade- quate supply of goods. It worked pretty well during World War II: there were no great black markets, the people did save and did buy bonds. It was only when the war was over, when the patriotic emotion was no longer controlling, that' the pent-up inflation burst upon us. The administration may prefer to repeat the policy of World War II. There will, however, be one ingredient of that policy which 01 E. AX iSW 'f 5.frfJW ~ i. a3yY . .[ : .'Y'L 5 i* dY 't .. . r Y y, .. . ,