UNIVERSITY BUDGET: WHO IS TO BLAME? See Editorial Page :Y 111k igan i!ait4044 THE SAME High--80 Low-55 Capricious winds, ten per cent chance of rain Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 25S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1966 SEVEN CENTS FOUR PAGES Peace Group C 4r- Ai-igau iaiIi Calling for NEWS WIRE 'More Protest I -N _ Late World News WASHINGTON (P)-THE COMMERCIAL Telegraphers Un- ion broke off negotiations last night with Western Union and called a nationwide strike against the huge communications firm. A spokesman for Western Union said just before midnight that "we broke off negotiations as of this very moment." "This means," he said, "there will be no public message tele- grams accepted or delivered."- But he said private line service and other similar facilities- including government-leased lines-would be in operation "as much as possible." ONE ADDITION TO THE UNIVERSITY BUDGET was made in session last night by the House Ways and Means Committee. The committee gave the University an extra $100,000 for cancer research. Otherwise, the committee reaffirmed the Senate figure of $57.8 million. This is well below the University's original re- quest of $65 million. The committee's proposal awaits passage by the House as a whole. Action on the bill is expected sometime this afternoon. ' ; e k CITY COUNCIL HAS ANNOUNCED a decrease in the allow- able noise level for vehicles from 95 to 90 decibels. The decision was unanimously passed over the objections of a representative of the motorcycle industry. The ordinance makes it unlawful to "modify or remove parts of a standard muffler, or to utilize trumpet or other amplifiers as part of the exhaust system of a motor vehicle." The ordinance is expected to bring a 50 per cent decrease in noise. A local dealer said that a majority of the motorcycles that he sells would exceed the new decibel level. The ordinance permits persons arrested for noisy mufflers to take a decibel meter test. Assistant City Attorney S. J. Elden said the test was not mandatory, but could be used as evidence to prove innocence or guilt if the person charged with a violation volunteered for the test. The ordinance will be reviewed in six months to determine its effectiveness. ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW DOCTORAL program in edu- cational research has been announced by program director Byron G. Massialas of the education school. The Social Science Education Doctoral Program will prepare researchers in social science education at elementary and second- ary school levels. Students working toward their doctoral degrees on this pro- gram will participate in colloquia and seminars developed specially for the program. In addition, they will work on the many current research projects at the University. The S.S.ED. Program is expected to contribute significantly to educational theoryain the social sciences, Applications for admission to the S.S.E.D. Program are anticipated from throughout the country for the academic year beginning September, 1966. UNIVERSITY RADIO ASTRONOMERS expect to know Sat- urday whether their experiment aboard the Orbiting Geo-Physical Observatory from Cape Kennedy last Monday will be successful. The satellite may alert space officials when solar flares from the sun make it too hazardous to launch astronauts to the moon. The instrument is designed to investigate the dynamic spectra of radio "bursts" in low frequency ranges. These measurements are necessary from the satellite because the earth's ionosphere blocks measurement of such low frequency signals on the earth's surface. "Sometime on Saturday we should know how successful the experiment is from a technical point of view," Fred T. Haddock, director of the Radio Astronomy Observatory said yesterday. "Then if the experiment lasts for several months, we expect to be quite successful with our measurements." STRIKING MEMBERS OF ST. JOHN'S faculty are suing the university for fraudulently listing their names in the 1966-67 catalogue. The 24 plaintiffs are all members of the United Federation of College Teachers, and are asking $100,000 each in the suit filed in the New York State Supreme Court. They contend that none of them plan to join the faculty until the teachers dismissed last January are reinstated. The striking teachers charge that the listing implies to the academic community that "every plaintiff is a hypocrite." FACULTY SUGGESTION: Call for Change in Iy Hayden Feels That Situation Could Lead To Violence By PAT O'DONOHUE The group that visited Hanoi last December-Dr. Herbert Ap- theker, dominant theoretician in the Communist Party of the Unit- ed States; Staughton Lynd, an assistant professor of history at Yale University, and Tom Hay- den, one of the founders of SDS -have called for a stepped-up summer drive throughout the country to bring an end to the war in Viet Nam. They have pre- dicted stiffened student resist- ance on campuses in the fall. Hayden, after a coast to coast tour of college campuses, says that campus administrators are begin- ning to "crack down" on the anti- draft demonstrators and that the situation "could lead to violence." "Now that the publicity is off, administrations are inflicting pun- ishments as a year's probation" on participating student demon- strators, Hayden said. The summer anti-war drive is sponsored by the National Coordi- nating Committee To End the War in Viet Nam, one of several or- ganizations protesting present pol- icies. -Associated Press MEREDITH FALLS As James Meredith falls to the ground on Monday after being wounded, the camera picks up a man holding a gun (circle at left). See related story on Page 3. PROVIDES GRANTS: House-Passed Bill Promotes International Education Study I i J , + { The promoters of the stepped up The International Education All area center activities prob-T pace of protest said in a news bill passed by the House in Wash- ably would qualify for program conference that "we who have ington Monday may have a great expansion under the act, Smith' been to Viet Nam . . . have learn- impact on University international said. The bill provides that funds' ed more about how little real studies programs, Vice-President be granted directly to universitiest knowledge the American people for Academic Affairs Allan Smith applying for them rather than on, possess about the war and now said yesterday. a state-by-state basis. see a great necessity to open The bill, which now goes to the Training Experts siousea." about the situation Senate. would authorize $140 mil- in Viet Nam." I lion in grants to universities or The principal purpose of the bill Planned activities for the future groups for graduate centers ofais to train American experts who include demonstrations on July 4I research and training in inter- plan to work in business, govern- in various cities, a "speak-out" national studies and for under- ment, academic and other fields at with addresses and distribution of graduate >prorams. home and abroad. The grants leaflets at the Pentagon in Wash- The bill is the only major new could also be used to train U.S.f ington July 5, and a protest education program proposed this faculty members abroad, to helpi against the launching of a nu- year by President Lyndon B. John- finance supervised work-study- clear submarine in Groton, Conn, son. It had garnered strong bi- travel programs for American stu- July 7, an event which Mrs. Lyn- partisan support before coming to dents, and to bring foreign teach-t don B. Johnson is expected to at- the floor of the House, but it ers and scholars to American uni- tend. squeaked through by a vote of versities as visiting faculty mem- Laurie Lipjson, chairman of the 194-189., with at least 188 votes bers. Voice chapter here in Ann Arbor, needed for ssage. Smith emphasized that the act said that Voice is waiting to "see Caustic Criticism does not provide funds for on- what direction the movement is The bili came in for caustic going programs but is designed for taking" at the SDS National criticism from a few Republicans the expansion and broadening of Council meeting in Ann Arbor despite assurances from its spon- existing area study programs as June 15-20 before they plan any sors that the bill was strictly do- well as for new projects. It thus big demonstrations in the future. mestic and not a foreign aid represents a substantial federal! At the present time, Voice is program. commitment to a broad area of1 picketing and handing out leaf- Smith, chairman of a campus- education, he asserted. lets during the Selective Service wide International Study Council, The bill would also provide po- l tests. They are protesting the Uni- said the group is already working tential aid for the Center for Ad-. versity's willingness to allow the on potential applications for funds vanced Studies here. Selective Service to use facilities when they become available under Undergraduate teaching pro- here to administer the draft tests. the new act. grams in the field of area studies t'r may be strengthened by the bill. Ford Foundation. Dean Stephen On the graduate level, research H. Spurr of the graduate school and training programs in the field indicated that funds available un- of international studies will be der the International Education the primary beneficiaries of the Act might be utilized in combina- aid. tion with the Ford grant. New Strike Holds Up 'U' Construction Steelworkers and Laborers Demand Increase in Wages By CLARENCE FANTO Co-Editor The wheels of construction activity in Ann Arbor ground to a halt again yesterday as the Lab- orers Local and the Reinforced Steel Workers Local struck for higher wages. A University spokesman said that the strikes have halted all University construction projects, including the University Events Building, the Medical Science ex- tension building and the Mott Hos- pital. The community had just been hit by a four-week strike of car- penters and bricklayers which ended one week ago. 'U' Affected James Brinkerhoff, University director of plant extension said the strike by the reinforced steel- workers would have the greatest impact on University projects. But the Cedar Bend Housing Project is not in immediate dan- ger, he said, because it has pro- gressed beyond the point where work by reinforced steelworkers is required. However, if the strike by the laborers continues for more than two weeks, all University projects would be seriously affected, Brink- erhoff said. Cedar Bend He emphasized that Cedar Bend Housing will open on schedule in time for the fall semester, barring an unexpectedly long strike. It is expected that electricians, plumbers, steamfitters and other building tradesmen will feel the effect of the laborers' strike b{w fore long, although they are not directly affected by it. The laborers had been working on a day-to-day basis until today. They are asking for a. wage in- crease of $1.07, equal to the wages paid to laborers in Wayne County (Detroit. Contractors have offer- ed a 90-cent package. The strike by the reinforced steelworkers (rodbusters) curtail- ed most major construction pro.- jects in 37 Lower Peninsula coun- ties, including Washtenaw. The laborers strike is a local dispute, Last month's strike of carpen- ters and bricklayers halted $71 million in University construction projects. When it ended last week, Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said the strike had not affected target dates for most University projects. Events Building Brinkerhoff noted the target date for the University Events Building, the new site for basket- ball contests, is May 1, 1967. The likelihood that the building will be completed by that time is "problemmatica,' he said. Elsewhere, building programs at Metropolitan Airport in Detroit and Ford Motor Co.'s River Rouge plant were shut down by the rod- busters' strike. The rodbusters, numbering 1,500, have jurisdiction over the placing of reinforced steel in concrete, a vital part of many construction projects. Major Role The University has not yet de- termined its specific request for funds under the new act, Smith said. But the International Study Council will play a major role in stimulating, reviewing and co- ordinating University activities inl innternational studies, he pointed out. University research programs in international studies recently re- ceived a $4 million grant from the Of the funds granted by the Ford Foundation, $1,750,000 was allocated to projects developed by the literary college and by the University's five foreign centers- Chinese, Japanese, Near Eastern and North African, Russian, and South-Southeast Asian. The grant also will be used to maintain the work of existing foreign programs, expand several current research' projects and initiate new over- seas projects. Discount Rumor Illinois Site To Receive AEC Accelerator Rep. Weston D. Vivian (D-Ann' Arbor) yesterday discounted re- ports from a key Illinois legislator that the Atomic Energy Comniis- sion has selected a site near Wes- ton, Ill. for its $350 million atom accelerator. An AEC official in Washington said "no decision" has yet been made on the site for the Billion Electrn Volt accelerator, avidly sought by Michigan, Illinois and four other states still in the run- ning. A proposed site for the accelera- tor is in Northfield Township, near Ann Arbor. Location of the atom Research A. Geoffrey Norman said he did not think the AEC could make a decision, public or private, until all four commissioners had inspected all of the sites. He noted that Commissioner James T. Romsey was just begin- ning a tour of the six competing areas, and that;he and AEC staf- fers would visit the proposed site near Ann Arbor Saturday morn- ing. Norman is a leader of the coali- tion of universities, industry and state government working to bring the facility to Michigan. Gov. George Romney and other Psychology Department Plans Review Program for Teachers By MEREDITH EIKER The first of these sections is Once again this year, the Uni- designed to promote a review and versity's psychology department up-dating of fundamental knowl-, will sponsor two summer institutes edge and theory in psychology for teachers of undergraduate and is offered primarily for psy- psychology courses. Supported by chology teachers in small college the National Science Foundation, departments as a means of the institutes will be presented in strengthening their backgrounds two sections: basic concepts and for teaching. mathematical psychology. The University's psychology de- -_ partment has developed a set of 20 basic concepts courses in var- ious areas of psychological study, including mathematical and sen- sory psychology, assessment of In- viuldifferences and personal- Lsu= Participants in this summer's basic concepts program will be exp c Co take courses in six Prof. Erasmus Hoch, adminis-I trative assistant for psychology, mentioned that the department has had "no unusual problems" so far this summer, While Prof. Hoch said plans for the fall were not yet complete, he did reveal that George Briggs will be coming to the University in the fall to participate in the human factors program of the Highway Safety Research Institute as well as to teach within the department. accelerator there would bring state officials will shepherd the about a major expansion in Ann AEC group around the. 5,700-acre Arbor's economy. proposed site, as they did during Illinois Rumor the tour of AEC chairman Glenn The rumor that a decision on Seaborg and Commissioner Gerald the site had been reached was Tape in April. Ramsey missed that touched off when Sen. George E. trip because of illness. Drach, a Republican leader in the Vivian emphasized that there Illinois legislature, quoted "reliable is "apparently no substance to the sources" as having told him that rumor that the Illinois site has Illinois had won the competition been selected by the AEC." He for the accelerator. Drach is chair- added that he had every reason to man of that state's commission on believe that the final selection and atomic energy. announcement of the site by the University Vice-President for AEC is still several months away. By SHIRLEY ROSICK A Michigan State University faculty committee yesterday issued guidelines for a sweeping revision of policies relating to academic freedom for students. Its recom- mendations cover judiciary pro- cesses, student publications, stu- dents' role in reviewing ~academic procedure and protection of stu- dents' freedom to express political and intellectual viewpoints. The faculty committee's sug- gestions, which await approval by the Academic Council, analagous to the University's Faculty Senate, and the MSU Board of Trustees, call for. -a student - faculty committee on academic rights and responsi- bilities of students. -a student - faculty judiciary, which, among other responsibili- paper's staff but not "exercise any veto or censorship over the con- tent of the newspaper.' The paper's faculty adviser would also be restricted from censoring and would act merely as an adviser for financial affairs and news and ed- itorial policy. -creation of the office of Om- budsman, to be filled by a senior faculty member appointed by the; president. He would "establish simple, orderly procedures for re- ceiving requests, complaints and grievances of students." He may refer students with complaints or requests to the prop- er judiciary body or seek an in- formal settlement of problems. The report recommends that he have "broad investigatory powers and direct and ready access to all university officials." Thes aiyuesdpironmmittee nn PRIMARIES' RESULTS: Reagan Wins Nomination for Governor I members of the academic com- munity and make recommenda-' tions regarding such problems to the provost. The committee would be em- powered to offer recommendationsj about alleged violations of stu- dents' academic rights but not toj overrule the judgment of an in-? dividual instructor, department chairman, dean or administrator. Student members would be ap- pointed by the Board of the As- sociated Students of MSU, and faculty members by the president, from a slate nominated by the committee on committees. The creation of a student- faculty judiciary to review cases of readmission may have been an outcome of complaints over grad-; uate student Paul Schiff's long, and troubled attempts last fall to gain readmission, subsequentlyl areas. Discussions Course work, explained Prof. John E. Milholland, chairman of the department's Committee on By The Asociated Press --Sen. James O. Eastland won,i Undergraduate Studies, will be California Republicans turned as expected, the nomination for supplemented by discussions and to Hollywood once again last night a fifth term, despite a record Ne- by a seminar on the teaching of as primary election returns show- gro turnout in the Mississippi psychology in which problems of ed actor Ronald Reagan winning congressional primaries..Eastland teaching the subject in small col- the race for the GOP nomina- was opposed by Charles P. Mosby, leges with limited resources will tion for governor. Jr. of Meridian, unsuccessful can- be examined With the first returns coming didate for several posts in the There will be 36 participants in from populous Southern California past, and the Rev. Clifton Whit-3 Section I this summer from col- where he is strongest, Reagan ley, 32, a Negro, from Holly leges all over the country. Each opened up a huge lead over for- Springs.1 will prepare an outline for the mer San Francisco Mayor George With 574 of the state's 2,0051 seinrar n acoueeexpecttor C. Christopher. precincts in, Eastland had 53,- seminar on a course he expects to In the Democratic contest, Gov. 547 votes, Whitley 6,306 and Mos- teach the following year. . Edmund G. Brown led Los An- by 2,540. Section II of the summer wi geles Mayor Samuel H. Yorty. Eastland has been bitterly op- stitute will lrovide teachers with Brown, seeking a third term, led posed by civil rights groups, butI an understanding of the naturei despite the fact first returns came most candidates supported by the and development of mathematical Ifrom the Los Angeles area where largely Negro Mississippi Freedom psychology, This material can be Yorty has been mayor since 1961. Democratic party made little more, used for Possible enrichment of I It was in the 1964 elections that than a token showing. age political warfare that raged when Barry Goldwater and Nel- son A. Rockefeller did battle two years ago in California's presiden- tial primary. Goldwater won by a narrow margin. First Attempt Reagon, who has never before sought political office, began his swift climb in Goldwater's corner; Christopher was a Rockefeller man. But not until the waning hours of the six-month campaign did the Republican words get hot. Christopher charged then that Reagan once was a member of "ultra-liberal and Communist front groups," but now has switched to the far right., Reagan, who registered as Re- Brown strategists prompted publication of accounts of a dairy- man Christopher's troubles three decades ago over state milk price controls. Christopher was convict- ed of misdemeanor in a 1939 milk price case. Smear Charged Christopher called that a smear, said the campaign was the dirt- iest he had ever seen, and ac- cused Reagan allies of spread- ing the story with their campaign literature. He said the accounts had hurt him badly in Southern California, the populous region where Rea- gan strength was centered. Brown denied he was trying to choose his Republican opponent, but did much of his personal